[Top 10] Bloodborne Best Guns (And How To Get Them)

Bloodborne gun hunter
28 Dec 2022

Church Cannon

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Holy smokes!

Base Stats

  • BLD DMG: 160
  • BLD Scaling: E

The Church Cannon can only be retrieved through the Old Hunters DLC, but it can make subsequent New Game+ runs or Chalice Dungeons a breeze. This monster will consume ten bullets when fired, but they deal 100% AoE damage which makes it fantastic for crowd control or against large enemies.It’s the “spray and pray” tactic but instead of a quick fire of bullets there’s a masive ball of explosives.


  • 100% area of effect damage wherever it hits, making it amazing for crowd control or even taking out enemies in cramped spaces.
  • Can help with Blood echo farming in some areas, especially the Spiders in the Nightmare of Mensis.
  • Just something about explosions setting everything on fire really makes this game shine.

Where To Find It

In The Old Hunters DLC after activating the Research Hall elevator.


Gatling Gun

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Quicksilver bullets go brrrr

Base Stats

  • BLD DMG: 80
  • BLD Scaling: E

Better have plenty of bullets ready to go, because this monster will run them right through every enemy in sight. While it’s not great for crowd control, it can help out in tight spaces as long as shots are lined up right. Most human and smaller beast mobs will be shredded before they know what hits them.


  • Good for stress relief if you’re stuck somewhere. Just empty a few rounds into a werewolf and watch every worry tear away.
  • Human enemies are easy to take out, even bosses. 
  • Can make NG+ speedruns a breeze, especially against bosses like Father Gasoigne.
  • Remember Djura? The Hunter in Old Yharnam that uses a Gatling Gun to terrorize you? Return the favor any time you see him in future runs.

Where To Find It

Dropped by a Hunter in the Old Hunters DLC upon killing him. He will use the weapon against you, but quickstepping in a zig-zag pattern will help get in close enough to take him out.


Hunter Pistol

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Basic but effective.

Base Stats

  • BLD DMG: 70
  • BLD Scaling: D

One of the two starting weapons. The Hunter Pistol is the intro to Bloodborne’s firearm system. It’s nothing fancy, but it will get the job done and can see you through most of the game if fortified correctly. Perfect for anyone just starting out to learn the parry mechanics and truly get good. 


  • Available from the start. Can’t beat the price of free.
  • Scales decently and can carry you to endgame if fortified right.
  • Has a better rate of fire a faster/less frequent reload time than the Blunderbuss

Where To Find It

Available from the start in the Hunter’s Dream.


Fist of Gratia

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Become the new heavyweight boxing champ of Yharnam.

Base Stats

  • PHYS DMG: 116
  • STR Scaling: C

“Wait, that’s not a gun” you might be thinking. Knock almost any enemy you find in the game out with this thing, then tell me if that matters. This is a massive hunk of steel and it’s used to sucker punch anything and everything that comes your way. Even better though, it doesn’t cost bullets! So if you find yourself in a corner and out of ammo, Fist of Gratia will be there to punch everything out in that visceral way possible.


  • Staggers almost any enemy it hits, and does good damage to anyone it doesn’t.
  • Ever punched a god beyond human comprehension? Do you want to? Because it’s one of the most badass feelings ever.
  • No Quicksilver bullets used, so can be a life saver when low on ammo.

Where To Find It

After the Ludwig fight in The Old Hunters DLC. Can be found in one of the cells.


Hunter’s Blunderbuss

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Hail to the king, baby.

Base Stats

  • BLD DMG: 20
  • BLD Scaling: D

Old faithful, the one there from the start to the end. The Hunter Blunderbuss isn’t just a starter weapon, it’s a finisher weapon. While it has a low capacity and slow reload time, the Blunderbuss makes up for it in brute force. Able to stop most enemies in their tracks, and has a good spread so aiming isn’t always necessary.


  • Scales surprisingly well, making it a viable option for late game.
  • The wide spread can make crowd control a breeze, especially on smaller enemies in the game.
  • Stops most enemies in their tracks, especially at close range.

Where To Find It

An option from the start, but can be obtained after finding the Saw Hunter Badge.


Ludwig’s Rifle

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Ludwig really had a thing for oversized weapons.

Base Stats

  • BLD DMG: 20
  • BLD Scaling: E

The holy gun itself is one of the best weapons for veteran players. An upgrade from the Blunderbuss, it has a narrower spread but makes up for it in damage. Great for crowds from a distance and just as useful up close and 1v1.


  • A fantastic all-around gun. Able to do just as much at long distance as it can up close.
  • Can easily stagger enemies, making it ideal for parrying enemies and opening up visceral chances.
  • Has a wide spread without losing as much damage as the Blunderbuss.

Where To Find It

Bought from the Messengers after finding the Radiant Sword Hunter Badge.


Piercing Rifle

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Not recommended for ear piercing.

Base Stats

  • BLD DMG: 80
  • BLD Scaling: D

Sniping may not be the best of strategies in Bloodborne but that doesn’t mean the Piercing Rifle can’t be useful. As the name suggests, the shots pierce enemies, and can go through multiple before coming to a stop. This can turn tides in your favor depending on the area and if you can find a choke point.


  • If you can line them up right, this can take out multiple enemies at once.
  • Can hit enemies from a decent distance, with good stopping power.
  • If needed, it can work at close range to stagger enemies.

Where To Find It

Obtainable from the Messengers after finding the Firing Hammer Badge



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Sprayer? I hardly know her!

Base Stats

  • FLM DMG: 45
  • ARC Scaling: D

Behold, the Frenzied Fla… oops, wrong game. While it isn’t quite up to Elden Ring standards, the Flamesprayer gets the job done in Bloodborne. Able to light up enemies and potentially spread more fire, it’s a great deterrent to beast enemies. 


  • It’s a flamethrower, first of all. Not many things are cooler than a flamethrower.
  • Super effective against beast enemies, doing bonus damage to most.
  • Great for crowd control as it fires continuously. 

Where To Find It

Either gifted by Gilbert after killing Father Gascoigne or bought from the Messengers after finding the Radiant Sword Hunter Badge



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Not for herbal use.

Base Stats

  • ARC DMG: 30
  • ARC Scaling: B

Rosmarinus is good for anyone going towards an Arcane build opposed to Bloodtinge. It scales amazingly and does similar damage to the Flamesprayer, but with even more potential against some enemies. Great for crowd control as well as dealing damage to some of the later enemies in the game.


  • Crowd control: creates a massive AoE that can quickly take care of anyone in it.
  • Much more difficult to dodge in tight spaces, making it deadly in some of the more cramped areas.
  • Can be strengthened further by Bone Marrow Ash, allowing for more damage to be dealt.

Where To Find It

After finding the Cosmic Eye Watcher Badge it becomes available from the Messengers.



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As deadly as it is beautiful.

Base Stats

  • BLD DMG: 60
  • BLD Scaling: B

The best of the best. Evelyn is powerful from the get-go, but she only improves with time. A high rate of fire, quick reload, and great damage output will keep even the worst of Yharnam’s residents at bay.


  • Uses one Quicksilver bullet per shot, as opposed to the Repeater Pistol’s two.
  • Great for Bloodtinge builds and scales to S rank quickly.
  • Able to fire multiple shots quickly. 

Where To Find It

In the library in Cainhurst Castle, or from the Messengers when the Cainhurst Vilebloods have been joined.

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