Destiny 2 User Reviews

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Played on PS5


Played on PS5

It was a day one player of the first game. It started decently but plateaued until journeying down the drain. The main gripe I had was that after I bought the Season Pass for the first two DLCs, new players got them essentially free. My frustration grew with every new DLC since this was the pattern for all. The other issue was that the story and environment felt hollow.

I am aware that some issues were addressed in this sequel (which was supposed to be the first DLC and the prior ones were initially base game content). However, it created more problems, such as: Micro-transactions, removed content that you had to pay for and worse bundle deals.

The bundles are an issue because you can essentially repurchase them all. IE, if you buy a bundle with the first two DLC and then later buy a bundle with all the DLC, it won't remove the cost of the ones you already own.

I originally had high hopes for this franchise. While I understand there is still a good size following of this game, I sadly had to leave that group.

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