[Top 25] DBZ Best Vegeta Scenes

Best Vegeta Scene
12 Oct 2024

Vegeta is one of the most famous characters in the Dragon Ball series. 

Known for his fierce Saiyan pride and rivalry with Son Goku, his story is one where he evolves from villain to reluctant ally, fueled by his determination to surpass Goku in combat. 

His signature attacks like the Ki Blast and Galick Gun are revered by fans of the series.

Today, we'll look at some of the best Vegeta scenes worth watching again.


25. Getting rid of the Dead Weight

 Nappa asks for Vegeta’s help.


Nappa had just been brutally beaten by Goku and had his back broken by Goku’s Kaioken attack. He asked and begged for Vegeta’s help. But Vegeta just smirks and tosses Nappa in the air, killing him with a mysterious attack. Nappa exploded and died.

This is the first time we have seen anything from Vegeta since the arc started. In this scene, we got to see how vicious a person Vegeta is. The lengths he’ll go to to achieve his goal. He killed someone who was very close to him since Vegeta was a child, and Vegeta just got rid of him just like that. With no hesitation.

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Vegeta kills his closes companion, Nappa with no hesitation.


24. Vegeta vs Goku

Vegeta offers Goku a proposition.


After Vegeta killed Nappa, he challenged Goku to a fight. Not wanting to destroy his friends’ bodies, Goku suggests a different location for their fight. They arrived at a deserted wasteland. Before the fight can begin, Vegeta offers Goku a position right beside him, and they rule the universe together. Goku turns down the offer, and the fight begins.

This fight was the start of it all for both Goku and Vegeta. We got to see the efforts of Goku’s training with King Kai. And Vegeta got to see the strength of an elite-level Saiyan in Vegeta. The fight is what we expected it to be. This entire fight not only changed the foundation of Dragon Ball, but it also changed Vegeta as a whole. Thanks to this fight, Vegeta became obsessed with beating Goku. Merely for the fact that Vegeta was unable to beat him. Someone who is considered a lower-class warrior was able to outmatch an elite-class Saiyan warrior.

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Vegeta waiting for Goku’s kaioken attack.


23. Outclassing Frieza’s right-hand man

Vegeta arrogantly calls out Zarbon.


After being sadly defeated the first time by Zarbon, Vegeta was taken to Frieza’s ship to rest up. When he was fully recovered, Vegeta tossed out Frieza’s dragon balls and left the ship. One of those dragon balls that Vegeta threw was found by Gohan. An angry Vegeta tracks Gohan and his friends to their hideout. That’s where Vegeta runs into Zarbon once again. Knowing that he won’t be defeated a second time, Vegeta challenges Zarbon to a fight.

In this fight, we learned more about the Saiyan race. We learned that once Saiyan recovers from the brink of death, they get stronger. So, after his first fight with Zarbon, Vegeta was at death’s door before he was healed by Frieza’s men in a healing chamber. With his newfound strength, Vegeta was able to not only outmatch Zarbon in his transformed state, But Vegeta was also able to kill him as well.

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Vegeta kills Zarbon.


22. Vegeta Kills that last Ginyu Force Member.

Vegeta and Jeice are fighting.


Jeice and Captain Ginyu, who’s in Goku’s body, track down the dragon balls that were stolen from Frieza. While Gohan and Krillin faced off against Ginyu, Vegeta fought against Jeice.

Vegeta completely toyed with this man (Jeice) from the very beginning of this fight. I mean, this man, Vegeta, was having so much fun taunting Jeice. No matter what Jeice tried, he couldn’t get a single hit on Vegeta. Having enough with the games, Vegeta kills Jeice in one shot.

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Vegeta getting to kill Jeice.


21. Vegeta destroys Captain Ginyu

 Vegeta charges right at Ginyu.


When Vegeta finished off Jeice, he turned his attention to Captain Ginyu, who was in Goku’s body. Ginyu was fighting Gohan and Krillin when Vegeta charged right at him.

Vegeta gave that boy a serious ass whooping, and it shows that even Frieza’s elite force was unable to stop a saiyan.

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Vegeta attacks Captain Ginyu inside Goku’s body.


20. Monsters are Real

 Vegeta smirked at Frieza.


Once he was healed by Dende and got a power boost, Vegeta sets his sights on a fully powered and finally transformed Frieza. Vegeta, in all of his Saiyan pride, attacked Frieza without a second thought. Thinking that he can match the monster.

I chose this as one of Vegeta’s best scenes because we got to see the terrified child behind the mask. Vegeta had been enslaved by Frieza since he was a child, and for him to come face-to-face with the monster took a lot of guts. There were a few occasions when Vegeta wanted to run but couldn’t because of fear. In that one moment, he put that fear aside and attacked the monster.

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A defeated Vegeta is being choked by Frieza.


19. Asking For Help

 Vegeta fights for his life.


After getting destroyed by Frieza, Vegeta is on his last legs and is struggling to stay alive. Goku arrives, and Vegeta begs him to kill Frieza. In his final moments, Vegeta laughs at Frieza and tells him that Goku is the legendary Super-Saiyan and that Goku will beat him.

This was the first time we have ever seen Vegeta vulnerable and weak. The effects that Frieza has had on his life have started taking their toll on Vegeta. Seeing someone as prideful as Vegeta beg for Goku to defeat Frieza tells you how powerful Frieza truly is. The fact that Vegeta even cried in front of Goku in his moment of weakness Is a powerful scene on its own.

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Vegeta begs Goku to defeat Frieza.


18. Vegeta turns Super Saiyan for the first time

Vegeta taunts Android 19.


Goku suffered from the heart virus during his fight with Android 19. And was on the brink of defeat until Vegeta saved the day. Vegeta kicked Android 19 away from Goku, and then he mocked Goku for his carelessness. Vegeta then kicks Goku toward his friends and turns his attention to Android 19. Android 19 tells Vegeta that they know everything about him, but Vegeta mocks him and says that they count for the Z-fighters' fight in space. Vegeta then transforms into a Super Saiyan.

Vegeta had finally realized his dream of becoming a super Saiyan, but he didn't do it without seeing someone he cares about die like Goku and Future Trunks. It was Vegeta’s disappointment and frustration with himself that caused his Saiyan transformation.

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Vegeta transforms into a super saiyan during his fight with Android 19.


17. Vegeta vs Android 18

Vegeta and Android 18 start fighting.


Vegeta had chased the Androids from Dr. Gero’s hideout to an empty road.

if we’re talking about the best Vegeta scenes in Dragon Ball. We have to mention his fight with Android 18. This fight was hands-down one of the best Dragon Ball Z fight scenes ever. We could see how strong the Androids were and the limits of the Super Saiyan transformation. But the thing that made this one of the best Vegeta scenes was the fight. The fight itself is what makes it one of the best Vegeta scenes.

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Vegeta clashing against Android 18.


16. Vegeta Saves Goku Again

 Goku is being choked by Mecha Cooler.


Goku and his friends head out to New Namek, where Cooler and his army are attacking the planet. Goku faces off against a new and improved mecha cooler. Goku goes into super Saiyan mode to face off against this enemy. But he is outmatched and easily defeated. Cooler was about to kill you when Vegeta made the save.

The one thing I liked about Vegeta was his respect for Goku. Even though he won’t admit it, Vegeta has respect for Goku and his skills, which is why he wants to be the only one who gets to defeat him. And him saving Goku from Cooler is a perfect example of that.

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Vegeta kicks Cooler away from Goku.


15. Vegeta Ascends past a Super Saiyan

Vegeta powers up.


After his defeat by Android 18 and the threat of Cell, Vegeta trains to ascend past the levels of a Super Saiyan. With the help of Goku, Vegeta gets a year's worth of training in one day.

What makes this scene great is that it was Vegeta’s time to shine. To see a level that someone can reach beyond a super Saiyan was cool to see. Vegeta putting a beatdown on Cell was a nice touch too. If his arrogance didn’t get in the way from time to time, Vegeta could have killed Cell before it reached his perfect form.

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Vegeta ascends past a super saiyan.


14. The Final Flash

Vegeta flies in the air and powers up for his final attack.


Vegeta allowed Cell to reach his perfect form, and since then Vegeta has been getting destroyed by Perfect Cell. In his angry state, Vegeta flies in the air and prepares to hit Cell with his ultimate move, the final flash.

This is hands-down one of my favorite Vegeta scenes because of the weight of the moment. When Vegeta first brought it out, you saw the look of fear on Trunks and Krillin’s faces. tells us that the attack Vegeta was preparing for meant serious business and could destroy the earth. 

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Vegeta prepares the final flash.


13. Majin Vegeta is Born

Vegeta gives the reason why he allowed Babidi to control him.


When the Supreme Kai recruited Goku, Vegeta, and Gohan to help him stop Babidi from resurrecting the monster Majin Buu, During their fights, Babidi takes control of Vegeta’s mind and has him fight Goku. But we learned during Vegeta and Goku’s fight that Vegeta allowed himself to be controlled by Babidi.

The speech itself is the reason why I picked this as one of Vegeta’s best scenes. We got to see the great turmoil that lay in Vegeta’s mind. The internal battle of his pride vs. his heart At the end of the day, his pride won.

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Vegeta's Pride Speech.


12. Majin Vegeta vs Goku

Goku and Vegeta stare down.


Goku and Vegeta continue their rivalry from the beginning of Dragon Ball Z. Both men are fighting at their best. The Supreme Kai asks the Z fighters to help take down an evil wizard known as Babidi. Goku, Vegeta, and Gohan face off against Babidi’s henchmen. Vegeta then gets mind-controlled by Babidi and challenges Goku to a fight. Vegeta kills innocent people to force Goku to accept his challenge. With no other choice, Goku accepts Vegeta’s challenge, and the two warriors face off against each other.

I couldn’t pick this as one of the best Goku scenes and not add this fight to the best Vegeta scenes. We've got a renewed rivalry between the two greatest warriors on the planet. We also get to see the internal battle that Vegeta is having with himself.

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Vegeta has Goku trapped.


11. Controlled No More

Vegeta destroys Babidi’s ship from the inside.


Vegeta finally came to his senses and broke free from Babidi’s control. He knocked out Goku and headed toward where Majin Buu. Vegeta destroys Babidi’s ship from the inside, keeping the wizard trapped on earth. The fight ensues between Vegeta and the monster known as Majin Buu.

We got to see the fight between one of the earth’s strongest warriors and their toughest opponent. Vegeta gave it his best shot, but at the end of the day, Buu was too much for the Saiyan prince to handle on his own.

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Vegeta fighting against Majin Buu.


10. The Prideful Prince is no more.

Vegeta asks Piccolo if he’ll see Goku in the afterlife.


After being saved by his son Trunks and Goku’s son Goten. Vegeta prepares for his final attack to end Majin Buu. He knocks out Trunks and Goten, then asks Piccolo to take the children away from here. Already knowing what Vegeta is planning, Piccolo takes the two boys and flies away as Buu makes a reappearance.

Throughout this entire arc, we talked about Vegeta’s internal battle between his heart and his Saiyan pride. On a few occasions, Vegeta allowed his pride to get in the way of what was right. This entire scene shows that at the end of the day, Vegeta knows that he has to let his pride and vengefulness go. And as his final atonement, Vegeta plans to sacrifice himself and destroy the monster to save his family. His heart has finally won.

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Vegeta’s sacrifice. 


9. Agreeing to Fuse with Goku

Vegeta asks why he should care about the earth.


Vegeta had just returned to earth to help defeat Super Buu. Goku reunites again and asks Vegeta to fuse with him. Vegeta refuses and starts fighting Buu; Goku tries to help, but they were unable to land a hit on Buu. Vegeta was being his proud self once again until Goku told him that everyone they cared about has been eaten by Buu, including Bulma. With that realization, Vegeta decides to put his pride aside and agrees to fuse with Goku.

This scene is one of the best Vegeta scenes in Dragon Ball Z because we were able to see the growth in Vegeta. Agreeing to fuse with Goku at a time when they thought it was permanent shows how much Vegeta has changed as a person.

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Vegeta and Goku getting fused into one warrior.


8. Vegeta vs Kid Buu

Vegeta stops Kid Buu from attacking an unconscious Goku.


Noticing that Goku can no longer go on Vegeta steps in to fight Kid Buu. Vegeta was able to hold off on his own and fight the monster. But in the end, Kid Buu was too much for Vegeta. The second time the two of them fought, Vegeta was buying time for Goku to gather enough energy for the spirit bomb.

Vegeta knew that he was no match for Kid Buu, and he knew that for them to beat Kid Buu, they needed the spirit bomb. So, he fought the monster to buy Goku sometime to prepare the spirit bomb. Vegeta was willing to go so far as to sacrifice himself to save the universe.

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Vegeta punches Kid Buu across the face.


7. Vegeta’s respect for Goku

Vegeta watches Goku in admiration.


Goku had recovered enough power to continue his fight with Kid Buu. Vegeta took a step back and watched Goku fight Kid Buu. During that entire sequence, Vegeta reminisced about his interactions with Goku from the very beginning of the series.

Throughout the entire series of Dragon Ball Z, Vegeta’s life mission was to be better than Goku. At that moment, Vegeta came to admire Goku’s skills and work ethic. And at that moment, Vegeta realized that Goku was better than him, and he accepted it. It was Vegeta coming to accept that Goku was the better warrior and accepting it, which is what makes it a great Vegeta scene.

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Vegeta shows respect to Goku.


6. Family Man

Bulma picks out a shirt for Vegeta to try on.


Vegeta and Bulma go on a family vacation to an amusement park with their son Trunks.

It is very wholesome to see Vegeta as a family man. This scene shows that Vegeta will do anything for his family, even if it hurts his warrior’s pride. We never get to see Vegeta spend time with his family, as most of Vegeta’s scenes in the series are him fighting someone. It was great to see the other side of Vegeta.

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Vegeta spends time with his family at an amusement park eating ice cream.


5. A Husband’s Rage

Vegeta witnesses his wife getting smacked across the face.


Vegeta had lost his fight with Beerus and realized that he was no match for the God of Destruction. Beerus was about to kill Vegeta when Bulma got in his face and started screaming at him. Beerus just swats her away like a fly. That sent Vegeta into a fit of rage after witnessing his wife getting smacked.

If there's one thing we know about Vegeta, it's that he adores Bulma. And watching him activate his husband's rage against Beerus was an amazing sight to see. Hands down, one of the best Vegeta moments.

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Vegeta’s rage after seeing Beerus slap Bulma.


4. Defeating the Monster

Vegeta goes into Super Saiyan Blue mode.


After Frieza cheats to defeat Goku, Vegeta steps into the fight. Unlike Goku, Vegeta doesn’t waste time and immediately transforms. Frieza in his new golden form could not touch Vegeta at all. Vegeta, in his Super Saiyan Blue form, put a hurting on Frieza, forcing the monster to his knees.

This right here is hands down one of the best Vegeta scenes in DBZ. And it’s not because Vegeta put a whip on Frieza. It's because of the history between these two. Frieza controlled Vegeta’s home and killed his entire people. Then he enslaves Vegeta at a young age, forcing the Saiyan Prince to do his bidding. Vegeta is unable to defeat Frieza in the Namek arc. Now, finally, Vegeta has the opportunity to put down the monster that has tormented him since he was a child once and for all.

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Vegeta is about to end Frieza.


3. Don’t mess with a Saiyan’s family

Vegeta charges right at Goku Black.


Goku and Vegeta have arrived back in the future to help Future Trunks with his fight against Goku Black and Zamasu. After consistent training, Vegeta was able to overwhelm Goku Black. Goku Black was unable to land a clean hit on Vegeta, and Vegeta just overpowered him.

There are so many things we learned about the Saiyans in the series. The most important thing we learned is that even though you can steal the body of a Saiyan If you don’t know how to use it properly, the body is of no use to you. But that’s not what makes this a great Vegeta scene. What makes this a great Vegeta scene is the reason for the fight. Goku Black had ruined Future Trunk’s home, and Goku Black had killed Future Bulma. And if there’s one thing we know about Vegeta, it's that you shouldn't mess with his family. You’ll get an angry and vengeful Saiyan prince after you.

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Vegeta grabs Goku Black by his hair and stares angrily at him.


2. Vegeta meets his daughter

Baby Bulla is born.


The tournament of power is coming up, as is the birth of his daughter. Not wanting to miss his daughter’s birth, Vegeta refuses to participate in the tournament of power. That was until Whis sped up the process of Bulma’s pregnancy and Bulla was born.

We have seen evil Vegeta, warrior Vegeta, and husband Vegeta. But the one Vegeta we haven’t seen that much of is Father Vegeta. We got to see that side of Vegeta come out a few times, but not as often compared to the others. So, it was amazing to see Vegeta worry about the birth of his daughter and be gentle with her when she was placed in his arms. Let’s not forget Vegeta’s hilarious reaction to her name.

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Vegeta is shocked at the name of his daughter.


1. Super Saiyan Blue Evolution

Vegeta pushes past his limits in the tournament of power.


To win the tournament of power and beat their toughest opponent, Vegeta and Goku push past their limits. In this process, Vegeta ascends past Super Saiyan Blue and transforms into Super Saiyan Blue Evolution.

Whenever it comes to pushing past your limits in Dragon Ball Z, Vegeta always seems to be at the center of it. Unlike Gohan, who needed the help of Elder Kai to push past his limits, Vegeta was able to ascend past Super Saiyan Blue all on his own. Thus the birth of Super Saiyan Blue Evolution.

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Super Saiyan Blue Evolution is born.

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