Trials are one of the most challenging and fun versions of PVP combat but it is also one of the more demanding activities in Destiny 2, promising great fortunes to its champions. Soon Destiny 2 will face a change with Beyond Light's recent drop, and as new builds start coming our way, it's the right time to look at the very best that is out there. Not all the upcoming mods and exotic will be the best of the best; so, take stock of what you have now and make your very best warrior for the fight against the Dark. These are some of the best builds you can make to date.
10. Dark Light Sentinel Great for PVP
Very few builds in Destiny focus on shotguns as the main ingredient. This, fortunately, the shotgun build is all about that close quarter combat. Though much better suited to PVP the perks and mods easily translate to PVE encounters. Make this and dominate.
What's good about this build: A shotgun focused build is practically a one-hit kill. Pairs well with a well-placed melee.
Two easy to find Exotics.
Requires little mods for effective use.
Mods are easy to come by.
The Titan is basically a short-range tank.
Defense is the best offense with this build.
Full Build Details: Destiny 2 - New BEST Void Titan PvP Build Season of Arrivals (2020)Destiny 2 - New BEST Void Titan PvP Build Season of Arrivals (2020)
9. Unbreakable! Great for PVP
Be aggressive, be aggressive. Yes, this is a vengeance-seeking, super ability, movement focused solar nightmare to your enemies. The main focus of this is to equip mods for your favorite weapon pairing, then bring the quickly filled super down upon your enemies with the more fantastic range. Have fun counting the wins with this one.
What's good about this build: Super energy collects at a great rate, allows for favorite weapon pairs, to use your best weapons on the field
The movement focused mods.
One-Eyed mask to track down enemies.
Customize your weapon pairings.
Quick movement allows for a greater range of super ability.
Full Build Details: The UNBREAKABLE Titan - Greatest Subclass Build For Aggressive Crucible PvP Titan Mains Pre-Update!
8. One-Two Punch Great for PVP
Suros auto rifle is the star of this build. You're going to want to pair it with your favorite shotgun. Then pack it with ammo dropping mods. This bottom tree Arc Stricker will be running and gunning the enemy. The good news is grenade energy builds reasonably fast with this build, so it's not just about one trick. Guardians deal in lead.
What's good about this build: Takes Suros to the next level, gaining ammo drops constantly, and gains energy at a decent rate.
Mod light build only special ammo mod recommended
Suros is recommended but not required
The build does require Dune Marchers but those are easy to find.
You can focus on either grenades or melee depending on your playstyle.
Full Build Details: Destiny 2 - New Best PvP Titan Build (Insane PvP Build) Season Of Arrivals
7.Beastmode. Great for PVP
It is all about mobility and damage. This build focuses on aggressive frameworks to build up energy and display damage to the enemy. This build is great for PvE and PvP; switch out your sniper for a shotgun, and the opposing team will quake in their boots.
What's good about this build: It's fast mobility based for a Titan. The faster-paced combat allows for an aggressive playstyle.
Builds super energy quickly.
Extends weapons damage.
Easy to acquire mods.
Adapts easily to various playstyles including sniper.
Full Build Details: Best Titan Build (2020) | Best Competitive Build | Destiny 2
6. Never Ending Great for PVP
Resource management should be this build official name, but never-ending is appropriate enough. Build up rift energy in a hurry and cast that rift. Fill up your companion's health or increase damage. Make sure that you understand your role here as support. You're working together to make something greater than yourself.
Easy to find mod perks.
Lightning-fast weapon handling.
Powerfully rift abilities for enhancing an ally's damage or healing.
Not the fastest super energy builder but gets the job done.
What's good about this build: The player is going to be working as a support team with this one. The player is not only a damage dealer but a healer.
Full Build Details: Destiny 2 - Best DPS Warlock Build (Destiny 2 Worthy Best Warlock Build For PvE)
5. God of the Sky Great PVP and PVE
The power hour, the sky killer, death from above; whatever your favorite movie cliché regarding shooting from above, apply to this build. Stay far away from the enemy and rain down fire from above, all the while accumulating more and more energy. Burn them, burn them all.
Keeps the player at a safe distance.
A constant stream of damage.
Quick energy to the super.
Great for raids and meaty bosses.
What's good about this build: Insane energy builds quick access to grenades and melee.
Full Build Details: INSANE WARLOCK BUILD! Unlimited Grenades, Melee & Supers! Become A Sun God[Destiny 2 Season Of Dawn]
4. Suncarlo Great for PVP and PVE
The classics always claim room to shine. The classic pairing is still viable and easy to pull off. Two easy to obtain exotics, fun to run, and gun. The mighty build of energy for quick damage to all the enemies. Go forth and bring the pain.
Requires two exotics.
Builds up energy fast.
Grants fast grenades for constant damage to groups of energy.
Great for PvE and PvP
What's good about this build: Builds energy quickly, takes advantage of the Monte Carlo for great damage and quick kills.
Full Build Details: Monte Carlo + Sunbracers (Sun Carlo) Warlock Build | Destiny 2 Shadowkeep Builds
3. Speechless Great for PVP and PVE
This build is a grenade generating machine. Your resources' primary focus will be dedicated to making grenades as short as possible. The stasis grenades awesome wall creating like effects are handy and provide cover and damage the enemy. Go forth, guardian, and freeze everything.
Subclass Revenant, Glacier Grenade
Whisper of Fissures and Whisper of Shards for damage
Frost EE5 is the main exotic featured.
Become Charged with light as fast as you can.
What's good about this build: Focusing grenade energy and building its energy as fast as possible. Then exploiting its effects to cause great damage.
Full Build Details: I Am Speechless! BEST HUNTER BUILD EVER! [Destiny 2 Hunter Build PVE Beyond Light]
2. Can’t See Me Great for PVP
Do not let the name fool you this PvE inspired build does great in PvP as wellThis build is designed and thrives for survivability. Though some mods and gear can be challenging to acquire, it is worth investing the time to achieve this build. It is still great for PVP, teamwork strategies, nightfall's, and great against champions. The build easily adapts for either PVP and PVE.
Focus on Teamwork
Easy to obtain Exotics or secondary
Great damage output
Builds up both grenade energy and super energy fast
What's good about this build: Aggressive, great for stalking enemies, and generates energy quickly.
Full Build Details: The BEST PVE HUNTER BUILD In Destiny 2! [Infinite Invisibility & Melt Champions! Destiny 2 Build]
1.High Energy Great for PVP
This build focuses on defensive high energy charge. It takes advantage of rifle mods and the sharpshooting features you have available. Charging with light will be vital as you chase down fellow guardians; the collected energy will boost your abilities' hunter becomes an all-around predator stalking down prey and spraying them with bullets.
Defensive Build
Pulse and Auto Rifle Focused
Mods make this build hmmm with power
Hunter way of the Sharpshooter subclass focused.
What's good about this build: A defensive build, takes stalking to the next level, makes the pulse and auto rifle precision killers.
Full Build Details: Destiny 2 - Best PvP Hunter Build Rifle Meta (Destiny 2 Arrivals Best Hunter Build For PvP)
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