What are the best perks for Engineer?
You’ve tried Engineer, and you really got into assembling turrets and placing platforms. His ability to control zones, his arsenal and the fact that he can create yellow pancakes for you to step on are just too good to pass up. The Engineer brings a lot of versatility, with area control, great amounts of damage and a really handy traversal tool in the form of the Platform Gun. To take the most advantage of all his tools, you want the best perks available, and we’re here to explain to you which ones you’ll want.
5. Thorns
The Engineer isn’t known for his mobility, tankiness, or crowd control; in fact, running, jumping and shooting are the only things you do, other than killing bugs. For this reason, bringing Thorns is a fantastic idea, because this perk will damage any bug that melee attacks you. This will cause the Glyphid Swarmers to kill themselves, relieving you and your ammo pool to tackle bigger, badder foes.
This perk gives you the following:
- Any time an enemy hits you with a melee attack it will itself take 6 / 12 / 18 / 24 damage.
Why Thorns is Great for Engineer:
- Engineer isn’t known for his ammo efficiency, so if the smallest bugs kill themselves when attacking you, that’s more ammo left to deal with bigger threats.
- Your turrets will deal with the smaller bugs easily, but they take time to build, so this perk can help you get out of a sticky situation quickly.
Link to this perk: https://deeprockgalactic.fandom.com/wiki/Thorns
4. Beast Master
You wouldn’t think that you would be able to have a pet in Deep Rock Galactic, but with this perk you can tame a Glyphid Grunt, Glyphid Grunt Slasher or a Glyphid Grunt Guard. We recommend getting a Grunt Guard if possible, since it’s the tankiest one, and it will survive for a long time. Steeve will help you fight the hordes, pulling aggro from you, enabling you to reposition and deal with the pesky wildlife that wants to take you down. Unfortunately you can’t bring your pet back after you finish the mission. Don’t forget to pet it!
Beast Master grants you the following:
- Active: Charm a Glyphid Grunt to become your loyal companion. You can only have one tamed Grunt at a time. (5 minute cooldown)
- Tamed Grunts deal 100 / 200 / 300 % more damage to their targets.
Why Beast Master is Great for Engineer:
- Since the Engineer has no mobility, having another tool that pulls the enemies away from you is a lifesaver.
- Steeve will also deal damage, and it can take quite the punishment.
- It’s always great to have a pet!
Link to this perk: https://deeprockgalactic.fandom.com/wiki/Beast_Master
3. Dash
You’re in a sticky situation. You’re cornered, and all you see in front of you are insane amounts of bugs coming your way. You try to fight them off, but they surround you. But wait! You have Dash! Dash will give you a short burst of speed, enabling you to reposition on the battlefield. It also works while carrying Aquarqs, Eggs, or any type of carryable mineral, so it can definitely help you in a bad situation. To use it, press [SPRINT] in quick succession, so you can run away from those troublesome problems!
This perk grants you the following:
- Active: Get out of trouble with a short burst of speed. (40 / 35 / 30 / 25 seconds cooldown)
- While dashing you ignore all slowdown effects.
Why Dash is Great for Engineer:
- The burst of speed dash grants helps the Engineer a lot, because of his lack of mobility.
- Ignoring all slowdown effects is very handy, since Hoxxes II has many hazards that will slow you down. If you get caught in one of them while fighting bugs, Dash will be your guardian angel.
Link to this perk: https://deeprockgalactic.fandom.com/wiki/Dash
2. Field Medic
Field Medic is an overall fantastic perk when playing with teammates. If your Scout decides to nosedive onto the floor while you’re in the middle of dealing with a wave of Glyphid Praetorians, having Field Medic will be useful to bring back the Scout to life. After all, you need some kind of distraction while you dish damage with your entire arsenal. Field Medic lets you revive your downed teammates faster, and it even grants you the ability to instantly revive a teammate, once per mission!
Field Medic gives you the following:
- Passive: You revive teammates 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 % faster. [Tier 4 only: Upon reviving someone, nearby enemies flee.]
- ALL TIERS: Active: Once per mission, you can get a downed teammate instantly back on their feet.
Why Field Medic is Great for Engineer:
- This perk is overall great in co-op play, having it can get your squad out of a terrible situation.
- If this perk is maxxed out, you will fear all the enemies that are surrounding the downed dwarf. This way you’ll have time to reposition and deal with them the best way possible.
- The instant revive can and will definitely be the difference between continuing the mission or going back to the hub with empty pockets.
Link to this perk: https://deeprockgalactic.fandom.com/wiki/Field_Medic
1. Born Ready
When you’re playing the Engineer, you will notice that most of his weapons have long reload times, and low ammo capacity for each clip. This makes Born Ready a must have, since this perk reloads your weapons when you’re not using them. With this perk, you’ll be spending more time mowing down waves of enemies, and less time reloading your weapons while getting overwhelmed by Glyphids or Mactera. Rock and Stone!
The Born Ready perk grants you the following:
- Unequipped weapons automatically reload after 15 / 10 / 5 seconds.
Why Born Ready is Great for Engineer:
- The Engineer has long reload times in most weapons, so this perk decreases your downtime while fighting.
- It feels great to be able to empty a clip from your Breach Cutter, switch back to your LOK-1 Smart Rifle, and after 5 seconds, you can switch back to the Breach Cutter and mow down all those annoying bugs that are trying to kill you.
Link to this perk: https://deeprockgalactic.fandom.com/wiki/Born_Ready