10 Things Minecraft Players Hate

10 Things Minecraft Players Hate
22 Aug 2024

As a Minecraft Player, How Many of These Do You Hate?

As a gamer there is nothing worse than having a game crash on you, or having someone constantly nagging about how many hours you spend on a game. You get use to people hating on you because of your choice of entertainment.

There are things about a game that you just hate. I think many gamers would agree about the things you hate most about a game, especially if they played it themselves.

Here are the ten things Minecraft players hate about the game.

10. People saying you are addicted to Minecraft

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I have not slept, showered, or eaten anything but look at my building

What is not to love about Minecraft? Endless creative opportunities, no story, no plot, you are only limited by your imagination. There is nothing like creating a whole city and showing it off on twitch, YouTube, or your friends.

People feel spending 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 or more hours playing Minecraft is crazy. One time I spent my free day playing Minecraft all day. Twenty Four hours strait. My friend told me I had an addiction problem and needed help. That really made me mad.

9. Minecraft trolls

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Did i do that?

Its the Internet for god sakes. The Internet created trolls and we love to see them in action. One thing I hate as a Minecraft player is when you are over run by trolls and you Rage Quit (Player gets so angry he or she leaves the game)

Trolls can be harmless, but people take it to a level that makes the game not fun anymore. One Experience I had with a troll, I was in a mine finding items and a troll kept on trying to box me in. I spent more time digging my way out of the Its the Internet I forgot about the items and my pickaxes kept on breaking.

8. Mine cart doesn't go your way

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where did that hole come from?

Making a Rail system can help you in Minecraft. Those Mine carts on the other hand is a pain to use. I Hate when one little accidental push, makes the mine carts go without you in it. You want to get to point B faster, just chase your mine cart.

I remember making a Rail system and not only was it hard to get it working right, but the mine carts got me so angry I rage quit. I hate how they were made and hard to use them.

7. Your structure getting blown up

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Oops i did it again

Stop me if you heard this one. You got your blocks ready. You create this mind blowing structure. It’s the Mona Lisa of structures. You admire your hard work and hours spent on it, and a creeper just comes out of nowhere and blows up right on your structure. You scream as you see your work come crashing down piece by piece.

I Hate creepers so much. It’s ok if they go blowing up other people's house, but come on not my house. I remember I once I was making a theme park on Minecraft and it was perfect. I go to get my younger brother and when we came back, a creeper just pops up and blows up my tower of laughter. You know how long it took me to make that tower? I was so pissed.

6. Running out of items

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No Sword, No Torch = Big Problem

I think this happens to everyone once in a while. I hate it and I am sure everyone who plays Minecraft hates it too. It’s bound to happen. Going into a cave unprepared and running out of torches. Starving and running out of food. Not having enough blocks to make the item you need. I can go on and on about running out of items. In creative mode you do not have this problem, but in survival mode you do and sometimes it’s a game ender.

I do not know if it was I or my brother, but I remember me or him were playing survival mode and sadly we kept on dying because we kept on running out of food and we did not know how to get more. We hated it so much we stopped playing for a while.

5. Custom mods make game unplayable

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Should have never installed that mod

I am a fan of mods. I know other people that like mods. I hate when you install a mod and it makes the game unplayable. There is a lot of Minecraft Mods out there. I see Pokémon mods, western mods, tank mods. I see mods that make the game into something completely different.

I just cannot stand when a mod doesn't work and just kills the game. I hate when it’s hard to uninstall the mod. I know mods come with an use at your own risk label, but I hate when the developers of the mod sits back and does nothing while his or her mod destroys a player's save data or worse.

4. Minecraft has no real structure

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Now What?

Recently I have noticed that there is no structure. I hate the fact the game just pushes you right into the game with no help at all. There is no structure to the game whatsoever, and it does make players hate the game. I know people who stop playing Minecraft because they did not know what to do. They even argue that Minecraft is not a true game because it doesn't tell you how to play. It’s so open ended that the game has no beginning and no end.  

I really do understand people that hate this game, because I went through the same thing.

3. No Minecraft Wiki No Minecraft

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What is all this?

I hate the fact that this game has no official support. If it was not for the Minecraft community creating Minecraft wiki, Minecraft would have died a long time ago. It’s the Wiki that keeps this game popular, and it’s the wiki that helps the players play the game.

I would really like to see official support from the Minecraft team. I hate the fact they created a game and just leave the player to fend for his or herself. But its players that created the Wiki and its us the players that continue to help one another learn and love the game. I just hate the developer’s only care about the dollar bills.

2. Useless items

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How is a poisonous potato useful?

There are so many useless items on Minecraft I laugh honestly. I just hate the fact that the game tries to make useless items useful. Like seriously come on what are you going to do with a dead bush, or a dragon’s egg that will never hatch. I know people want to show off and decorate their places with as much useless items as they can find, but seriously do we really need a dead bush in our backpack?

I have to say the most useless item I have found in this game is the Poisonous Potato. This item is one hundred percent useless. I honestly do not know why it’s in the game.

1. Minecraft crashes

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Damn you, Windows 98!

The number one thing all Minecraft players hate is when the game crashes. I am not talking about when you install a mod and the game constantly crashes. I am talking about for no reason whatsoever the game just crashes and you do not know why. I hate the fact that the game crashes on any PC. I can understand if you are trying to run Minecraft on an old Pentium 3 with only 256MB of RAM and 4GB HDD. I cannot understand when the game crashes on a new Intel Core i7 eight core Processor with 32GB of RAM, 256MB SSD with a 6TB SATA HDD as storage, and a GTX 980 graphics card. I just hate it I really do.

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