[Top 15] Minecraft Best Seeds Every Player Should Try (1.17)
One of the most frustrating parts of Minecraft is starting a new world and discovering that anything interesting or valuable has spawned thousands and thousands of blocks away. Sometimes, all you want is a dark oak forest, but all your game will give you is savannas and deserts (and yes, this is based on a true, personal experience.) Luckily, there is a simple solution to this very common issue: seeds! A world seed is a code that is designed to generate a specific layout when starting a new world. Picking one puts all the control into your hands. Your days of endlessly seeking resources, villages, biomes, and strongholds are over. Here are 15 of the best world seeds for Minecraft Java Edition 1.17.
15. 2027137130838960293 - Jungle Temple Seed
Check out the seed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJbbaUzr4Ks
Jungles are notoriously difficult terrains to traverse and build within, due to the enormous, densely growing trees, but can be a beautiful backdrop to a player that’s up for the challenge. This seed starts you off in one such jungle, featuring a fascinatingly generated cliff overlooking a lagoon that could serve as a truly inspirational space for a one-of-a-kind home base. Of course, the true draw of this seed is the jungle temple and ruined portal, both located conveniently right near spawn. If you’re wary of the traps, exploring these ancient locations could be an exciting and profitable way to kick off your new game.
14. 504156757338984661 - Shattered Savanna Seed
Check out the seed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QeLRr4xqTgY
Minecraft is known for creating some very interesting landscapes. Shattered Savannas are one such example of the more wacky terrain a seed is capable of generating. The way the hills curve and dip and sometimes even hover in the air can be uncanny in a beautiful, mesmerizing way. The desert village located near spawn on the border of the savanna in this particular seed is cut directly out of these wild, unnatural hills. It’s something you just have to see to believe!
13. -8150177249836302624 - Scenic Building Spot Seed
Check out the seed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3N12jXkCX8
This seed places you in the middle of a vast plains biome ringed by mountain ranges that can be picked up in the distance if your render is up high enough. There are two large villages located around spawn. The quaint, beautiful, rural feel of these towns in this region harkens back to the imagery of historical fiction locations, making the world look like something out of Anne of Green Gables. This would be a lovely place to put down roots, build up a homestead, and maybe bring home a dog and some cats to keep the pests out of your crops.
12. -1902553722525892606 - Island Survival Challenge Seed
Check out the seed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNEnD_ILpj4
This minuscule L-shaped island plays host to a grassy hill and some sandy outcroppings. There are only three trees on this island to start with, setting a unique challenge for the plucky Minecrafter working to secure some essential resources. The ocean boxing you in is far from uninhabited, however - nearby is an ocean monument, just ripe for the looting, if you’re skilled and prepared enough to fight for it.
11. 157272374696404761 - Dark Oak Village Seed
Check out the seed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJbbaUzr4Ks
For number 11’s seed, northwest of spawn is a plains village that creeps well into the boundary of a dark oak forest. It butts up right against a woodland mansion, a coveted and illusive location that many players struggle to find until late in the game. This isn’t the only seed on this list that spawns you right by one of these mansions, but you can never have too many of these seeds!
10. 570021357839573478 - Taiga Island Village Seed
Check out the seed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QeLRr4xqTgY
My favorite type of village happens to be the spruce villages, so when I came across this seed that spawns you within a stone’s throw of one such village - on a remote island, nonetheless - with a shipwreck crashed on the opposite end, I had to include it here. This seed could be a fascinating base for an adventure map, or of course, a pretty nice survival world.
9. 3014874058650944021 - Thrill Seeker Pillager Seed
Check out the seed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjuIzsdNWqY
Pillagers are one of the fiercest common enemies that can be found in your average Minecraft world, considering how ruthlessly they will attack your villagers and hunt you down in your home. So, naturally, I thought you all would adore a chance to pop directly into the line of their crossbow fire and included this seed on this list, which spawns you directly next to one of their outposts! Tackling a challenge like that sounds like a fun way to start a new adventure.
8. 1276159713567299839 - Desert Island Seed
Check out the seed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJbbaUzr4Ks
This seed spawns you in the middle of a village on a large desert island. I tend to avoid desert biomes in most of my own games, but I know I am not the only type of Minecrafter out there in this world - I figured a seed like this would be appealing for many of you! Nearby is also an arctic biome with polar bears, as well as an ocean monument and a ruined portal, sunken deep into the sea.
7. 1010715630104891 - Desert Loot Seed
Check out the seed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjuIzsdNWqY
This is another seed that spawns you in a desert, but this one is unique in that it spawns you right by a desert village that has been generated on top of a desert temple! Both the temple and the village blacksmith building contain some pretty valuable loot. A lucrative start to any game, for sure.
6. 7394359633703082526 - Arctic Island Seed
Check out the seed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNEnD_ILpj4
The icebergs circling this grassy island make for a stunning skyline to use as a backdrop for your home. Alternatively, nearby, in the ocean, is an amethyst geode. The water cascades down over the opening of the cavernous geode, leaving the inside completely dry. This could also be a really creative and cool spot to build your base.
5. 6073035015586003626 - Environmental Storytelling Seed
Check out the seed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwJuOXdvIR4
This seed spawns you near a pillager outpost. Not quite as close as the earlier pillager challenge seed, but the proximity is still a little tight for comfort. That’s not why I included it, however - my favorite part of this seed’s spawn is the nearby village, which has a path leading directly to a ruined portal, the netherrack spidering out from the destroyed obsidian entryway. It really feels like this village has a story to tell. Perhaps you could repair that portal and find out what the villagers had tried so hard to keep at bay...
4. 3734166208032621149 - Woodland Mansion Seed
Check out the seed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjuIzsdNWqY
This is another woodland mansion seed, just in case you wanted another option. The village has a blacksmith for looting, and it encroaches on the mansion’s territory to the point where it actually clips through the enormous building’s walls. One of the village’s paths cuts through into the mansion and through it’s halls, floating several blocks in the air.
3. 803312030279613269 - Tundra Village Seed
Check out the seed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QeLRr4xqTgY
This seed spawns you in a tiny tundra village guarded by large spikes of ice. The size of the town makes it feel cozy, quaint, and remote. There are several storytelling opportunities found in a little, uncommon locale like this one. Many of the best seeds are ones that provide a wide scope for creativity and imagination.
2. 8873561568511118937 - Surplus of Blacksmiths Seed
Check out the seed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwJuOXdvIR4
Number 2 spawns you into a village right next to the blacksmith building. Score, right? But, lo and behold, right across the way is yet another blacksmith. A two-for-one deal, and you’ve only been playing for five minutes! But wait, there’s more - if you hike up a nearby cliff, you’ll find a third blacksmith. I’ve personally never come across a village with more than two before, so finding three is an absolute goldmine… you know, without being as useless as gold usually is in the overworld.
1. 6622662217031624373 - Bamboo Jungle Island Seed
Check out the seed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3N12jXkCX8
For our final seed, we spawn in, ending where we first began - in a gorgeous, picturesque jungle. It is obscenely small for a jungle island, and yet, somehow, the seed has still managed to cram in a bamboo forest and a temple for us to explore. This is exactly the type of spot I’d pick to build my own home. It has such a mysterious and sacred ambiance, in addition to being unusual and simply looking really, really cool.
Hopefully, after 15 of these, you all have been struck with the inspiration for a new story, adventure, or challenge. Each of these seeds presents a new opportunity to build and explore, and I recommend you give them all a chance. We’ll see you around! Happy gaming!
Disclaimer: None of the photos used in this article were pictures of the seeds - they're just for visual flair. Every seed comes with a Youtube link for viewing! Go show those creators some love!You May Also Be Interested In:
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