A Witcher’s abilities reflect who they are. Each ability enhances our playing styles in various ways and can either harmonise or make a playthrough incredibly difficult. This is why choosing the best abilities is significant for having a smooth experience.
Twelve available slots are unlocked as we progress through the game and level up. We can unlock them as we increase in level and slowly build up our perfect character with abilities from one of the four trees: combat, signs, alchemy, and general.
1. Strong Back
Every RPG gamer instinctively gathers mountains of items that seem important. This ability from the General tree allows us to store many more items than usual by increasing our weight available by 60. We can avoid giving up valuable relics and weapons to keep up a sprint.
These types of abilities are great as general enhancements to your Witcher. It is a standard upgrade to increase your carry capacity and hold more items. This ability becomes incredibly useful when grinding Crowns or collecting unique weapons and armour. Its usefulness can be improved by pairing it with Beauclair saddlebags and the fiend decoction to increase Geralt’s total carry weight to 250.
Strong Back Description:
Maximum inventory weight is increased by 60.
2. Delusion
Delusion is the Witcher version of magical charisma and influence. We can use this skill to persuade NPCs into doing our bidding or to cast Axii faster in combat. The ability comes in three levels from the Sign tree that all increase your persuasiveness in dialogue.
Most difficult dialogue choices have an easier route through the Axii sign. Getting Delusion will keep us away from unnecessary bloodshed and having to pay Crowns to get out of situations. This skill may not be as useful in combat as others on our list but it does make choices in the game much simpler and often leads to the best endings in quests.
Delusion description:
- Level 1:
Target does not move towards Geralt while he is casting Axii. It also increases the effectiveness of Axii in dialogues.
Stamina regeneration in combat: +0.5/s
- Level 2:
Target does not move towards Geralt while he is casting Axii. Increases the effectiveness of Axii in dialogues. Reduces Axii casting time.
Stamina regeneration in combat: +1/s
- Level 3:
Target does not move towards Geralt while he is casting Axii. Increases the effectiveness of Axii in dialogues. Reduces Axii casting time.
Stamina regeneration in combat: +1.5/s
3. Exploding Shield
The Exploding Shield is a useful enhancement to the Quen sign that cloaks Geralt in a protective bubble primed to explode upon impact. The first level of the skill merely pushes an opponent back, but subsequent levels deal damage as well.
This skill is helpful in combat throughout the game. It allows Geralt to pass through a battle against a fast-attacking opponent or groups of opponents coming at him from multiple directions without taking great damage. Having this ability equipped allows us to take an attack, stagger our opponent, and then tear into them whilst they recover.
Exploding Shield Description:
- Level 1:
Quen shield pushes opponents back when it breaks.
Stamina regeneration in combat: +0.5/s
- Level 2:
Quen shield pushes opponents back and deals damage when it breaks.
Stamina regeneration in combat: +1/s
- Level 3:
Quen shield pushes opponents back and deals damage when it breaks, with a chance for knockdown.
Stamina regeneration in combat: +1.5/s
4. Active Shield
The Active Shield is another iteration of Quen. It coats Geralt in a shield that actively uses Stamina to protect us. The ability’s three levels decrease the percentage rate at which Stamina drains when we use the powerful shield.
This skill is incredibly useful against powerful enemies such as higher vampires, werewolves, or bosses. Any attacks absorbed by the shield increase our vitality, making it an essential skill when we need to bring our health bar back from near death.
Active Shield Description:
- Level 1:
Creates an active shield. Maintaining it and blocking attacks drains Stamina. Damage absorbed by the shield restores the player’s Vitality.
Stamina regeneration in combat: +0.5/s
- Level 2:
Maintaining an active shield now drains 50% less Stamina. Stamina drain for blocked attacks unchanged. Damage absorbed by the shield restores player Vitality.
Stamina regeneration in combat: +1/s
- Level 3:
Maintaining an active shield no longer drains Stamina. Stamina drain for blocked attacks unchanged. Damage absorbed by the shield restores player Vitality.
Stamina regeneration in combat: +1.5/s
5. Synergy
Synergy is an interesting ability from the Alchemy tree that focuses on the effectiveness of your Mutagens. It has five levels, and each increases your mutagen bonuses by up to 50% with a bonus to potion durations.
This ability is often recommended for advanced Witcher players who have a deeper understanding of mutagen combinations and potion use. When used correctly with a complete set of mutagens, every bonus will increase by 50% to strengthen Geralt based on your build. The additional potion duration increase is useful for healing larger chunks of health in challenging battles.
Synergy Descriptions:
- Level 1:
Increases bonus for Mutagen in Mutagen slots by 10%. Potion duration time: +5%
- Level 2:
Increases bonus for Mutagen in Mutagen slots by 20%. Potion duration time: +10%
- Level 3:
Increases bonus for Mutagen in Mutagen slots by 30%. Potion duration time: +15%
- Level 4
Increases bonus for Mutagen in Mutagen slots by 40%. Potion duration time: +20%
- Level 5
Increases bonus for Mutagen in Mutagen slots by 50%. Potion duration time: +25%
6. Undying
The Undying ability regenerates Geralt’s life using Adrenaline Points after defeat. With this ability, death won’t touch you provided you have at least one Adrenaline Point to restore Vitality. This allows us to enter battle with more confidence as we can sustain a fatal blow during a difficult boss battle.
The five levels of this ability restore Vitality with varying amounts of bonus health available. However, throughout my use of this skill, all levels seem to restore the same amount. Despite this possible bug, the skill is useful at its first level for keeping you alive and fighting through destructive enemy attacks.
Undying Description:
- Level 1:
When Vitality reaches 0, Adrenaline Points will immediately be consumed to restore it. The amount restored is based on the number of Adrenaline Points used. If no Adrenaline Points are available, a small portion of Vitality will be restored.
Adrenaline Point gain: +1%
- Level 2:
When Vitality reaches 0, it will be restored with a bonus of 25%. Requires at least 1 Adrenaline Point, which will be consumed.
Adrenaline Point gain: +2%
- Level 3:
When Vitality reaches 0, it will be restored with a bonus of 50%. Requires at least 1 Adrenaline Point, which will be consumed.
Adrenaline Point gain: +3%
- Level 4:
When Vitality reaches 0, it will be restored with a bonus of 75%. Requires at least 1 Adrenaline Point, which will be consumed.
Adrenaline Point gain: +4%
- Level 5:
When Vitality reaches 0, it will be restored with a bonus of 100%. Requires at least 1 Adrenaline Point, which will be consumed.
Adrenaline Point gain: +5%
7. Gorged on Power
Places of Power are incredibly useful for enhancing builds and getting a few bonuses in your gameplay. The only downside is that they often run out too quickly and no one has the time to travel halfway up a cliff just to recharge the effects. The Gorged on Power ability allows us to use the effects of Places of Power indefinitely until we decide to activate another one.
Using this skill effectively requires us to research the best Place of Power bonus for our build that matches our fighting style. Among the best available are the White Orchard Cemetery for Igni, the Quen Place of Power in Velen, and the Axii Place of Power in White Orchard. These can be activated once and left on with our ability to enhance signs in future battles.
Gorged on Power Description:
The bonus from a Place of Power lasts indefinitely - but only one such bonus can be active at a given time.
8. Attack is the Best Defense
Having this ability equipped, allows us to generate Adrenaline Points with each successful defense against enemy attacks. Dodges and Rolls generate little and Counterattacks generate the most. This ability keeps a steady stream of Adrenaline Points increasing while we evade and counter our enemies.
The best strategy to use with this ability involves pairing it with Undying to convert your Adrenaline Points back into Vitality upon death or Deadly Precision to maximise damage when you finally get a hit in. This ability is a more passive skill to use but it does improve your fighting abilities. And it’s worth it to gain a few Adrenaline Points from every mile rolled throughout the storyline.
Attack is the Best Defense Description:
Each defensive action generates Adrenaline Points: Parries 0.1 points, Counterattacks 0.4 points, Dodges 0.3 points, Rolls 0.2 points. Cannot be activated more than once every 5 seconds.
9. Fleet Footed
The Fleet Footed ability completely removes damage sustained while dodging. After a recent patch, simply having the ability enabled removes 100% of damage from enemy attacks that connect during our rolls. This is useful against mighty enemy attacks such as werewolves and ekimmara, whose blows can mean an instant death.
This ability is required for playing on Death March difficulty. Almost every enemy’s attack can obliterate our health bar and many fights are won through careful dodging followed by precise attacks. Thanks to the newest patch, it requires only one Ability point to enjoy the complete fruit of its benefits.
Fleet Footed Description:
Damage from hits received while dodging is reduced by 100%
Adrenaline Point gain: +1%
10. Battle Trance
Any seasoned Witcher will be proficient in the art of battle. The Battle Trance ability from the Combat tree gives us a reason to unleash torrents of blows onto our foes. Every adrenaline point is used in this war trance to increase weapon damage impressively by 10%.
This ability is best used with the best swords in the game such as Aerondight and Gesheft to maximise Geralt’s maximum damage. With a full set of Adrenaline Points, which the ability also helps us to generate, we can deal out 30% of the extra damage!
Battle Trans Description:
Blows landed during combat generate Adrenaline Points. Each Adrenaline Point increases weapon damage by 10%.
11. Flood of Anger
At its final stage, this ability greatly enhances your Witcher signs by increasing their intensity by up to 300. The Flood of Anger draws all of your Adrenaline Points into sign intensity and allows us to cast a more destructive and powerful sign than ever before. With an additional 300% intensity, igni easily melts ghouls and axii incapacitates bandits for longer than usual, giving us an edge in battle.
Using this ability at higher levels with abilities that enhance your signs such as Domination, Exploding Shield, or Pyromaniac makes your Witcher signs overpowered in any battle. My favourite strategy also involves using an ability that increases your Adrenaline Points quickly such as Battle Trance to keep using these energised signs throughout the fight.
Flood of Anger description:
- Level 1
When casting a Sign, 3 Adrenaline Points (if available) will be consumed to upgrade the Sign to the highest level (unlocking all bonuses) and increases Sign intensity by 25%. Adrenaline Point gain: +1%
- Level 2
When casting a Sign, 3 Adrenaline Points (if available) will be consumed to upgrade the Sign to the highest level (unlocking all bonuses) and increases Sign intensity by 50%. Adrenaline Point gain: +2%
- Level 3
When casting a Sign, 3 Adrenaline Points (if available) will be consumed to upgrade the Sign to the highest level (unlocking all bonuses) and increases Sign intensity by 75%. Adrenaline Point gain: +3%
- Level 4
When casting a Sign, 3 Adrenaline Points (if available) will be consumed to upgrade the Sign to the highest level (unlocking all bonuses) and increases Sign intensity by 100%. Adrenaline Point gain: +4%
- Level 5
When casting a Sign, 3 Adrenaline Points (if available) will be consumed to upgrade the Sign to the highest level (unlocking all bonuses) and increases Sign intensity by 125%. Adrenaline Point gain: +5%
12. Firestream
The Firestream ability turns your hands into flamethrowers capable of emitting a continuous stream of fire using Stamina. It has three levels that reduce the Stamina it requires and increase your Stamina regeneration.
Despite being one of the most aesthetically beautiful signs available, the stream of fire we cast destroys hordes of enemies quickly. It proves its usefulness against groups of ghouls and flocks of sirens that would otherwise overwhelm Geralt.
Firestream Description:
- Level 1:
Emits a continuous stream of fire that damages enemies.
Stamina regeneration in combat: +0.5/s
- Level 2:
Emits a continuous stream of fire that damages enemies.
Stamina cost is reduced by 25%. Stamina regeneration in combat: +1/s
- Level 3:
Emits a continuous stream of fire that damages enemies.
Stamina cost is reduced by 50%. Stamina regeneration in combat: +1.5/s
13. Magic Trap
The Magic Trap is another alternative sign mode that works more effectively than its vanilla counterpart. It has the potential to damage and slow down enemies who enter its ring, allowing Geralt to unleash waves of blows. As an additional bonus, it also doubles as a shield as any projectiles that pass through the ring are destroyed.
The Yrden Trap can be used against fast-moving enemies to put them at a disadvantage in battle. We can also strategically use our Magic Trap against multiple enemies by casting and leading them into the ring for easy kills.
Magic Trap Description:
- Level 1:
Damages and slows enemies within a 10-yard radius. Destroys projectiles passing through this area.
Stamina regeneration in combat: +0.5/s
- Level 2:
Damages and slows enemies within a 12-yard radius. Destroys projectiles passing through this area. Damage increased by 25%.
Stamina regeneration in combat: +1/s
- Level 3:
Damages and slows enemies within a 14-yard radius. Destroys projectiles passing through this area. Damage increased by 50%.
Stamina regeneration in combat: +1.5/s
14. Puppet
The Puppet ability uses axii to infiltrate the minds of our foes and turn them against each other. When cast, an enemy on the battlefield becomes our ally and begins attacking their former friends. A sign like this calls to be used by any gamer looking for fun moments and bloopers in the game.
By only targeting a single enemy at a time, this ability may not be incredibly effective, especially when your puppets die rather quickly. However, this ability is fun to play with because we can unleash mind control powers on an unsuspecting enemy, sit back, and watch as his enemies swarm around the traitor.
Puppet Description:
- Level 1:
The targeted enemy briefly becomes an ally and deals 20% more damage.
Stamina regeneration in combat: +0.5/s
- Level 2:
Targeted enemy briefly becomes an ally and deals 40% more damage.
Stamina regeneration in combat: +1/s
- Level 3:
Targeted enemy briefly becomes an ally and deals 60% more damage.
Stamina regeneration in combat: +1.5/s
15. Whirl
The Whirl is an ability from the Combat tree that turns Geralt into a spinning saw that destroys anything that dares to enter his radius. It uses Stamina and Adrenaline to maintain the attack. This attack is overpowered when once you’ve upgraded your Stamina and gotten a mighty sword.
Many players hail this as a necessity in the Witcher world. It’s useful against all enemies and allows us to enter a spinning attack that quickly obliterates enemy health bars. Without this ability, many high-level enemies can easily surround and overwhelm us.
Whirl Description:
- Level 1:
Spinning attack that strikes all foes in the surrounding area.
Maintaining the attack consumes Stamina and Adrenaline.
Adrenaline Point gain: +1%
- Level 2:
Spinning attack that strikes all foes in the surrounding area.
Maintaining the attack consumes Stamina and Adrenaline. Consumes 33% less Stamina and Adrenaline. (Was 20% before Patch 4.0)
Adrenaline Point gain: +2%
- Level 3:
Spinning attack that strikes all foes in the surrounding area.
Maintaining the attack consumes Stamina and Adrenaline. Consumes 50% less Stamina and Adrenaline. (Was 30% before Patch 4.0)
Adrenaline Point gain: +3%
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