Side-arms are a more distinguished, ‘in-your-face’ line of weapons than their name implies. In real life, many secondaries are just that: status symbols or backup weapons when your primary fails or is unreliable in the current situation. In Warframe, secondary weapons are just as if not more lethal than their main handed counterparts, and you look damn cool using them.
Whether it’s a hand cannon capable of creating giant gaping wounds or a particle cannon that spreads to other targets, Warframe has a massive selection of powerful secondaries where one is bound to strike your fancy and your foes down.
Like many things in this massive game, ‘the best’ is subjective, and thus there are dozens of guns that could make anyone’s ‘top five’ list. However, some guns are better than others, and so this article will do its best to be as objective as possible.
10. Lex Prime
The fancy, electronic sounding version of a .45 magnum in the Warframe universe, and just as deadly (and cool to wield) as you might expect. Easy to obtain, easy to build, and perfect for the Warframe who wants to style and profile while punching bowling ball sized holes into hapless Grineer from across the map.
This weapon is great for:
- Long Range support for close ranged primaries.
- Dealing with armored Grineer thanks to its high Puncture.
- Looking sweet.
Base Weapon Stats:
- 150 Damage (15 Impact, 120 Puncture, 15 Slashing)
- 25% Crit and Status Chance
- 2x Crit Multiplier
- 2.08 Fire Rate
- 16 Accuracy
How to get the weapon here.
9. Staticor
The Staticor is a pair of Corpus constructed gauntlets (they pretty much use the kunai/throwing star animations) that fires bolts of explosive Radiation capable of ragdolling entire waves of enemies, lending its usage outside of cracking open Alloy Armor to crowd control outside of using Warframe abilities. You can fire each bolt separately, or charge it up for a more lethal, faster-flying bolt with a great explosion range.
Plus, you get to feel like Megaman, if that’s your thing.
What the weapon is great for:
- Crowd Control (Ragdolling and or inflicting Confusion Radiation procs)
- Elite Grineer units, Corpus robotics, and Infested Bosses.
- Cosplay End Game
Weapon Stats:
- 44 Radiation Damage (Projectile) + 88 Radiation Damage (Explosion)
- 16.7 Accuracy
- 14% Critical Chance
- 2.2x Crit Multiplier
- 28% Status Chance
How to get the weapon here.
8. Akstiletto Prime
“Stylish, discreet, and accurate, perfect for the Tenno of distinction.”
While I wouldn’t call these things ‘discreet’, one supposes that high flying, space magic wielding, glittering metal skinned space ninjas would have their own version of ‘discreet’. Thus, the Akstiletto represents the Tenno in many ways, specifically: stylish and absolutely killer.
With the Akstiletto in hand, there’s nothing greater for a show of distinction, power, and art than shredding everything in your way with these twin submachine pistols.
What the weapon is great for:
- Apply Status Effects like no tomorrow
- Naturally high Impact damage lends itself against Corpus shields.
- Highly sustainable, long bursts of fire.
Weapon stats:
- 36 Damage (21.6 Impact, 3.6 Puncture, 10.8 Slashing)
- 23.5 Accuracy
- 15% Crit Chance
- 2x Crit Multiplier
- 30% Status Chance
How to get the weapon here
7. Akbronco Prime
Dual. Shotgun. Pistols.
What more do I need to say? There’s hardly a thing more satisfying than ripping and tearing through an entire squad of charging Lancers than with two fistfuls of elementally charged shells, melting armor, plaguing health, madness through radiation…
...or simply watching your pellets snap someone in half through sheer brute force.
What the weapon is great for:
- Status Spreading (Bleed, Impact, Corrosive, anything’s possible with these bad boys)
- Crowd Control through status procs
- Nice to pulverize Corpus units with.
- Rudimentary meat blender
Weapon Stats:
- 350 Damage (280 Impact, 35 Puncture, 35 Slashing)
- 3.7 Accuracy
- 6% Crit Chance
- 2x Crit Multiplier
- 30% Status Chance
How to get the weapon here
6. Atomos
Atomos is a particle beam cannon of Grineer construction capable of chain-linking enemies with its beam, sweeping untold destruction through an entire room without you so much as moving from your position. By simply holding ‘fire’, it’s possible to turn everything alive inside an area to ashes.
Atomos is the Greek word for ‘undivided’, and so long as your enemies remain together, this beam cannon will ensure they die together all the same.
What is the weapon great for:
- Death.
- Crowd Control (the best form of crowd control is to simply kill all the enemies)
- Being lazy.
- Being immature with the beam’s coloring.
Weapon stats:
- 29 Damage (29 heat damage)
- 12.5 Accuracy
- 15% Crit Chance
- 1.7x Crit Multiplier
- 21% Status Chance
How to get the weapon here
5. Pandero
The revolver Mesa wishes was her signature weapon, but is leveraged to Octavia because why not? With this gun, you can finally live out your Wildest Western fantasies (or just pretend you’re McCree from Overwatch, I guess) by fanning the hammer and crushing anyone that gets in your way!
What the weapon is great for:
- High single target damage
- Critical Build friendly
- Unarmored Enemies
- Pretending to be a space cowboy
Weapon stats:
- 72 Damage (18 Impact, 18 Puncture, 36 Slash)
- 16 Accuracy
- 30% Crit Chance
- 2.8x Crit Multiplier
- 10% Status Chance
How to get the weapon here
4. Synoid Gammacor
While not nearly as good of a Megabuster as the Staticor is, the Synoid Gammacor is an entirely different beast altogether. Like the Atomos, it is a beam weapon that specializes in Magnetic damage. Unlike Atomos, it cannot hit multiple enemies at once, at least, not unless you kill enough enemies to activate the Entropy effect, frying electronics with a Magnetic pulse and restoring your Warframe’s energy.
It is also unique in that is consumes half ammo for every ‘round’ or damage tick that is fired.
If it’s a machine, it will be masticated by the harsh light of Cephalon Suda’s pride and joy.
What the weapon is great for:
- High single target damage.
- Corpus robotics and shielded enemies.
- Energy demanding Warframe abilities.
- Awesome animations.
Weapon Stats:
- 20 Magnetic Damage
- 100 Accuracy (Perfect!)
- 20% Critical Chance
- 2x Crit Multiplier
- 20% Status Chance
How to get the weapon here
3. Pyrana Prime
Another golden gun that makes for an interesting marriage between art and practicality, like most other weapons in the Warframe universe. Make no mistake, however, the Pyrana Prime is well known for its vicious bite, and well suited for those Tenno who intend on ensuring peace through destruction, for this primed secondary has a unique ability that allows you to wield a second, ghostly Pyrana for more damage, fire rate, and ammo capacity when you kill three enemies.
The best part is? It comes with an extra magazine of shots for you to play with. Though the spectral gun is temporary, it also means the added bullets are also temporary. While this may sound like a deal breaker, it merely incentivizes an incredibly aggressive ‘all-in’ play style that involves shredding your targets and making the most of your suddenly new, quickly fading ammunition.
If you can handle the high recoil that comes from its intense firing speeds.
What the weapon is great for:
- The player who admires longevity
- High damage against unarmored targets
- Burst Damage against single targets
Weapon stats:
- 240 Damage (19 Impact, 19 Puncture, 201 Slashing)
- Accuracy 6.1
- 24% Crit Chance
- 2.2x Crit Multiplier
- 12% Status Chance
How to get the weapon here
2. Mara Detron
Revitalized by Corpus design, this Orokin-era handheld energy shotgun dazzles while it destroys, reminding the Tenno just what kind of brutal smugglers carried this weapon for self-defense.
Fast firing, element spreading, light blinding, high damaging.
It’s everything you’d want in a shotgun and more, with the ability to fire your shells in rapid succession with satisfying results. Simply put, it’s fun, stylish, and rapid fire is a great feeling to pull off when flooding a crowded hallway with damage numbers.
What the weapon is great for:
- Crowd Control (Status chance and high damage? Anything that doesn’t die is afflicted with one of your many status effects)
- Medium Spread for relatively long range effect.
- Elite Grineer, Corpus of all types, and Infested bosses beware.
- The player who likes seeing walls of damage numbers.
Weapon stats:
- 280 Radiation Damage
- 13.13 Accuracy
- 8% Crit Chance
- 1.5x Crit Multiplier
- 32% Status Chance
How to get the weapon here
1. Euphona Prime
The ultimate combination: high accuracy and long-range intermingling dangerously wide pellet spread and close quarters, the Euphona Prime dances with danger and dines on death, singing a ballet of sinew slicing, shredding anything that stands in its way.
Truly, an instrument of destruction for any occasion, and the perfect weapon to bring into battle, either solo or singing backup.
What the weapon is great for:
- Flexibility make it a generalized choice for any situation
- Anything that requires high damage
- Shielded enemies
Weapon stats: (Slug and Buckshot respectively)
- 325/880 Damage (292 Impact, 16.25 Puncture, 16.25 Slashing)/(44 Impact, 176 Puncture, 660 Slashing(
- 100/3.2 Accuracy
- 30%/2% Crit Chance
- 2.5x/2x Crit multiplier
- 2%/30% Status Chance
How to get the weapon here
There’s my top 10 secondaries in Warframe that I think ROCK HARD.
If there are any you think should have been on this list, please comment down below, and remember to feel lucky, Tenno.
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