Fighting games’ hottest babes are here to spice things up!
Fighting games are not only known for their fast-paced, brutal action. They also have some of the loveliest ladies in gaming. More often than not, it’s not a fist to the chin or a foot to the sternum that’ll knock you out: a single glance at these gorgeous women are enough to steal the breath from your lungs!
Join us, then, as we celebrate the hottest, toughest, and strongest women in the gaming universe, in our article we’re calling Ranked: 33 Hottest Babes from Fighting Games!
33. Angel (King of Fighters)
She might look divine, and you might find her antics cute, but don’t let that fool you; this heavenly creature will make you bleed before the night is over!
Image by TimVithor
Image by Kasai
Image by Kazakami
32. Millia Rage (Guilty Gear)
If you love strong women with long, blond hair, look no further than Millia Rage. Just make sure to play nice (don’t bring bubblegum or scissors on a first date!), because those luscious locks are deadly!
Image by softmode
Image by shonensan
31. Jade (Mortal Kombat)
A true friend to Kitana and enemy of Shao Kahn, Jade’s a badass who makes green look sexy. She’s most comfortable poking bad guys with her staff, whose multiple bruises and broken bones offer testament to her skill.
30. Cerebella (Skullgirls)
Image by oh8
The voluptuous Cerebella’s got more than just alluring curves; her enormous strength can crush your skull as easily as The Mountain squashed Oberyn Martell’s. As enticing as she is, however, she’s one best admired from afar, especially if you’re not eager to go swimming in the ocean with concrete boots; for when she’s not wowing audiences for the circus, she’s breaking legs for the mafia.
Image by oh8
Image by essentialsquid
Image by KoiDrake
29. Setsuka (Soulcalibur)
Setsuka is a fascinating woman. Dressed in a marvelous kimono, she fights with a blade concealed within a parasol – not something you see every day! Setsuka’s goal is to seek justice for the murder of the man she loved, and no one, not even the poor fools who have been hypnotized by her exquisite beauty, will get in the way of her revenge.
28. Juri (Street Fighter)
From South Korea hails Juri, one of Street Fighter’s most unpredictable characters, and one heck of a scary lady at that. Juri’s the sadistic sort, and she loves to taunt enemies with her sensuality before delivering the killing blow – in much the same way a black widow spider ruthlessly cannibalizes its own mate. She also practices a dark, twisted version of Taekwondo. We love her, yes, but we’d rather not end up as her snack, thank you very much!
Image by Omar-Dogan
Image by arnistotle
Image by NeoArtCoreE
27. Eliza (Skullgirls)
An elegant woman whose beauty can only be described as ageless, Eliza is a celebrity diva who not only rocks the Ancient Egyptian motif, she is also quite possibly as old as Ancient Egypt, itself. Don’t let her captivating mystique fool you though; this classy dame plays host to a bloodthirsty skeletal Parasite called Sekhmet. Approach at your peril!
26. Emilie “Lili” De Rochefort (Tekken)
On the surface, this lovely young lady from Monaco seems more like a damsel in distress than a martial arts goddess. But with an arsenal of kicks and punches that will leave you seeing stars, Lili is definitely the latter. When in a fight against her, it would be a mistake to let her beguile you with her elegance and dignified poise, or underestimate her for a rich, fragile brat; the moment you do is the moment you lose!
25. Asuka Kazama (Tekken)
She’s brash, she’s arrogant, and she can kick your posterior six ways to Sunday. Despite her not-so-charming penchant for rudeness, Asuka is one of fighting games’ hottest babes, thanks to her spirit, strong sense of justice, and enviable martial arts skills.
24. Tina Armstrong (Dead or Alive)
As the daughter of a pro-wrestling legend, the statuesque beauty Tina Armstrong knows a thing or two about breaking bones. But while she enjoys fighting, her true dream is to become famous in Hollywood. We’re rooting for you, Tina!
23. Ayane (Dead or Alive)
There’s more to this young woman than her charming looks; she’s also a ninja of the Mugen Tenshin Ninja Clan, the master of the Hajinmon Sect, and was the champion of the third Dead or Alive tourney. Those are huge achievements, especially for someone who’s barely out of her teens! Because she had one of the roughest childhoods of the Dead or Alive girls, she’s become quite callous in her treatment of others. Despite this, she loves those closest to her deeply. Cheer up, Ayane! We’re with you!
22. Sadira (Killer Instinct)
Why is it that spider-themed villainesses are always so hot? As an assassin working for the shadowy megacorporation Ultratech, Sadira is a cold-blooded fighter who uses the nimbleness and viciousness of the spider to deliver her enemies to death’s door. So don’t let her dark allure ensnare you, unless you want to end up her meal!
21. Christie (Dead or Alive)
This femme fatale is literally a killer! As a sadistic and cold-blooded assassin, Christie has been a thorn in many a hero’s side. But hey, that doesn’t stop us from admiring her from a distance, behind a bullet-proof wall!
20. Taki (Soulcalibur)
Skintight bodysuit, flashy swords, and the occasional face mask: yep, Taki’s a video game ninja! And a deadly one at that. She’s known not only for her entrancing looks, but for her speed, agility, face-melting magic, and powerful ninjutsu attacks. Don’t you dare blink if you’re fighting her; that microsecond might just be enough to kill you.
19. Sonya Blade (Mortal Kombat)
Ten-hut! Sonya Blade’s the quintessential soldier. She’s got the moves, weapons, bravery, fortitude, and heck, she’s also got the looks which, if you ask us, can kill. She’s Mortal Kombat’s first lady, and one of fighting games’ hottest babes! Just don’t let her blow you a kiss – it’s fatal!
18. Parasoul (Skullgirls)
Image by oh8
Not since Jessica Rabbit have we been this much in love with a cartoon character. As the crown princess of Canopy Kingdom, Parasoul is wise and caring, yet firm and just. But on the battlefield, this leggy redhead is a badass with a Luger P08, and an umbrella-shaped Living Weapon called Krieg. Fighting with grace and cunning, she never loses her dignified poise despite danger. Simply exquisite!
17. Christie Monteiro (Tekken)
Christie is Tekken’s resident Capoeira expert, and boy, can she dance! This is one gal who knows how to move to the groove of battle, throwing out powerful kicks from all angles and making sure the opponent never knows what’s coming next. It certainly doesn’t hurt that she has exceptional style and a banging body!
16. Felicia (Darkstalkers)
It’s rare for a character to combine “adorable” and “sexy” in a single package, but that’s exactly what Darkstalker’s Felicia is. This pussycat is bubbly, optimistic, and wants nothing more than to be your friend. But she’s also got a look that leaves absolutely nothing to the imagination. Did we forget to mention she also loves to sing? We definitely wouldn’t mind having a few karaoke sessions with this sightly creature, as long as she doesn’t use us as her scratching post!
Image by WarrenLouw
Image by Omar-Dogan and Nig-PS
Image by VeggieStudio
Image by Artgerm
Image by E-V-IL
15. Laura Matsuda (Street Fighter)
Laura is a newcomer to Street Fighter, but she’s already turning heads and breaking hearts. This Brazilian bombshell has got to be among the sexiest fighting game characters ever created. But the best things about her go beyond physical beauty; she’s a strong grappling fighter with electrifying lightning attacks, she’s free-spirited and super friendly, and she just loves helping people out. Her goal in Street Fighter V is to promote the Matsuda fighting style. You can be our sensei anytime, Ms. Matsuda!
14. Nina Williams (Tekken)
A list of fighting games’ hottest babes would be incomplete with Nina Williams, Tekken’s cold-blooded, blue-eyed assassin. Her frigid exterior holds a clue to the savagery she’s capable of, although, if you’re unfortunate enough to be her mark, seeing her face probably means it’s far too late for you to escape. It’s a good thing she’s on the side of good, otherwise, she’ll be another stunning beauty we’ll be hiding from!
13. Kitana (Mortal Kombat)
This is one princess who doesn’t need rescuing. Perpetually at war with evil, Kitana wields bladed fans to battle, which we’re sure have severed thousands upon thousands of heads from their necks. More impressive, however, is how she has succeeded in eluding liver spots and osteoporosis despite her advanced age of ten thousand years. These royalties and their fountains of youth!
Image by Zteed
Image by johnbecaro
12. Orchid (Killer Instinct)
Image by TraxGFX
This ferocious warrior operates as a spy for a secret organization. Her most prominent goal? Investigating and bringing down the evil Ultratech megacorporation. Fighting games’ hottest babes are rarely this exotic. And by that, we mean she literally has a wild side, transforming into a fiery puma to rip through foes. She’s also deadly with her Escrima sticks and her spinning leg kicks. Sexy!
11. Sophitia Alexandra (Soulcalibur)
Sohphitia, a warrior from Athens, is what many would call a classic beauty. A fair lady who fights with sword and shield, she is strong-willed, valiant, benevolent, and utterly devoted to her loved ones – which makes her extremely deadly, especially if you’re the type of idiot who’d threaten her family. She is also possessed of a wisdom and calm only a mature person would know, which, in our book, is definitely attractive.
10. I-No (Guilty Gear)
Who doesn’t love cigar-smoking, trash-talking rock goddesses? Guilty Gear’s headbanging hottie will play with your heartstrings while bashing someone’s face in with her electric guitar. Here’s a gal who knows what she wants, and knows how to get it – which, if you think about it, is really damn sexy. Rock on, I-No!
Image by phamoz
Image by majikus
Image by acesia
Image by kero22
9. Kasumi (Dead or Alive)
This lovely maiden is also a ninja, but you’d never know from her delicate features. And a fragile flower she is not; she was trained from childhood to be a living weapon, won the first Dead or Alive Tournament, and proceeded to kick tail in all subsequent Dead or Alive tournaments. She knows how to have fun, too, as is evidenced by all that time she spends at the beach playing volleyball. Did we mention she also looks absolutely delightful in a bikini?
8. Valentine (Skullgirls)
Image by oh8
What’s hotter than a sexy nurse and a sexy ninja? Why, a sexy ninja nurse, of course! Valentine’s a serious butt-kicker with an entire stockroom of hospital-themed weapons hiding inside her skimpy nurse outfit. And she’s ready to dish out the pain, whether it’s is a tonsillectomy or an open-heart bypass surgery. As sadistic as she seems, there’s more to this stunning warrior than meets the eye. Sexy, AND mysterious!
Image by oh8
Image by oh8
Image by oh8
Image by Speeh
Image by YOKO
7. Mileena (Mortal Kombat)
This ravishing ninja hides a nasty surprise – behind that mask is a face that will make you soil your own pants and pray to every Elder God in the Mortal Kombat universe. A clone of Kitana, Mileena has Tarkatan DNA, which explains things. Still, Mileena is so vicious, so strong, and so badass, that we can’t help but look past the monstrous chops and rank her #7 on our list of fighting games’ hottest babes.
6. Ivy Valentine (Soulcalibur)
A tall, busty, silver-haired woman wielding a magnificent mechanical whip that turns into a sword: this is Ivy Valentine, an alchemist, sorcerer, warrior, and Soulcalibur’s premier sex symbol. There is no denying the latter; she’s got the outfits, and she isn’t shy about displaying her, ehem, “assets.” Though she isn’t evil, she has a tendency towards cruelty. But beneath her sadistic demeanor, Ivy is a woman yearning for freedom from the curse binding her to Soul Edge, the evil living weapon that ruined her life.
5. Poison (Street Fighter)
From her revealing attire, to her foxy mannerisms, to her dazzling face and gorgeous pink locks, Poison is absolutely oozing sex appeal. Simply put, this flirtatious ex-Mad Gear Gang member and current wrestling manager was born to be featured on lists like this. But Poison is also more than just a bombshell; she’s a fierce, acrobatic fighter who knows to hit you where it hurts the most, especially if you’re a guy. Ouch!
Image by CapitanV and V.Martin
Image by Kawaielli
Image by Kawaielli
Image by Kawaielli
Image by Kawaielli
Image by Kawaielli
4. Mai Shiranui (King of Fighters)
One of fighting games’ hottest babes, SNK sex symbol Mai Shiranui has been making our eyes pop since her debut in 1992’s Fatal Fury 2. Which means this fiery ninja’s been turning up the heat for more than two decades. We’re still wondering how she manages to keep her “clothes” on in a fight! But there’s actually an excellent reason for the skimpiness of her ridiculous attire: sex appeal is part of her ninja technique. Because a distracted opponent is a weakened opponent, you can always expect Mai to be the last person standing in a fight.
Image by AnnaKemushi
Image by DickZAN
3. Cammy White (Street Fighter)
Cammy is one of fighting games’ hottest babes, and it’s easy to see why. She’s attractive, she’s got a scar on her cheek that gives her so much personality, and, most noticeable of all, her skintight thong leotard is the kind of outfit that will make your jaw drop to the floor. But Cammy’s also one of the toughest ladies in gaming, with speed and strength rivalling even the legendary Chun-Li’s. As a member of the British special forces Delta Red, she’s courageous, noble, and selfless to the point of martyrdom. And oh, she likes kittens, too!
Image by Omar-Dogan
Image by Omar-Dogan
Image by Artgerm
Image by Artgerm
Image by ioxygen
Image by Jkuo
Image by CREONfr and coalizion
Image by sakimichan
2. Chun-Li (Street Fighter)
Here she is, the first lady of fighting games and the strongest woman in the world: Chun-Li! This brave Chinese Interpol agent has been simultaneously beating opponents blind and winning our hearts since 1991, and she’s only getting more awesome with every iteration of Street Fighter. Known for her unparalleled kung-fu skills, dizzying speed, unshakable resolve, and combat finesse, Chun-Li is often the first character that comes to mind when thinking of fighting games’ hottest babes. It certainly helps that she has an iconic qipao, a beauteous face, and gorgeous legs that can kick you in a hundred places in the span of a second!
Image by Omar-Dogan
Image by Omar-Dogan
Image by Omar-Dogan
Image by arnistotle
Image by Artgerm
Image by sakimichan
1. Morrigan Aensland (Darkstalkers)
Image by Artgerm
Of course, the only one who can beat out Chun-Li in the number one spot is none other than fellow Capcom beauty, Morrigan Aensland. As a succubus, Morrigan was born to seduce the living crap out of you by becoming the object of your wildest, most intimate desires. Like brunettes? She can be one. Enjoy a little BDSM? She’s down with whips and leather. We’re pretty sure she can turn into… a little pony… for all you freaks out there. And oh, she can kick your butt, too. Definitely deserving of the top spot in our list of fighting games’ hottest babes!
Image by Artgerm
Image by Zolaida
Image by sakimichan
Image by xavor85
Image by tsuaii
We hope you enjoyed this list as we did compiling it! Do you feel we left your favorite character out? Tell us in the comments section below!
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