TW Warhammer 2 Factions Guide: Here Are The Best TW Warhammer 2 Factions

TW Warhammer 2 Factions Guide
01 Dec 2018

Take control of a unique legendary lord on the field of battle and conquer the Warhammer universe.  But which lord should you choose?

Not all factions are created equal in Warhammer II, but each is powerful in its own way.  Certain factions might rely on stealth and cunning, like Skaven’s Clan Rictus, while others like the Lothern faction for the High Elves are obvious powerhouses, whose legendary lords can take on entire armies. Let’s take a dive into what makes the factions for each race so unique, and how the different lords carve out their own identity on the campaign map.

Top 3 High Elf Factions

The High Elves play a central role in the politics of the Warhammer Universe.  They rule from the island chain of Ulthuan in the center of the map, and they reinforce their elite infantry with legions of dragons, eagles, and sphinxes.  

3rd Best High Elf Faction:  Avelorn – Alarielle

Alarielle is the spiritual leader of the High Elves and rules from the sacred glade of Avelorn deep in the heart of the island Ulthuan.  Think of her as the Galadriel of the Warhammer universe. 

The Elves of Avelorn have a deep connection to nature, allowing them to powerful Wood Elf units at their capital including Tree Kin and Treemen. Avelorn does have a tough start due to the fact that they receive numerous campaign penalties if Ulthuan is not entirely controlled by High Elves.  Moreover, Alarielle herself is severely weakened on the battle map by any surrounding chaos corruption.  Make sure to frequently cast the Rite of Isha, which effectively nullifies chaos corruption. Alarielle can level into a powerful caster lord with access to spells from both the Lore of Life and the Lore of High Magic. Averlorn comes with some tough hills to climb, but her magic and wood elf units give her a unique edge that can make her unstoppable.

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Casting Magic:  Alarielle is one of the most powerful High Elf mages

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Elf Power:  Alarielle is strongest when Ulthuan is owned completely by High Elves

Power Score: 84/100

2nd Best High Elf Faction:  Nagarythe - Alith Anar

Alith Anar rules the land of Nagarythe, a troubled realm that lives in the shadow of malice that is Malekith and the Dark Elves.  Alith Anar is the sworn enemy of Malektih, and his start position north of Ulthuan is closer to the home of the Dark Elves.

Alith Anar is an assassin who wields one of the most useful mechanics on the campaign map: the underway stance.  Underway stance allows armies to ignore geography and move in any direction, and is not available to any other High Elf faction. Combine this with Alith Anar’s naturally increased campaign movement and a reduction to global recruitment times and the result is a highly mobile High Elf lord who can go questing throughout the map.  This works well with his assassin quests, which when completed confer incredible bonuses that can help him challenge the greatest warriors on the map.

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Assasin Elf:  Alith Anar is a stealth lord, and the other lords of warhammer are all in his sights.

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Elves of the North:  The standard of Nagarythe is black, and they can live easily in the frozen wastes of the North

Power Score: 90/100

Best High Elf Faction:  Lothern – Tyrion

Tyrion is the defender of Ulthuan and starts at its southern tip in the powerful stronghold of Lothern.  Tyrion uses his intelligence and power to cut down enemies, and is regarded as the heir to the first Phoenix king, Anaerion. 

All elves aspire to serve under Tyrion’s command, and he therefore recruits infantry and cavalry at a faster rate.  Think of Tyrion as the elvish counterpart to Karl Franz – an ambassador of the race and counted among the most powerful lords in all of Warhammer.  He can solo enemy lords with ease and also makes it cheaper to field the elite infantry of the High Elves.

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Heir of Anaerion:  Prince Tyrion is the leader of all High Elves.

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Lothern Sea Guard:  Lothern is the capital of all Elves, and the Lothern Sea Guard are its chosen defenders.

Power Score: 95/100

Top 3 Dark Elf Factions

The Dark Elves play the villainous foil to the celestial and god-like High Elves.  Dark Elves enslave every creature within their borders and indulge in their sadistic desires where pain and sensuality intertwine.  Their armies are composed of lethal infantry backed up with crossbows and monstrous beasts of war.

3rd Best Dark Elf Faction: Cult of Pleasure – Morathi

Morathi, the Hag Sorceress of Grond, is an ancient elf that sewed the first seeds of discord among the Elves.  She is the mother of the Witch King, Malekith, and is a revered and seductive Queen.  If Alarielle is the Galadriel of the Warhammer universe, Morathi is Galadriel if she had taken the one ring.

Morathi is a powerful magician with access to spells from the Lore of Shadows and the Lore of Dark Magic.  While not the most powerful melee lord, she does have the unique characteristic of spreading chaos corruption.  Those who serve her are more eager than most, and she makes units cost less and less expensive to keep around.  The cherry on top is that she starts with a Hydra, a many-headed wingless dragon that can regenerate its health.

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Morathi:  The greatest witch of all the Dark Elves

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Conquer Ulthuan:  The High Elves are your sworn enemy.  Erase them from the map.

Power Score: 85/100

2nd Best Dark Elf Faction:  Har Ganeth – Crone Hellebron

A nefarious witch, Crone Hellebron uses the power of her enemy’s blood to appear much younger than she actually is.  Har Ganeth is her fortress, a ghastly place in the frozen wastes of the north that is famous for its scenes of sex and murder. 

Winning battles makes you more money with this faction.  Later in the game, merely winning a battle can produce enough gold to cover the cost of fielding extra armies.  Her unique abilities bolster her melee attack and she also receives upkeep reduction for elite sword infantry units.  The most unique mechanic of this faction revolves around the Blood Night, in which a slaughter fest of slaves at the faction capital produces a whole stack of elite units.  This free army makes a beeline for the High Elves in Ulthuan.  While not directly under the player’s control, the Blood Night army can be used to supplement Crone Hellebron’s eventual assault on the kingdom of the High Elves.

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Fountain of Youth:  Hellebron stays young by drinking from a chalice of blood.

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Witch Elves:  Hellebron gets bonuses to recruiting Witch Elves, which can hold the line until they are no more.

Power Score: 88/100

Best Dark Elf Faction:  Naggarond – Malekith

The greatest warrior of the Dark Elves is Malekith, known as the Witch King.  His armor is fused to his body, which is scarred by an ancient and terrible wound.  His hatred of the High Elves and desire for vengeance fuels his maniacal power. 

While the Naggarond faction does not confer many campaign bonuses, Malekith himself is a versatile and powerful lord who can both duel enemy lords as well as cast devastating spells.  Malekith can ride a Black Dragon named Seraphon, widely considered to be one of the best mounts in the game.  The city of Naggarond itself is a veritable fortress with many unique buildings that buff the elite halberd infantry the Black Guard of Naggarond.  Malektih starts in a strong strategic location in the corner of the map that sets up the player up for a healthy economy in the long term.

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Magic and Sword:  Malekith has the rare ability to cast magic and go toe to toe with the greatest warriors in Warhammer.

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Elf Army Blade:  Malekith has many traits at his disposal, including a fearsome dragon mount named Seraphon.

Power Score: 93/100

Top 2 Lizardmen Factions

Lizardmen praise the Old Gods, the mystic and ancient counterpoint to the gods of Chaos.  This race only boasts two factions, but they are two of the strongest factions in the game.  Lizardmen rosters are made of impenetrable infantry with high leadership and an array of large dinosaurs that can overwhelm even the staunchest defenses.

2nd Best Lizardmen Faction:  Hexoatl – Mazdamundi

Hexoatl is known as the spawning place of the powerful Slaan Mage-Priests (huge toads who cast spells).  Mazdamundi is the best of all Slaan Mage-Priests, and is sworn to rid the world of unwholesome non-lizard creatures as directed by the Great Plan.

Mazdamundi is one of the most powerful caster lords in the game, reflecting his revered position and reputation on the old Warhammer tabletop game.  He has access to a unique blend of Spells including the powerful Comet of Casandora.  Hexoatl’s faction bonuses increase the starting levels of Slaan Mage-Priests and also provides upkeep reduction for Temple Guard, a powerful melee unit of the Lizardmen.

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Greatest of the Slaan:  Slaan mages are huge toads who have mastered the winds of magic.

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Jungle Campaign:  Hexoatl starts in the rainforests of Lustria and must contend early with various threats.

Power Score: 90/100

Best Lizardmen Faction:  Last Defenders - Kroq-Gar

While Mazdamundi is the spiritual core of the Lizardmen, Kroq-gar is its fighting spirit.  He and his band of devoted Saurus’ start south of the Old World in the corner of everything, waiting in secret to pull the hidden levers of the Great Plan.

Kroq-gar starts with a minor settlement and must act fast to eliminate a large Skaven threat.  However, once he is set up in the corner of the map his empire is easily defended since he cannot be surrounded.  The faction receives upkeep reduction to all Saurus units, which make up the bulk of the Lizardmen frontline.  Kroq-gar himself is one of the most powerful melee lords, and he gains access to a Carnosaur (basically a T-Rex).  Once Kroq-gar gets going, he can field elite units of Saurus for almost nothing and he is an unstoppable force in battle 

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T-Rex Wheels:  Kroq-gar's mount is basically a T-Rex.  That's just unfair.

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Cornering the Map:  Start in the very bottom right of the map and slowly take every inch of land to fulfill the Great Plan laid out by the Old Ones.

Power Score: 100/100

Top 3 Best Skaven Factions

The Skaven are organized into different clans, each with their own nefarious attributes.  Skaven infantry is many and horde-like, bolstered by engines of war as well as toxic rat monsters.  Although their leadership is low, they have crafty units and abilities that have no answer.

3rd Best Skaven Faction:  Clan Mors - Queek Headtaker

Queek, the leader of Clan Mors, is the ultimate warrior rat. He starts with powerful artillery and infantry, and can also maintain armies of Stormvermin (armored rats) for cheap.  His biggest claim to fame is his reputation against Orcs and Dwarves, against whom his entire army receives a large melee attack buff.  Since Queek starts below the badlands, he is in a position to wreck havoc on two of the most storied Warhammer factions, and leave the cities of the Dwarves and Greenskins in ruins.

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Power Rat:  Skaven usually aren't great individual fighters, but Queek is certainly an exception.  

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Extra Leadership:  Queek will make his units more powerful than the ordinary skaven, but you'll still need to rely on sheer numbers to win.

Power Score: 92/100

2nd Best Skaven Faction:  Clan Rictus - Tretch Craventail

An icy rat who avoids the jungle climates, Tretch is the sneakiest of the Skaven and is the leader of Clan Rictus. 

Tretch can gain a skill that allows him to regenerate health and is a master ambusher.  In addition to vanguard deployment for the whole army and extra Melee attack for all units in ambush battles, he also gives 13 melee attack to all units when his army is attacked after retreating.  Since Clan Rictus is more powerful the more danger they are in, the player can take greater risks than normal.  While this can sometimes lead to tragedy, it certainly makes the campaign an exciting gamble.  Just think of Tretch as that slippery rat that just can’t be caught and you will understand how to play as Clan Rictus.

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Ice Rat:  Destroy the elves who think that they are the masters of the frozen wastes and show them who really loves snow the most.

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Sneaky Sneaky Sneaky:  Tretch is the sneakiest rat.  Travel in ambush stance to surprise your foe.

Power Score: 88/100

Best Skaven Faction:  Clan Pestilens - Lord Skrolk

Clan Pestilens loves poison.  Even the Chaos god Nurgle covets their poison craft, which they use to make bombs and breed the feared Plague Monks.  Their leader, Lord Skrolk, is one poisonous rat.  He is a powerful caster and support hero, with access to a powerful rite that spreads a plague along the entire world map.  If Clan Pestilens spreads extra Skaven corruption and can build their nefarious hovels quicker and cheaper than other Skaven clans, making them a huge pest on the campaign map.

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Rat Plague:  How many rats does it take to start a plague?  Just one and his name is Skrolk.

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Horde War:  As Skaven, overwhelm your opponents with numbers and poison, because you definitely aren't stronger than a Dwarf.

Power Score: 82/100

The Top 3 Tomb Kings Factions

The Tomb Kings have a sad story to tell.  They were once a mighty race of men promised godhood by Nagash, who betrayed them and resurrected them in the cages of their former flesh.  While they have been granted immortality, their lost humanity and the memory of their dominion kindles a vengeful flame in their souls.  They walk the deserts of their once great Empire and guard their ancient treasures with hate and envy.

3rd Best Tomb Kings Faction:  Followers of Nagash – Arkhan the Black

Arkhan the Black is a resurrected necromancer who leads a host of undead committed to the dark sorcery of the ancient wizard Nagash.  He starts near the realms of his fellow Tomb Kings, and is forever competing with them for domination of that region.

Arkhan is able to recruit units unique to the Vampire Counts, most notably the ethereal cavalry unit Hex Wraiths.  Arkhan begins the game with a Tomb Scorpion, a powerful beast that can knock down enemy gates while Akrhan snipes enemy lords with his Lore of Death and expanded pool of magic.  Waste no time in conquering Lashiek, the third settlement in Arkhan’s starting region, and do not trick yourself into thinking other Tomb King factions are your friend.  The Followers of Nagash receive a penalty in their diplomatic relations to other Tomb Kings, so make plans to topple the numerous Tomb King factions in the region.  They do not pay Nagash enough respect.

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Vampire Lover:  Arkhan is closer to the Vampires than most of his Tomb Kings compatriots.

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Devoted:  As a follower of Nagash, Arkhan is hated by his fellow skeletons, and uses Vampire units in his army to give him an edge.

Power Score: 82/100

2nd Best Tomb Kings Faction:  Court of Lybaras – Queen Khalida

The Court of Lybaras is a sleepy desert on the eastern edge of the map.  Queen Khalida rules this faction in wait for her mortal enemy: the Vampire Counts.

Queen Khalida starts with a minor settlement and must conquer a faction of Vampire Counts before she can stand on two legs.  Every unit under her command receives poison attacks that can slow down enemy’s movement speed and combat moves.  A flat increase to ammunition for her archers encourages the player to build plenty of archers.  Use her magic to heal the front lines while archers reign down death from the back of your formations.  Look for exposed flanks to send in Khalida’s Necropolis Knights, which act as a perfect hammer for her anvil of skeletons. 

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Snake Charmer:  Khalida's staff is actually a living snake through which she channels magic.

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Ancient Powers:  Tomb Kings units cannot break, but their weapons have dulled over time.  Use massive constructs to cause the most damage.

Power Score: 86/100

Best Tomb Kings Faction:  Khemri – Settra the Imperishable

Long ago Settra ruled an empire of men in the forgotten land of Nehekhara from the great city of Kemri.  Awoken from the dead, he rules the same lands he ruled as a man, but its great cities have turned to dust.  He yearns to destroy the men who resemble what he has lost and can never regain.

Settra is the most powerful of Tomb Kings.  His bonuses to growth, construction, and public order ensure a smooth take off and a good foundation for long-term growth.  As a lord, Settra is a great boon to his units, for his leadership aura encompasses almost the entire battle map.  He can ride a chariot whose charge bonus wrecks havoc on any line of infantry no matter how elite.  Settra also begins the game with a Khemrian Warsphinx, a large horse-like beast that smashes enemy formations.

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The Imperishable:  Settra is the standard bearer for all Tomb Kings, and is the lost king of a once great realm of men.

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Ancient Constructs:  Settra starts with a necrosphinx, which can go toe to toe with the most powerful beasts of Warhammer.

Power Score: 93/100

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