All Minecraft Leggings Enchantments (And When To Use Them)

All Minecraft Leggings Enchantments (And When To Use Them)
04 Oct 2022

All The Enchantments For Your Leggings to Keep You Safe And Happy

There are a lot of enchantments for your pants in Minecraft, even some that is exclusive to your leggings. You might need a certain type of protection for some mobs, or particular enchantments to go caving and be safer.

In this article, we will be listing all the enchantments you can have for your leggings and we will also discuss which situations are the best for which enchantments. If that sounds interesting, join us in this journey by keep reading!


10. Fire Protection

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“Reduces damage taken from sources of fire.”
Fire Protection stats:

  • Fire Protection I: %8 fire damage reduction.
  • Fire Protection II: %16 fire damage reduction.
  • Fire Protection III: %24 fire damage reduction.
  • Fire Protection IV: %32 fire damage reduction.
  • Incompatible with Blast Protection, Projectile Protection, Protection.

Fire Protection is a cool enchantment if you don’t really enjoy the fact that you seem to catch on fire more than someone probably should. Fire Protection will give you %8 fire damage reduction for every level, and you can get the damage reduction up to %80 and will barely take any damage from fire.

What causes fire damage? Well, things like lava, fire, magma blocks, lit campfires, and mobs like the blaze will definitely cause a lot of fire damage to you if you are not too careful and/or don’t have any Fire Protection.

In addition to the %8 damage reduction, Fire Protection will also reduce the time you are on fire by %15 for every level. With enough levels, you will simply not catch on fire.
Use Fire Protection if:

  • You hang around in the Nether dimension a lot, lot of lava and fire there, so it seems.
  • You fight with mobs that deal fire damage like blazes, magma cubes, and so on.
  • You don’t like burning for a long time after you touch fire or lava. No one probably wants that, to be honest.


9. Projectile Protection

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“Reduces damage taken from projectiles.”
Projectile Protection stats:

  • Projectile Protection I: %8 projectile damage reduction.
  • Projectile Protection II: %16 projectile damage reduction.
  • Projectile Protection III: %24 projectile damage reduction.
  • Projectile Protection IV: %32 projectile damage reduction.
  • Incompatible with Blast Protection, Fire Protection, Protection.

Projectile Damage functions the same way Fire Protection and Blast Protection does, but for Projectiles. Similarly, every level of Projectile Protection will grant you %8 damage reduction for every projectile in the game.

What are these projectiles you are talking about? You probably asked that, right? I’m guessing that you just asked that questions and will now start answering it. Anyway, here it comes, get ready: These projectiles are arrows, thrown tridents, shulker bullets, blaze fireballs, llama spit, ghast fireballs, and wither skulls. 

Be careful, though. Even though you will receive less projectile damage for ghast fireballs and wither skulls, they will still give you full blast damage. If you don’t want that, definitely check out the next entry in this list as well.
Use Projectile Protection if:

  • You are fighting mobs like skeletons a lot; since, you know, they tend shoot arrows.
  • You want to fight the wither; while Blast Protection might be better for that occasion, a little Projectile Protection can’t hurt, right?


8. Blast Protection
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“Reduces damage taken from explosions and fireworks.”
Blast Protection stats:

  • Blast Protection I: %8 blast damage reduction.
  • Blast Protection II: %16 blast damage reduction.
  • Blast Protection III: %24 blast damage reduction.
  • Blast Protection IV: %32 blast damage reduction.
  • Incompatible with Fire Protection, Projectile Protection, Protection.

A lot of things exploding around you? Really, really tired of suddenly being blown to bits by creepers after you hear that dreadful hiss right behind you as you are trying to build? Yeah, I get it. With enough Blast Protection, you can turn around after the explosion without dying and look at the small crater, which is nice, I guess.

With every level of Blast Protection, you will receive %8 Blast damage reduction from everything explosion related. That includes Creepers, TNT, fireworks rockets, beds, respawn anchors, wither explosions, ghast attacks, and so on. With Blast Protection IV, you can get %32 blast damage reduction with only a single piece of equipment.

You can stack the damage reduction up to %80 and also with every level, knockback caused by explosions will be reduced by %15, which is a nice bonus. So, best choose the protection type that suits you the most, since they are not compatible with each other for the same piece of armor.
Use Blast Protection if:

  • You hang around TNT a lot: if you have TNT-based farms, TNT cannons just laying around, and so on. I think you get the gist.
  • You fight with enemies like creepers a lot.
  • You decided to kill the wither. Good luck.
  • You do PvP with people who use a lot of firework rockets with crossbows and other similar explosions for damage.


7. Protection

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“Adds bonus damage reduction.” 

Protection stats:

  • Protection I: %4 damage reduction.
  • Protection II: %8 damage reduction.
  • Protection III: %12 damage reduction.
  • Protection IV: %16 damage reduction.
  • Incompatible with Blast Protection, Fire Protection, Projectile Protection.

What if you can’t decide? In that case, you have good old Protection which will grant you %4 damage reduction for every level. Even though it grants you lot less, the protection  is for every damage in the game this time, and you don’t need to choose which type of damage you want to be most prepared against. You can just be prepared for anything.

With Protection IV on every piece of your armor, you can get up to %64 protection from every damage in the game, which essentially, in addition to the damage negation of your armor, makes you invincible to most things in the game. 

So, if you can’t decide on with Protection type to use, this might be the best choice, and it is overall the most used Protection-type enchantment for armor for people who play PvE, PvP, or both.
Use Protection if:

  • You can’t decide on which Protection type to use.
  • You want your armor to be fit for every situation out there and be overall good for different encounters.
  • You want to be more tanky and powerful against any kind of enemy.


6. Unbreaking

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“Gives a chance for an item to avoid durability reduction when it is used, effectively increasing the item's durability.”
Unbreaking stats:

  • %100 more durability on a tool at Unbreaking I
  • %200 more durability on a tool at Unbreaking II
  • %300 more durability on a tool at Unbreaking III

Unbreaking is a great enchantment that you should probably have on all your equipment, tools and armor. While you can see your durability while you are using the pickaxe, or something similar, we always seem to ignore the durability for our armor, and they break when your friend hits you as a joke, probably for the 100th time. Heh.

Netherite leggings have 555 durability if you don’t have any Unbreaking on them. However, if you have Unbreaking III on that bad boy, it will instead have 2220 durability, more than the base netherite pickaxe. If you have also Mending on it, you basically have to put in a lot of extra effort to be break it.
Use Unbreaking if:

  • You want your leggings to last a lot longer.
  • You don’t want go and repair your leggings all the time as the durability gets to double and single digits much faster.
  • You like having armor. Honestly, there is no reason why you shouldn’t have Unbreaking on your armor.


5. Thorns

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“Causes attackers to be damaged when they deal damage to the wearer.”
Thorns stats:

  • Thorns I: %15 chance to inflict half a heart of damage to the attacker.
  • Thorns II: %30 chance to inflict half a heart of damage to the attacker.
  • Thorns III: %45 chance to inflict half a heart of damage to the attacker.

Thorns is a cool little enchantment that grants your armor the opportunity to strike back. Whenever an enemy hits you, there is chance that they will be knocked back and take half a heart of damage. If you have Thorns on all 4 pieces of armor, there is a chance that they will all activate with a single hit and damage your enemy for 4 half hearts of damage, which is nothing to sneeze at!

Even though it’s a cool enchantment, if you are trying to, for example, take a Shulker with you to go and make a farm, and the Shulker dies after it takes damage from your Thorns armor, it might not seem as cool. It also does more durability damage on your armor, so be careful with that as well.
Use Thorns if:

  • You don’t deal with hostile mobs that you really don’t want to die on you.
  • You are in combat a lot and wouldn’t mind the extra knockback and damage.
  • You also have Unbreaking and Mending on your armor, so the armor wouldn’t break as easily from Thorns’ extra durability penalty.


4. Mending

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“Restores durability of an item using experience.”
Mending stats:

  • Enchantment weight: 2
  • Incompatible with Infinity
  • Maximum level: 1

While we talked about how cool Unbreaking was and you should definitely have it, Mending is even more important. We talked about how you wouldn’t need to repair your armor as much when you have Unbreaking; well, with Mending, you might just never have to.

With Mending, when you pick up XP orbs from the ground, rather than those XP orbs going to your levels, they will instead be used up to repair the item you are holding in that moment or wearing. If you are wearing a full armor set with Mending all the time, and if you receive XP not too uncommonly, they will always be full up on durability!

Because Mending also is compatible with everything you can enchant on an armor, there really is no reason to not use it on every piece of your armor.
Use Mending if:

  • You don’t want to repair your armor at all.
  • You want your leggings to not break on you when you are not paying attention.
  • You want your leggings to basically repair themselves without you needing to do anything.


3. Curse of Binding

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“Prevents removal of a cursed item from its armor slot.”
Curse of Binding stats:

  • Maximum level: 1
  • Not able to disenchant.
  • Only appliable with an anvil.

Curse of Binding is really not an enchantment that you want on your armor, except that fact that maybe you do, who knows. If you decide to wear a piece of armor that has Curse of Binding on it, you will quickly realize that you can’t really take it off anymore. Well, that’s because, huh, what the enchantment does. 

Don’t worry, you won’t have to worry about getting this enchantment from your Enchantment table. You can only find Curse of Binding enchanted books around the world or loot with the enchantment already on it. And if you decide to use that enchanted book on your own piece of armor, well that seems to be entirely on you, does it not? Don’t worry, it will come off if it gets broken or if you die.

At least you can troll your friends with it (hint: you can also apply it to carved pumpkins)
Use Curse of Binding if:

  • You want to put a carved pumpkin on your friend’s head and if the fact that them not being able to take it off brings you momentous joy.
  • You really want to commit to a certain piece of armor.


2. Curse of Vanishing

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“Causes the item to disappear on death.”
Curse of Vanishing stats:

  • Maximum level: 1
  • Not able to disenchant.
  • Only appliable with an anvil.

Curse of Vanishing is similar to Curse of Binding. Why? Well, you can’t get it off of an enchantment table, you can’t get rid of it once it’s there, and you can only find it in the world as enchanted books or already on loot you can find on chests on, let’s say, places like the end cities and the strongholds.

If you die while an item with Curse of Vanishing is in your inventory, whether you are wearing it or not, it will not drop as an item drop like every other item will, but instead will disappear into the void, never to be seen or heard from ever again for the rest of eternity and more.

Why would you want it on your armor, then? You don’t. If you decide that you want this enchantment on your armor, we respect that. While I couldn’t find any good reason for it, our audience is amazing and surely will come up with reasons why Curse of Vanishing might be actually beneficial in certain scenarios.
Use Curse of Vanishing if:

  • You like living on the edge of your seat while playing Minecraft and gambling with your precious armor.


1. Swift Sneak

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“Causes the trident to return to the owner once thrown.”
Swift Sneak stats:

  • No Swift Sneak: crouching is 30% of walking speed.
  • Swift Sneak I: crouching is 45% of walking speed.
  • Swift Sneak II: crouching is 60% of walking speed.
  • Swift Sneak III: crouching is 75% of walking speed.

Swift Sneak is that squeaky clean and new enchantment Minecraft brough to us very recently. It was added in1.19 with the addition of ancient cities and that spooky fella that I don’t really want to be anywhere near to. However, if you want to get your hands on this amazing enchantment, you might have to be extremely close to a Warden, since you can only get the Swift Sneak enchantment from ancient cities. Yeah…

The Swift Sneak enchantment will increase your speed while crouching. We are all used to slow crouching speeds, as you only moving at %30 of walking speed when you don’t have any Swift Sneak. With Swift Sneak III, you can be %75 the speed of walking while crouching, which is really fast.

This is useful when you are sneaking around in the ancient cities but still want to more around faster, or if you like building really tall walls.
Use Swift Sneak if:

  • You like Building. Honestly, the increased crouch speed is an amazing help to building tall things like walls and other similar things, since you can place blocks below without falling off but still be able to move really fast.
  • You want to look around and loot ancient cities but don’t want to wake up the Warden. The normal crouching speed is really slow for that reason and this enchantment can really help you with that.
  • You like new things. It’s a cool, new enchantment. Why not give it a shot?

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