Anime is practically the home of transformation scenes. Even shows without power systems somehow find a way to incorporate an amazing scene or two of a character pushing past their limits and becoming something more than before. With such a wide variety of scenes to choose from, it was hard to narrow it down to just 15, but let's take a look at some of the best of the best!
15. Kill La Kill (Ryuko uses Kamui Senketsu)
Ryuko's amazing transformation
From episode 3, after finding out about life fibers, Ryuko unleashes the power of Senketsu against Satsuki.
Kill La Kill is a special anime. One of Studio Triggers best and most unique. What some may see as fan service, which to a point it is, is really an amazing scene.Ryuko is a great character with very strong beliefs. With the power to finally start making change, this transformation scene is straight out of the old generation of anime or akin to Power Rangers. With amazing music on top of amazing animation. While there were many more in the series, this first one is so iconic.
14. My Hero Academia (Red Riot)
Kirishima goes to another level
From episode 72 of My Hero Academia. This was the first of Kirishima’s big moments this season where he displayed the potential of his power.
What makes this scene so great is that Kirishima is a character that wasn’t necessarily a joke before, but he clearly had a lot of potential.
It was beyond amazing to see the beginning of that potential being reached in this moment when he finally transforms. This scene is even greater in retrospect after events that happen with him later in the season. And man, the animation is amazing.13. Chainsaw Man (Denji becomes devil)
Denji lives again, now with a new power
From the first episode of Chainsaw Man. Pochita saves Denji and they become one to defeat a powerful devil.
This scene is epic, brutal, sweet, and funny. The Chainsaw Man special. After everything we see Denji go through this episode, the tragedy of it all, culminating in him losing his life at the hands of a devil and Pochita merging with him to create the infamous Chainsaw Man.
MAPPA excellently captured the vibe of this scene. When the chainsaws start revving, man oh man does the hype kick in.
12.Black Clover (Black Asta Form)
Asta unlocks a new uncontrollable power
From episode 63 of Black Clover. During the battle in the witch's forest, Asta loses control and succumbs to the demon power within him.
There’s nothing better or more hype than a great losing control scene. The way the animation changes to become more loose and fluid as Black Asta absolutely goes crazy on the enemy in front of him as friend and foe look on in disbelief. This is one of the peak scenes of Black Clover.
11.Mob Psycho (Mob ???%)
Mob goes psycho
From episode 5. After many episodes of the percentage going up, Mob finally reaches 100%, no he goes beyond that.
Every episode builds more and more hype to this transformation with the counter rising after each encounter Mob has. With him already being as powerful as he is, the amount of hype as to what this 100% mode looks like was immense and for him to surpass even that in only episode 5? The animation was stellar, pure eye candy. The moment was hype and we see just how dangerously strong Mob can be if you make him mad enough.
10.Bleach (Ichigo Vasto Lorde)
Ichigo goes full hollow against ulquiorra
From episode 271, Ichigo achieves his full hollow form.
Everytime Ichigo achieves a new power or a new form it's always hype. This one is one of the best. The soundtrack, the look, the stakes that come with the fact that it's a fight between Ulqiorra. Ask any bleach fan what their favorite moments from the anime are and this will most likely be on every list. And the scream is iconic.
9.YuYu Hakusho (Yoko Kurama)
Kurama channels his old form during the Dark Tournament
From episode 47, during the Dark Tournament, Kurama taps into his past to become a more powerful version of himself.
As a fan of this anime, this is still my personal favorite moment from the show. No one knew Kurama had the ability to transform back into his previous powerful state. It was a shocker for the audience and other characters alike. The way the smoke covered his transformation before he fully emerges is worth a constant rewind and he looks so cool.
8.Attack on Titan (Eren and Reiner’s Talk)
Eren confronts Reiner after years
From episode 65, Eren confronts Reiner under a mass of civilians about their past.
Talk about a gut wrenching, tense moment. After a couple year timeskip and spending the first few episodes with Reiner and a new group of characters. We finally got something that we’ve been waiting for since the wall scene, Eren confronting Reiner. The tension in this scene is so thick. The dialogue is truly amazing. This is one of the best written moments I’ve ever watched and the moment Eren starts to glow as his transformation begins will always leave my jaw dropped.
7.Naruto Shippuden (8th Gate Guy)
Guy unleashes the 8th gate against Madara
From episode 420, in the raging fight against Madara, Might Guy puts it all on the line as he unlocks all 8 gates.
Up until this point, we’d seen both Guy and Lee open up the gates to a certain extent. Never reaching the 8th because of the repossessions. But when such a threat stood before him, Guy had to unleash this powerful technique.
What makes this scene so hype is the fact that Madara lets Guy achieve this form and fights him with very minimal resistance just to see it with his own eyes. Despite the outcome, it was a sight to see, and Madara acknowledging Guy as the best taijutsu user is quite the feat.
6.Dragon Ball Z (Goku SSJ)
Goku turning super saiyan against Frieza
From episode 95, to defeat Freiza and save his friends, Goku digs deep and turns into a form thought only to be legend.
This is an iconic scene. Maybe overall the most iconic scene on this list in terms of the waves this sent throughout pop culture.
The pure emotion of the transformation, the voice acting as he powered up, and finally the yellow hair. I can only imagine being a kid on a Saturday morning when this first aired and how life changing it was.5.Dragon Ball Z (Gohan SSJ2)
Gohan turing super saiyan 2 versus Cell
From episode 187, through all the hardships and training, Gohan finally achieves the next powerful transformation of super saiyan.
While Goku’s initial transformation into super saiyan might be the overall people’s favorite, I have to give my nod to Gohan achieving super saiyan 2.
The form itself is just so aesthetically pleasing with the lighting effects around him. The circumstances in which he achieved this form made it all the more worthwhile too. The Android/Cell Saga was Gohan's moment.
4.Tokyo Ghoul (Kaneki turns full ghoul)
Kaneki embraces his ghoul side against Jason
From episode 12, after countless days of torture, Kaneki finally fully succumbs to the ghoul side of him.
Kaneki succumbing to his ghoul side and absolutely destroying Jason is one of my personal favorite moments in any anime ever. The character design changes, from this timid almost scared boy to an empty husk.
When the amazing intro music started playing as broke free from captivity and fought Jason, I still get chills. Talk about a perfect combination of everything to make a scene as impactful as it can be.
3.One Piece (Luffy Gear 5th)
Luffy's first gear 5th transformation
From episode 1071, in his fight against Kiado, Luffy manifests a new found power.
Luffy vs Kaido went on for so long and we just knew Luffy had to find a way, but how? Well with one of the best anime transformations ever that's how. This moment literally broke twitter both times when it occurred in the manga and in the anime.
There's so much hype around this new gear. Not only from how cool the design and its inspiration for it is. And how that Looney Toons inspiration shows itself plenty in the animation style and theme of the gear. But also with the implications of it all is. For so long we’ve thought the GomuGomu Nomi was one thing, in reality, it was another.
2.Attack on Titan (Reiner & Bertholdt reveal)
Reiner and Bertholdt reveal their true nature to Eren
From episode 31, Reiner and Berthold reveal their true nature to Eren in an attempt for him to join their cause.
There’s something truly great about this scene. Foreshadowing aside, the way it all plays out is one of the most shocking moments in anime history.
The mystery of the Colossal and Armored titan constantly loomed over the series until this point. When rewatching its clear who was sus, which is what makes this reveal all the more sweeter.
Seeing Reiner’s mental state deteriorate as both worlds he lives in finally get to him and then the actual reveal is just in the background. It’s the most, “wait did I hear that right?” Moment in the show. And the ensuing fight is full of raw emotion. Absolutely amazing.
1. Dragon Ball Super (Goku goes Ultra Instinct)
Goku's first ultra instinct transformation during the Tournament of Power
From episode 110, Goku taps into the power of ultra instinct during the tournament of power.
Among all of the transformations in the Dragon Ball series, this one might forever hold the title as the best. Not since Goku first turned super saiyan has a moment like this been such a phenomenon.
What really takes this transformation from being great to iconic is the soundtrack. The stakes are high, but we’ve seen high stakes before. We’ve seen Goku transform so many times before, but never has it been given such a holy feeling. A feeling that he was tapping into something truly meant for the gods.
Beerus recognizing this and leading into this moment by saying, “here it comes.” Chills everytime.