All Rain World Campaigns (Ranked)

The campaigns and playthroughs of Rain World ranked
13 Apr 2024

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The Survivor slugcat and a scavenger hurl spears at each other

From a nimble and deadly spear-throwing warrior to a peaceful and timid monk, there are many paths  to traverse the mysteries of Rain World. The game offers numerous different campaigns through the variety of  unlockable slugcat creatures that serve as the playable protagonists. No matter the desired playstyle, there is a slugcat/campaign that will align with it.

In Rain World, campaigns define the strengths and weaknesses of the player, as each slugcat has its own abilities. The world also changes depending on which slugcat is chosen, as they exist at different times in the same world - sometimes making the paths different and predators varied.

How to Unlock Campaigns?

In the vanilla game, both the Survivor or the Monk campaigns are available immediately. Successfully completing a playthrough of the game (as either) will then unlock the campaign with the Hunter slugcat - considered the hard campaign. These are the only campaigns that are available for play without the DLC Downpour.

If Downpour is enabled, then completing a passthrough as the Monk or the Survivor will also unlock the slugcats/campaigns named the Artificer and the Gourmand. Once a playthrough is completed as the any of the Hunter, the Artificer, or the Gourmand, then these campaigns are available: the Rivulet and the Spearmaster. Finally, one must beat the game as both the Rivulet and the Spearmaster in order to unlock the final campaign: the Saint.


1. The Monk Campaign (Good)

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The Monk hibernates in its shelter as the rain falls

The Monk campaign is available from the very start of Rain World, and serves as an easiest playthrough. This slugcat is one of the least combat capable, and also possesses very few talents. However, the world in which this slugcat exists is also one of the more forgiving in terms of the predators and features.

The Monk needs only 3 food pips to hibernate, which makes the game easier, as less food-gathering is necessary. Predators do not spawn as often and are less aggressive to the slugcat. Additionally, this slugcat has a weak throw when it comes to spears, doing less damage and throwing items with less velocity - as such, combat is not the primary aim of this campaign.

Monk Campaign Pros:

  • Excellent introduction to the game
  • Fairly easy campaign to complete
  • If player does not wish to fight, very good option

Monk Campaign’s Cons:

  • The Monk is not too agile of a slugcat
  • Not as fun for those who wish to use combat
  • Doesn’t present as strong of a challenge
  • No fun special abilities or mechanics

2. The Survivor Campaign (Good)

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A predator leaps after the fleeing Survivor

The Survivor is the most popular campaign, offering the most balanced playstyle, while still providing an excellent introduction to the game. The Survivor slugcat is the most well-rounded slugcat out there, designed to get a new player used to Rain World.  This campaign is likely the best place to start if you’re new to Rain World.

Though the Survivor doesn’t have any tremendous strengths, it also doesn’t have any significant weaknesses or inhibitions. The Survivor can eat both plants and meat, allowing it to thrive in almost any region. Additionally, it is reasonably nimble in avoiding predators, of which there are a reasonable amount of in this timeline.

Survivor Campaign Pros:

  • Excellent initial choice, very versatile and well-rounded
  • Good predator avoidance, as nimble and quick
  • Is reasonably good at combat using available spears and stones

Survivor Campaign Cons:

  • No particularly unique abilities
  • Very standard in all aspects
  • Not a big challenge for advanced players

3. The Hunter Campaign (Good)

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The Hunter races away with spear in hand

The Hunter is considered the hardest campaign of vanilla Rain World, unlockable by beating the game as the Survivor or the Monk. The Hunter campaign promotes a much more combative playstyle than the other vanilla slugcats, which can be very enjoyable as the player who prefers not to play timidly.

The Hunter has several unique abilities that orient it towards a more combat-heavy style, with one being its capacity to carry a spare spear on its back. Furthermore, it can consume any creature in the game, though smaller creatures and fruits (batflies, blue fruit, etc.) do not provide as much nourishment; though the Hunter requires 6 food pips instead of 4 in order to hibernate. As well, there is a demanding challenge in that the Hunter starts on cycle 19 and then counts downwards, with any death after cycle 0 being campaign-ending.

Hunter Campaign Pros:

  • Increased challenge
  • Combat-heavy playstyle
  • Fun special abilities (holding extras spear and eating anything killed)

Hunter Campaign Cons:

  • Very difficult to beginner
  • Numerous  aggressive predators
  • Requires more food to hibernate and save progress

4. The Saint Campaign (Good)

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The Saint swings using its long tongue

The Saint is the last available campaign of the DLC Downpour, requiring the game to be beaten as both the Rivulet and the Spearmaster. This slugcat is a very hard campaign, presenting some unique mechanics, but also many challenges. For starters, meat cannot be eaten, spears cannot be thrown (making popcorn plants uneatable too), and the Saint  will be instantly slain by any damage, no matter how minute. .

The Saint requires 4 food pips to hibernate, but can only store a single extra, which when combined with the scarcity of suitable food sources, adds great hardship to the game. Another new mechanic is that snow has replaced rain, and now the slugcat must find sources of warmth when blizzards come. Overall, this character is incredibly challenging, and is presented as the final campaign for good reason. 

Saint Campaign Pros:

  • Very challenging, for those who wish it
  • Unique and different world changes, such as snow
  • Inbuilt grappling/swinging mechanic

Saint Campaign Cons:

  • Very difficult and frustrating
  • Any damage will instantly kill
  • Not good for combat

5. The Gourmand Campaign (Best)

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The Gourmand hurls a spear while airborne

The Gourmand campaign is all about food, as the slugcat’s abilities are centered around this theme. It is unlocked after beating the game as the Survivor or the Monk. The Gourmand can eat from any source in the game, though meat satisfies it less than other more vegetative meals. Interestingly, due to the plump roundness of this slugcat’s body, the Gourmand can roll for much further distances than any other character.

The Gourmand needs a colossal 7 food pips to hibernate, but considering its size and aptitude, nothing less would be realistic. This campaign also has a unique challenge in the game mechanic of exhaustion, which slows and limits all movements. This isn't the only added difficulty, with sneaking also being much worse due to the large body size.

Gourmand Campaign Pros:

  • Special combat skill, landing on enemies and using body weight
  • Unique movements, with sliding and rolling being more effective
  • Fun central theme: food

Gourmand Campaign Cons:

  • Somewhat difficult and challenging
  • High amount of food needed to hibernate
  • Exhaustion mechanic can be tricky

6. The Rivulet Campaign (Best)

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The Rivulet happily jumps to some water below

The Rivulet campaign is all about water, with the slugcat able to swim quickly, hold its breath for long periods, and pop bubble fruit without a water source. This slugcat is unlockable upon completing the game as the Hunter, the Gourmand, or the Artificer. While this character doesn’t excel at fighting like many of the previous ones, it can move  quickly, not only in the water, but also using its increased land movement speed and jump height.

The Rivulet requires 5 food pips to hibernate, but can eat bubble fruits without putting it in water first, which can save essential time. Seeing as how floods come twice as quickly in this campaign, this can save valuable seconds. Aquatic predators spawn in much greater numbers, making the water a perilous place despite the Rivulet’s strong swimming. Cycles are shorter in this campaign too, making hibernations more frequently required.

Rivulet Campaign Pros:

  • Fun playstyle, water-oriented
  • More agile character
  • World has unique challenges, like added aquatic predators

Rivulet Campaign Cons:

  • Difficult with added predators
  • Combat abilities are lacking
  • Cycles are shorter, making hibernation frequent


7. The Artificer (Best)

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The Artificer looks down the shaft of an incoming spear

The Artificer Campaign expands on explosives, with this slugcat able to create deadly weapons and use detonations as a mobility booster. This slugcat can be unlocked after beating the game as the Survivor or the Monk, making it available relatively early in the game. The most notable skill this slugcat wields is its ability to create explosives at the cost of food pips.

Another amazing ability is that the Artificer is immune to explosion damage - a considerably handy skill considering its aptitude to blow things up. There are some unique challenges to this gamemode too, however, with one being that scavengers are actively always aggressive towards the player, frequently sending out attack squads. Another two difficulties are the Artificer’s very low lung capacity which makes water regions formidable, and that it requires 6 food pips to hibernate.

Artificer Campaign Pros:

  • Fun explosion mechanics added
  • Combat-oriented playstyle
  • Unlockable relatively quickly

Artificer Campaign Cons:

  • Water regions are very difficult due to low lung capacity
  • Hibernation requires a high number of food pips

8. The Spearmaster (Very Best)

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The spearmaster dual-wields two spikes

The Spearmaster is an incredibly capable warrior slugcat, making for an extremely fun campaign, though also presenting many additional challenges. This slugcat is one of the later ones to be unlocked, and can hold two spears simultaneously, and also can create its own spears (needles) which it uses to siphon energy from opponents instead of eating. Spears naturally also do more base damage to enemies than in other campaigns.

Several difficulties confront the Spearmaster, one being a greater quantity of predators in the world, each being more aggressive than the last. Another is that the Spearmaster has much lower stealth ability, meaning it must face more challenges with a spear in hand. Certain foods provide much less nourishment to it (smaller creatures and plants), but fortunately, only 5 food pips are required to hibernate and 5 additional food pips can also be saved.

Spearmaster Campaign Pros:

  • Strong combatant, can carry additional spears and create needles
  • Food sources expanded, able to siphon energy many places
  • Spear creation mechanic is very fun

Spearmaster Campaign Cons:

  • Entirely carnivorous slugcat
  • Harder to unlock this campaign


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