[Top 10] Best Gaming Habits Every Gamer Should Adopt

Top 10 Best Gaming Habits
31 Jul 2022

[Top 10] Best Gaming Habits Every Gamer Should Adopt

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“Don’t wish it were easier; wish you were better.” - 'Animal Crossing'

Since COVID-19 hit in 2019 and many people are left devastated, there has been an undeniable urge to make our favorite pastime a significant source of income. Video game streaming came to light like a hero without a cape and became our best friend. It opened up many opportunities for everyone, regardless of age. 

If you're reading this, I'm sure you're one of us who's dreaming of becoming a pro someday— well, I'm here to tell you that even you can do it too!  After all, you spent all summer trying to defeat that final boss in that fantasy game, and let's not forget that time when you spent months trying to improve your aim and accuracy in FPS. However, it takes more patience and discipline if you want to reach the big leagues than simply being good at it. Just be sure to practice these ten habits to improve your mentality, and you'll be thanking yourself in no time!

1. Organize Your Set Up

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"The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world."- 'Half-Life 2'.

There is an excellent benefit in tidying up your room and maximizing your gaming space as a psychologically proven fact that it mainly improves your mood. In a study by Indiana University, the researchers found that people with clean houses are more active than those living in cluttered homes. It further states that a messy house makes a person unmotivated and lazy. Hence, if you wake up all grumpy even after dozing off all day? Untangling your cables might be good ease of frustration.

Why adopt this Habit:

  • Gets you into a good mood
  • Enhance your organizational skills
  • High productivity level

2. Manage Your Playtime

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"If our lives are already written, it would take a courageous man to change the script."- 'Alan Wake.'

According to experts, more than five hours spent on gaming per day is already excessive, but it is still debatable. As the old saying goes, "Too much of anything is bad, but too much of good whiskey is barely enough." so try to limit yourself to playing only 4hrs a day. I'm sure you can still catch up on the night out you planned with your friends. You can always pick up where you left off on Fortnite, as long as you remember to save your progress. As for the kids, never stay up past your bedtime!

Why adopt this Habit:

  • Less prone to developing Anxiety
  • Improve self-discipline
  • Social Disconnection Avoidance

3. Have A Game Buddy

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“I don’t need a weapon; my friends are my power!” - Kingdom Hearts.

Friendships are not forever for nothing— perhaps, the only way you can laugh at failures is when it is shared. Play with your friends. If you want to become a pro someday, start by practicing being a team player. You’ll learn the value of fulfillment whenever you carry each other to victory in every game.

Why adopt this Habit:

  • Boosts your happiness and reduces stress
  • Increase sense of belonging and purpose
  • Helps your cope with your traumas

4. Sportsmanship

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"Good men mean well. We don't always end up doing well" - 'Dead Space 3'.

Everyone knows that losing is part of the game, and nobody ever makes it to the top without stumbling once or twice along the way— this is where your patience and discipline enter the scene. A lousy temper won't get you far in the entertainment industry, as recognition always comes with the gift of popularity. Therefore being a good sport is a golden virtue that every player is required to practice. No excuses and no exceptions!

Why Adapt this Habit:

  • Promotes respect
  • Promotes light and excellent gaming environment
  • Promotes learning from mistakes

5. Get Moving

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"Life is a serious battle, and you must use the tools you're given." -'Pokemon Black And White.

A little fitness never hurts anyone. Now that you’ve already learned the importance of clean space and time management, time to get physical. But don’t get me wrong— I’m guilty of struggling to lose 5 pounds too, but I’m sure you don’t want to end up with a bad posture either. Moreover, with today’s technological advancements, there are already more creative ways to enjoy exercise, like repurposing your VR headsets for wellness.

Why adopt this Habit:

  • Reduce the risk of obesity
  • Improve Confidence
  • Promotes better sleep

6. Go for Healthy Snacks

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"Human beings can choose the kind of life that they want to live. What's important is that you choose life... and then live." - Metal Gear Solid'.

An average gamer could spend around 8-10 hours in front of their console/computer. The lack of activity makes you burn fewer calories which is why you either need more exercise or eat less. In reality, only 4 out of 10 people will have the motivation to work out. So I encourage you to stick to a healthy diet as much as possible to optimize your gaming focus and performance while staying fit.

Why adapt this Habit:

  • Enhance focus
  • Gain more energy
  • Stabilize your metabolism

7. Stay Hydrated

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"The best solution to a problem is usually the easiest one!" -'Portal 2'.

Drinking more water is a gamer's cure. You can't continuously go on a rampage for a long time without proper hydration. Since our bodies are 60-65% water, it's responsible for keeping almost all of our basic motors active. It helps deliver nutrients to our cells, keeps our joints lubricated, our organs properly functioning, and even regulates our body temperature. Otherwise, how do you think esports champions can develop a flawless winning strategy? You guessed it right— by staying hydrated.

Why adapt this Habit:

  • Improve critical thinking ability
  • Water serves as a “cushion” for your joints
  • Supports Digestion

8. Get More Sleep

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"Closing your eyes forces you to look at the darkness inside." - Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne'.

Nothing's worse than falling asleep in the middle of a rank game and waking up in the morning to find out that your team has reported you for being AFK in addition to losing. Lack of sleep affects your performance and exposes you to developing insomnia and other disorders that may lead to severe health risks. To be good at something doesn't happen overnight, so make sure you enjoy every level and take breaks as needed.

Why adapt this Habit:

  • Improves Hand-eye coordination
  • Avoids Fatigue
  • Enhance ability to concentrate

9. Get Some Sun

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“We all make choices, but in the end... our choices make us.” - Andrew Ryan, 'Bioshock'.

We're down to the last two habits! At number 9, I encourage you to spread your blinds, open the windows, and breathe in the fresh morning breeze as the sun gently warms up your body, like being in your mother's arms. Getting natural sunlight helps you get better sleep, reduce stress, maintain strong bones, strengthen your immune system, and even fight depression. It's a gamer's remedy, just like water is the cure!

Why adapt this Habit:

  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Prevents diseases
  • Promotes good mental health

10. Play More Games

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"Guide this one to where the traveler never tires, The lover never leaves, The hungry never starve." -'Mass Effect 3'.

Ultimately, the goal is to have fun and be great without neglecting your body and your personal needs. When it comes to gaming, there is always something new to discover as people are always looking for different kinds of entertainment. Be bold and explore other genres because a true gamer is an adventurer.

Why adapt this Habit:

  • Improved problem-solving skills and logic
  • Greater multi-tasking ability
  • Faster and more accurate decision making

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Gamer Since:
Favorite Genre:
Currently Playing:
Call of Duty
Top 3 Favorite Games:
Call of Duty, The Sims 4, Mortal Kombat X