When in doubt, blow it up. Well, in the game that is. Destiny 2 rocket launchers don’t really get too much love. But in the right hands, they embody the best of these heavy weapons can offer. Here are our top 11 rocket launchers in Destiny 2 and how to get them.
Our Top 11 Rocket Launchers
- Bad Omens
- Truth
- Tomorrow’s Answer
- Wardcliff Coil
- Two-Tailed Fox
- Code Duello
- Hoosegow
- Deathbringer
- Subzero Salvo
- Shining Sphere
- Eyes of Tomorrow
- Sleepless
1. Bad Omens
"Can't avoid 'em. Trick is surviving 'em." —The Drifter
This rocket launcher is great for Gambit, granted it is a Gambit weapon. It plays well in both PvE and PvP. The curated roll comes with Tracking Module and Cluster Bombs which makes it great for hunting down your targets.
Weapon Stats:
Impact: 68
Range: 70
Stability: 43
Handling: 24
Reload Speed: 65
Rounds/Min: 25
Magazine: 1
Aggressive Frame: High damage, high recoil
Tracking Module: Adds tracking capability to rockets. Locks onto targets when aiming down sights.
Cluster Bomb: Rockets spawn cluster bombs upon detonation.
What makes Bad Omens good?:
- Good reload speed
- Good enemy clearing ability
- High damage output if rolled with Cluster Bomb
Weapon Details:
How to get Bad Omens:
This weapon is a random drop from Gambit matches or a rank-up package from the Drifter.
Bad Omens in Action:
2. Truth
"…is where you seek it." —Lomar
To tell you the truth (see what I did there?) This exotic rocket launcher is another favorite amongst players who like invading in a Gambit. One of the big features is that its exotic trait makes the rockets explode when they are in the vicinity of their target. Coupled with its high blast radius, not directly hitting a target won’t be much of a problem.
Weapon Stats:
Impact: 100
Range: 52
Stability: 70
Handling: 69
Reload Speed: 54
Rounds/Min: 15
Magazine: 1
Exotic Perks:
Prototype Truthseeker: This weapon's rockets have tracking. Lock onto targets when aiming down sights.
Grenades and Horseshoes: Projectiles will detonate when they are within close proximity of their targets.
What makes Truth good?:
- Good stability
- Max blast radius
- Kills even if not a direct or close hit
Weapon Details:
How to get Truth:
Truth in Action:
3. Tomorrow’s Answer
Could you please repeat the question?
Here’s Tomorrow’s Answer, the answer to what question? If you’re asking if I’ll be paying off my student loans anytime soon, then the clear answer is no. The question it does answer is “how are the random perks?” The answer is that they can be pretty good since this is one of the few that can roll Clown Cartridge which randomly fills your magazine with 2 rockets when you reload instead of one
Weapon Stats:
Impact: 95
Range: 51
Stability: 64
Handling: 79
Reload Speed: 69
Rounds/Min: 15
Magazine: 1
High-Impact Frame: Slow-firing and high-damage. This weapon is more accurate when stationary and aiming down sights.
Underdog: This weapon gains a boost to reload speed as your health gets lower.
Disruption Break: Breaking an enemy's shield with this weapon makes them more vulnerable to Kinetic damage for a brief period.
What makes Tomorrow's Answer good?
- Can roll Clown Cartridge, helps for DPS via faster damage output
- Good handling
Weapon Details:
How to get Tomorrow’s Answer:
You can get this rocket launcher as a random reward from Trials of Osiris
Tomorrow’s Answer in Action:
4. Wardcliff Coil
Ingenuity. Desperation. A haphazard prototype of terrible power. Such were the factors at play in the Wardcliff Incident.
Weapon Stats:
Impact: 63
Range: 96
Stability: 60
Handling: 82
Reload Speed: 37
Rounds/Min: 60
Magazine: 1
Mad Scientist: Shoots a long volley of rockets.
Mechanized Autoloader: This weapon automatically reloads on ammo pickup.
What makes Wardcliff Coil good?
- Mad Scientist perk’s mini-missiles track targets
- Great for PvE crowd control
Weapon Details:
How to get Wardcliff Coil:
Wardcliff Coil in Action:
5. Two-Tailed Fox
Adorably murderous.
Weapon Stats:
Impact: 70
Range: 55
Stability: 73
Handling: 57
Reload Speed: 45
Rounds/Min: 40
Magazine: 1
Twintails: Shoots two rockets, one Void, and one Solar, that can track onto the same target.
Play with Your Prey: The Void rocket suppresses enemies. The Solar rocket causes damage over time.
What makes Two-Tailed Fox good?
- Double rockets baby!
- High DPS
- Cute fox noise when pulling this weapon out
Weapon Details:
How to get Two-Tailed Fox:
You can get this weapon from exotic engram drops or purchase it from Xur.
Two-Tailed Fox in Action:
6. Code Duello
An unfinished inscription runs along the barrel: "Tlamus, she who—"
Weapon Stats:
Impact: 100
Range: 43
Stability: 53
Handling: 68
Reload Speed: 69
Rounds/Min: 15
Magazine: 1
High-Impact Frame: Slow-firing and high-damage. This weapon is more accurate when stationary and aiming down sights.
Chain Reaction: Each final blow with this weapon creates an elemental damage explosion.
Impulse Amplifier: Massively increases projectile velocity, increases reload speed.
What makes Code Duello good?
- Huge blast radius
- Good perk pool
Weapon Details:
How to get Code Duello:
Code Duello in Action:
7. Hoosegow
Cause a stir.
Weapon Stats:
Impact: 75
Range: 71
Stability: 29
Handling: 44
Reload Speed: 50
Rounds/Min: 20
Magazine: 1
Adaptive Frame: A well-rounded grip, reliable and sturdy.
Snapshot Sights: Faster time to aim down sights.
Quickdraw: This weapon can be drawn unbelievably fast.
What makes Hoosegow good?
- Good for both PvE and PvP
- Good perk pool
Weapon Details:
How to get Hoosegow:
You can get this weapon from legendary engram drops or from rank-up packages from factions.
8. Deathbringer
"Sing them a lullaby of death and nothing more."
Deathbringer is an exotic that releases void orbs that drop and explode on targets, and the longer it takes for the orbs to drop the more damage they do, which after getting over its learning curve you’ll be able to rain damage on bosses. It handles decently in crucible too, making it a good all-around weaponif you’re willing to use an exotic rocket launcher.
Weapon Stats:
Impact: 100
Range: 42
Stability: 58
Handling: 69
Reload Speed: 67
Rounds/Min: 15
Magazine: 1
Exotic Perks:
Dark Deliverance: Fires remotely detonated projectiles that drop Void orbs on combatants. : Fire; release to detonate.
Dark Descent: The further a Void orb falls, the more powerful it's detonation becomes.
What makes Deathbringer good?
- Max blast radius
- Style points
- Void orbs do significant damage when falling from heights
- Orbs have some tracking ability
- Good reload speed
Weapon Details:
How to get Deathbringer:
Deathbringer in Action:
9. Subzero Salvo
"Our enemies are not subtle, so neither shall we be. Make the chasms echo with the thunder of your artillery." —Clovis Bray
Weapon Stats:
Impact: 63
Range: 67
Stability: 45
Handling: 48
Reload Speed: 31
Rounds/Min: 15
Magazine: 1
Precision Frame: This weapon fires a small auto-tracking missile. Missiles lock onto targets when aimed.
Ambitious Assassin: Overflows the magazine based on the number of rapid kills before reloading.
Demolitionist: Kills with this weapon generate grenade energy. Activating your grenade ability reloads this weapon from reserves.
What makes Subzero Salvo good?
- Easy to farm for
- Perks good for PvE activities
Weapon Details:
How to get Subzero Salvo:
Subzero Salvo in Action:
10. Shining Sphere
Above the cloud with its shadow is the star with its light.
Weapon Stats:
Impact: 83
Range: 59
Stability: 45
Handling: 42
Reload Speed: 54
Rounds/Min: 20
Magazine: 1
Adaptive Frame: A well-rounded grip, reliable and sturdy.
Snapshot Sights: Faster time to aim down sights.
Quickdraw: This weapon can be drawn unbelievably fast.
What makes Shining Sphere good?
- Versatile - good for both PvE and PvP
- Good perk pool
Weapon Details:
How to get Shining Sphere:
You can get this rocket launcher as a reward from the Iron Banner
Shining Sphere in Action:
11. Sleepless
"I see our path ahead, full of despair and hardship, and I will walk it with joy in my heart." —Sjur Eido
Weapon Stats:
Impact: 100
Range: 42
Stability: 71
Handling: 65
Reload Speed: 40
Rounds/Min: 15
Magazine: 1
High-Impact Frame: Slow-firing and high-damage. This weapon is more accurate when stationary and aiming down sights.
Field Prep: Increased ammo reserves. Faster reload, stow, and ready when you're crouching.
Unrelenting: Rapidly defeating targets triggers health regeneration. Guardians and powerful combatants count as more than one kill.
What makes Sleepless good?
- Good at PvE crowd control
- Max Blast Radius
Weapon Details:
How to get Sleepless:
You can get this weapon as a reward from activities in the Dreaming City
Sleepless in Action:
Liked our list? Let us know what you think in the comments below!
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