An Enki, a once-ordinary monkey, has undergone a horrifying metamorphosis, transforming into a monstrous yokai after a lifetime of suffering at the hands of humans. Now, this towering creature, adorned with a single, menacing horn, is a force to be reckoned with. Unlike its simian counterparts, the Hihi, who are said to be the result of exceptionally long-lived monkeys, the Enki's power stems from the Amrita that coursed through its veins.

Monkeys have long held a place of reverence in Japanese mythology, often associated with mountain gods or their divine messengers. These deities, while capable of bestowing blessings, also serve as a chilling reminder of the mountains' immense power. The monkeys that inhabit these sacred realms, so similar yet so different from humans, offer a tangible connection to the spirit world.

Enki, despite its monstrous form, retains its simian dexterity. It can wield human weapons, such as spears, with deadly precision, hurling them at unsuspecting victims. These creatures are also incredibly agile, capable of leaping great distances and hanging from trees or buildings to ambush their prey. To encounter an Enki in its domain is a perilous undertaking that requires utmost vigilance.

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