[Top 10] Civ 6 Guides That Will Turn You Into A Pro

Civ 6 Guides, Civ 6 beginner Guide
31 Aug 2020

Yo Dawg, I heard you like guides...

Things have changed quite a bit since the days of the beautifully illustrated and detailed companion guides made by the now-defunct Prima Books. 
But as we all know, if you don’t keep up on the tech tree, you’re gonna have a bad time.
This top 10 list contains some of my favorite guides, playlists, and tutorials to fill in where the days of physical strategy books left off.

10. CIV 6 Is A Perfectly Balanced Game With NO EXPLOITS!!
by The Spiffing Brit

While these are more guides to “break” the game, exploits can’t be fixed until they are thoroughly appreciated; it’s an ugly job, but somebody’s gotta do it.
The Spiffing Brit is no stranger to taking advantage of AI’s, and with Civ’s AI not known for its brilliance, he’s got his work cut out for him.
I know its tempting to dismiss exploits but, it’s a bit like throwing the baby out with the bathwater; knowledge of exploits has helped me to better understand and enjoy the game the way it was meant to be enjoyed.

9. Civ6 OverExplained by PotatoMcWhiskey
Playlist link

When it comes to civ guides, there’s a space that separates the basic from the complex guides, and PotatoMcWhiskey fills that gap like a well-placed Golden Gate Bridge.
McWhiskey’s “Over-explained” playlist might be a lot of information for new players, but if you already know the game, it’s hard to deny the importance of the information.
Learn how to effectively defend against early war, strategically settle your empire, intentionally gain and utilize a dark age, and much more with this extensive and detailed playlist.

8. Civilization 6 Culture Victory Explained by Chris Tapsell
Link to article

Civ 6 can be a little...ok alotta complex sometimes, and even simple ideas like getting a “culture” victory is not exactly as described on the surface.
Eurogamer.net comes out with some pretty in-depth guides, but this one tackles one of the more complex aspects of Civ VI which is Tourism and its ties to a cultural victory.
This comprehensive explanation plunges deep into the “hidden” aspects of the game and even provides calculations that a dedicated player can use to help not only understand but achieve a culture victory.

7. 100% achievements guide + tips & tricks by Lipstick
Link to guide

Some play for conquest, some for leisure, and others because games like Pokemon turned us all into obsessive-compulsive hoarders with just a touch of neurosis.
Lipstick’s 100% Achievements guide is a well organized, simply structured, and detailed analysis of how to unlock all 250+ achievements, and the best civs to use to get the job done.
With consistent updating, step by step instructions, and attention to detail, it’s the perfect companion for your inner OCD perfectionist.

6. Master Civilization VI by Jacob Roach and Matthew S. Smith
Full article here.

One of the best comprehensive and up to date guides, there are not many questions you can ask that this one doesn’t answer.
Resource management, district layout, housing, victory types, selecting city locations, loyalty explanation, changes and tips for all expansions, everything is covered in simple but helpful ways.
A great reference guide especially for newer players, keep this one bookmarked and keep an eye out for the Frontier Pass update.

5. Civilization VI In-Depth series byTheSaxyGamer
Link to Playlist

Another amazing playlist from TheSaxyGamer, this list of analyses contains extensively researched information on fundamental aspects of the game such as combat and tourism.
While his Civilization VI Tips are more useful for the general player, the In-Depth playlist is truly a boon for the bean-counters.
Providing comprehensive details about the complexities of things like combat strength, city loyalty, and tourism can have a massive impact on your game that will surely be worth your empire’s while.

4. Civ6 guide playlist by FilthyRobot
Complete Playlist

FilthyRobot has been making exceptional instructional videos for a while now, and his Civ 6 series is equally as 
While some video guides can overwhelm with information, Filthy describes everything he does in a step-by-step way, making it easier for newer players to grasp.
With great topics like guides for new players, detailed district explanations, and of course tier and power rankings, the videos are helpful and a great companion to learning all aspects of the game.
3. Civ guide series by Zigzagzigal
Complete guide series

Zigzagzigal has been making guides that are as comprehensive as his username is difficult to say the first time.
This impressive collection of guides contains strategy for every leader/civ, glossary of terms, victory skew, and instructions to help you understand it all.
With expansion summaries, detailed gameplay tips, and general rules for playing in any direction, the hardest part of this read is Zig’s name.

2. 7 Tips in Civ 6 that no one talks about- PotatoMcWhiskey

With video updates, guides, DLC walkthroughs, and entire playthroughs being broadcast and posted, there isn’t much you won't find on the subtlety caricatured “PotatoMcWhiskey” channel.
One of the most helpful guides is his “7 Tips in Civ 6 that no one talks about;” and while the title’s words border on clickbait-y, rest assured, sometimes a duck is just a duck.
Seeing leader information, ways to speed up your game, and maximizing city efficiency are just a few of the low-key tricks you’ll learn from this guide, making it well worth your time.

1. Civilization VI Tips by TheSaxyGamer
YouTube Link

When it comes to Civ VI guides and informatics, you won’t find a gamer with saxier tips.
From simple guides like setting up a game, tips for early build order, or more obscure specifics like details on coastal flooding, TheSaxyGamer covers all of this and more.
One of my favorite playlists and one that’s hard to get through without learning a thing or two, Civilization VI Tips is a detailed and organized place to start learning the game. 
Come for the Civ, stay for the smooth jazz.

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