Want The Best Looking Overwatch Skins?
Some characters seem to get all of the skin design love. Others, like Winston, seem to never get anything awesome. If you want to see the most awesome skins in Overwatch, this is the place to be.
15. Black Lily
Dark but Classy: Widow has graceful elegance to her, despite being a cold-blooded sniper.
The Black Lily skin was made available in the Lunar loot boxes since the Year of the Dog event. It's currently one of the coolest Widow skins in the game.
The design of this skin is absolutely stunning. Every little detail is flawless. It is perfectly Widowmaker; elegant but dark.
The Year of the Rooster event was the first event celebrating the Lunar New Year and there was a Widow spray where she was wearing a dress similar to this one. Fans wanted this skin and Blizzard was more than happy to oblige.
See Black Lily Widowmaker's In-Game Skin
14. Baihu
Slice and Dice: Genji cuts through everything like butter and this skin is just as smooth.
Genji has a lot of awesome skins, but the most awesome has to be the Baihu. It was released in the Year of the Dog Lunar loot boxes and just looks incredible. The swords are the best part of this skin since they are more stylized than his normal weapons.
All of the other skins made the “cyborg ninja” theme their focus. This skin offers a traditional Asian armor style with the updated technology that makes Genji as powerful as he is now. There is just so much detail in this skin.
See Baihu Genji's In-Game Skin
13. Rime
Cold as Ice: Looking as frosty as her cold nature, this skin is perfect for Sombra.
Sombra needed a cool skin. She had some decent skins, but nothing as awesome as her character is. With Rime, she glows from head to toe, looking awesome as she crushes opponents. Plus, her gun looks ridiculously cool.
She got this awesome skin when the Winter loot box came out in 2017. She looks like Jack Frost, if Jack Frost had a hand capable of hacking everything.
See Rime Sombra's In-Game Skin
12. Crusader
Strike a Pose: Known for his showy nature, Reinhardt is all about theatrics.
Reinhardt has a few decent skins, but the most awesome one is the Crusader skin. This skin has a young Reinhardt wearing his original Crusader armor from when he was a young knight.
In the “Honor and Glory” animated short, you see Brigitte and an older Reinhardt talking before Reinhardt has a flashback to the Battle of Eichenwald. The skin came from this very well-done short (actually, all of their origin story shorts are very well-done).
See Crusader Reinhardt's In-Game Skin
11. Slipstream
A Pilot First: Before becoming the speedy Tracer, she was an experimental fighter pilot.
Tracer’s Slipstream skin is only available if you purchase the Game of the Year edition of the game (or preordered the Origins Edition). This skin gives you a look at the young pilot before she became an Overwatch agent.
One of the most awesome things about this skin is the rarity of it. For a while, you were only able to get this if you had pre-ordered the Origins edition of the game. When they released the “Game of the Year” edition, you were again able to get this skin.
See Slipstream Tracer's In-Game Skin
10. Scion
A Not-So Noble Fighter: Hanzo doesn't look so shabby for someone willing to off his own brother for power.
Scion was released during the 2018 Archives event. Only available in the Archives loot boxes, Hanzo looks awesome in his dapper suit.
This skin is a younger version of the elder Shimada brother. Skins associated with origin stories are always awesome. The Scion skin is perfectly representative of the noble background that the Shimada brothers grew up in.
See Scion Hanzo's In-Game Skin
9. Totally 80's
Let's Get Physical: Did you really expect anything else for this physically fit tank?
You can find the Totally 80’s Zarya skin in the Halloween loot boxes. She was another character who desperately needed an awesome skin and finally Blizzard delivered.
The fact that when she puts her barrier up it says “Hit me with your best shot” should be enough to make this skin amazing. Voice lines definitely impact how cool a skin is.
See Totally 80's Zarya's In-Game Skin
8. Casual
Wintertime Fun: He has killer aim with his arrows, but how is he with snowballs?
Hanzo is on here twice, but Blizzard did a ridiculous job on his skins. There are so many cool Hanzo skins that you wonder if they should’ve saved some of that creativity for their other characters. Like maybe Winston.
Available from the Winter loot boxes, this Hanzo skin gives you a look at Hanzo when he’s just out in the world. Casual was another skin that fans were dying for after seeing it in the “Reflections” comic, which was released before the first Christmas event.
See Casual Hanzo's In-Game Skin
7. Officer
Put Your Hands Up: I have a feeling you're not taking her seriously.
The Officer D.Va skin transformed her mech into a police car, with baby D.Va dressed up as a police officer. The skin itself is really cool, but this was a limited time skin offered through a Heroes of the Storm event. (Don’t you love it when they force you to play a game you hate for something this cool?)
Recently they released this and the Genji Oni skin in regular loot boxes as legendary items.
See Officer D.Va's In-Game Skin
6. Pajamei
The Longest Sleep: The trick to staying youthful is a scientifically-induced sleep.
Mei is one of those characters that doesn’t have many cool skins. However when they released the Mei animated short “Rise and Shine”, people fell in love with the pajama outfit she wore. It was so popular they added it in the Archives loot boxes in 2018.
The skin was popular enough for them to sell those same slippers in the Blizzard Gear store. They look so cozy though.
See Pajamei Mei's In-Game Skin
5. Overgrown
A Flowery Robot: Just a formerly murderous omnic with his pet bird.
The Bastion animated short “The Last Bastion” was very popular, bringing tears to the eyes of its viewers. The Overgrown Bastion skin came from this animated short.
Bastion’s Overgrown skin was available if you bought the Origins edition and was later offered with purchase of the Game of the Year edition. The textures of the grass growing on him is amazing. The fact that his bird Ganymede coordinates well with this skin is an added bonus.
See Overgrown Bastion's In-Game Skin
4. Beachrat
Fun in the Sun: Things are always a little crazy when Junkrat's around.
Junkrat has quite a few good skins but the Beachrat skin is easily the coolest. The beach bum look is so Junkrat, with the awkward tan lines and goofy look. The details are even funnier when you take a closer look to notice the sunscreen plastered all over his nose.
It’s hard to say what’s cooler about this skin: the costume itself or the rubber ducky float rip-tire. The only downside with this skin is that the rip-tire doesn’t make a rubber ducky noise as it rolls towards the enemies.
See Beachrat Junkrat's In-Game Skin
3. Grillmaster: 76
Young Punks: He says to get off his lawn, but this skin says "Block party BBQ at my house".
This skin should’ve been named “Dad: 76”. Complete with dad socks and sandals, this has to be one of the most perfect Soldier skins ever. His biotic field is a beer can and he says, “Anyone want a cold refreshment?” as he places it on the ground.
You can find this skin in the Summer Games loot boxes when the summer event rolls around.
See Grillmaster: 76 Soldier's In-Game Skin
2. Cruiser
Hey Daddy-O: Can D.Va get any cooler than this?
D.Va is another character that has a lot of awesome skins. The mech looks like a classic muscle car and she is dressed like she just stepped off of the “Grease” set. Every detail on this skin is perfect, including her MEKA headset that looks like a hair band.
Available in the Anniversary loot boxes, the Cruiser D.Va skin is just too awesome. This is easily one of the most awesome skins in the game.
See Cruiser D.Va's In-Game Skin
1. Cultist
Dark Meditation: When you turn into Cthulhu, are you still a peace-loving monk?
Up until the Cultist costume, Zenyatta lacked any real awesome skins. This skin is perfect. The voice lines that go with it are hilariously great. For instance when he goes into Transcendence, he says “Embrace oblivion”. (With his tentacles waving around, of course.)
Can you really beat a Cthulhu Zenyatta? No, you can’t.
The creepy eyeballs that he throws at enemies is very well-designed. Every part of this skin is awesome, which is why this is hands down the most awesome skin in the game right now.
See Cultist Zenyatta's In-Game Skin
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