[Top 8] Best Valheim Places to Build (And Why They Are Great)

13 Jul 2022

With a lot of biomes present in Valheim, a nice variation can be had for whatever you choose to create in this game. Houses, castles, and even the odd dedication monument you choose to make can be built anywhere, provided that you have a nearby workbench and forge lying around. With so many biomes with various lifeforms (or lack of for some places) in the game, where is the best place you can make your intended structure, and possibly, anything you can choose to build. That is what this list will try to answer, as well as give a little overview of the various niches and challenges each biome has in terms of building a structure around it, making it easier to understand what can work and what can’t.
As with all Valheim lists, this was written at the time of the games' latest version (version 0.209.10) and is based on the safety of the biome, ease of transporting materials to said biome, and mob danger difficulty.



8. Ashlands


What’s Great About the Ashlands?

While being a secluded, faraway part of the world, it can be good for those looking for a special build that says it’s possible to build here, giving unique benefits such as the following.

  • Smoggy look for dark, sinister structures
  • Very distant position
  • Vast land area to build upon

A very tough area to build a fully-fledged base as the area is too distant to effectively transfer metal unless you’re nearby a biome that has that. With that in mind, building a base here means that you’re making your choice for stone and wood, which is what you mostly need anyways, but again, with such a barren, secluded location, you’re only limited by the resources you can bring.

One more thing about this biome is that it’s the only contentless biome that has a mob, the Surtlings that you’ll also see in the Swamps, which pose an issue for your base as if it can do damage to your base. This can be remedied by a perimeter wall like the kind you see in castles. Once you do manage to get the materials (and possibly haul metal stuff across the southside), you’ll be chilling in a fully operational base, assuming the mob spawn is equally chill in this hellish part of the world.


How to Build Here Effectively?
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  • Build an outer wall to protect from Surtling attacks
  • Try to build with more stone to reduce portal trips
  • Have a protected portal area nearby the base



7. Deep North


What’s Great About the Deep North?

Another secluded, faraway part of the world that has its use as a playground for someone looking to build their winter wonderland, which also helps with the following for your build.

  • Varying peaks that give depth to a build
  • No spawning mobs to destroy buildings
  • Vast land area to build upon

While being equally hard to go to and very niche in terms of what you can do, this is more or less a much broader Mountains biome, just without the mobs that go around. While the no mobs thing is good for building safety, that also means you won’t be accessing wood or stone easily either, making a portal a necessity to have those things for your build to be ever built.

With those out of the way, the generation of your world seed can give you options on either, a seaside build near the icebergs, a mountainous range that can be perfect for snow villages, or a flat snowy plain to erect massive structures like castles and the like. Either way, as long as you can build it (and not freeze it), you should be able to see your icy creation come to life.


How to Build Here Effectively?
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  • Use the peaks to build depth to your structure
  • Building near the seaside can accent your build, especially with glaciers
  • Find flatter areas of the Deep North for larger builds



6. Mistlands


What’s Great About the Mistlands?

This is one of the closer biomes to go, even though it’s still far away, but for all intents and purposes, the Mistands also create an amazing build area which is also good for the following.

  • The old version of the map has a dark, creepy aesthetic
  • Usually nearby relatively useful maps
  • The new version can be a flat canvas for any build

Now, as you may have noticed, there’s an old and new version of the Mistlands, and that is because depending on when you started the game there is a change to the biome, or rather, an ongoing change.

The old Mistlands was a dark area that has spider webs, large skulls, and incredibly large trees flanking the area, and a good build idea was to have a cabin in the woods in that setting, which is eerily accurate and the best example of what you can do in the biome. Nowadays, with the current patches, all you can see is a much brighter piece of land with almost nothing on it, and the only mobs you’ll likely encounter are mobs from nearby places such as a Black Forest or Swamp.

With that in mind, it should still be fine to build whatever you desire into the Mistlands, but it may not be as good as it once was. Hopefully, the new Mistlands update can resurrect those build ideas soon and from the previews of the biome, a new theme altogether may be in order, which is welcomed for any creative build.


How to Build Here Effectively?
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  • Utilize the surrounding space/incline land for the new Mistlands
  • For old Mistlands, trees are big and can’t be cut, perfect for a treehouse



5. Mountains


What’s Good About the Mountains?

With a frost resist potion or a cape in hand, you can start exploring the steep Mountain biome and explore its natural wonders that also benefit you by the following.

  • Access to Silver
  • Decent trees to chop and plenty of stone to work with
  • Blizzard can make for some good visuals for a build

A great build area gave that it has the resources that you’ll need for any building, which is Wood and Stone, making for fewer trips to other biomes, assuming the specific Mountain biome you have is a large one.

While the Mountain has a naturally beautiful visual, you have to keep in mind that this biome has a lot of enemies that will hurt, both you and your structures, with the most annoying offender being a mob that you can’t attack on the ground. Wolves and Stone Golems are a given threat and worst of all, the Drakes can create havoc on your base’s roofing when they see you and get aggro. While the former two are easier to deal with, the latter is harder as your roof will be a bit tough to repair, especially in tall structures and builds.

Once you do manage to find a good spot and have the arrows to kill the airborne enemies, you should still be able to stay frosty in your newly built area in the alps.


How to Build Here Effectively?
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  • Prioritize a mostly stone build
  • Have roofing accessible for repairs
  • Use a bit of the Mountain as a shield for minimum damage toward mobs



4. Swamps


What’s Great About the Swamps?

Exploring the Swamps is going to be a mostly wet and challenging affair, with you getting through some mobs that can surprisingly kill you if you aren’t prepared, which sounds bad, but it doesn’t mean it doesn’t have any benefits, as stated below.

  • Access to Iron
  • Most trees can’t be cut, making a sturdy base
  • Some decent food ingredients can be farmed here

The Swamps constantly rain, making it a dark, gloomy setting for any build, giving some possibilities of haunted-style ruins or the occasional barracks bases should you deem it possible. The true issue with the Swamp is building on the ground, as the trees and general layout of the inner parts of Swamps aren’t exactly base-friendly. So, why is it a possible building area then? Well, the answer is literally in front of the Swamps, the big trees.

The best form of settlement to try to make here are treehouses that can be linked with other big trees if they are bunched up close to each other, and that can make for some quirky, unique builds. While that may be the likely build, keep in mind that you’ll be limited to the size, distance, and general physics of the game, so plan either carefully with big, interlinked builds, or modest ones that just serve a simple/sole purpose to the biome.

As for the enemies, they’re still tough creatures, such as the Draugr and Ooze, but not as health-crunching as the ones in the Mountains, though, in my opinion, both are still dangerous places to make a mistake on.


How to Build Here Effectively?
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  • Use the trees to make a sturdy, off-ground base
  • Keep things simple for materials and general safety
  • Try to build as close to the edge moving towards a safer biome



3. Plains


What’s Great About the Plains?

The most dangerous biome currently has a lot going for it as there are still good reasons to build structures in the Plains as listed below.

  • Biome you grow Barley and Flax in
  • Access to Blackmetal
  • High-grade items are usually found here

A strong biome with decent wood and stone supply, this is the last biome in the game is where you’re likely setting up shop for that endgame prep for that inevitable encounter with Yagluth, the game’s current final boss.

While the damage from enemies here is insane, that doesn’t exactly apply to structures except for when you aggress on a Fuling camp, or in other words, a whole army of Fulings that can do some serious damage to the structures you choose to build. Another place where a perimeter wall would make sense is likely the only protection you’ll do for your base/building because even with the mobs present, only a few would dare attempt damage to your structure. Once you do set up shop, however, you will be greeted with generally huge patches of land to build even the biggest of structures, as well as that same patch of land being perfect grounds for either a Flax or Barley farm as well as taming Lox, which can give you some meat, if you don’t wish to make it your riding companion.

This is, again, best for the late game, and having a biome with this much versatility and function is a big plus for anyone wanting to have this place be the final stop in their game.


How to Build Here Effectively?
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  • Use a large, flat piece of land to expand for farms or similar use cases
  • Make some defenses should you build near Fuling camps
  • Water access is a big bonus for hauling Blackmetal using a ship



2. Black Forest


What’s Great About the Black Forest?

While a good biome in general, this biome is surprisingly tame in terms of mobs destroying your newly finished creation, making you feel much safer to build anything and also have the following with you.

  • Access to Bronze (Copper and Tin)
  • Many Stone and Wood sources
  • Usually houses rivers that help aid in creating the perfect base

This has been a good area for relative structure safety and making such a build entirely possible given that the only mobs looking to destroy whatever you make are slightly stronger versions of the Meadows mobs, which isn’t all too powerful once you start getting better weapons and armor. Having a Black Forest also allows for trees to be farmed to your hearts content and also being a biome where you get not one, but two good metals, you’ll also have access to plenty of Stone allowing for the greater option of building some defenses using said material.

The only real danger you’ll come across in this biome is the Troll, but once you kill it, or better, kite it to wherever you can kill it, you will not need to come across one for quite a while.

Speaking of across, a river is common in this biome, alongside the aforementioned Meadows biome, making for a good fishing spot, boating dock, or just anything you wish to build around that. Having said all that, the Black Forest is a strong place to set up a base, and undoubtedly good for any base, but the best is yet to come on the next entry.


How to Build Here Effectively?
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  • Build where there is a river to utilize it fully
  • Have a base where trees and stone can easily be accessible
  • Building near the border of another biome is a plus for exploration purposes



1. Meadows


What’s Great About the Meadows?

Simplicity and safety is the best form of assurance for you and your structure, though you can still get some good benefits out of this basic biome like the following.

  • Wide-open spaces to build
  • Weak or neutral mobs for the least amount of structural damage
  • Generally safe on materials needed

From simple houses to full-blown one-off structures, this is where the builds you see usually are put in, both for the ease of land space and also the general area for Wood and Stone. While not as plentiful as the Black Forest, it’s still a decent amount of material to go around, and being a vast biome in general, you can replant the trees you cut anywhere, as long as you have the seedlings to replant them. You’ve already started the game in the Meadows anyways, making it a familiar face in terms of how hard it is to survive, and that would be easy as you’ll only get to focus on small Greylings and other passive mobs, which even mid-game items can easily kill them off with.

Having said that, the things said about the Black Forest also apply in that, waterways and rivers are also present, so having a much tamer area to have a structure on is always going to be guaranteed, making this the best biome to build whatever you please on in Valheim.


How to Build Here Effectively?
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  • Find the perfect area for your small/big build
  • Utilize the vast area for planting crops
  • Usually houses rivers and waterways that can help with water exploration



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