[Top 11] D&D Best Monk Multiclasses That Are Fun To Play

Wizards of the Coast: Light ‘Em Up by Tony Foti
24 Apr 2023

So many classes, so little time! Multiclassing allows you to combine two classes into one character, taking the best abilities of each. This provides the opportunity to synergize features and stack abilities to make an epic character the world has never seen before! It also allows you to spice up your character creation, taking inspiration from multiple backgrounds and playstyles.

There are some risks to multiclassing. Some classes don’t work well together, actively sabotaging each other’s features or doubling up abilities. Multiclassing also limits the amount of levels you can take in each class–since you took a level in bard, you are now unable to reach level 20 in ranger.

But multiclassing has incredible benefits. Access to multiple classes means you can use the abilities of each, like combining the druid’s Wild Shape with the fighter’s Battle Maneuvers (Battle Master subclass). If you choose a spellcaster, you can cast spells from multiple class lists, casting Fireball alongside Call Lightning.

Here are my top eleven monk multiclass combos to transform your monk into a two-hit powerhouse of crazy abilities!


11. Monk-Artificer

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Wizards of the Coast: High-Rise Sawjack by Randy Vargas

Monks and artificers seem to embody very different playstyles. Monks harness the powers of life energy within themselves while artificers craft and modify magical items. One masters the skills and abilities they already possess while the other thrives on ingenuity to create new tools. But each can build off of each other in surprisingly effective ways!

Monks don’t have much use for most of the artificer’s magical weapons, but they do utilize specific monk weapons quite regularly. Monk-Artificers can infuse items or bits of armor, like boots, with arcane energy without forgoing the monk’s Unarmored Defense. Artificer subclasses like Alchemist and Maverick provide spells and skills the monk would not have access to otherwise, like healing, Experimental Elixirs for an ability boost, or a simple spellcasting ability.

Monk-Artificers are excellent at exploring the magical connections in the world around them. They can infuse items with arcane energy, like monk weapons, articles of clothing, and even special potions. The monk will still have full use of their Unarmored Defense and Flurry of attacks, but the artificer will help them pack an extra punch. They can also provide some of these benefits to their allies, granting them magical items and healing of their own.

Why Monk/Artificer Is Great:

  • Infuse Item: Magic items, even to a limited armor and weapons classes like the monk, are always useful. Arcane energy can be granted to monk weapons and clothing to boost their abilities even further.
  • Alchemist: The Alchemist subclass grants healing features, which can be especially useful in a sticky situation. Experimental Elixirs also provide boosts to healing and other abilities to buff your skills.
  • Maverick: With the artificer’s cantrips and Breakthrough spells, Monk-Artificers can back up their punches with an arcane spell or two to defeat even the most dangerous foes.

Choose This Multiclass if...

  • You love to tinker and send your toys into battle
  • You want to back your punches with a massive cannon blast
  • You want to both protect yourself from danger and dodge out of the way

10. Monk-Bard

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Wizards of the Coast: Arcane Bombardment by Marta Nael

Bards are skilled at just about everything. Monks tend to focus on a small pool of skills, boosting their ability scores in order to deal damage and harness the powers of their ki. While Monk-Bards face the risk of stretching themselves too thin, the bard’s abilities can even out some of the monk’s weaknesses and provide fun bonuses.

The extra proficiencies from bard abilities like Jack of All Trades and Expertise are granted at low levels, so you can take advantage of these bonuses even when multiclassing. Bardic Inspiration also provides an extra die bonus to yourself and allies, boosting their abilities. Bards also have proficiency in Dexterity saving throws, one of the monk’s highest abilities.

Monk-Bards utilize their magic and inspirational presence to solve their problems. Both are proficient in Dexterity, meaning they don’t need to learn two competing abilities to be effective. The bard’s Jack of All Trades and Expertise will smooth out some of the monk’s shortcomings while the monk’s ki and extra attacks will give them more opportunities to use their damage-dealing abilities.

Why Monk/Bard Is Great:

  • Bard spells: With the bard’s spellcasting abilities, you’ll be able to charm enemies and perform feats to astonish while also channeling your monk’s inner energy and agility.
  • Bardic Inspiration: Inspiration bonuses are useful to every character, regardless of the scenario. Granting Bardic Inspiration could be the key to your success against even the deadliest foe.
  • Jack of All Trades/Expertise: With half to double proficiency on just about anything, Monk-Bards can overcome any obstacles in their way, from impossible leaps to inspiring the masses.

Choose This Multiclass if...

  • You’re called to the stage
  • You want to stun the crowd with more than just your fists
  • You own the ki to your audience’s hearts

9. Monk-Sorcerer

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Wizards of the Coast: Fleetfoot Dancer by Joshua Raphael

Both the monk and sorcerer embrace the raw energy inside of them. They turn this energy into incredible feats of skill, like Deflect Missiles and Sorcery Points. While their power draws from different abilities, they can use these abilities together to become more powerful and flexible.

Monks often prefer close combat while sorcerers deal damage from afar. With the Monk-Sorcerer multiclass, your character will become skilled at all ranges, able to attack and target enemies from anywhere on the battlefield. Sorcerers also come with their own spell list and additional features through their Sorcery Points and Metamagic, each of which can be paired with the monk’s ki and other dextrous abilities.

Monk/Sorcerers may not have a lot in common, but their abilities can be paired together in interesting ways. Monk abilities are best for close combat and avoiding damage while sorcerer abilities are best for long range and special effects. Sorcerer subclasses like Wild Magic and Draconic Resilience can also grant more ways to deal damage or gain an advantage.

Why Monk/Sorcerer Is Great:

  • Sorcerer spells: Want to cast new spells? Monk-Sorcerers gain access to the sorcerer spell list, opening up a whole new world of arcane power.
  • Sorcery Points and Metamagic: Pair the sorcerer’s Metamagic and Sorcery Points with ki abilities and multi attacks to shake up your combat and provide bonuses to spellcasting.
  • Optimize subclasses: Tides of Chaos (Wild Magic) and Draconic Resilience (Draconic Bloodline) give advantage or resistance to potential sources of danger, boosting the monk’s ki abilities and Unarmored Defense.

Choose This Multiclass if...

  • You feel the magic within; you were born with it
  • You want to spellcast as well as deal melee damage
  • You live on the Wild side

8. Monk-Warlock

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Wizards of the Coast: Liliana, the Last Hope by Jaime Jones

While warlocks are typically thought of as lone spellcasters, they also feature a variety of abilities for both melee and mystic abilities. Monk-Warlocks can draw upon the status effect spells of the warlock, like Hex, while also keeping their options open for combat with their monk abilities. This multiclass also provides more arcane currency to spend on these abilities, ensuring your character will have what they need when they need it.

In addition to both favoring Wisdom, warlocks and monks also both draw their power from similar sources: the warlock gains arcane prowess from a pact with an otherworldly being while the monk gains skill from the mystic energy within. Hexblade warlocks, while paired with a non-monk weapon, can cast curses which pair nicely with monk abilities like Flurry of Blows and ki features. Some monk subclasses even draw upon nature-based spirits like a warlock, gaining resistance to and damage from the elements.

Like sorcerers, Monk-Warlocks can smooth out the weaknesses of each singular class. Hex and Eldritch Invocations grant additional abilities both in and out of combat, making you a formidable opponent. When paired with monk abilities like Flurry of Blows and Step of the Wind, you can avoid spending the warlock’s limited spell slots and resources on similar abilities.

Why Monk/Warlock Is Great:

  • Wisdom pairing: Since both utilize Wisdom, Monk-Warlock abilities pair well together and don’t require additional ability score focuses.
  • Similar sources of power: Way of Four Elements and warlock Patrons stem from otherworldly and elemental sources. From their themes alone, Monk-Warlocks are two peas in a pod.
  • Hex: Pair the warlock’s status effects with the monk's multiple attacks and you will defeat any enemies in your way.
  • Eldritch Invocations: Eldritch Invocations grant additional features without costing precious ki points, allowing them to be used elsewhere.

Choose This Multiclass if...

  • You want to harness powers of other planes and beings
  • You want to curse your enemies before you defeat them
  • You want forbidden knowledge in addition to the mystical ki

7. Monk-Blood Hunter 

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Wizards of the Coast: Zar Ojanen, Scion of Efrava by Justine Cruz

Monk-Blood Hunters both thrive in very similar playstyles. Both increase their agility and Dexterity through impressive abilities and attack combos, becoming a powerhouse on the battlefield. Their energies also keep them in tune with the powers of the world around them, integrating themselves into that consciousness.

The monk and blood hunter abilities are very similar, but each have certain features that make them unique. Blood Hunters warp their enemies through Hemocraft and Lycan transformations, making them strike deeper and unleash a primal ferocity. Monks can make a multitude of attacks through Flurry of Blows while nimbly dancing away from sources of danger. Pair these together, and you have a reckless storm of damage that no enemy will be able to hit.

Monk-Blood Hunters thrive in close combat, dealing a boatload of damage in each strike. Abilities like Blood Maledict and Crimson Rite add debuffs and extra damage, making it more difficult for enemies to strike back. With the monk’s mystical ki and monastic traditions, your enemies won’t know what hit them, knocking them out cold.

Why Monk/Blood Hunter Is Great:

  • Hunter’s Bane: Since both classes utilize the ability, Wisdom provides significant bonuses to abilities like Hemocraft and ki abilities.
  • Crimson Rite: Ever want to channel the elements? Both Crimson Rite and Way of the Four elements deal elemental damage with monk weapons, channeling your inner elemental bender.
  • Hybrid Transformation: Who wouldn’t want to play a werewolf? Feral Senses (Strength) and abilities with Wisdom saves can deal massive damage while utilizing the monk’s core skills.
  • Lycan Unarmed Strikes: Predatory Strikes are unarmed strikes with Dexterity, allowing your Monk-Blood Hunter to strike not just with fists, but claws as well!

Choose This Multiclass if...

  • You want to showcase your melee prowess
  • You want to feed the beast within, fully embracing the life force giving you power
  • You want to deal elemental damage

6. Monk-Fighter 

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Wizards of the Coast: Radha’s Firebrand by Angelo Bortolini

Ah, the melee classes. Monks and fighters know where their strengths lie: they excel in combat, dealing damage and racking up experience in each battle. Each has their own style of combat, with fighters branching out into Battle Maneuvers (Battle Master) and gaining Fighting Styles from the get-go and monks harnessing their ki and other mystic abilities. Together, they become one of the apex melee combat multiclasses!

Like blood hunters, Monk-Fighters occupy similar playstyles but also have unique features that make them stand out. Fighters have Action Surges to grant multiple actions each turn, actions that then can be used with monk abilities like Flurry of Blows, striking upwards of six times at minimum each turn. Battle Master fighters can also perform Battle Maneuvers, giving them new skills to boost damage and dart around your enemies.

Monk-Fighters are experts at close combat and each feature fun abilities to make combat more engaging. Fighter abilities let them reposition both themselves and others right where they want them, granting advantages and bonus attacks each turn. In addition, each class utilizes Strength saving throws and abilities, buffing them for the fight ahead.

Why Monk/Fighter Is Great:

  • Strength: While fighters prefer Strength, Monk-Fighters can utilize proficient skills with their newfound Strength to deal significant damage and boost existing abilities.
  • Battle Maneuvers: Battle Maneuvers add variety to combat, giving your Monk-Fighter new options to engage with and strategies to try in combat.
  • Action Surge and Extra Attacks: Give your teammates a chance to fight! With Action Surges, Flurry of Blows, and Extra Attacks, your Monk-Fighter will have access to multiple actions to deal multiple punches on each turn.

Choose This Multiclass if...

  • You want to punch, and punch well
  • You have a flair for the dramatic, maneuvering about the battlefield with ease
  • You want to punch faster than the humanoid eye can see

5. Monk-Druid

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Wizards of the Coast: Llanowar Loamspeaker by Zara Alfonso

Monk-Druids are also an incredible melee multiclass combo. Druids can harness the power of nature, even taking on the forms of beasts to aid them in battle. Monks can hit hard and fast, typically preferring to strike without weapons and dealing multiple attacks each turn. Monk-Druids provide extra flavor and incredible new skills to your character’s repertoire.

Monks and druids each utilize Wisdom–druids draw upon this ability for their spellcasting and Druid Circles while monks draw upon this ability for their ki focus and monastic traditions. Druid Wild Shapes can boost the monk’s ki abilities, like unarmed strikes and Flurry of Blows, to deal massive damage. Other druid subclasses like Circle of the Moon heighten their Wild Shape even further, transforming them into ferocious predators.

The most impactful pairing between monks and druids are the druid’s Wild Shape. Monk-Druids will want to activate this ability as often as possible and combine the monk’s ki abilities with their animal form. In doing so, they will deal more damage and have more opportunities to attack each round. Druid spellcasting can also boost these abilities and provide advantageous new skills.

Why Monk/Druid Is Great:

  • Wild Shape: Who doesn’t want to turn into a wild animal? With unarmed strikes and bonuses in your transformed form, you can deal massive amounts of damage while using Flurry of Blows and other ki abilities.
  • Druid spells: Monk-Druids gain access to the druid spell list, casting spells to hinder and damage enemies so you can finish them off with your triple-punch.
  • Circle of the Moon: As if Wild Shape couldn’t get better, Circle of the Moon offers heightened Wild Shape options to deal even more damage and morph into your favorite predators.

Choose This Multiclass if...

  • You are in tune with yourself and nature
  • You feel the wilderness inside
  • Instead of punching, you want to use your claws

4. Monk-Ranger

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Wizards of the Coast: Vivien on the Hunt (Variant) by Tom Roberts

While rangers are often seen as one of the weaker D&D classes, their multiclasses are anything but underpowered. Rangers possess the skills and agility to track and hunt their prey while the monk gives them the firepower (or should I say, punching power) to eliminate their foes. The ranger’s spellcasting and hunting abilities compliment the monk’s ki features and exploratory abilities, like Slow Fall and Evasion.

Monks and rangers both utilize Dexterity and Wisdom as their highest ability scores, drawing upon them for their abilities and spellcasting. Rangers also have a variety of spells and abilities to hinder and deal extra to their enemies, like Favored Enemy and Hunter’s Mark. They also give your character access to a fighting style, granting more specialization in combat.

Monk-Rangers will often take advantage of the ranger’s targeted spells and abilities, like Favored Enemy and Hunter’s Mark. These will allow your character to deal extra damage, especially when paired with the monk’s ki features like Flurry of Blows. In addition, other spellcasting abilities and ability proficiencies will give your Monk-Ranger the tools to scout ahead and deal with any danger that may be lying in wait for an unsuspecting party…

Why Monk/Ranger Is Great:

  • Dexterity and Wisdom: With similar ability score focuses, the Monk-Ranger is especially multiclass compatible. Both classes’ features use these abilities to show their skills.
  • Hunter’s Mark: Hunter’s Mark is a special spell to apply extra damage to attacks. Once cast, it remains on the target until your spell ends to deal bonus damage for your hits.
  • Wide range of abilities and spells: With arcane abilities, Monk-Rangers provide spellcasting and battle prowess with extra damage through their specialized abilities.

Choose This Multiclass if...

  • You are sworn to protect those who cannot fight
  • You are nimble and dextrous, dodging away from danger
  • You want to pierce your foe, striking them where it truly hurts

3. Monk-Cleric

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Wizards of the Coast: Soul of Windgrace by Liiga Smilshkalne

Clerics are one of the most solid and versatile D&D classes. In addition to healing abilities, clerics have an extensive spell list and variety of domains to flavor your character and grant new abilities. When multiclassed with the monk, Monk-Clerics’ high Wisdom and spellcasting can provide powerful boons and pair well with the monk’s ki abilities.

Monk-Clerics are one of the most powerful spellcasting multiclass combos for the monk. Basic cleric abilities like Channel Divinity and healing spells can grant your character more utility both in and out of combat. Cleric subclasses like the Peace or Light Domains and monk subclasses like Way of the Astral Self provide excellent options to stack abilities utilizing Wisdom, gaining the most bang for your arcane buck.

Monk-Clerics will use their newfound spellcasting and Divine Domain bonuses most often. These can boost damage, inflict close-range effects, and provide more instances to put their increased Wisdom to use. The monk’s Unarmored Defense and ki abilities also provide extra bonuses to existing abilities from each class and keep them free from harm.

Why Monk/Cleric Is Great:

  • Variety of domains: Flavor your character with the wide variety of cleric Domains! Mix and match to pair the best features with the monk class.
  • Unarmored Defense and Wisdom: Synergize Wisdom abilities like Unarmored Defense with cleric spells and Channel Divinity.
  • Heal and harm: Buff damage while also providing healing through the cleric’s spellcasting ability. When in close range, deal even more damage through the monk’s Flurry of Blows.
  • Channel Divinity: As a direct line to your deity, Channel Divinity is a built-in ability to use at any time. These can literally turn the tides in combat while still utilizing your array of damage and healing.

Choose This Multiclass if...

  • Your faith is strong and calls you to action
  • You want to heal those you care about
  • You love the variety of cleric domains and want some of the action

2. Monk-Rogue

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Wizards of the Coast: Rob the Archives by Steve Argyle

Monk-Rogues are agile and nimble, slinking between the shadows and striking before their enemy can react. Both featuring high Dexterity, they are masters of distraction and agility, gaining bonuses to their actions and attacks. Rogues in particular can utilize their Sneak Attack with the monk’s Martial Arts to deal significant damage in the span of a turn or two.

Some abilities between the rogue and monk classes overlap, like Evasion and Uncanny Dodge. Rogues have Expertise, like bards, but at a much earlier level. But the real bonus ability for the Monk-Rogue is their Sneak Attack. While Sneak Attacks will not function with unarmed attacks, monk weapons can deal extra damage each turn while being incredibly difficult to hit themselves.

Monk-Rogues are excellent at striking quickly and ducking just out of harm’s way. Way of Shadows is a great monk subclass to pair with the rogue, giving them bonus abilities like Shadow Step and spells like Pass Without a Trace to use their Sneak Attack while remaining hidden. The rogue’s Cunning Action grants them an extra bonus action each turn, allowing them to use monk-adjacent abilities without spending a ki point.

Why Monk/Rogue Is Great:

  • Stealthy and nimble: Both of these classes feature high Dexterity and agile skills. While some abilities stack, others provide additional perks and bonuses to remaining hidden.
  • Way of Shadows: This monk subclass synergizes abilities for stealth and speed. Paired with rogue abilities like Cunning Action and Uncanny Dodge, Monk-Rogues can nearly avoid damage altogether.
  • Sneak Attack: Rogue Sneak Attacks grant bonuses to attacks each turn. Paired with Ki-Fueled Attacks and other monk weapons, this can deal massive damage.
  • Cunning Action: No need to spend ki on Step of the Wind! The rogue’s Cunning Action allows you to spend precious ki points elsewhere.

Choose This Multiclass if...

  • You are one with the shadows, slinking through the darkness
  • You have mastered the art of agility and precision
  • You strike before your enemy even knows you’re there

1. Monk-Barian

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Wizards of the Coast: Ajani, Sleeper Agent by Matt Stewart

Barbarians are beings of primal strength, embracing their physical might and Rage-fueled energy to defeat any foes standing in their way. Monks can use the mystic ki energy inside of them to perform feats of wonder and agility. Combined Monk-Barians are powerhouses of unbridled Strength and reckless Dexterity, making them formidable opponents on the battlefield.

Both barbarians and monks forgo the use of armor, relying on their steadfast core and agility to keep them free from harm. The Monk-Barian’s Rage gives them bonuses and advantages on feats of Strength using monk weapons and their Reckless Attacks makes their Strength-based attack rolls even more likely to hit. Path of the Totem Warrior is an especially excellent choice for monk multiclasses, giving them bonus features to Strength to boost the more Dexterity-oriented monk.

The barbarian’s favoring of Strength and monk’s favoring of Dexterity may seem at odds with each other, but if both receive the attention they need, a Monk-Barian can be a real force of action. The monk’s ki abilities like Flurry of Blows and Ki-Fueled Attacks grant them multiple attacks each turn, several of which can be paired with the barbarian’s Rage or Reckless Attacks as long as they wield a monk weapon. Totem Warriors can also boost their ability scores and gain buffs to other abilities, like the Eagle’s mobility or Bear’s resistance.

Why Monk/Barbarian Is Great:

  • RAGE: The barbarian’s rage grants an increase to attacks and damage on each weapon hit. While incompatible with unarmed strikes, the monk’s variety of ki attacks can take significant advantage of this ability.
  • Strength/Dexterity: Monk-Barians rely on both Strength and Dexterity stats. If each are invested in, they can increase your character’s AC and damage at the same time, boosting other abilities like Rage and ki attacks as well.
  • Totem Warrior: Totem Warriors gain animal totems to boost their resistances and agility. These can be mixed and matched to suit your needs, whether you want additional Strength or advantages.
  • Unarmored: Since neither need armor, Monk-Barians can boost their AC while remaining unarmored, keeping them agile in battle.

Choose This Multiclass if...

  • You refuse to quell your rage
  • You want to draw upon the spirits of nature
  • You want nothing to stand in your way on the battlefield
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