This guide is designed to walk you through the best classes and specs for the current season of Shadowlands 9.2 PvP. It will cover all aspects–from talents, PvP talents, Covenants, and racial bonuses. Although it is primarily geared toward Arena setups, most of the configurations work well in skirmishes and Rated Battlegrounds.
10. Arms Warrior
Warriors specced into Arms are witnessing one of the most effective and deadly melee layouts for competitive PvP. The Shadowlands expansion brought them added tools for their kit for abilities like Piercing Howl, Ignore Pain, Shattering Throw, and Intervene. Furthermore, they got a rework of Mastery: Deep Wounds along with some AP ability tuning to perform better on the front end.
- Strong single target and AoE bursts
- Effective cleaving
- Good defensives
- Adaptability
Although Death Sentence has been nerfed, it’s still necessary to pick this PvP talent as it can be utilized to identical effectiveness if cooldowns for mobility are managed well.
- Tier 1 / Level 15: Opt for Sudden Death given the raw power of Condemn and Execute.
- Tier 2 / Level 25: Any of the three options work here. Storm Bolt provides ranged stuns on demand and is ideal for halting attempts by enemies to successfully land kills on you or your teammates. Double Time is most important for handling casters with high mobility. To help with a lack of healing, Impending Victory is helpful.
- Tier 3 / Level 30: Your finishing power is amplified with Massacre as it allows a higher threshold for Execute. The only other meaningful option in this tier includes Rend as the DoT inflicts a decent fixture of damage as well as criticals.
- Tier 4 / Level 35: Despite the 20% reduced damage debuff it applies, Defensive Stance is still the best in slot talent for this tier to protect yourself.
- Tier 5 / Level 40: Warbreaker trumps all competitors in this tier as it replaces Colossus Smash in order to apply an identical effect but in AoE fashion around the player. It works handsomely with Bladestorm, Ancient Aftershock, and Spear of Bastion.
- Tier 6 / Level 45: Of everything in this tier, Avatar wins because of the snare and root break along with maximized burst damage.
- Tier 7 / Level 50: Warriors will substantially improve their filler rotation and output for damage with the aid of Dreadnaught.
PvP Talents
While you have the option to select 3 of the available PvP talents, some are more ideal for particular setups than others.
- Sharpen Blade: This is critical to land killing blows and rapidly drain the enemy healer’s mana.
Selecting the right Covenant is as essential for PvP as it is for PvE. You may opt to pick a different Covenant for PvP specifically. The change becomes more apparent as your Arena rating grows. Here’s what we recommend:
- Kyrian: With this selected, you’re given Spear of Bastion, an incredibly effective crowd control and option for damage. No one can escape the tether, even with mages’ blinking effects.
Stat Priority
Arms Warriors operating in 9.2 PvP need to follow this Stat Priority:
- Strength
- Versatility
- Critical Strike
On Alliance, the best races/bonuses for Arms Warriors include:
- Human: Will to Survive is a free stun breaker and mixes well with Relentless. What’s more, The Human Spirit provides additional secondary stats.
- Gnome: Escape Artist is a free stun breaker and Expansive Mind provides a bonus to Rage generation.
On Horde, the best races/bonuses for Arms Warriors include:
- Orc: The best for Hardiness which provides the Relentless buff to handle stuns.
- Blood Elf: Arcane Torrent randomly purges critical enemy buffs like Combustion and Blessing of Protection.
9. Feral Druid
Feral has sustained pressure on the spread. With superior mobility, those in this spec can maintain bleed damage across a multitude of targets. You have to maximize damage and single target focus an enemy down in a merciless fashion to be competitive.
- Strong damage sustained
- Effective mobility
- Sufficient burst damage
- Tier 1 / Level 15: The best option for this tier is Sabertooth as it greatly affects the damage output of your Ferocious Bite to land kills.
- Tier 2 / Level 25: When you’re in Cat Form, it’s ideal to spec into Wild Charge to jump over to enemies quickly and slow them down.
- Tier 3 / Level 30: Guardian Affinity is the best talent when focusing on the enemy because it improves your survivability.
- Tier 4 / Level 35: Due to the fact that you will typically only focus on a single target, you’ll find that Mighty Bash is the ideal option for this tier.
- Tier 5 / Level 40: Soul of the Forest increases your overall output for damage and energy gained from Combo Points allows for the more consistent use of powerful abilities.
- Tier 6 / Level 45: Your best option in this tier is by far Brutal Slash, as it increases the amount of on-demand damage you can dole out for reduced Energy and improves your cleave capability.
- Tier 7 / Level 50: Awarding up to 5 Combo Points and dealing significant damage, Feral Frenzy is your best bet.
PvP Talents
While you have the option to select 3 of the available PvP talents, some are more ideal for particular setups than others.
- Leader of the Pack: In addition to a small increase to overall Critical Strike, it has a decent chance to provide a self-heal.
- Strength of the Wild: This increases team utility and also helps you to stay alive as you focus on enemies. It should be used in every situation, especially against comps that do not have sufficient interrupts.
Selecting the right Covenant is as essential for PvP as it is for PvE. You may opt to pick a different Covenant for PvP specifically. The change becomes more apparent as your Arena rating grows. Here’s what we recommend:
- Necrolord: With this selected, you’re given the awesome ability Adaptive Swarm. A short cooldown, high damage, and buffs to DoTs make it essential.
Stat Priority
Feral Druids operating in 9.2 PvP need to follow this Stat Priority:
- Agility
- Versatility
- Mastery
On Alliance, the best races/bonuses for Feral Druids include:
- Night Elf: The iconic racial known as Shadowmeld provides instant stealth and allows the avoidance of unwanted crowd control.
On Horde, the best races/bonuses for Feral Druidsinclude:
- Tauren: War Stomp is a free interrupt, and the added health pool granted from Endurance will aid your survivability.
- Troll: A strong bonus to Haste is granted with Berserking and should be activated right before a powerful cooldown.
8. Fury Warrior
Fury has evolved into a far more aggressive playstyle and is designed to end conflicts as quickly as possible before running out of defensives.
- Strong damage sustained
- Increased healing
- Solid defensives
- Tier 1 / Level 15: The most pressure to be found in this tier is Sudden Death.
- Tier 2 / Level 25: Any of the three options work here. Storm Bolt provides ranged stuns on demand and is ideal for halting attempts by enemies to successfully land kills on you or your teammates. To help with a lack of healing, Impending Victory is helpful.
- Tier 3 / Level 30: Your finishing power is amplified with Massacre as it allows a higher threshold for Execute. The only other meaningful option in this tier includes Rend as the DoT inflicts a decent fixture of damage as well as criticals.
- Tier 4 / Level 35: Enjoy a 10% reduction in damage during enrage with the power of Warpaint.
- Tier 5 / Level 40: For best overall pressure, opt for Cruelty in this tier.
- Tier 6 / Level 45: To achieve high versatility and burst damage, choose Bladestorm for its multifunctional capability.
- Tier 7 / Level 50: Because of the outstanding 4-piece bonus from the tier set gear, take Reckless Abandon.
PvP Talents
While you have the option to select 3 of the available PvP talents, some are more ideal for particular setups than others.
- Enduring Rage: This is precisely what makes your Warpaint so effective. Keep it permanently.
- Bloodrage: You will have superior uptime on most enemies than nearly any other melee DPS.
Selecting the right Covenant is as essential for PvP as it is for PvE. You may opt to pick a different Covenant for PvP specifically. The change becomes more apparent as your Arena rating grows. Here’s what we recommend:
- Necrolord: With this selected, you’re given the awesome ability Adaptive Swarm. A short cooldown, high damage, and buffs to DoTs make it essential.
Stat Priority
Arms Warriors operating in 9.2 PvP need to follow this Stat Priority:
- Strength
- Versatility
- Haste
On Alliance, the best races/bonuses for Fury Warriors include:
- Human: Will to Survive is a free stun breaker and mixes well with Relentless. What’s more, The Human Spirit provides additional secondary stats.
- Gnome: Escape Artist is a free stun breaker and Expansive Mind provides a bonus to Rage generation.
On Horde, the best races/bonuses for Fury Warriors include:
- Orc: The best for Hardiness which provides the Relentless buff to handle stuns.
- Blood Elf: Arcane Torrent randomly purges critical enemy buffs like Combustion and Blessing of Protection.
7. Shadow Priest
Shadow is a force to be reckoned with. What the spec lacks in its defensive arsenal, it more than makes up for in heavy damage.
- Strong damage spread
- Mass Dispel and Dispel Magic
- Consistent, deadly damage
- Tier 1 / Level 15: The best option for this tier is Unfurling Darkness. It ensures you spend less time having to cast DoTs and more time casting the hard-hitting spells.
- Tier 2 / Level 25: You are healed during the active time of Dispersion and the overall cooldown is reduced. This enhances survivability.
- Tier 3 / Level 30: When facing up against opponents who constantly dispel your DoTs, Misery aids in spread pressure and allows extra time for kiting.
- Tier 4 / Level 35: Kill targets and healers will be crowd controlled with the help of Psychic Horror.
- Tier 5 / Level 40: You can increase your spread and sustained damage output with Auspicious Spirits.
- Tier 6 / Level 45: All DoTs will be instantly placed on a target with the deadly talent known as Damnation.
- Tier 7 / Level 50: Your increased damage from casting Void Bolt is made possible with the help of Hungering Void.
PvP Talents
While you have the option to select 3 of the available PvP talents, some are more ideal for particular setups than others.
- Greater Fade: Improves movement speed and provides immunity to the majority of spells and damage-dealing abilities.
Selecting the right Covenant is as essential for PvP as it is for PvE. You may opt to pick a different Covenant for PvP specifically. The change becomes more apparent as your Arena rating grows. Here’s what we recommend:
- Necrolord: With this selected, you’re given Fleshcraft, an effective 2-minute defensive cooldown along with Unholy Nova, the offensive counterpart.
Stat Priority
Shadow Priests operating in 9.2 PvP need to follow this Stat Priority:
- Intellect
- Versatility
- Haste
On Alliance, the best races/bonuses for Shadow Priests include:
- Human: Will to Survive is a free stun breaker and mixes well with Relentless. What’s more, The Human Spirit provides additional secondary stats.
- Night Elf: The iconic racial known as Shadowmeld provides instant stealth and allows the avoidance of unwanted crowd control.
- Gnome: Escape Artist is a free stun breaker and Expansive Mind provides a bonus to Rage generation.
- Dwarf: Stoneform removes any bleed, Magic, Poison, and Disease effects from the user. If that wasn’t enough, you also get a 10% reduction in physical damage.
On Horde, the best races/bonuses for Shadow Priests include:
- Blood Elf: Arcane Torrent randomly purges critical enemy buffs like Combustion and Blessing of Protection.
- Undead: Will of the Forsaken removes any Sleep, Charm, or Fear effect from the user.
6. Fire Mage
Fire mages are in a perfect spot for PvP and stand out as the best of the three specs available for the class. They are ideally paired with Shadow Priests, Rogues, and Warriors.
- Efficient crowd control
- Unmatched burst damage
- Multiple schools for casting
- Tier 1 / Level 15: With your teams trying to go for the bigger kills, Firestarter allows an enemy to drop from 50% to zero in a single stun.
- Tier 2 / Level 25: When attempting to inflict crowd control on enemies, you need Shimmer to avoid all line of sight issues.
- Tier 3 / Level 30: Incanter’s Flow is necessary due to your constant movement.
- Tier 4 / Level 35: There is no way you will reach your full damage potential without Flame On.
- Tier 5 / Level 40: Another crucial tool for crowd control can be found in Ring of Frost.
- Tier 6 / Level 45: The tried and true classic DoT, Living Bomb, helps to keep pressure on multiple enemies at once.
- Tier 7 / Level 50: Despite the nerf from the previous patch, Kindling is your best bet as it continues to shorten the cooldown for Combustion.
PvP Talents
While you have the option to select 3 of the available PvP talents, some are more ideal for particular setups than others.
- Pyrokinesis: For every Fireball you cast, you’ll find that Combustion, the main burst cooldown, is delayed.
Selecting the right Covenant is as essential for PvP as it is for PvE. You may opt to pick a different Covenant for PvP specifically. The change becomes more apparent as your Arena rating grows. Here’s what we recommend:
- Night Fae: With this selected, you’re given a set of strong abilities that provide the potential for kiting and additional cooldown reductions.
Stat Priority
Fire Mages operating in 9.2 PvP need to follow this Stat Priority:
- Intellect
- Haste
- Versatility
On Alliance, the best races/bonuses for Fire Mages include:
- Human: Will to Survive is a free stun breaker and mixes well with Relentless. What’s more, The Human Spirit provides additional secondary stats.
- Night Elf: The iconic racial known as Shadowmeld provides instant stealth and allows the avoidance of unwanted crowd control.
- Gnome: Escape Artist is a free stun breaker and Expansive Mind provides a bonus to Rage generation.
- Void Elf: No matter how often you get hit, Preternatural Calm removes any delay to spellcasting.
On Horde, the best races/bonuses for Fire Mages include:
- Orc: The best for Hardiness which provides the Relentless buff to handle stuns.
- Undead: Will of the Forsaken removes any Sleep, Charm, or Fear effect from the user.
- Troll: A strong bonus to Haste is granted with Berserking and should be activated right before a powerful cooldown.
5. Windwalker Monk
Windwalker Monks, like both Arms and Fury Warriors, are some of the most competitive melee specs in the game. They have ultimate spread pressure and unprecedented burst on single-target.
- Unmatched mobility
- Sufficient self-healing
- Effective utility as a team
- Tier 1 / Level 15: The Chi Wave talent helps apply additional healing and damage.
- Tier 2 / Level 25: Tiger’s Lust acts as a free snare and root breaker along with a 70% increase in movement speed.
- Tier 3 / Level 30: Ascension delivers increases to maximum regen for Chi and Energy. This guarantees a greater output of damage.
- Tier 4 / Level 35: Ring of Peace interrupts crowd control and helps stunned teammates.
- Tier 5 / Level 40: Diffuse Magic works effectively against magical damage-based teams and is an added defensive.
- Tier 6 / Level 45: A simple buff with Dance of Chi-Ji is the best choice for increased damage.
- Tier 7 / Level 50: Whirling Dragon Punch helps to deal with teams that have no roots or slows.
PvP Talents
While you have the option to select 3 of the available PvP talents, some are more ideal for particular setups than others.
- Reverse Harm: This generates Chi and assures that Expel Harm will dole out more damage.
Selecting the right Covenant is as essential for PvP as it is for PvE. You may opt to pick a different Covenant for PvP specifically. The change becomes more apparent as your Arena rating grows. Here’s what we recommend:
- Kyrian: You’ll be given abilities that increase Mastery and provide added self-healing.
Stat Priority
Fire Mages operating in 9.2 PvP need to follow this Stat Priority:
- Agility
- Versatility
- Mastery
On Alliance, the best races/bonuses for Windwalker Monks include:
- Human: Will to Survive is a free stun breaker and mixes well with Relentless. What’s more, The Human Spirit provides additional secondary stats.
- Night Elf: The iconic racial known as Shadowmeld provides instant stealth and allows the avoidance of unwanted crowd control.
- Gnome: Escape Artist is a free stun breaker and Expansive Mind provides a bonus to Rage generation.
- Dwarf: Stoneform removes any bleed, Magic, Poison, and Disease effects from the user. If that wasn’t enough, you also get a 10% reduction in physical damage.
On Horde, the best races/bonuses for Windwalker Monks include:
- Orc: The best for Hardiness which provides the Relentless buff to handle stuns.
- Blood Elf: Arcane Torrent randomly purges critical enemy buffs like Combustion and Blessing of Protection.
- Undead: Will of the Forsaken removes any Sleep, Charm, or Fear effect from the user.
4. Beast Mastery Hunter
A truly difficult class to handle for melee opponents, their pets are capable of dealing immense amounts of damage and overall stand quite competitive in the current meta.
- Good mobility
- Strong and consistent damage
- Tier 1 / Level 15: Animal Companion is the obvious choice for the increase in overall damage.
- Tier 2 / Level 25: Scent of Blood maximizes burst damage upon the activation of Bestial Wrath.
- Tier 3 / Level 30: For nearly every situation, Camouflage is the best option as it lets you open up from a position of stealth.
- Tier 4 / Level 35: To maximize the chance for Barbed Shot to critical strike, you need to spec into Thrill of the Hunt.
- Tier 5 / Level 40: Incoming damage from ranged and melee enemies is avoided with the aid of Posthaste.
- Tier 6 / Level 45: Providing a solid increase to sustained damage is found through Stomp.
- Tier 7 / Level 50: Not only will your pet's movement speed be increased, but Aspect of the Beast also increases your sustained damage output.
PvP Talents
While you have the option to select 3 of the available PvP talents, some are more ideal for particular setups than others.
- Roar of Sacrifice: Your pet will protect a nearby friendly from all criticals and take 20% of the damage itself.
- Survival Tactics: This makes Feign Death remove any unwanted magical effects and reduces all incoming damage by 99% for a period of 1.5 seconds.
Selecting the right Covenant is as essential for PvP as it is for PvE. You may opt to pick a different Covenant for PvP specifically. The change becomes more apparent as your Arena rating grows. Here’s what we recommend:
- Venthyr: All Kill Shots will be automatically empowered with Flayed Shot to provide significantly more ranged damage.
Stat Priority
Beast Mastery Hunters operating in 9.2 PvP need to follow this Stat Priority:
- Agility
- Versatility
- Haste
On Alliance, the best races/bonuses for Beast Mastery include:
- Human: Will to Survive is a free stun breaker and mixes well with Relentless. What’s more, The Human Spirit provides additional secondary stats.
- Dwarf: Stoneform removes any bleed, Magic, Poison, and Disease effects from the user. If that wasn’t enough, you also get a 10% reduction in physical damage.
On Horde, the best races/bonuses for Beast Mastery include:
- Orc: The best for Hardiness which provides the Relentless buff to handle stuns.
- Blood Elf: Arcane Torrent randomly purges critical enemy buffs like Combustion and Blessing of Protection.
- Troll: A strong bonus to Haste is granted with Berserking and should be activated right before a powerful cooldown.
3. Survival Hunter
Another contender for best melee spec in the game. Their single-target damage is sustained along with a great array of crowd control for enemy players.
- Good mobility
- Effective burst damage
- Tier 1 / Level 15: Viper’s Venom increases your overall output for damage and allows Serpent Sting to be cast at range.
- Tier 2 / Level 25: Guerilla Tactics enables Wildfire Bomb to have 2 charges along with increased initial damage.
- Tier 3 / Level 30: For nearly every situation, Camouflage is the best option as it lets you open up from a position of stealth.
- Tier 4 / Level 35: The best option for this tier is Steel Trap, as it is an effective crowd control that deals damage in quite a few situations.
- Tier 5 / Level 40: With the aid of Born To Be Wild, the cooldown of your Aspect of the Cheetah and Aspect of the Turtle will be reduced for enhanced survivability.
- Tier 6 / Level 45: To generate more Focus on demand and make your pet dole out increased burst damage, opt for Flanking Strike in this tier.
- Tier 7 / Level 50: A ranged ability that causes moderate damage every 20 seconds includes Chakrams.
PvP Talents
While you have the option to select 3 of the available PvP talents, some are more ideal for particular setups than others.
- Roar of Sacrifice: Your pet will protect a nearby friendly from all criticals and take 20% of the damage itself.
- Survival Tactics: This makes Feign Death remove any unwanted magical effects and reduces all incoming damage by 99% for a period of 1.5 seconds.
Selecting the right Covenant is as essential for PvP as it is for PvE. You may opt to pick a different Covenant for PvP specifically. The change becomes more apparent as your Arena rating grows. Here’s what we recommend:
- Venthyr: All Kill Shots will be automatically empowered with Flayed Shot to provide significantly more ranged damage.
Stat Priority
Survival Hunters operating in 9.2 PvP need to follow this Stat Priority:
- Agility
- Versatility
- Haste
On Alliance, the best races/bonuses for Survival Hunters include:
- Human: Will to Survive is a free stun breaker and mixes well with Relentless. What’s more, The Human Spirit provides additional secondary stats.
- Dwarf: Stoneform removes any bleed, Magic, Poison, and Disease effects from the user. If that wasn’t enough, you also get a 10% reduction in physical damage.
- Gnome: Escape Artist is a free stun breaker and Expansive Mind provides a bonus to Rage generation.
On Horde, the best races/bonuses for Survival Hunters include:
- Orc: The best for Hardiness which provides the Relentless buff to handle stuns.
- Blood Elf: Arcane Torrent randomly purges critical enemy buffs like Combustion and Blessing of Protection.
- Troll: A strong bonus to Haste is granted with Berserking and should be activated right before a powerful cooldown.
2. Havoc Demon Hunter
Perhaps the most feared of all melee classes, their crowd control is unstoppable with kicks and stuns. In addition, Metamorphosis is the ultimate offensive cooldown that can be used very frequently.
- Good mobility
- Effective burst damage
- Tier 1 / Level 15: Felblade allows for more Fury to be generated and also leap to your target much faster.
- Tier 2 / Level 25: Demon Blades is a stellar passive that helps you generate needed Fury and increases sustained damage.
- Tier 3 / Level 30: Upon activation of Immolation Aura, the damage of your subsequent Fel Rush is strengthened with the aid of Unbound Chaos.
- Tier 4 / Level 35: The best choice in the tier is Soul Rending. It gives you an added leech while Metamorphosis enhances your survivability.
- Tier 5 / Level 40: The cost of Fury for the important ability Blade Dance is reduced and it’s given increased damage with the aid of First Blood.
- Tier 6 / Level 45: You are given a short cooldown stun that extends up to 20 yards with Fel Eruption.
- Tier 7 / Level 50: Every 25 seconds, you’re given a reliable burst with Demonic.
PvP Talents
While you have the option to select 3 of the available PvP talents, some are more ideal for particular setups than others.
- Mortal Dance: Reduces the target’s healing received. A must for any team that does not already have a debuff for Mortal Wounds.
- Reverse Magic: All harmful effects from magic done to yourself and nearby allies in 10 yards are removed and sent back to the caster.
Selecting the right Covenant is as essential for PvP as it is for PvE. You may opt to pick a different Covenant for PvP specifically. The change becomes more apparent as your Arena rating grows. Here’s what we recommend:
- Necrolord: With this selected, you’re given the awesome ability Adaptive Swarm. A short cooldown, high damage, and buffs to DoTs make it essential.
Stat Priority
Havoc Demon Hunters operating in 9.2 PvP need to follow this Stat Priority:
- Agility
- Haste
- Versatility
On Alliance, the best races/bonuses for Havoc Demon Hunters include:
- Night Elf: The iconic racial known as Shadowmeld provides instant stealth and allows the avoidance of unwanted crowd control.
On Horde, the best races/bonuses for Havoc Demon Hunters include:
- Blood Elf: Arcane Torrent randomly purges critical enemy buffs like Combustion and Blessing of Protection.
1. Subtlety Rogue
No other class has a toolkit for control quite like the Subtlety Rogue. With Kidney Shot and Blind, you’ve also got Shadow Dance that enables on-demand access to Cheap Shot and Sap.
- Good mobility
- Powerful control and utility
- Effective burst damage
- Tier 1 / Level 15: Instead of having to waste precious Combo Points on abilities like Slice and Dice, you’ll have more time to inflict actual damage thanks to Premeditation.
- Tier 2 / Level 25: During windows of burst, Nightstalker provides up to 8% increased damage.
- Tier 3 / Level 30: The best choice if your comp requires Kidney Shot is Marked for Death.
- Tier 4 / Level 35: When partnered with a healer, Elusiveness is the best option for added damage mitigation.
- Tier 5 / Level 40: An overall increase in damage for yourself and teammates is made possible by Prey on the Weak.
- Tier 6 / Level 45: Not only will you reduce Shadow Dance cooldown time, but Enveloping Shadows provides a second charge for it.
- Tier 7 / Level 50: Energy is able to regenerate faster in Stealth or when you activate Shadow Dance with the help of Master of Shadows.
PvP Talents
While you have the option to select 3 of the available PvP talents, some are more ideal for particular setups than others.
- Thief’s Bargain: You’ll be granted more frequency for steups with this talent that also lowers Shadow Blades cooldown.
- Dismantle: An enemy can be disarmed every 45 seconds for up to 6 seconds.
Selecting the right Covenant is as essential for PvP as it is for PvE. You may opt to pick a different Covenant for PvP specifically. The change becomes more apparent as your Arena rating grows. Here’s what we recommend:
- Kyrian: Thanks to the legendary effect, you’ll receive much higher overall burst damage.
Stat Priority
Havoc Demon Hunters operating in 9.2 PvP need to follow this Stat Priority:
- Agility
- Versatility
- Mastery
On Alliance, the best races/bonuses for Havoc Demon Hunters include:
- Night Elf: The iconic racial known as Shadowmeld provides instant stealth and allows the avoidance of unwanted crowd control.
On Horde, the best races/bonuses for Havoc Demon Hunters include:
- Blood Elf: Arcane Torrent randomly purges critical enemy buffs like Combustion and Blessing of Protection.