[Top 10] Best Comics For 10 Year Olds

Best Comics for a 10-Year-Old
07 Sep 2020

Which is very specific, so let me explain. When people talk about comics for kids, they’re often thinking of innocent comics where nothing too harsh happens. On the other hand, there are very mature comics out there that include very graphic and grotesque content that adults can enjoy.

Ten-year-olds, however, are often looking for something in-between. They may not be comfortable reading comics with overly explicit content and imagery, but they will often want a book that makes them feel more grown-up.

If you’re looking for books that can find that balance, I have some suggestions. Ten, in fact:

10. Marvel’s Secret Invasion

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You know things are getting a bit more mature when Captain America starts carrying a pistol. 

After years of waiting and hiding, an invasion of Skrulls reveals itself to the world. As it turns out, many of Earth’s mightiest heroes were replaced by the shapeshifters years ago, who vigilantly waited for the order to strike. Now that time has come, and when the enemy can look, sound, and behave like everyone you know, who can you trust?

Brian Michael Bendis’ story here is iconic. Marvel fans often refer to this as one of their favorite comic book events and are ever hopeful to one day get a full film adaptation. While it will require some knowledge of the Marvel universe to fully understand, avid readers will enjoy this comic immensely.

While this one may be a tad too dark and complicated for some readers, it’s worth the read for anyone comfortable with a little death and deception.


Pick this comic up if you:

  • Love mysteries and intrigue
  • Are fine with some darker themes
  • Want to read one of Marvel’s most highly regarded events
  • Like weird, wrinkly chins

9. Oblivion Song

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That's some Lion King reflection water right there. 

Created by Robert Kirkman, the mind behind “The Walking Dead” comics, Oblivion Song is a new story about a world that’s less dystopian than that of the walkers, but that doesn’t make it devoid of terror.

Years ago, the city of Philadelphia was suddenly transformed into a strange, otherworldly place referred to as Oblivion. The U.S. government spent years rescuing people from this strange place but eventually decided that they had saved everyone that they were going to be able to and abandoned the rescue missions. However, one of the rescuers, Nathan Cole, keeps returning to Oblivion to save everyone he can.

It’s a very well written story and one with some stunning artwork. Also, for a comic that heavily features monsters from other dimensions, there’s a surprisingly low amount of violence in this comic. It's a gripping story from start to finish, and, if you're like me, you'll eagerly be waiting to see more.

You should pick this up if you:

  • Are looking for a brand-new story and setting
  • Like comics where characters don’t jump to violence as a first option
  • Are a fan of stories about renegades
  • Enjoy stories that feature future technology that never seems to work

8. Regular Show: Skips

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A great here twist in on the cartoon classic "bird's flying around a character's head after trama to the skull".

Based on the hit Cartoon Network series, this story follows Mordecai, Rigby, Skips, and Benson as they take a vacation to a National Park with an active, thermo-nuclear geyser. Predictably, Mordecai and Rigby mess things up, dropping pop rocks and soda into the geyser and setting it off, potentially ending the world. Skip wakes up Groundhog Day-style and learns that he’s stuck in a time loop where he must stop the two characters from setting the geyser off.

This goes on for several hundred days.

It’s not too profound or mature, but it’s fun enough, and the stakes are high enough to allow readers to really get into this comic. The characters are accurate to their portrayal in the cartoon, the art fits the setting, and the ideas are intricate enough to challenge young readers without confusing them.

You should pick this up if you:

  • Were a fan of the show
  • Enjoy time-based plots
  • Want a fun, harmless comic
  • Enjoy art of mushroom clouds

7. New Avengers

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You don't realize how big The Thing is until you see him act as a backdrop for four other characters.

After the happenings of the Marvel events Civil War and Siege, the world needs the Avengers as much as ever. But who could protect New York and the world after tensions ran so high? It’s time for some New Avengers.

Led by Luke Cage, the New Avengers take on a variety of threats in this series, which is nowhere near as dark as its predecessor. Characters like Spider-Man and The Thing keep the tone pretty light, while others like Wolverine and Iron Fist keep the series focused. It’s an entertaining series with just enough maturity to appeal to the slightly older reader.

Pick up this series if you:

  • Enjoy a lot of fun banter during fights
  • Feel comfortable picking up context clues in comics
  • Want to see Luke Cage become a mean giant

6. Teen Titans: Damian Knows Best

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Damian's actual superpower is perfectly lining up reflective surfaces. 

After the “death” of Tim Drake (Comic books, ya know?), the former Teen Titans are each coping in their own ways. That is until they’re all kidnapped one-by-one by a mysterious figure, who turns out to be none other than Damian Wayne! He’s decided to reform the Teen Titans under his own leadership, though it will take some convincing after the whole kidnapping thing.

It’s not a very deep story, but it is interesting. I’m not the biggest fan of Damian Wayne, but this comic shows him at his best while also acknowledging his worst. He’s selfish and doesn’t understand how to communicate with others effectively, but he’s working hard to outgrow his roots and try to be something better.

Pick this comic up if you:

  • Are a fan of the Teen Titans
  • Like hero team-ups
  • Really enjoy cringy quips and puns
  • Want to see Damian Wayne not be the worst

5. Aquaman: The Trench

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I feel like that trident would do you more good if you turned it toward the monsters, Aquaman. 

Aquaman is sick of being the joke hero, and this comic is where he takes a stand. He’s a god among men as he fights surface crime, and he’s the king of the seven seas.

Or, so he thought.

This series introduces a new enemy to Arthur, a whole species known as “The Trench”, who emerge from the unexplored depths of the ocean. They’re ruthless, carnivorous creatures of the sea that don’t respond to Aquaman’s ability to communicate with marine life. And all they want is food, regardless of where they get it from.

This story isn’t overly graphic, but it can get kind of dark. It’s very well put together, though, and it thoroughly showcases why a character like Aquaman has persevered through the decades.

You should pick this up if you:

  • Are interested in reading a compelling Aquaman book
  • Want a comic that brings in new threats and enemies
  • Enjoy Aquaman being very intimidating
  • Like a good fish-out-of-water story (I couldn't resist)

4. Spider-Man: Miles Morales

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I don't feel like all of that web is connected. Are you just shooting webs out randomly, Miles?

Years before he appeared in the hit animated Spider-Man movie, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, Miles Morales took comic book readers by storm on the pages. Originally introduced in Marvel’s Ultimate Universe, Miles was brought over to the main universe (universe 616) after the events of Secret Wars. Rather than relinquish the mantle to the universe’s original Spider-Man, he just continued being Spider-Man simultaneously with the Peter Parker version.

This series follows Miles as he’s still learning the ropes of being a hero. There are some more mature themes than one might expect in a Spider-Man comic, but nothing too crazy or inappropriate. Several other Marvel heroes make appearances as well, making for a great view of the Marvel universe from Miles’ perspective.

You should pick up this comic if you:

  • Like Spider-Man
  • Are looking for a comic that features several heroes
  • Enjoy stories that focus on a younger main character
  • Want to see Black Cat take on a more relevant role as a villain

3. All-New Wolverine: The Four Sisters

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You see? If I was robbing a bank saw that hero walk in to stop me, I would just give up, no fight at all.

In the wake of the “Death of Wolverine” comic in 2014, a new individual has taken up the mantle of the X-Man. This is none other than Laura, aka X-23, Logan’s clone/daughter/protégé.

However, it isn’t long after donning the pointy hood that she has a revelation; she doesn’t need to go down the exact same path as Logan. She can still fight crime and save people, but she doesn’t need to kill every robber or criminal that she meets. Instead, Laura vows to only slay those who have crossed the threshold of having no good left in them, and she does give most people the benefit of the doubt.

It’s a story that’s not only about self-control and doing what’s right despite what you believed when you were young; it also tackles dealing with loss and trying to live up to the legacy of a parent. There’s a lot of emotion in this story, and it’s a powerful book for all readers, both young and old

Pick up this comic if you:

  • Like Wolverine stories
  • Enjoy conflicted heroes
  • Want a comic about self-discovery and difficult choices
  • Love reading comics that feature the word, “Snikt”

2. Dr. McNinja

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What joke could I make here that the comic book cover hasn't already done better?

Despite being written by a fully-grown man, I cannot think of a more ten-year-old series than this. Dr. McNinja is a medical doctor who also happens to be a ninja of proud Irish heritage, and one who does not hire night janitors. Together with his receptionist, a gorilla named Judy, his partner, Gordito, and plenty of other zany characters, the good doctor protects the fine citizens of Cumberland, Maryland, as well as the rest of the world!

It is as over-the-top as it could possibly get, but it’s also oddly appropriate for a lot of audiences. Most of the foul language is censured, characters speak fairly plainly, and, while there is violence, it’s not too grotesque. This is exactly the kind of comic that kids would talk about on the playground with their friends, and the entire series is free online! (unless you want to buy the physical copy).

You should read this comic if you:

  • Enjoy fun and silly stories
  • Want a book with new, original characters
  • Are a fan of cheesy action movies
  • Would like to see a clone of Ben Franklin obsess about eating hair

1. All-Star Superman

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Superman decides how to fly into a situation based on how he'll look with the positioning of the sun. 

Superman is dying! After saving scientists from an accident in the sun, Superman is exposed to enough solar radiation that even he can’t survive it. However, since the man of steel gets his powers from that same energy, he’s more powerful in his final days than he has ever been before.

What follows is a story of Superman going through his own version of the Labours of Hercules, overcoming tremendous threats and ensuring that the Earth is safe after he passes. It’s a wonderfully written story by Grant Morrison that will keep readers engaged from cover to cover.

While this comic does deal with the concept of death, it’s also not graphic or gory, and instead shows Superman at his most heroic. It’s the perfect comic book for readers that are looking for a story with just a bit more of an edge but shouldn’t be reading anything too intense.

You should pick up this comic if you:

  • Like Superman stories
  • Enjoy the modernization of classic tales
  • Want a touching and very awesome story
  • Think Jimmy Olson is one cool guy
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