Star Wars Knights of Ren Concept Art Leaks, Fans Positively Respond

03 Aug 2017

"During the production of The Force Awakens", Star Wars fan news site wrote, "a couple of pieces of leaked concept art came to be in our possession," reportedly deciding to not release it out of respect for Lucasfilm

Some of the art in one of the pieces managed to find its way into the art of Star Wars the Force awakens, a book of concept art, but it is not the same image.

Many people in the Star Wars Community are anxious to see more of the Knights of Ren, as they are still in many ways the most cryptic cult in the Star Wars universe.

Due to the image, many speculations have arisen, such as the possibly female character two from the left. The character on the far right also looks suspiciously like a member of Tasu Leech's criminal gang the Kanjiklub, who were aboard Solo's Ervana when the three Rathars were released in Episode VII. At least two of the Kanjiklub present died, though judging on the hinted prestige of the Knights of Ren he was likely not among the deceased.

Undoubtedly, one of the more widespread effects of this art will be the hype it stirs. As we inch closer and closer to December 15th, this will heighten, and until it then we can only hope Disney doesn't let us down.

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