[Top 5] Diablo Immortal Best Builds That Are Excellent

[Top 5] Diablo Immortal Best Builds That Are Excellent
14 Mar 2023

A lot of factors have to be considered when pushing the limits of what a character could do. These include the player's gears, skills, and of course the kind of gems that are equipped as well. Although the question remains to be, how do I achieve the best build possible?

1. The Lethal Demon Hunter Build

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  • Before we tackle anything else, let's discuss the legendary gems first. So, one of the best gems to equip is the Seeping Bile, as it inflicts a percentage from your base damage (depending on the level) to your opponents by leaving a deadly poison lasting for 6 seconds. Phoenix Ashes is another good one to have as it prevents fatal damage, which makes all the difference when playing with a ranged class with lower health points. A must have is the Blood-Soaked Jade that simply boosts all of the damage you deal upon your enemies. 

  • Having the ability to mirror the destructive demon hunter you possess would be simply amazing right? Well, think about acquiring the Echoing Shade then as it makes it possible to summon not only one shadow clone, but two at the same time! Another great boost is the Bottled Hope that gives out an increase on one's damage and movement speed for 6 seconds. 

Now let's proceed to the legendary gears...

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  • For the headgear, wearing the Vision of the Lost allows you to increase the duration of Vengeance by 0.2 seconds that stacks depending on how many enemies you manage to defeat, with a maximum of 2.4 seconds time expansion. The skill Vengeance basically turns your character into a state of rage where you get improved damage and speed, so delaying the duration of this means a lot!

  • Then for the armour, you need to put on Causticity, as it allows the Rain of Vengeance, which are the arrows that fall down from the sky, to erode your opponent's armour, therefore increase their damage taken to two percent for three seconds, and this could also stack for up to five times! So, for the shoulders, have the Decisive Report put on as it allows you to knock your enemies away when using multishot. If used properly, the multishot can be used to push the enemies back to where the Rain of Vengeance is to deal double the damage from both skills.

  • The Ruinous Path is the gear of choice for the pants piece as it simply increases all of the damage that you inflict by a whopping six percent when on Vengeance! Here you can now see the relevance of having the headgear and this together. 

  • Now with the legendary weapon, the Flamespite is required in order to cast Flaming Arrows that burn your foes when using the skill multishot. Then, you need to pair this with the Hungerer as it allows the crossbow shot to penetrate through your enemies, thus inflicting damage upon your enemies behind as well!

For the full Demon Hunter build, click HERE


2. The Fiery Barbarian Build

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  • Much of the fast-paced farming has been associated with the ranged classes in the game, as they have the reach and magical skills to obliterate swarms of enemies with ease. Although that is true, it is also quite achievable with the Barbarian.

  • Rows of monsters try to catch this swift bulky warrior, but fail eventually as they burn unto ashes with this magnificent build. Follow the full guide and turn your character into an unstoppable fiery maniac!

  • So first we sort out the essences this time as it matters the most with this modification. With the headgear, the Spiritbreaker is required as this would allow the Sprint skill to deal damage along its path by throwing tornadoes. Paired up with the Reservist’s Spaulders, the damage trail intensifies as it combines flames together as well.

  • For the weapon, the Eager Maelstrom which increases the Whirlwind’s radius, when paired with the armour Ferocious Gale that allows the Whirlwind skill to launch tornadoes out by chance, work excellent in complementing each other. In order to have some sort of crowd control skill, the Screaming Fury allows the Furious Charge skill to charge into a set location. This not only knocks enemies up into the air but also damages them through the process.

  • Lastly, for the other weapon, the Broken Soul is indeed quite cruel, as it forces the Wrath of the Berserker to amplify the wielder’s critical hit chance, instead of the player’s attack speed.

  • Now for the accessories, it would be best to obtain three or four of the Vithu’s Urges modifiers as it would heavily influence the Whirlwind skill and give other attributes essential to the success of this build. The remaining two are to be equipped with the two-piece Grace of the Flagellant, as it gives an enormous damage boost to the skills used in this build by a whopping 15%!

  • With the Legendary gems, one crucial gem in this build is not a rare one, as it is the Blessed Pebble. Having Legendary Gems to be the most difficult items to find in the game, this would come as a relief as it can be easily obtained. It is important to have this as it boosts the beneficial effects of the sprint and other skills depending on the level of your gem.

  • Another important Legendary Gem is the Seeping Bile as it hits enemies with poison that damages 45% of your base damage plus 263 for six seconds. This can also be triggered along with the flames, which is why this gem is absolutely GOLD for this build. The rest of the gem slots can be filled in according to which you prefer, but I would recommend having the Blood-Soaked Jade and Bottled Hope as well.

Be sure to max out the Duelist tree with your Paragons and dominate! Click HERE for the full build.


3. The Chillingly Explosive Spell Caster

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The wizard started off as a class which everyone underestimated due to the low health and just seemingly appeared to be one, if not, the easiest to target in Diablo Immortal. However, as the game pushed through, this explicit sorcerer has grown notoriously to be feared by the masses in PvP for the crippling control spells and area of effect coverage he deals upon.

  • To prove this point, an absolute wonder is the Legendary gear called the Shiversent Stare. This headgear intensifies the Ray of Frost skill as it allows it to freeze targets for two seconds if they have been hit by the ray for six times. It might sound a lot but this is easy to achieve as the Ray of Frost is a channelling spell and deals damage successively when within range.

  • The chill effect might not be that important for those who haven’t experienced being hit by a wizard with such buff but it does have effects that are more to just decrease the movement speed of an enemy. Literally everything slows down as soon as you get hit by this beam, which includes your attack speed and even the skills that you intend to cast as well. Paired up with the Ice Crystal, the range of it is just absolutely outrageous!

  • Another gear that is essential to this build’s success is the Waking Invocation as it creates an illusion making it double the channelling power for this character. Also include the pants called the Reservist’s Pantaloons as it would decrease the Ice Crystal’s cooling down time by fifteen percent. Plus, there is also a shoulder gear in the name of The Enervators which creates a shield around you for whenever you get to damage an enemy. This shield orb also absorbs a significant amount which stack up too.

  • For the Wizard’s own protection from deadly ranged projectiles, like from the piercing damage of the demon hunter, the Reservist’s edge can be worn. This allows the Black Hole skill to not only do what it is meant to do and disrupt the players affected but also it could absorb any of your opponent’s projectiles to keep you safe. Lastly, having the Reservist’s Sidearm enables the Black Hole to move forward and pull enemies that get dragged on to it.

  • In terms of Legendary Gems, it is always recommended to go for the damage dealing ones such as the Seeping Bile and the Blood-Soaked Jade. The next recommended ones are the Bloody Reach and the Fervent Fang as they serve to amplify the user’s damage. Another recommended legendary gem is the Phoenix Ashes so that you won’t be killed easily, and to further one’s survivability, having a Frozen Heart would be handy to have as well.

The FULL Chilling Wizard’s Build can be found HERE


4. The Ultimate Summoner Build

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The necromancer is undoubtedly one of the most annoying classes to face off in PvP. With their ability to summon minions to attack for them, they have become adept at clearing not only waves of enemies but bosses and other players as well. Wouldn’t it be a dream to be able to summon a good amount of entities to fight alongside for you?

  • For this build we will start off with setting up the skills. First one is the Command Golem, which summons a fiery golem that gradually burns your enemies within its area of effect. The next one is the Skeletal Mage skill which allows Necromancers to summon up to six skeletal champions and mages. You would also need to have the Command Skeletons skill and along with it is Soul Fire. Lastly an important ability to have is the Dark Curse that curses your opponents within an area and also reduces their line of vision.

  • Moving on, we’ll tackle the gear that you would need, and the first one is the Skullveil, which greatly boosts the Skeletal Mage’s duration by 30%. Then you would need the Synod’s Anointing which allows you to have an extra charge of Skeletal Mages. The gear that modifies the summoned Golem is the Desolatoria, and gives the golem the burn damage.

  • For the shield, the Vesperguard is best as it enables Skeletal Mages to shoot rays on to your foes. With the armour, we are going for the Flickering Warmth but this is optional, as you could either choose from the armour as modifier or the pants to be the one. This time we will pick the pants, and if you read through, you shall know why.

  • Now you also have the ability to modify the Dark Curse skill that you have but wearing the pants called Guided by Maggots. This legendary Curse of the Dead takes away the blinding effect to your enemies but rather sends you minions to a wild frenzy. This would provoke them and increase their movement speed and damage to wreak havoc.

  • The accessories are an easy pick, and I suggest you go with the Shepherd’s six piece set. If completed, a great boost would be applied such as, critical hit boosts, increase in damage, frenzied states for summons, which would be absolutely essential to causing this build to fight through even the non-recommended levels. It is that good!

Build your own unstoppable summoner build by clicking HERE


5. The Best Hard Hitting Crusader Build

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The crusader is mostly overlooked as a support class in the game, which is true in a sense, because the massive damage boost that it gives out when the flag is raised just changes the pace of the run, and turns it into a speed run instead. However, playing solo with the Crusader could be fun as well, especially if you follow this build that I’m going to share with you right now.

  • As the Crusader is a living tank and could withstand most of the damage dealt to him, it would be a no-brainer to go for an Area-of-Effect build, so that way, you could expel wraths of thunder upon mobs of enemies around you. So for the helm, I would recommend you wear the Glower of the Recluse as it allows the Sweep Attack to inflict 15% more damage when you have your enemy stunned, blinded, or immobilised.

  • For the amour, the Fortress Hermetic that increases the consecration radius by a massive 20% just works wonders for this build. With the shoulders, the Reservist’s Spaulders is recommended as it increases the duration of the Holy Banner for a massive 30% as well. People would think this skill is only best used when with a team but I would say otherwise as it works great even when playing solo.

  • With pants, the Bladed Jambeau is the item of choice because despite it cancels the dragging part of the Draw and Quarter skill, this legendary gear enables the Crusader to leave the ground burning, which causes enemies to burn over time. With the main weapon, the Reservist’s Edge is the top pick as it calls forth Jolting Swords! This modified the Falling Sword to rain five electrified swords around the player, thus forming an arc that damages enemies as well.

  • Lastly, the Gimcrack Buckler is required for the shield part, as each time the Crusader successfully blocks damage, an explosion would be released to all opponents nearby. Then with the setup of the accessories, you need to focus on lengthening the beneficial effects, so we are going with the six-piece Vithu’s set!

  • For the legendary gems, having the Phoenix Ashes is amazing for a studier build. Although if you are playing solo, you would want to increase the damage that you deal, which is why you would want the Blood-Soaked Jade, Bottled Hope, and Power and Command. As you draw enemies closer towards you, having the Blessing of the Worthy is great to wield as it discharges damage to surrounding enemies according to your health points, which the Crusader is quite abundant of.

Get ready to bash and burn your enemies with this build by clicking HERE!



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