[Top 10] Arena of Valor Best Supports

18 Oct 2022

Supports are the backbone of a good team. Although they don’t deal much damage, they can frustrate enemy heroes and make the game tiring. I’ve personally felt that way a couple of times because of some support heroes. So if you love harassing enemies and playing the support role, you can find below the best support heroes in Arena of Valor.


10. Alice

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Alice's sweet and innocent appearance once saved her from being abducted! She is full of love and often takes in stray animals.

Alice Pro Gameplay - 

Alice is a very adorable but annoying hero. Ignore her cute face if you don’t want to be a victim of her harassing skills. I don’t like her skill 1 (Sunshine) because she casts a spell in a target location, stunning them and dealing magic damage. I’m always a victim of this skill. Moreover, the cooldown time is low, and the stun can last for a second.

With her Skill 2 (Friendship), Alice grants herself and nearby allies a shield while increasing their movement speed. Alice Ultimate (Hissy Fit) allows her to summon a large circle in a target location, dealing magic damage to enemies and slowing them down. The damage rate increases if you remain in the circle for a while.

What makes Alice a great Support;

  • Buffs. She’s good at buffs.
  • Control. She can stun enemy heroes repeatedly with her skill 1
  • Shield. Alice grants a shield to nearby allies and protects them when low on hp.
  • Magic damage. She deals a significant amount of magic damage with her ultimate. 

9. Zip

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This speed demon and Lokheim warrior dreams of one day developing an eight-pack and fears women's high heels!

Zip Pro Gameplay - 

 Zip, the speed demon, is a support hero great at buffs. He’s very good at controlling enemies while shielding nearby allies. He might look small but can expand to fit the situation when needed.

Zip’s skill 1 (Zip Hex) shoots a bullet in a target direction, which links all nearby enemies and targets together. He stuns them and deals magic damage to them equally. For his skill 2 (Zip AIngry), Zip sucks all friendly heroes within range and gains super armour during this period. This is why I said he could expand to fit the situation.

With his Ultimate (Zip Roll), Zip can roll in a target direction, knocking up and dealing damage to enemies in his path. He also gains super amour if he hits any obstacles.

What makes Zip a great support;

  • Buffs. Zip is very good at buffs.
  • Controls. He uses his skill 1 to control and stun enemies.
  • Super amour. Zip gains amour whenever he uses his skill 2 and Ultimate. This reduces the amount of damage taken.
  • Shield. Zip can protect allies with low hp by sucking them with his skill 2
  • Retreating. His Ultimate enables him to flee quickly after sucking in nearby allies.

8. Krizzix

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For Krizzix, life is all about breathing, eating and sleeping, which is why he always loves to be invisible.

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This little creature is a perfect support because of his deceitful nature. Krizzix is mostly invisible, so it’s hard to tell when he launches an attack. With his skill 1 (In plain sight), Krizzix becomes invisible and untargetable, increasing his movement speed.

During this period, he reduces the armour and magic defence of enemies he touches. Krizzix skill 2 (Gravitational Pull) creates a circle around him that pulls nearby enemies towards him, stunning them after.

For his Ultimate (Concealment), Krizzix grants friendly heroes increased movement speed and also makes them invincible. This is usually great for a sneak attack and when escaping an unfavourable fight.

What makes Krizzix a great support;

  • Survivability. As a deceiver, he’s rarely visible, making it challenging to locate and deal damage to him.
  • Control. He controls enemies with his skill 2
  • Invincibility. His Ultimate makes it great to launch a sneak attack on enemies and gain the upper hand during team fights.
  • Krizzix reduces the armour and damage defence of enemies.

7. Rouie

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Rouie is a unique sight in Veda and takes pride in being a Light Chaser member.

Rouie Pro Gameplay - 

Rouie is another fun support hero that’s easy to play. She might look fragile, but she is great at buffs and harassment. This is because she can easily control the locations of her teammates. Rouie deals magic damage to enemies in a target location with her skill 1 (Holy Light). After which, she stuns them with the second stage of the skill.

With her skill 2 (Void Portal), Rouie summons a portal that teleports all friendly heroes back to the base, restoring their hp in full. This is helpful during team fights and when her teammates are low on hp. Enemy heroes can’t help but be angry at losing their chance to eliminate them.

For her Ultimate (Sacred Ground), always flee once you see it activated. Don’t try to act smart and tackle her during this period. This is because she summons a large circle in the target location which teleports all her teammates into the circle. How crazy would it be to face at least three heroes alone?

What makes Rouie a great support;

  • Buffs. She is good at buffs.
  • Control. She stuns enemies with the second stage of her skill 1
  • Initiator. She can initiate team fights by summoning teammates to a target location
  • HP restoration. She can quickly restore a teammate's hp with her skill 2

6. Arum

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Arum is a Priest of the Lion tribe, and even the king of beasts is at her command!

Arum Pro Gameplay - 

Arum is quite violent and intense as a support hero. This is because she’s not only a tank that can absorb damage but also a hero great at harassing enemies. Arum’s Skill 1 (Lion Tamer) allows her to summon a beast that circles her and deals damage to nearby enemies.

With her skill 2 (Uncaged), she releases her beast, who charges in a target's direction, slows them down, and stuns them on the third attack. Arum also gains an increase in her movement speed. She deals magic damage to enemies hit by the beast.

Arum’s Ultimate (Snare) is very annoying when activated. This is because Arum summons three beasts as she locks her target down with chains. During this period, the target cannot move, and the damage taken by both of them is shared equally.

What makes Arum a great Support;

  • Tank. Arum is a tank, so she can absorb damage for the team
  • Survivability. She might not look it, but she’s powerful and lasts long on the battlefield.
  • Initiator. Arum is good at initiating team fights.
  • Harass and control. She’s good at harassing and stunning enemies.

5. Gildur

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Gildur is so proud; he thinks his crown shines brighter than the sun and only wears accessories made of pure gold.

Gildur Pro Gameplay - 

 Gildur is another tank great at controlling heroes. He is perfect for stunning a hero from afar with his skill 2 (Extravagant), which is an excellent opener for ganking. The flying object deals magic damage to the hero. As he acts like a king, enemy heroes struggle not to succumb to his control.

His skill 1 (Siege) allows him to charge in the target direction, dealing physical damage and stunning them. Gildur’s Ultimate (Indulgence) is perfect for starting team fights. This is because he controls nearby enemies, stunning them repeatedly and making them immobile while the skill lasts.

His teammates can launch attacks during this period and gain the upper hand.

What makes Gildur a great Support;

  • Great crowd control. Gildur’s ultimate can control up to 5 enemy heroes at once.
  • Long Range stun. He can stun an enemy hero from quite a distance with his skill 2.
  • Damage. Although he’s a support, he can use his skill 2 to finish a squishy hero with low hp.
  • Damage Absorption. As a tank, he can absorb lots of damage on behalf of the team.

4. Cresht

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Cresht is the lord of the boiling sea; with his trident, he can summon the tide with a single wave.

Cresht Pro Gameplay - 

Cresht, the mermadion, is a tank good at shielding teammates and controlling enemies. His skill 1 (Typhoon) damages nearby enemies and knocks them back.

Cresht skill 2 (Aquatic shield) grants him and nearby allies shields. His Ultimate (Metamorphosis) gives him super amour as he suddenly transforms into the mutated version of Aquaman with a fork and many tentacles. He summons an enormous tidal wave during this transformation which stuns all enemies in his path.

While his ultimate is activated, his skill 1 and 2 is enhanced, dealing more damage to enemies. Also, when he transforms back to normal, he knocks back enemy heroes in his path.

What makes Cresht a great Support;

  • Shield. He shields allies during fights as he takes in damage
  • Great crowd control. His ultimate stuns and slows down enemies in his path. It’s good during team fights
  • Damage. He deals damage to nearby heroes with his skill 1 
  • Super armour. He takes less damage while his ultimate is in use.

3. Baldum

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This monolith soldier of the forest guardians never gets tired. He has bones like steel and muscles like boulders with god-like strength.

Baldum Pro Gameplay - 

Baldum is a tank that doesn’t die quickly, no matter how hard I try to kill him. His skill 1 (Wild charge) is excellent at harassing heroes as he dashes forward to enemies in his path. He hits and moves them behind him. If you’re unlucky, and this happens when his teammates surround him, just accept your death.

His skill 2 (Wild stomp) damages enemies around and slows them down. Baldum’s Ultimate (Wild prison) is what is vital in team fights. He traps enemy heroes under the ground for a few seconds, immobilizing them and dealing damage. Just imagine you’re at the point of killing an enemy hero, and you suddenly can’t move! I would want to pull my hair out!

What makes Baldum a great tank;

  • Absorbs damage. As a tank, he takes most of the damage for the team.
  • Survivability. Baldum doesn’t die quickly. He needs about two to three heroes to knock him out.
  • Team fights. Baldum is good at starting team fights with his skill 1, pushing the enemy heroes toward him.
  • Crowd control. His ultimate help is controlling crowds, as he can simultaneously trap all enemy heroes. This is very helpful if his team is losing and need to retreat. 

2. Grakk

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This tanky hero would grab your soul from your body with his long ranged hook and suck you into his belly.

Grakk Pro Gameplay - 

 Grakk can be so annoying as a support hero. He’s banned in ranked matches because of his skill 2 and Ultimate. He’s a well-fed hero that doesn’t give up. His skill 1 (Earthquake) slows down enemy heroes and deals minor magic damage to them.

Grakk’s skill 2 (Devil’s chain) targets an enemy hero, hooks and pulls him towards his fat belly. Immediately after he does that, his teammates launch attacks on that hero, giving the hero no chance of escaping. 

If you break free from his hook, he can decide to use his Ultimate (World devourer). Grakk’s belly suddenly becomes a vacuum cleaner that keeps sucking and pulling you towards him. He stuns you repeatedly, dealing magic damage and allowing his teammates to feed on you. Sounds so annoying, right?

What makes Grakk a great support;

  • Absorbs damage. As a tank, he absorbs damage on behalf of the team.
  • Great Crowd control. Grakk’s ultimate can control up to 5 enemy heroes at once.
  • Initiating team fights. Once he uses his ultimate to control enemy heroes, his teammates can take it as a signal to engage in team fights.
  • Great support. His skill 2 allows him to grab heroes as his teammates clear them. His hook always scares the shit out of me.

1. Aya

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Aya is a forest idol and Athanor's biggest star. For her first concert, all elves were coerced to attend by Krixi!

Aya Pro Gameplay - 

Aya is a hero with so much flexibility. When on your team, it's a plus, but if you’re facing her, you’ve got to sit tight. This is because she can mount on any of her teammates to act as a support. This automatically makes it difficult to kill any hero paired with her.

Her skill 1 (Sound breaker) launches a projectile that deals minor magic damage to enemies within it and slows them down. Aya’s skill 2 (Idol love) allows her to possess any team hero of her choice. Also, she grants the possessed hero a shield that lasts for 6 seconds and reduces damage taken by half. This allows her to protect her team heroes easily.

Aya’s Ultimate (Forest song) casts a big circle as she sings attractively. Enemy heroes in the circle for 2 seconds transform into mini balls. This increases the speed of the possessed hero as she deals magic damage to enemies. 

What makes Aya a great support;

  • Possession and protection. Aya can possess any team hero and act as a shield for her teammates.
  • Crowd control. Aya can transfigure up to 5 enemy heroes with her ultimate. 
  • Survivability. Aya always possesses a hero, which makes it difficult to kill her. Also, when her hp reaches a particular level after taking damage, she transforms into her original form and becomes untargetable for a few seconds.


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