Top 10 Alpha Centauri Best Factions That Are Powerful

The many factions of Alpha Centauri
15 Oct 2022

The factions of Alpha Centauri are incredibly unique. All of them differ not in terms of military units but ideologies. Some want to make peace with this new alien planet, while others just want to make a lot of money off the environment. Some want to create a technologically advanced society, while others want a religious state. Whichever faction you choose will affect the type of game you play with its own set of challenges.

However, if you’re seeking to dominate the game, you may ask which faction is the most powerful. It’s not easy to answer this question regarding the military forces since every faction has the same units they can develop. You need a bit of tact to determine which faction suits you best. With that being said, here are the top 

1. Spartan Federation

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For the most vital military force you can develop in Alpha Centauri, look no further than the Spartan Federation. They’re a well-oiled fighting force of survivalists that maintain unquestioning devotion thanks to high morale and solid military policing. Their research is limited compared to some factions, but they also center their technological developments on what benefits their military forces. If your biggest concern has a powerful army, this is the faction for you.

What They Excel At?

  • Military forces.
  • Policing.
  • Survival.

Choose the Spartan Federation if you want…

  • To stop drone riots before they happen.
  • To have a strong army that won’t back down.
  • To rule with an iron fist.

Spartan Federation Stats:

  • +2 MORALE
  • +1 POLICE

2. University of Planet

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The University of Planet is all about tech. This focus can lead to innovations, such as having a free Network Node at every base and an extra drone for every four citizens. Science can help your society advance at a quicker pace. This can allow for faster development of advanced weapons, making it easier to take offense against rival factions.

What They Excel At?

  • Scientific research.
  • Technological advancements.
  • Innovations from citizens.

Choose the University of Planet if you want…

  • To research quickly.
  • To develop advanced weapons in a short time.
  • To grow your bases with innovative citizens.

University of Planet Stats:

  • -2 PROBE

3. Human Hive

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The Human Hive faction is one of leadership that finds value in preserving the human race. This resulted in bases built mostly underground for better defense and fast growth of colony populations. The focus on unity and development can make amassing an army for offense and defense proceed quickly. The police state structure and the planned economic systems also do a solid job of maintaining that unity, ensuring the drone riots will not be as common as hindering colony development. All of this makes for a faction that can expand its territory and population in a short time.

What They Excel At?

  • Population growth.
  • Defense.
  • Unity.

Choose the Human Hive if you want…

  • To rapidly grow.
  • To have defensive bases.
  • To maintain order and industry.

Human Hive Stats:

  • +1 GROWTH
  • -2 ECONOMY

4. Lord's Believers

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If you demand unity from your faction, the Lord’s Believers are incredibly loyal to their religious cause. They have faith to continue the progress of their society, even if their research is held back based on religious convictions. They become a force to reckon with on the battlefield as their faith gives them the confidence to charge forward with higher chances of surviving encounters.

What They Excel At?

  • Luck in battle.
  • Loyal population.
  • Strong probe teams.

Choose the Lord’s Believers if you want…

  • To have loyal followers.
  • To have a boost in combat.
  • To make more daring probing missions.

Lord’s Believers Stats:

  • +1 PROBE
  • +2 SUPPORT
  • -1 PLANET

5. Gaia's Stepdaughters

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Gaia’s Stepdaughters are all about being at peace with nature. Seeking harmony, they make the most attempt among all humans to communicate with the planet. This results in the faction being highly adept at growing resources and maintaining ecological spread. Though their pacifist nature limits their morale and economy, their nature focus allows them to convert mind worms and other native creatures with a higher success rate. This is a handy feature as you can build an army more from the planet than your bases. This makes the faction one of the great survivors of the game.

What They Excel At?

  • Ecology.
  • Understanding the planet.
  • Converting native wildlife.

Choose Gaia's Stepdaughters if you want…

  • To grow your resources efficiently.
  • To build up a natural army.
  • To experience fewer battles against mind worms.

Gaia’s Stepdaughters Stats:

  • +1 PLANET
  • -1 MORALE
  • -1 POLICE

6. Morgan Industries

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Morgan Industries is the most capitalistic of all the factions. Their central goal is money and amassing as much of it as possible. The fast accumulation of wealth can lead to more rapid production of military units and the development of crucial projects and infrastructure. You even start the game with a more considerable amount of energy credits. This makes Morgan Industries one of the easier factions to play for first-timers.

What They Excel At?

  • Making money.
  • Negotiating wealthy diplomatic deals.

Choose Morgan Industries if you want…

  • To get rich.
  • To gain more credits with treaties and pacts.
  • To build up your bases.

Morgan Industries Stats:

  • +1 ECONOMY
  • -1 SUPPORT
  • Commerce bonus increases the value of treaties, pacts, and loans.

7. The Cult of Planet

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The Cult of Planet is an industrialized version of Gaia’s Stepchildren. They’re all about tapping into the planet's mysteries but utilizing them more for growth than a grander connection between man and nature. While this heavy focus on ecology hinders the economy and industry of the faction, they’re adept at navigating quickly across the xenofungus and converting planet creatures into being your allies. You’ll be surprised how quickly you’ll be able to have your squadrons of mind worms, converting them as you explore.

What They Excel At?

  • Using the planet as a business partner.

Choose The Cult of Planet if you want…

  • To amass an army of planet-based creatures.
  • To zoom across the xenofungus.

The Cult of Planet Stats:

  • +2 PLANET
  • -1 ECON

8. The Cybernetic Consciousness

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The Cybernetic Consciousness can be considered the Borg from Star Trek. Their society is obsessed with technology and devotes a lot of time to building and maintaining an advanced civilization. In the same way that the Borg adapt to whatever they absorb, the

Consciousness learns new tech with each base. They capture what they lack in growth, more than make up for in efficiency, and have a tremendous ambient soundtrack while playing.

What They Excel At?

  • Researching innovations.
  • Absorbing tech of enemies.

Choose The Cybernetic Consciousness if you want…

  • To steal technology as you take over bases.
  • To make discoveries quicker.
  • To run an efficient society.

The Cybernetic Consciousness Stats:

  • -1 GROWTH

9. The Data Angels

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The Data Angels may look similar to the University of Planet but differ in their preference for spying. They not only recognize the benefits of security but how to infiltrate it as well. This is one of the best factions to rely on if you want to destroy your enemies from the inside. The boost to probe teams can allow you to sabotage enemy faction colonies with fewer chances of failure. If you put some work into the faction’s discoveries, you can find yourself excelling quickly in research and use that as a bargaining chip to undermine other factions as well.

What They Excel At?

  • Spy missions against enemies.

Choose The Data Angels if you want…

  • To steal tech.
  • To sabotage enemy colonies.
  • To amass a lot of research quickly.

The Data Angels Stats:

  • +2 PROBE
  • -1 POLICE

10. Manifold Usurpers

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The Manifold Usurpers are aliens that have crashed-landed on the planet amid a war with the Manifold Caretakers. The Usurpers differ from the Caretakers in not showing much respect for the planet. They’re devoted to using resources for their gain. So while you’ll always have a permanent enemy, the Usurpers have enough growth and offensive capabilities to take on the planet.

What They Excel At?

  • Taking charge in combat.
  • Maintaining order.

Choose Manifold Usurpers if you want…

  • To fight everyone.
  • A strong military force.
  • To grow your culture with heavy unity.

Manifold Usurpers Stats:

  • +1 GROWTH
  • +1 MORALE
  • -1 PLANET
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