Animal Crossing New Leaf Best Ordinance Guide

Animal Crossing New Leaf Best Ordinance
10 Dec 2019

Animal Crossing New Leaf Best Ordinance Guide

You sit down in your big leather office chair and Isabelle hands you your first project as mayor, issuing an ordinance! So, what is an ordinance? Well, an ordinance lets you determine what kind of town you and your villagers will live in. Now, not anybody can just make ordinances.

You must do your duty as mayor first! Before passing an ordinance, you will have to have a 100% approval rating from your town. This can be done by doing a variety of tasks including; pulling weeds, donating items to the museum, sending a letter, introducing yourself to each villager, etc.

Finally, you’re ready to pass an ordinance! But which is best? What do they do?

Well, let’s explore these options together.

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Isabelle trying to convince us to be early birds. Who needs coffee when you can play Animal Crossing nice and early?!

#4. The Early Bird Ordinance

Applying this ordinance will have your town up bright and early. Your shops on Main Street will be open 3 whole hours early and your villagers will be awake 3 hours earlier to greet you to the new day.

Get This Ordinance if…

  • If you too are an early bird and are tired of finding your shops closed every morning, this ordinance may be the one for you. Because we all know, early bird gets the worm!
  • If you would like to opt out of time traveling and could use a few extra hours visiting with your villagers in the morning. If you are a time traveler like myself, this ordinance will be irrelevant for you.

#3 The Night Owl/Nightlife Ordinance

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Because who wouldn't want to party with adorable Isabelle at the local LOL club?

Enacting this town ordinance will result in the opposite of the Early Bird ordinance. Your shops will now stay open 3 hours later than usual and your villagers will stroll around the town at night!

Get This Ordinance If…

  • If you are like me and can’t seem to sleep at night and use Animal Crossing to put yourself to sleep. It is nice to be able to use your shops well after closing hours.
  • If you only are able to play at night and do not prefer to use the “time travel” method, then the night owl ordinance allows you to visit with your villagers late into the night. If you do time travel, this ordinance will be irrelevant for you.

 #2 The Wealthy Town/Bell Boom Ordinance

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Now, I know what your thinking. You’re thinking how a Wealthy Town ordinance could possibly not be in the number 1 spot. And yes, it does help you sell items for more bells, however, the amount you PAY for items is also at a higher price. To sweeten the deal though, Re-tail will give you TWO premium items per day rather than their usual one. This ordinance overall helps the economy of your town.

Get This Ordinance If…

  • If you have just started a new game and need to make fast bells ) this ordinance will definitely help!
  • If you don’t plan on buying much from your shops in town then the higher prices for items won’t affect you.
  • If you are a new player this is the best ordinance to have at first. Then after you have earned plenty of bells and are ready to landscape, switch ordinances!
  • If you have saved up many of the premium items needed at Re-tail. So, in the event that you have played the game for quite a while, there is a chance you have saved up many items. If you need to get rid of these items, you might as well sell them at a premium!

#1 The Beautiful Town Ordinance

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In case you don't have a green thumb and are terrified of cockroaches in your home!

This is by far a favorite among the Animal Crossing New Leaf community. You get the most perks from choosing this ordinance and in turn have less work to do around your town. This Beautiful Town ordinance prevents flowers from wilting and trash from showing up in your river. You will also find your villagers out and about more often, planting and watering flowers for you. Lastly, little to no weeds/dandelions will show up daily, saving you time from picking each weed by hand. This leaves you with more time to fish/catch bugs, and you know what they say, time is money!

Get This Ordinance if…

  • If you are planning on breeding flowers and will have far too many to water on your own.
  • If you are tired of paying to recycle trash from your river.
  • If you hate seeing cockroaches in your home.
  • If you want to see your villagers in town more often.
  • If you hate pulling all those pesky weeds.
  • If you are trying to maintain a “perfect town” in order to grow Jacob’s Ladder.


And, my last advice to you is not to be afraid to change your ordinance frequently depending on your town. As your town evolves different ordinances may help your town. Hopefully, all of this information has given you some sort of idea on how to conduct business as your town’s new mayor!


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