Top10 Best Broly Attacks In DBZ

DragonBall Super, Top10
07 Oct 2021

[Top 10] Best Broly Attacks(Ranked)

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Wassup everybody! Your friendly neighborhood ShounenMan here with another Dragonball Z list to help you find that inner Saiyan within you. Dragonball Z is known for its insane fights and powerful fighters. These battles are always entertaining due to the intense energy being thrown around. One of the characters from the show is intensity incarnate and he has always been a fan favorite. That’s right, as you already knew from the title we are talking about Broly today. The legendary super Saiyan has some of the best attacks in the whole series so without further ado, let’s go check out the top 10 best Broly attacks.


10. Revenge Demon vs Goten and Trunks

Coming in at number 10 we have Revenge Demon vs Goten and Trunks! In the second movie to feature Broly, Broly: Second Coming, the titular villain showed up on earth to once again find Goku. However, at this point in the series, our hero was dead and his children were left to carry the mantle. This wouldn’t stop the mad Saiyan though as his rage was unquenchable.


 Unfortunately for Goten, Goku’s youngest son, he looked exactly like his father and when Broly found him with Trunks he became enraged. He went to Super Saiyan immediately and used his revenge demon attack. The technique is rather simple as he punches Trunks hard in the face before hitting Goten and then throwing them into one another. Broly shows his true evil nature once again as he pummels the children.


9. Gigantic Spike vs Gohan(Adult)

Coming in at number 9 we have Gigantic Spike vs Gohan(Adult)! During Broly’s second coming a lot of people that never stood a chance against him took a beating. Goten and Trunks were both nothing in the face of the mad villain’s power and faced a painful onslaught because of it. Even Videl tried to fight him but was beaten easier than anyone. Luckily for all of them, Gohan(adult) showed up and began fighting against the monster.


 Broly was quickly proving too much for him as he punched him in the face and the legendary Super Saiyan didn’t even flinch. He then used Gigantic spike, punching Gohan towards the ground then grabbing his face and pushing him into the earth. Broly’s power was overwhelming all of the heroes and it didn’t seem like they would be able to stop him.


8. Kakarot vs Goten and Trunks

Coming in at number 8 we have Kakarot vs Goten and trunks! Now his particular entry isn’t a direct attack but it absolutely counts as it precedes all of Broly’s power-ups. Broly’s legendary Super Saiyan character is built upon rage. All of his durability and strength come from his unending fountain of rage.


 Kakarot, which is Goku’s Saiyan name, is the source of all of Broly’s anger. The truth to why he hated Goku so much has been widely debated for years but one thing is for sure. Every time Broly begins screaming Kakarot he is about to power up and become unstoppable all over again. While Broly’s rage towards Goku never made much sense, it was always an intense way to increase his power.


7. Bloody Smash vs Goku

Coming in at number 7 we have Bloody Smash Vs Goku! Broly has a long list of vicious attacks. These moves show how rage-fueled Broly is as they play out. There isn’t much technique to Broly’s style. His attacks are all about inflicting pain and the Bloody Smash shows it. This move starts in different ways but for the most part, it begins with a kick up into the sky. 


This is what he hits Goku with when he uses it on him. Right after the kick, he punches them back down to the ground where they lay almost broken. He then lands directly on their back with his knees. Over and over again he jumps up as if on a trampoline and smashes them deeper into the ground. With so many better options for damaging someone, it’s clear that Broly was just enjoying hurting his enemies.


6. Blaster Meteor Vs Everyone

Coming in at number 6 we have Blaster Meteor Vs Everyone! All of my favorite Broly attacks are the ones where his rage is most obvious. I love when he’s screaming uncontrollably and blasting everything in sight. The Blaster Meteor is one such technique. As Broly’s rage rises from fighting Goku and friends he begins his transformation into the legendary Super Saiyan. 


Once he gets closer to becoming this powerful form he starts to rise into the sky and charge a green energy shield around himself. His screaming becomes louder and louder until energy bombs begin to pour from him a blow up on anything they touch. This move not only really hurts the people who get hit by it but it also does massive damage to the planet they are fighting on.


5. Double Eraser Cannon vs Goku

Coming in at number 5 we have Double Eraser Cannon vs Goku! During their first-ever battle against the legendary Super Saiyan, the Z-fighters were desperate. Vegeta’s will to fight was broken, Piccolo was easily stopped and Trunks was fairing no better. Broly began to target Gohan once he realized he was Goku’s son. Broly slammed him into a building high in the sky where Gohan got stuck.


 Our hero rushed to save him only to be stopped by Broly. Determined to no let the villain ge in his way, Goku ran right at him only to be blown back by an energy bomb to the chest. This sent him flying and as he stood up Broly started launching a volley of the same attacks at him. Goku blocked most of them but the final one was buried in his chest and threw our hero into a building.Watching a father fight to save his son only to be pushed back everytime was brutal.


4. Lariat vs Everyone

Coming in at number 4 we have Lariat vs Everyone! Here we have another of Broly’s very physical attacks. He has used this move multiple times but my favorite is when he’s charging throughout the city in his first appearance. He was fighting all of the Z-fighters that were there and was busting in and out of buildings to surprise the heroes before attacking them.


 At one point Trunks and Goku are flying through the city and Broly comes through a wall and hits them both with his Lariat. This move is a hit with his arms that causes them to get stuck. Then he proceeds to fly them through every building in his path. The villain uses the heads of his opponents to destroy anything he can hit. This is another of Broly’s attacks that show off his brutal fighting style.


3. Torture Hold vs Trunks

Coming in at number 3 we have Torture Hold vs Trunks! Here we have, hands down the funniest moment involving Broly in all of his appearances. During the Broly second coming movie Trunks and Goten were doing everything they could to fend off the villain but they didn’t stand a chance. Broly battered them around without even trying while still in his normal Super Saiyan form. During the fight, Goten, who is trying to protect the dragonballs, takes off. This scares Trunks because he doesn’t want to be alone with the rage-fueled Broly. 


He yells at Goten to come back but is cut short when Broly grabs him and holds the young Saiyan over his head. A lot of moves that the villain employs seem like something a wrestler would do and Torture Hold is no exception. He lifted Trunks above him and began pulling the little warriors back over his head. It turned out to be a bad decision as Trunks began to piss all over Broly’s head. The look of relief on the kid’s face was beyond hilarious.


2. Omega Blaster vs Gohan and Goten

Coming in at number 2 we have Omega Blaster vs Gohan and Goten! This is one of the most powerful moves we have ever seen Broly employ. It starts as a huge green aura that condenses around Broly into a tiny orb in his hand. He then launches the orb forward and it grows into a giant destructive ball of doom. He uses this to try and kill Gohan and Goten in a beam struggle against their Bros Kamehameha. 


Even though they pushed with everything they had they couldn’t prevent Broly’s energy from moving towards them. However, Just as it seemed like all hope was lost their father showed up adding his Kamehameha to the attack. His energy turned the technique into the fan-favorite Family Kamehameha and proved too much for Broly. Goku showing up here was a perfect example of Deus Ex Machina. If it wasn’t for him, his children would have died.


1.Gigantic Catastrophe vs Gogeta

Coming in at number 1 we have Gigantic Catastrophe vs Gogeta! The new version of Broly that came out in DragonBall Super is not as evil as his original version but definitely more rage-fueled. In his battle against Vegeta and Goku, he continually pushed the envelope of power, to the point where they had to fuse and become Gogeta. No matter what the newly fused warrior threw at the enraged Saiyan he just kept getting back up. 


Eventually, as their fight neared its conclusion Broly found himself at the height of his anger and couldn’t even open his mouth without beams of energy pouring out. He had become the epitome of rage and roared at the universe, blasting beams everywhere before focusing them on Gogeta. Unfortunately, for the new Saiyan, he didn’t even slow Gogeta down. Even if it didn’t stop our heroes the moves destructive capabilities were evident.

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