10. Able Sisters (Labelle)
From Animal Crossing: New Leaf
It was a tough decision to choose between the New Horizons and New Leaf version of this song, but there’s something that makes the New Leaf one very special, and that is the fact that it goes even more towards the chill/relaxing vibes once you enter to the Labelle section of the Able Sisters shop. Let’s hope for Label to get her own space in future Animal Crossing games!
9. 5 PM
From Animal Crossing: New Horizons
This is my version of LoFi Beats to Study/Work to; it might not be as relaxing as some other tracks from this list, but I just really love to chill on my island at 5 o’clock every time I can just listen to this cool beat. If it’s raining or snowing then it definitely gets more relaxing, though.
8. Loading the Game (Isabelle Theme)
From Animal Crossing: New Leaf
This is it; this was the moment where the Isabelle Theme was born and got ready to live a long life going through the New Horizons entry. Sometimes we wouldn’t even notice that a lovely song was playing in the background, but once you paid enough attention you discovered a gem that would be part of several YouTube compilations with relaxing Animal Crossing music.
7. 5 AM
From Animal Crossing: City Folk
Not all people play Animal Crossing at 5 AM, but you were a lucky folk if you did it during the City Folk years because you got the chance to listen to one of the most uncommon tracks of the Animal Crossing repertoire. We are lucky to have YouTube nowadays, but if you were recommended by other users on Animal Crossing internet forums about the 5 AM theme you had to get up early!
6. Train Station
From Animal Crossing: New Leaf
I don’t know why but there’s a strong hypnotic and relaxing energy going out of the Train Station music from New Leaf. The frequency in which you could hear it depended on how often you played with friends either locally or online, but every time one did it, it was an absolute delight.
5. New Year's Eve (11:55 PM)
From Animal Crossing: New Horizons
When it comes to rare Animal Crossing beats, none can come even close to the New Year's Eve one that plays for five minutes at 11:55 PM on New Year's Eve. If you’ve had the chance to hear it in real-time, you can agree that it’s by far one of the most beautiful tracks on an Animal Crossing game.
4. The Roost
From Animal Crossing: Wild World
The link above takes us to the New Leaf version (which is not that different, to be honest), but the credit goes all to the original that was first heard on the Nintendo DS entry Animal Crossing: Wild World. The Roost has nothing but become a staple of the Animal Crossing, a fan favorite, and has been part of each game since its debut.
3. 8 PM
From Animal Crossing: City Folk
It’s 8 o’clock in the evening and you just took a shower after a long and exhausting day at work; you grab a cup of lavender tea to get relaxed and turn your Nintendo Gamecube on. This is what starts playing once you’re all set and ready to go; life’s good.
2. 5 AM
From Animal Crossing: New Horizons
One could call the 5 AM New Horizons theme song to be one of the rarest since it’s also one of the most uncommon hours to play the game. But if you’ve gone through an all-nighter with the game or you just wake up very early, the 5 AM theme is a precious relaxing gem in Nintendo music. Unless you’re listening to the even rarer 5 AM on a rainy day; that’s some peak chill Animal Crossing music.
1. Museum Fish Exhibit
From Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Every Animal Crossing player is different and has a different goal in mind when playing the game; but whether you’re interested in donating every possible critter to the museum or not, you cannot let a Museum Fish Exhibit visit go unnoticed. The museum theme is already good and relaxing; it, fortunately, has a twist every time you go to a different area but my personal favorite is the one with the fish; a song that made nothing but a peaceable feeling go through my body and millions of people as well.