10 Sexy Video Game Babes With Guns

Shot through the heart!
22 Aug 2024

Blasting their way through the competition, here are ten gun-toting video game babes!

Video games are home to some of the loveliest ladies in fiction. And a number of them just so happen to be gun-wielding badasses. Which, you have to admit, is pretty darn sexy.

Here we celebrate 10 Sexy Video Game Babes With Guns – girls who are no stranger to danger, and won’t thick twice about pistol-whipping you in the face should you harm the innocent.

10. Cassie Cage, from Mortal Kombat X

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Lookin' sharp, Cassie!

From Mortal Kombat X comes the daughter of franchise veterans Johnny Cage and Sonya Blade – Cassandra “Cassie” Cage.

Apparently Cassie inherited her father’s cockiness and sarcasm, evidenced in her lack of hesitation to compare your face to a butt. But like her mother, she’s also dedicated to the military – which means a love for firearms. In fact, her special moves and combos incorporate the use of those twin pistols to deadly effect.

A sergeant and a leader of a Special Forces group tasked with keeping Earthrealm safe, Cassie is quick and dangerous with her fists, feet, and guns. Definitely deserves a spot on this list of video game babes!

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It takes a certain degree of confidence to enter a death battle in your workout clothes

9. Yuna, from Final Fantasy X-2

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It was stuffy in that kimono, anyway!

Yuna dropped jaws with her transformation in Final Fantasy X-2, where she goes from being covered in a conservative, long-sleeved kimono to wearing something you’d see on a sorority girl at spring break.

But the changes don’t stop there. Ex-summoner Yuna also trades her staff for twin pistols, and man, does she know how to use them. As a sphere hunter, Yuna combines her exquisite marksmanship with stylish acrobatic moves that’ll make your head spin and believe in the power of love. Because that, ladies and gentlemen, is what Final Fantasy is all about: enduring, unconditional looooove.

As one of the hottest video game babes ever created, Yuna proves that a girl with a sweet, optimistic personality can also be a bonafide badass.

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Nice pair of guns you have there, lady!

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When not shooting bad guys, Yuna likes singing in front of massive audiences

8. Quiet, from Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

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Actually, it isn't healthy to bare that much skin in the desert... still hot though!

With Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain set to be released later this year, little is known about Quiet, the enigmatic “Sniper deprived of her Words.”

We do know that she saves the Big Boss’ life, then surrenders herself to the Diamond Dogs. Thinking she’s a liability for discovering Mother Base’s location, Kazuhira Miller suggests that they kill her. But Big Boss spares her, locking her up instead.

According to series creator Hideo Kojima, Quiet is the game’s main heroine. A video clip previously revealed her ability to turn invisible. Her outfit has gotten flak for being “inappropriate” and “too erotic.” And now it appears Play Arts Kai is producing a Quiet toy with – get this – breasts that are actually soft.

For now, we’re hopefully optimistic that Quiet will be as badass as she is alluring.

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Ready for combat

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Snake getting touchy-feely

7. Lilith, from Borderlands

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Goddess of the wasteland

Lilith may have the face of an angel, but don’t let that fool you. She is one dangerous lady, who won’t waste a second ripping you to shreds should you fall on the wrong side of the law – and she’ll do it all with maniacal glee.

Lilith is a Siren, one of six women with amazing powers. She’s also a Vault Hunter, which means she’s a seeker of hidden caches of powerful alien technology that, should they end up in the wrong hands, could spell the doom of freedom on the planet Pandora. Lilith’s not a fan of power-hungry dictators, which explains her role in the struggle against Handsome Jack, the sadistic despot of the Hyperion corporation.

One of the most beautiful video game babes you’ll ever have the pleasure of dedicating a shrine to, Lilith’s unparalleled looks are made even more exotic with those smoky golden eyes, and that sexy tattoo running down the left half of her body.

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Dust-coated dreamgirl

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Kiss of death

6. Cate Archer, from No One Lives Forever

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Classic beauty

Those who’ve played No One Lives Forever will know the pain of what it’s like to be smitten with an imaginary character, which in this case is the lovely Cate Archer, that sexy 60s English spy with a talent for gunplay.

Once a cat-burglar known as “The Fox,” Cate’s skills are put to better use once she’s recruited by UNITY – an organization whose goal is to defend humanity from evildoers with dreams of taking over the world. Despite being one of UNITY’s top secret agents, Cate is often underestimated by enemies and allies alike due to the simple fact that she’s a woman. She proves them all wrong, of course, saving the world twice from the terrorist organization H.A.R.M, and more importantly, sexism.

Possessed of a keen intellect and an acerbic wit; an unearthly beauty made even sexier by a gorgeous accent; and not to mention some mad skills with all manner of guns, Cate Archer’s one of the most lethal video game babes who sadly never got a sequel beyond the second game in her series.

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I have a feeling he's enjoying himself

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Rockin' the leather

5. Nova Terra, from StarCraft

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Pucker up!

StarCraft’s Nova Terra is a lethal Terran ghost whose flying kiss is synonymous to a nuclear explosion – literally.

Nova was born to a wealthy Confederate “Old Family,” which is then slaughtered by anti-Confederate rebels. Nova escapes to Tarsonis, where she’s captured by and forced to work for an organized crime ring. After she gains her freedom – thanks to a Zerg invasion and the intervention from a Ghost Program agent – Terra is finally brought to the Ghost Academy for training. Now a ghost, she uses her psionic powers in service of the Terran Dominion.

Nova makes notable appearances in the StarCraft II games, and kicks some major tail in Heroes of the Storm.

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High-tech weaponry vs. magic

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4. Samus Aran, from Metroid

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Those heels look like they can kill

One of gaming’s first true heroines, Samus Aran has been simultaneously kicking ass and melting our hearts since 1986.

As an intergalactic bounty hunter, Samus if often seen suited up in power armor that hides an arsenal of weapons from missiles to directed energy guns. Her suit can also transform into a ball, allowing her access into narrow spaces. Shedding the armor reveals Samus in a skintight Zero Suit that leaves little to the imagination and is known to have an effect on fanboys akin to an epileptic seizure.

One of the toughest women in the galaxy, Samus hunts Space Pirates and her arch nemesis Ridley, as well as those jellyfish-like energy vampires known as Metroids. In her spare time, she likes sparring with the likes of Mario and Donkey Kong.

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Samus Aran's svelte form has been known to make eyes pop out of their sockets...

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This bounty hunter is electrifying!

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High-flying hottie

3. Jill Valentine, from Resident Evil

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She looks great in uniform

Women in horror are too often depicted as helpless screamers. Thank you, Capcom, for giving us Jill Valentine – the antithesis of the stereotypical woman who is paralyzed with fear at the smallest sign of trouble.

We know Jill from the very first Resident Evil game, where she and fellow S.T.A.R.S. members are trapped in a mansion crawling with the undead. She survives that incident, thanks to her resourcefulness and remarkable firearms skills. In Resident Evil 3, she emerges unscathed despite wearing clothes that provide absolutely zero protection against zombie bites. Not that we’re complaining – she’s absolutely delectable in that tight tube top and miniskirt.

Now, as the founder of the Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance, she spends her days fighting bioterrorism, which is just a fancy name for the zombie holocaust.

Few video game babes are as tough as Jill, and for that, she earns a spot on this list.

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Are you going to a party, Jill?

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Though her stint as a villain didn't last long, we'll never forget that catsuit

2. Lara Croft, from Tomb Raider

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Covered in filth, but still hot

Lara Croft made us realize that yes, it’s possible to fall in love with polygons.

Intelligent, beautiful, athletic, and an accomplished marksman to boot, English adventurer and archaeologist Lara Croft won her way into many hearts when her first game was released in 1996. From then on, the world hasn’t been able to get enough of her and her… comically enormous assets. Sure, her popularity’s waxed and waned over the years, leading to one reboot in 2006, and another more successful one in 2013. But Lara’s always been that girl – the girl we just can’t let go.

Sure, she’s more of a bow-and-arrow girl these days, but Lara’s always been a gun girl. Towards the end of the 2013 reboot, she even uses guns in both hands, like she does in her original, iconic incarnation. She’s a little more unstable now, courtesy of her harrowing experiences in Yamatai. But she’s also more believable, more alive. She’s been to the darkest place imaginable and survived, and she’s stronger – not to mention all the more beautiful – for it.

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Just.... daaayyuuummmm

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Two lethal weapons!

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Oh look, she's a gamer, too!

1. Bayonetta, from Bayonetta

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Dark elegance

Ah, Bayonetta. The gal who is either 20 feet tall, or has a head the size of a plum.

Her unusual proportions notwithstanding, Bayonetta is HOT, and she knows it, owning her sexuality with all the confidence of a queen. And she wears glasses too, which warms the hearts of nerds everywhere. Did we mention she was asleep in a coffin for 500 years? We’re betting her breath still smelled heavenly.

But Bayonetta’s not just about killer looks. She’s got the moves and the weapons to match. Pistols in both hands? How yesterday. Bayonetta has guns attached to her feet. And those long, luscious locks? They transform into giant demons – which must make her the terror of all hairdressers.

So beware, you self-righteous do-gooders – look for someone else to burn at your stake, because this is one dark witch who’ll fight back.

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Girl loves her shoes!

Honorable Mention

Chell from the Portal games is a total hottie, and she wields a gun too… only it’s a different kind of gun, one that tears holes through the fabric of reality, not organs.

Disappointed that some of your favorite gun-toting video game babes are not on this list? Don’t worry! We’ve got another list for you coming soon, highlighting more sexy video game women with guns. So make sure to come back to the site soon! In the meantime, let us know what your opinions of these characters are in the comments section below!

And when you're done with that, head on to this link for 10 MORE sexy video game babes with guns!


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 What is Lorem Ipsum?Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.Why do we use it?It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using 'Content here, content here', making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for 'lorem ipsum' will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the like).Where does it come from?Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..", comes from a line in section 1.10.32.