What are the most valuable ores in WoW Dragonflight?
Mining is a very popular choice when it comes to gathering in any sort of game, MMORPG or not. In WoW Dragonflight you can actually make quite a bit of gold mining ores, especially during the first stages of the new expansion, which have a naturally high demand for craftable gear and, as consequence, ore to make that gear.
This article will walk you through the most valuable ores in WoW Dragonflight, what are they useful for, and their prices at the Auction House.
10. Iron Ore
Iron Ore is usually one of the first useful ores you get from mining in most MMORPGs, and World of Warcraft is no exception to that rule. You can mine for iron in zones as low as level 10, making it a very accessible way of making gold or leveling up your crafting professions to new players in WoW.
Why Iron Ore is valuable:
- Sells for 3 gold 96 silver (NA) and 3 gold 26 silver (EU) at the Auction House;
- Always in demand at the market due to it being a basic crafting reagent;
- Easily accessible ore for new players to make gold or level up their crafting professions.
How to get Iron Ore:
- Mining Iron Deposits which can be found in many locations such as Feralas and Desolace;
- Prospecting gems such as Citrine and Jade.
9. Adamantite Ore
Adamantite Ore is a very useful ore that goes for a fairly good price at the Auction House and allows engineers to craft the Field Repair Bots, which are able to repair the equipment of you and your party members. This is a great tool to have at difficult PvE content that has the team wiping many times before you finally manage to defeat that annoying boss.
Why Adamantite Ore is valuable:
- Sells for 4 gold 24 silver (NA) and 5 gold (EU) at the Auction House;
- Easy to carry, stacks up to 1000 units;
- Used in most recipes of Outland Blacksmithing;
- Can be used by engineers to create Field Repair Bots which are very useful when doing hard PvE content.
How to get Adamantite Ore:
- Mining Adamantite Deposits and Rich Adamantite Deposits which can be found in many locations such as Nagrand and Netherstom;
- Prospecting gems such as Adamantite Powder and Azure Moonstone.
8. Storm Silver Ore
This ore has a well-deserved spot on the list not only for its market value but also for the wide variety of recipes it is used on. Engineers in particular should keep an eye out for this one, for it can be used to craft many useful gadgets for the profession.
Why Storm Silver Ore is valuable:
- Sells for 4 gold (NA) and 12 gold 30 silver (EU) at the Auction House;
- Easy to carry, stacks up to 1000 units;
- Used in Jewelcrafting, Alchemy, Engineering and Blacksmithing recipes;
- Can be used to craft a wide variety of useful gadgets for engineers, like toolbelt expansions and goggles.
How to get Storm Silver Ore:
- Mining Storm Silver Deposits, Storm Silver Seams and Rich Storm Silver Deposits which can be found in many locations such as Tiragarde Sound and Stormsong Valley;
- Prospecting gems such as Solstone and Kubiline.
7. Obsidium Ore
Obsidium Ore is another very accessible ore that has a good price at the auction house. The real spotlight here though is the fact that you can use Obsidium to craft the awesome companion Personal World Destroyer through the Engineering profession.
Why Obsidium Ore is valuable:
- Sells for 5 gold 20 silver (NA) and 7 gold 79 silver (EU) at the Auction House;
- Easy to carry, stacks up to 1000 units;
- Used in the crafting recipes of Cataclysm Relics and cool Engineering gadgets such as the Personal World Destroyer companion.
How to get Obsidium Ore:
- Mining Obsidium Deposits and Rich Obsidium Deposits which can be found in many locations such as Deepholm;
- Prospecting gems such as Carnelian and Hessonite.
6. Leystone Ore
Leystone Ore is an ore that goes by a great selling price at the Auction House and has constant demand since it is used by the Blacksmithing, Jewelcrafting and Alchemy professions. A nice source of gold if you happen to be doing Legion content or just chilling out at the Broken Isles.
Why Leystone Ore is valuable:
- Sells for 10 gold 40 silver (NA) and 11 gold 90 silver (EU) at the Auction House;
- Easy to carry, stacks up to 1000 units;
- Very easy to find if you are doing Legion content.
How to get Leystone Ore:
- Mining Leystone Seams, Rich Leystone Deposits and Leystone Deposits which can be found in many locations such as Azsuna and Suramar.
5. Cobalt Ore
Cobalt Ore is a very easy-to-find ore in Northrend that normally sells for over 10 gold at the Auction House. The route for mining these is extremely simple and barely has any mobs to annoy you, making this a great option for newcomers who wish to make some gold.
Why Cobalt Ore is valuable:
- Sells for 10 gold 10 silver at the Auction House;
- Easy to carry, stacks up to 1000 units;
- Can be used to craft valuable Relics and Engineering reagents.
How to get Cobalt Ore:
- Mining Cobalt Deposits and Rich Cobalt Deposits which can be found in many locations such as Zul’Drak and Howling Fjord;
- Prospecting gems such as Huge Citrine and Shadow Crystal.
4. Pyrite Ore
Pyrite is a very valuable ore in WoW because it can be transmuted in Truegold after the smelting process. That makes for a constant demand of the material on the Auction House, and for a high potential of turning it into more valuable goods.
Why Pyrite Ore is valuable:
- Sells for 15 gold 90 silver (NA) and 9 gold 8 silver (EU) at the Auction House;
- Easy to carry, stacks up to 1000 units;
- Can be transmuted into Truegold after being smelted.
How to get Pyrite Ore:
- Mining Pyrite Deposits and Rich Pyrite Deposits which can be found in many locations such as Uldum and Tol Barad;
- Prospecting gems such as Volatile Earth and Alicite.
3. Eternium Ore
Eternium Ore is a very valuable ore that has remained with high prices over the years at the Auction House in WoW. This ore is not cannot be obtained through prospecting, meaning that there aren’t as many of these for sale when compared to other ores, so the prices are consistently high and the demand is always there. Furthermore, you can use Eternium to craft some great Figurines.
Why Eternium Ore is valuable:
- Sells for 11 gold 40 silver (NA) and 21 gold (EU) at the Auction House;
- Easy to carry, stacks up to 1000 units;
- Has a very high demand due to not being obtainable through prospecting;
- Used in the crafting recipes of valuable Figurines.
How to get Eternium Ore:
- Mining Adamantite Deposits, Rich Adamantite Deposits, Fel Iron Deposits, Nethercite Deposits and Khorium Veins which can be found in many locations such as Nagrand and Blade’s Edge Mountains.
2. Silver Ore
The last two entries on the list are basically interchangeable. Silver Ore is worth a lot of gold at the Auction House and can be found really early on in WoW. While the price isn’t as high as the Khorium Ore, Silver Ore is unmatched when it comes to cost-benefit considering its accessibility. Like the previous entry, this one cannot be prospected, which always keeps the demand and the prices high.
Why Silver Ore is valuable:
- Sells for 23 gold 40 silver (NA) and 16 gold 60 silver (EU) at the Auction House;
- Easy to carry, stacks up to 1000 units;
- Incredible cost benefit considering how easy it is to get this ore;
- Has a very high demand due to not being obtainable through prospecting;
- Can be obtained early on by new players.
How to get Silver Ore:
- Mining Silver Veins which can be found in many locations such as Feralas and Northern Stranglethorn.
1. Khorium Ore
When it comes to the raw value of a piece of ore, the Khorium Ore is absolutely unmatched and by a long shot. This is a very rare ore and prices can go above and beyond the 300 gold mark, making it the most valuable ore in World of Warcraft. While the drop rates might scare you off, players have figured out very effective routes and strategies to farm this ore, so make sure to try it out.
Why Khorium Ore is valuable:
- Sells for 348 gold (NA) and 270 gold (EU) at the Auction House;
- Easy to carry, stacks up to 1000 units;
- Has a very high demand due to not being obtainable through prospecting;
- Prices per piece of ore are much higher when compared to any other ore in the game.
How to get Khorium Ore:
- Mining Khorium Veins which can be found in many locations such as Nagrand and Netherstorm.
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