[Top 15] Best Skyrim Mods For A New Playthrough

Best Skyrim Mods For A New Playthrough
10 Dec 2020

Transform your game into a brand new experience for your next playthrough.

Anyone who has been modding Skyrim for a while has most likely planned a dream playthrough in their head. Starting all over, with so many cool mods that the game feels brand new to them again. As someone who has spent a long time doing just that, here is a heavily researched list of the 15 best mods for your next playthrough. As a prerequisite, a few of these mods are going to require you to have SKSE installed. SKSE is generally considered a given in mod lists unless you want zero script mods. This list contains quite a few script mods, so go ahead and download SKSE here if you wish. 

15. Alternate Start - Live Another Life

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Speak to the statue of Mara and choose where your new life begins. 

Alternate Start - Live Another Life has been around since 2012, and it is so popular that it inspired mod creators to make all kinds of mods that completely change how you start the game. Instead of going through the agonizingly slow intro scene and tutorial level, you wake up in a dungeon and pop right into the character creation screen. Once you’re done, try speaking to the statue of Mara. 


  • Many options for how you start your new life, including starting as a member of a guild of your choosing
  • Option to randomize which option you get, allowing the game to choose how your life begins
  • Easy, immersive way of tying you back to the main story whenever (or if) you decide to start the beginning quest

Get the mod here./se version.

14. Realm of Lorkhan

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One of the new areas in this realm, with merchants to get gear... or craft your own!

Realm of Lorkhan is one of the aforementioned mods that completely rework how the game starts. This mod takes a very unique approach, adding an entirely new, rather large area in which you start the game. Create your character, and then explore the realm for as much time as you wish. The Realm of Lorkhan is sprinkled with portal-like crystals that teleport you to many different locations in the world when you’re ready to go to Skyrim. (They can also bring you back to the Realm if you decide to continue exploring). 


  • An area to choose between optional classes that give you stat bonuses based on what you pick
  • New ‘boons and curses’ allowing you to start the game with unique advantages and permanent disadvantages 
  • All standing stones are in the realm if you wish to choose one there

Get the mod here./se version

13. Even Better Quest Objectives

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A screenshot underlining the changes and additions this mod makes to quest objectives.

If you’ve ever been trying to figure out where to go during a quest, but the objectives are too vague? In some instances, it seems intentional and adds a good deal of mystery to the experience. Other times, it just doesn’t make sense and leaves you wandering around for hours before searching online for a solution. This mod is great for anyone who just wants a better sense of where to go from their quest objectives!


  • Covers around 250 quest objectives over 160 quests
  • Quests that are intentionally ambiguous will stay that way to not take away from the experience
  • Quests with journals that help out with quest locations have been edited for clarity where necessary 

Get the mod here./se version

12. The Second Great War

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War never changes... but the sides available to fight for change with this mod. 

The Second Great War is a mod that adds brand new quests that begin after the original civil war questline. After your chosen side wins the war, the Aldmeri Dominion steps in and plans to take control of Skyrim. Your character may keep their allegiance to Skyrim, or they may be lured in to fight for the Thalmor. For anyone who has ever wanted to fight or join the Thalmor, this mod is for you. 


  • Four possible endings, including the chance of your side losing the war
  • New characters, multiple new quests and side-quests per each side, and new patrols
  • Immersive details such as wearing an amulet of Talos in Dominion territory adds to your bounty

Get the mod here./se version

11. Dead is Dead

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The new screen you'll see when your character meets their end with this mod installed.

Dead is Dead - Death Lasts Forever is a small mod that can make all the difference in your immersion. Obviously, this mod isn’t going to be everyone’s cup of tea. Once your character dies, there is no reloading or second chances: they are dead. For anyone who really wants to think every choice through and is very serious about roleplaying and immersion, give this mod a try. 


  • Any type of death is permanent, even taking an accidental plunge off of a mountain top 
  • Forces you to think long and hard about any risky decisions or risk losing your character forever
  • Pairs with a website accurately dubbed The Catacombs, where people share the stats of their characters who have met their ends

Get the mod here./se version.  

10. iNeed: Food Water and Sleep

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A mage stopping for a necessary drink at his favorite inn.

A lot of features in Skyrim aren’t very important in the vanilla game. I rarely have my characters stop for anything to eat because it just isn’t very important. Among other things, iNeed - Food, Water, and Sleep aims to change this problem. Be prepared: this mod is a lot to take on when you’re used to not having to tend to these needs. This mod gets additional features when paired with Wet and Cold, which happens to be the next mod on this list. 


  • Your character will grow hungry, and cooked meals are more filling than just scarfing down an apple
  • Your character will grow thirsty, and you will need to fill up your own waterskin or find some by other means
  • Your character will grow tired, and sleeping in an inn will leave you feeling much more rested than laying out a bedroll in the middle of a dungeon

Get the mod here./se version.

9. Wet and Cold

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The breath effects that this mod adds in cold weather being shown off on Cyrus.

As stated above, Wet and Cold pairs well with the mod iNeed. This mod does wonders for immersion in your game. It adds lots of visual effects and AI enhancements to NPCs. This mod along with iNeed has built-in compatibility with the next mod in the list, Frostfall. The features of these mods compliment each other well and really up the immersion factor. 


  • Cold weather breath effects, snow accumulation on players and NPCs, water droplets after swimming, or rain falling off your character during a storm 
  • NPCs will seek shelter during bad weather, either going home or to the nearest inn to stay dry
  • A slight decrease in movement speed during blizzards, among many other effects

Get the mod here./se version

8. Frostfall

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The Dragonborn setting up an essential campsite to ensure they stay warm throughout the night. 

Frostfall is a mod for those who truly want survival aspects added to their new playthrough. It requires the mod Campfire for its campsite functions. This mod tries to add a lot of immersion without being too tedious, and it does a good job with this. Frostfall focuses on three main categories: hypothermia, camping, and survival. You will have to take the weather, your armor, and many other factors into account to keep your character alive.


  • A unique system that tracks your character’s location, armor, and time of day to determine your conditions
  • Combined with the mod Campfire, you have options for craftable camping equipment and craftable torches to keep warm
  • Highly customizable so you can use the mod exactly as you would like

Get the mod here./se version

7. Relationship Dialogue Overhaul

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Nazeem is certainly not the player character's friend, so he will use unfriendly dialogue options with you. 

If you ever decided to break out the old Amulet of Mara (or console commands) and court a citizen of Skyrim for marriage, you may have been a little disappointed with the lack of new dialogue. Relationships of any nature have few dialogue options; whether you are friends, spouses, or rivals. Skyrim is full of long conversations and dialogue, and this mod will make even the smallest of interactions that much better.


  • Over 5,000 new lines of dialogue for NPCs using their original voices
  • If you have a spouse as a follower, they will talk to you like a spouse would, not just switch to generic follower dialogue 
  • NPCs who dislike you won’t just start speaking to you like friends all of the sudden like in the vanilla game

Get the mod here./se version.   

6. SkyUI

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A side-by-side comparison of the vanilla menus and the SkyUI menus in-game.

If I could only have one mod installed on my game, I honestly think it might have to be SkyUI. I tried playing the vanilla game after years of modding a while back, and I just couldn’t go back to the clunky vanilla menus. SkyUI revamps all of your menus and is a requirement for mods with their own in-game configuration menus. This mod is an absolute necessity for your next playthrough if you’ve never had it before.


  • Completely redone menus: inventory, magic, bartering, favorites, crafting, alchemy, and many more
  • Optional HUD showing active effects, and many other tweakable settings 
  • Ability to configure any mod that uses SkyUI’s mod configuration menus, making your mods much more customizable 

Get the mod here./se version

5. Immersive Armors

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'The Warchief': one of many new sets of armor that Immersive Armors adds to Skyrim.

Immersive Armors is a great mod to add in a brand new playthrough. This mod adds a ton of new armor and armor variants into the game. These sets aren’t only available to your player character: they are distributed all throughout the world. This mod is also balanced with your character, so as you level up, you’ll always be finding new armor sets in your travels. 


  • 55 brand new armor sets and additional variants, new helmets, 396 new shields (with new shield painting feature)
  • Tons of new accessories, bringing the total files to 2,693 with everything being craftable, upgradable, and enchantable 
  • Highly customizable in-game menus to change everything from distribution to crafting

Get the mod here./se version.  

4. Immersive Weapons

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One of many brand new weapons. Something tells me this one has been well used.  

Immersive Weapons, as you can guess by the name, is created by the same mod author as Immersive Armors. It shows too: this mod was created with just as much detail in mind. The new weapons and variants are once again distributed throughout the world and leveled to keep things balanced. You’re bound to run across a new weapon almost everywhere you go.


  • 230 new weapons which are all fully craftable, upgradable and enchantable 
  • 21 new weapon archetypes (vanilla has 8) which add different weapon variants to the existing types with different speeds, weight, etc.
  • Ability to break down weapons at smelters, and adds dual-wielding opponents to add variety to the world

Get the mod here./se version

3. Death Alternative: Your Money or Your Life

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A character being captured by the Falmer and held prisoner.

Death Alternative is an extremely creative mod that is perfect for a new playthrough. The variety added to how your character can die will ensure that you don’t feel like you’re playing the same game with a new face. Every death will now be memorable, instead of just falling to the ground and reloading as fast as you can. 


  • Your character enters a bleed-out state at zero HP, and if you take enough damage during this state you fall unconscious, triggering one of many new events
  • Bandits could steal your money, the Forsworn could capture you as a prisoner, and you may have to collect your stolen gear
  • The mod Death Alternative - Captured adds new scenarios to this mod and is a perfect addition 

Get the mod here./se version

2. Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim

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A very small peek at how many perks are added to each skill.

Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim is one of those mods that will leave you puzzled if you return to the vanilla game. This mod takes the vanilla perk tree and makes tons of additions and improvements. These changes are so well done and implemented in a way that makes you think they were always a part of the game. If you’ve never tried it out, a new playthrough is a perfect time.


  • 469 brand new perks spanning across every skill in the perk menu
  • Allows for many new character build options with unique perks 
  • Includes a perk refund system allowing you to uninstall the mod if you decide you don’t want it or want a mod that is somehow incompatible 

Get the mod here./se version

1. Immersive Citizens

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The Battle-Born family sitting down for a meal together at home.

Immersive Citizens is a huge AI overhaul that completely changes how NPCs behave in a number of ways. This mod has gotten so popular that it has been officially featured by Bethesda, so if you haven’t checked it out before a new playthrough is a great time. This mod changes how NPCs will react in combat situations. It also adds a ton of variety to what NPCs do in a day, having them spend their free time in a number of different places. This mod is definitely one that I recommend checking the compatibility list for if you already have your heart set on other mods. 


  • NPCs have tons of new interactions and behaviors with others, including families eating a meal together at least once a day unless there is tension between them
  • NPCs will spend their free time in many different ways every day, including shopping at stores or praying at a temple
  • NPCs react differently in combat, such as fleeing when attacked by someone 10 or more levels above them

Get the mod here./se version

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