Call of Cthulhu TTRPG Guide For Beginners [25 Useful Tips Every Beginner Should Know]

Call of Cthulhu TTRPG Guide For Beginners
14 Nov 2022

Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition was spawned in 2014 and still maintains cyclopean success, with many sacrilegious opinions regarding it the best TTRPG ever created.


Whether you could hear his morbid whisper for many years, or his hum has barely brushed your earlobes... this may be the time to answer his call…


The Call of Cthulhu


But first, let me share some blasphemous secrets I have learned on my journeys.


This might help you and your friends succeed together before your inevitable plunge into madness.


But perhaps... the real madness is the fun we have along the way?


1. Shape an investigator that suits the group and campaign

Discuss with your GM what kind of investigator is welcomed in the campaign and if you should coordinate with other players to make a coherent group. This is usually the case, but GM may initially prefer for PCs to be completely ignorant of each other.

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This book will help you creating your Investigator in terms of mechanics, roleplaying and background!

2. Create a character that enables you and others to have fun

Don't create people whose faithful impersonation requires you to ruin others' experience. For example, a total creep or homicidal maniac. Too wide differences in goals and values may also have destructive effects. Difficult characters can spice up gameplay, but also ruin the experience.


When in doubt, consult the GM.

3. Share the spotlight

Made an amazing character that is a joy to impersonate? That's great! But unless the story demands it or someone is willing to take a background role, make sure you all feel like primary characters.

4. Become comfortable losing characters

The  Call of Cthulhu TTRPG is renowned for its extreme difficulty. It blends in really nicely with the game's Cosmic Horror concept.

You are a tiny, frail mortal trying to interfere with the plans of beings superior to you in every way, but they're not ready yet...

This will often require using every bit of intelligence and knowledge to have a shot at victory! And even if you live, your character will likely deteriorate mentally and physically.

This vulnerability will enhance the terror aspect and enable greater empathy with your character.

Happy endings to long, prosperous careers are a rare exception.

5. Consider having backup PCs

It is an excellent option when your main character dies or is temporarily removed from action (due to things like a major wound). Consult GM. It may not fit every scenario or campaign.

6. Be careful with creating an extensive background

It would feel awful to spend hours on character creation just to lose this character in two hours. Unless your GM says otherwise, it is better to have a more flexible approach of creating a coherent foundation, to which you can add more details when needed.

7. Try to become familiar with the basics of your character expertise

If you can afford to spend a couple of hours on learning, I highly encourage you to. It will enable you to better act, perceive, think, and speak like your character, and hey! It may come in handy elsewhere.

8. Research the chosen setting

This will enhance both your roleplay and conducting investigation in relation to the surrounding.

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                                 You'd better not forget to return the book!

9. Beware character bleed

"Bleed" means transferring emotions from the game to real life or vice versa. In small doses, it can enhance your role-playing, but be careful. Betrayals and romances between the characters are especially dangerous.

10. It's ok to argue (a little) with the GM

While likely the most experienced person at the table, they are still sometimes wrong or didn't take your valid perspective into account, such as proposing an alternative skill for a roll, or giving a reason to give you a bonus die. Like a good lawyer, give your best arguments and be ready to move on.

11. Try to find a balance between compelling description and brevity

The epic, decisive moments almost always call for painting an immersive, exciting image with your words. Try to involve all senses. Regarding other situations — stay observant. Introducing your character to others is important in gauging their reaction to your style.


12. How about cosplay?

Little changes in your appearance can greatly enhance your immersion and visual experience of others. It doesn't have to be hard or costly!


13. Consider decline of sanity

After death, becoming a mental wreck is the most likely end for your character. I recommend thinking how getting to 40s, 30s, 20s, 10s, and below of sanity points will affect your character's behavior.


14. You can use AI for character portraits!

Statistically, there are very low chances that you are a skilled artist. But there is a workaround! AI image generation on sites like Artbreeder or Midjourney can invoke your character in all its pixel glory.

Not only that! You can easily modify the portrait's appearance, to match changes like getting older, or losing sanity. Artists also benefit. They can use it for inspiration or take an AI made picture and just change the details.

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15. Stay in character

Frequent breaking out of character can significantly reduce the pace and break immersion. Try to discuss non-game topics before and after session.

16. Try to remember the rules

While the GM is expected to be rules expert, your knowledge of them can save him/her time when memory fails, or save your character, when they are misremembered.

17. Including house rules

Many GMs will modify the vanilla version to some degree. Try to keep track of these changes, although keep in mind that many may struggle to differentiate between house rules and “vanilla” ones.

18. Make notes

Your progress can really suffer if you don't make note of key information. Especially if there are long gaps between sessions.

19. Why bother with weaker weapon skills?

There is a clear distinction between the power levels of different weapon types. This is naturally balanced by the fact that stronger weapons usually make more noise, are harder to obtain (with ammo), repair, replace, conceal, and carry around legally.

20. Give respectful feedback

Most GMs really want to know what works and what does not in your group. If the group is not asked at the end, it is probably better to do it in private.

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                       Try not to fail sanity check when approaching your GM.

21. Have a consensus about the tone

Between two extreme approaches to humor — slapstick Cthulhu and extinguishing the tiniest spark of joy — there is plenty of space in between. GMs actions and reactions are the best gauge of what kind of behavior is welcomed.

22. Ask for a content survey

Call of Cthulhu scenarios may contain extreme content. Ask the GM to consider giving an anonymous survey such as to avoid themes that will upset or, even worse, traumatize players. This small effort can make sure that the game is more fun for all involved.

23. Be careful with watching other people play

Seeing videos is a great resource to improve your own performance. Be wary though. Doing so can spoil the fun of going through them yourself! Before watching, make sure it's a custom scenario, one you already played, or a pre-made scenario in a setting, that you have no interest in exploring yourself. Keep in mind that they can also play by different rules.

24. It is ok to make mistakes

It may feel overwhelming at the beginning, and that is ok. If you got this far, you seem to be very dedicated to excellence. We were all nervous in the beginning. Even if you play with more experienced players, they will probably remember that.


And lastly

25. Be careful when using the telephone in public!

"I fear things can get nasty. I am positive they are aliens. I better go loaded with guns and explosives too. No no no, I can't trust the police. I think they are controlled by the lizard-folk!"

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