Empty Phantasm Shell
Behold, the forbidden shrimp.
- ARC Req: 15
- QS Bullet Cost: 2
One of the principal four Hunter’s Tools in Bloodborne. Though they all have their advantages for anyone that wants to dabble in tools while not devoting too much to Arcane, the Empty Phantasm Shell is probably one of the least useful throughout the game.
While it applies Arcane damage to the weapon assigned to the right hand (assuming it’s compatible) this effect only buffs against certain enemies. For three Quicksilver bullets, the weapon gets flat arcane damage for one minutes. It can be useful for certain areas and bosses, overall there aren’t many enemies in Bloodborne that this can help with outside of where it’s found.
- Provides decent Arcane damage to purely physical weapons, allowing a little variety for non-arcane builds.
- Three QS bullets used makes it one of the cheaper Arcane items.
- Easily used with minimum investment in Arcane.
On the second floor of Byrgenwerth College. While the Arcane requirement is low, not being available until the mid-late game makes it kind of pointless.
Executioner’s Gloves
Fits like a glove. Also summons skulls like a glove.
- ARC Scaling: S
- ARC Req: 20
- QS Bullets: 3
While they may fit like a glove, they don’t have nearly the same effect. These will cast three bloody skulls at your enemies upon use, and those skulls will hunt targets to the end of eternity. Useful for faster enemies at long range since it can home in on them.
Available in the later game, but useful for many of the bosses faced later due to long distance potential.
- Fast and surprisingly agile. These will track enemies for a good distance.
- Great Arcane scaling, meaning it can actually do damage as long as Arcane is high enough.
- Low cost for the effect.
Where To Find It
Obtained from a chest in the Cainhurst Castle Library.
Messenger’s Gift
Me and the boys at choir practice.
- ARC Req: 10
- QS Bullets: 1
You won’t be winning any battles with this one, but it has an entirely different use- stealth. While it functions like other camouflage items in Soulsborne games, this one only disguises the player as Bath Messengers (complete with hats!). The illusion is immediately broken when any movement beyond walking is used, but it can come in handy for sneaking through crowded areas, Metal Gear-style. It’s not available until later in the game though, so there’s not much viability for it until then.
- Practice more in-depth Fashion Souls with little messenger hats.
- Can be used to sneak through patrolling enemies.
- Cheap to use at only one QS Bullet.
Where To Find It
The Nightmare Frontier, but come prepared.
Accursed Brew
Hey, think your head might have a few leaks.
- ARC Req: 30
- ARC Scaling: S
- QS Bullets: 2
The items from now on are actually useful, with the Accursed Brew leading the charge. Great for Arcane builds and has superb scaling, this is used like a throwable item except it flings a mass of curses at enemies. While the curse does good damage, it’s not great at tracking enemies and is easy to miss shots. While great for Arcane builds, it isn’t available until finishing the Old Hunters DLC.
- Can do prolonged damage as the curse mass swirls in place for a set time.
- Can be used for crowd control on smaller enemies.
- Useful on large enemies that can be cornered near the damage point.
Where To Find It
Can be received from a Hunter in the Fishing Hamlet after defeating Lady Maria.
Tiny Tonitrus
The best bug zapper ever.
- ARC Req: 25
- ARC Scaling: S
- QS Bullets: 6
This is one of the earliest and best Arcane weapons in the game, easily available in Yahar’gul Unseen Village if the player allows themselves to be kidnapped.It can’t bash enemies like the larger version, but it will cast lightning bolts down before the user, zapping whatever may be in the way.
- Has long range, and can travel as far as a standard gunshot in the game.
- Scales with Arcane making it a fantastic early tool for builds utilizing it.
- Effective against enemies susceptible to Shock damage, especially if the player has high Arcane scaling.
Where To Find It
Light the lamp in Yahar’gul Chapel, the item can be found nearby, guarded by a troll.
Old Hunter Bone
There's a dirty joke to be made here somewhere.
- ARC Req: 15
- QS Bullets: 4
The Old Hunter Bone is one of the best reasons for any strength or skill build to invest the minimum into Arcane. Using four bullets, it gives the user a temporary buff to their rolling and quickstep, allowing even faster dodges and movement. Best utilized against other human characters or on Skill/Bloodtinge focused builds for maximum damage. Has the advantage of being available early in the game as well.
- Makes rolls and quicksteps faster. Much faster.
- Gives some invulnerability while rolling and causes the player to shimmer out for a moment.
- Using only 4 bullets means minimal expenditure or sacrifice from your own bullet stores.
Where To Find It
Found in the old Abandoned Workshop in Yharnam.
Beast Roar
The claw is our master. It decides who will stay and who will go! The claawwwww!
- ARC Req: 15
- QS Bullets: 2
The Beast Roar is a simple tool, but it has a wide array of uses no matter what segment of Bloodborne’s nightmare you’re stuck in. With low stat requirements, low cost, and no scaling, it’s the perfect tool for any class. Available early, it’s great for gaining some breathing room when crowded, or just pushing enemies off tall ledges.
- Great for knocking back low-level mobs for breathing room.
- Can be utilized to stun lock enemies in PvP.
- An easy method to cheese enemies near ledges and taller buildings.
Where To Find It
Found in a shack in the Forbidden Woods.
Augur of Ebrietas
Just because it has tentacles doesn't make it hentai.
- ARC Scaling: S
- ARC Req: 18
- QS Bullets: 1
The point where Bloodborne’s powers and items go from bloody creature weird to tentacles and madness weird. Upon use will summon a mass of tentacles from the players hand which pierce the enemy. Scales great with Arcane and is useful even for Skill and Strength builds with little Arcane investment as well, while useful for staggering at lower levels.
- Great stagger and backstab potential.
- Able to knock enemies out of attacks and possibly stun lock them.
- Has a surprisingly long reach.
Where To Find It
Available in the Lecture Hall surrounded by enemies. Can be gotten to easily with the charged attack on the Hunters Axe.
Madaras Whistle
You can blow my whistle, baby
- BLD Req: 18
- BLD Scal: S
- QS Bullets: 4
A slight departure since everything else scales with Arcane, Madaras Whistle is a Hunter’s Tool made for Bloodtinge based builds or Arcane/Bloodtinge combos. One of the more badass items though, it summons a giant snake under the user that snaps its jaws down on anything above. While it appears under the caster, it can be avoided by dodging, especially if you set up enemies where it will appear.
Can be received early in the game if Valtr is killed, or later if the player goes through his quest line.
- Good for baiting and trapping enemies.
- Can be used in all or nothing moves against bosses or other players, doing damage to the player as well.
- The attack is slow, giving time to roll away.
- Attack strength will skill with Bloodtinge.
Where To Find It
Can be obtained in the Forbidden Forest after completing Valtr’s quest or killing him.
A Call Beyond
No, it's not a fossil Pokemon.
- ARC Req: 40
- ARC Scaling: S
- QS Bullets: 7
It costs a shiny number of bullets, but the effect speaks for itself. Upon use the item summons a celestial ball that floats above the battlefield before showering the area with stars, destroying anything underneath. A Call Beyond will give Arcane builds that extra push to devastate Great Old Ones and other beasts alike. The high requirement is a given, considering the power, and the item is not obtainable until fairly late game.
- Wide area covered, so almost nowhere is safe for enemies.
- Has a long use animation, which can make it a little risky.
- Deals major arcane damage from the get-go, and only does more when scaling.
Where To Find It
Located after the Celestial Emmessary fight. Break the large window across front the lantern and jump through to find i
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