DBD Oni Guide: How To Play The Oni Like A Pro [25 Useful Oni Tips You Should Know]

Dead By Daylight Oni, Behaviour Interactive
19 Sep 2022

The Oni is a killer that has the spirit of the Samurai, which can expand his evil around the map, creating a vast amount of pressure and making survivors uncomfortable with having no idea that Oni might be waiting right behind them, waiting to do the next wrong move.

Nonetheless, in this article, we are going to show you the best 25 tips & tricks you should know for the Oni so that you could have successful gameplay with an increased chance of winning the game.


25. Save on the power when all survivors are injured

A good tip to know is when all the survivors are injured, you should save up on your power and not waste it until one of the survivors is healthy again. The demon dash power allows you to move around quickly on the map, and therefore allows you to one-shot survivors which are not worth using if all the survivors are injured. 

Video guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmzUQW4ghG0&t=10m07s

Guide Presented by TheSonOfJazzy starting at 10:07 of the video


24. Reassess your chasing "when to give up on the chase"

One of the mistakes that killers do is taking on a chase for too long, which would cause them to lose lots of time. Therefore the same goes with Oni, as not only would it lose time but also the power when you have activated it. Oni's demon dash is great for open spaces however might be difficult to use in small spaces such as loops.

Therefore, it is best to figure out the time when to give up on that survivor and go on to the next one. It's all about predicting and using your imagination. 

Video guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmzUQW4ghG0&t=11m33s

Guide Presented by TheSonOfJazzy starting at 11:33 of the video


23. Be able to use the Demon Strike for the duration of the unhooking stage

As shown in the small clip of the video, you should use the power of the demon strike during the unhooking animation, no matter when it is early, as Oni's demon strike allows it to hit 3 times, having multiple opportunities to one-shot survivors, including the unhooked survivor who might have a protection window, but after the third hit, he would most likely get downed by the killer. 

Video guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmzUQW4ghG0&t=11m59s

Guide Presented by TheSonOfJazzy starting at 11:59 of the video


22. Practising Oni's power of the flick

The flick is one of the important tools within Oni's power. The flick is basically the moment where you activate the demon strike, it is the short window of opportunity to down a survivor, and in this case, you would need a lot of practice to get the timing right, and therefore get successful hits with the power.

Video guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmzUQW4ghG0&t=12m45s

Guide Presented by TheSonOfJazzy starting at 12:45 of the video


21. Saving the power during the end-game

Saving Oni's power during the end game is relatively very important if there is only one survivor and an open hatch, as you could use the power to look for the hatch much faster, and at the same time, if there were to be a survivor nearby, you could use the power to hit the survivor, and therefore finish the game even faster.

Video guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmzUQW4ghG0&t=13m45s

Guide Presented by TheSonOfJazzy starting at 13:45 of the video


20. Baiting the survivors in loops 

The ways you can bait the survivors is by taking a step back and then activating your power which will allow you to bait the survivors using the direction bait. In other words, you would do this by looking in one direction where the survivor is, and then immediately go the other direction, as 9 out of 10 times, the survivors will be running the other way, therefore allowing you to get the successful hit. 

Video guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmzUQW4ghG0&t=15m42s

Guide Presented by TheSonOfJazzy starting at 15:42 of the video


19. Do not camp a survivor when you hook them 

Camping on a survivor which you have recently hooked actually goes against his power, as there wouldn't be any point in doing that, and at the same time, other survivors would be healing themselves up and doing generators, which will substantially progress their game. 

Nonetheless, people might think that camping is advantageous as you can collect the droplets of blood; however this is not true as survivors on the hook only leave like two droplets, and therefore it is not worth it for the game. 

Video guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmzUQW4ghG0&t=17m00s

Guide Presented by TheSonOfJazzy starting at 17:00 of the video


18. Keeping the power bar as high as possible 

Keeping the power bar as high as possible is fully recommended, as this technique will allow you to charge your power faster the next round. For instance, if you have downed a survivor with 25% power left, you should pick up the survivor as fast as possible unless there are other survivors very close, when hooked, you will only have to recharge 75%, which saves up a lot of time.

Video guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmzUQW4ghG0&t=18m00s

Guide Presented by TheSonOfJazzy starting at 18:00 of the video


17. Absorbing blood whilst in a chase

When chasing a survivor, one of the things that you shouldn't do is absorb small amounts of blood every 10 seconds when in the chase, as it slows down the killer, and will only cause the chase to go much longer. 

The best method is just to wait until you have downed the survivor and hooked them so that you could then come back to pick up the pools of blood.

Video guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmzUQW4ghG0&t=18m50s

Guide Presented by TheSonOfJazzy starting at 18:50 of the video


16. Receiving a decent amount of information for free

The advantage of using the Oni is the fact that he receives a great amount of information, mostly being the droplets or pool of blood which will help track the survivors, and see where they are going.

Therefore it is important to use those blood to track survivors and not just ignore them, as they can be very helpful. 

Video guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOQdmN_ScVo&t=2m10s

Guide Presented by SkrightGames starting at 2:10 of the video


15. Using the best add-ons for Oni

One of the best add-ons you would use for Oni are the ones that increase your power duration such as the very rare add-on 'lion fang'. They are a very good option to use during the game, as it would substantially increase the chance of winning and at the same time of hitting a survivor, as with a longer demon dash, the more area you will cover on the map, and therefore the more likely you'll find a survivor. 

Video guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOQdmN_ScVo&t=8m05s

Guide Presented by SkrightGames starting at 8:05 of the video


14. Best formula Build for Oni

The best formula for Oni which has been explained by SkrightGames himself would be as presented within the table below:

Perk 1Perk 2Perk 3Perk 4
InformationInformationSlow downUtility/Slow down

The two perks should have perks which are used for finding information on the map, this can be something like barbecue and Chilli, which can reveal the aura. 

The third and/or fourth perks should have perks that are used for slowing down, and these could be perks such as Thanatophobia, which allows for a slow down in progression for each injured survivor.

Video guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOQdmN_ScVo&t=8m40s

Guide Presented by SkrightGames starting at 8:40 of the video


13. Oni without his power is just like any other normal killer - know your fundamentals

As described in the video, Oni without his power is just like any other killer, therefore you should have a basic idea and know the fundamentals of his weaknesses and loops, and know where to his power efficiently. You should use his power as early and effectively as possible to get the pressure and early hits. 

Video guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOQdmN_ScVo&t=9m50s

Guide Presented by SkrightGames starting at 9:50 of the video


12. Decision of the early game tactic

The first hit is critical, and whatever you do after depends on you, whether you want to continue chasing the survivor, or leave them to collect the pools of blood and go for the next survivors so that you could your power quicker.

It is the decision you have to make to analyse the type of survivors you are going against, and whether you go for a killing spree or go one by one. 

Video guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOQdmN_ScVo&t=10m15s

Guide Presented by SkrightGames starting at 10:15 of the video


11. Follow the survivor with the medkit 

If you are following the survivor who has a medkit in their hands, you should try your best to follow the survivor as best as possible and go for the down. 

Because if you avoid doing that, the survivor might just go into the corner and heal itself with the medkit, which at the same time would leave fewer pools and droplets of blood. 

Video guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOQdmN_ScVo&t=10m38s

Guide Presented by SkrightGames starting at 10:38 of the video


10. Know when to use the Demon Dash or Basic Attack

When playing the Oni, you should have an idea of when you need to use Oni's power or just go for a normal basic attack, as this decision can change the chase progress or even the whole game if anything was to go wrong. 

Some loops are just too difficult to go with the demon dash, and therefore it is best to just retreat and go for the basic attack, which then after you can just collect the pools of blood and get powered up next time when you have a better opportunity. 

Video guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOQdmN_ScVo&t=10m55s

Guide Presented by SkrightGames starting at 10:55 of the video


9. Do not hold "W" during the demon dash

It is a very bad habit to hold 'w' during your demon dash as it restricts your horizontal camera mobility, and by extension, the mobility to turn.

The best way is just to hold 'w' as you're charging the demon dash, but then let go of it as soon as you begin the power.

Video guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOQdmN_ScVo&t=11m13s

Guide Presented by SkrightGames starting at 11:13 of the video


8. Tapping left 'a' and right 'd' rapidly for bait

Tapping 'a' and 'd' rapidly, or in other words turning left and right, can be used as bait for the survivors whilst you are in the demon dash doing this, as it looks as if you are slowing down, therefore making the survivors think that it's going into a demon strike. 

It is a great way to bait dead hard, turning slightly sharper in turns and of course waiting for the survivor's next move. 

Video guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOQdmN_ScVo&t=11m24s

Guide Presented by SkrightGames starting at 11:24 of the video


7. Personal preference key bindings for PC

A personal preference tip that you could test out when playing Oni on the PC is changing the key bindings for the camera turning right and left to keys E and Q. This way, it can cut down any mouse movements during the demon dash, and helps the overall mobility and camera control. 

Video guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOQdmN_ScVo&t=11m42s

Guide Presented by SkrightGames starting at 11:42 of the video


6. Using the Demon Strike to destroy a 'just dropped' pallet

One of the things that you can do with the Demon Dash, is break the pallet the moment the survivor has dropped it, similarly to how Demogorogon would use his shredding to break the pallet from a far distance.

Therefore, this way, it can cut a lot of distance a survivor can make from that pallet.

Video guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOQdmN_ScVo&t=12m05s

Guide Presented by SkrightGames starting at 12:05 of the video


5. Using Obstacles to slow down the demon dash

Running towards and hitting obstacles whilst you are in a demon dash are one of the best ways to slow yourself down, which can help in mind games and confusing survivors.

For instance, you can use this in the areas such as the killer shack, where you are able to flawlessly use your power, scraping around the building accurately, until the moment you see a survivor along your path, for an easy down.

Video guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOQdmN_ScVo&t=12m30s

Guide Presented by SkrightGames starting at 12:30 of the video


4. The Flick mechanism breakdown

Learning the Flick mechanism is a very useful technique to use, especially during very sharp corners, such as turning 180 degrees in the looping area as shown in the video.

As SkrightGames explained, to do this, you would have to move the camera down until you move the 90-degree angle, and then move your camera up to finish off the total of a 180-degree turn, and then go for the strike. 

Video guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOQdmN_ScVo&t=14m40s

Guide Presented by SkrightGames starting at 14:40 of the video


3.  Increasing the mouse DPI for the flick

Increasing the mouse DPI can be very useful when wanting to use the flick technique, as you will have the ability to move your camera much faster, and therefore have a faster reaction time.

Video guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOQdmN_ScVo&t=16m53s

Guide Presented by SkrightGames starting at 16:53 of the video


2. Using the advantage of the hitbox - turning into horizontal

Oni's hitbox is quite big, and therefore, you can use the advantage of his hitbox to turn into a horizontal angle by moving your camera, and therefore hit the survivor with a bigger area to cover, and an unlikely miss.

In other words, this method can be described as dragging the hitbox.

Video guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOQdmN_ScVo&t=17m15s

Guide Presented by SkrightGames starting at 17:15 of the video


1. Increasing the turning rate of the demon dash

One of the things you can do to increase the angle of turning for the Oni is by turning your camera up, or down, which will allow you to have a bigger turning angle. 

A similar situation was shown when doing the flick method, where you have to point the camera down so that you can have a bigger turning angle whilst in the loops. 

Video guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOQdmN_ScVo&t=18m03s

Guide Presented by SkrightGames starting at 18:03 of the video


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