[Top 10] The Division 2 Best Skills To Get

04 Dec 2023

These skills are the best choices to start with depending on the build you are deciding to create on your new Division Agent or if you just want to brush up on your knowledge.

I talk about all of the skills, but go into details of the first skill in every set. All of these skills are based off a  level 40 build, so the damage numbers will be smaller at lower levels.


10.  Pulse

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This skill is great, especially when used alongside the Kingbreaker Assault Rifle, but later on and the more you play, it becomes a little less useful in PvE until you start adding directives to your missions.

But nonetheless, it is a great skill in which you can see where your opponents are, even in the Dark Zone or Conflict! It comes with two other different types, an EMP Pulse that allows you disable your enemies drones and electronics.

Scanner Pulse, that allows you to toss it somewhere on the battlefield and it allows you to see those enemies albeit in a small area, but you can see where they are to go finish them off or make sure you are not getting flanked!

With the Gunner Specialization you unlock the Banshee pulse which sends a shockwave disorienting all enemies within range even from behind cover and when you complete one of the Prime Target missions, which can't say much more because Spoilers.

You unlock Achilles Pulse, which allows you to target one enemy and it highlights their weak points and they take headshot Damage instead of regular damage.


The reasons you should play with Pulse: 

If you have problems keeping track of where your enemies are, or if running with a Kingbreaker Assault Rifle, where you do 20% more damage to pulsed enemies. 

  • Pulse on it base has a 20 second cooldown, 120 seconds of in combat
  • A duration of 10.4 seconds
  • An effect radius of 100 meters
  • All of these can be brought higher or lower depending on your skill tier, a Tier 2 skill gives you +30% Effect Duration.

9. Sticky Bomb

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The Sticky Bomb and variants, for me atleast is mostly used in The Descent gamemode to lockdown a door quickly so you can turn around and get to the other before getting flanked while playing solo.

But otherwise they are still a good Skill to use, The Explosive and Burn variants are typically the same thing one burns one explodes, but nonetheless are still great crowd control tools, especially when you are getting overwhelmed.

Then you have the EMP which is unlocked by completing a Prime Mission, it shuts down enemy electronics and applies disruption on targets within range.


The reason why you should use a Sticky Bomb:

It is for great crowd control, you can either hit the enemies directly or use it to hit their respawn points or even block off their retreat routes. It is very effective with multiple ways to use it.

  • The Sticky Bomb has a cooldown of 46.2 seconds
  • A damage of 1872.39 with a radius of 3.9 meters
  • With a Duration of 10.0 seconds until it resets. If not detonated.
  • Increasing any of your skill tier, effectively increases Damage, Blast Radius and Skill Haste(Cooldown Time)

8. Trap

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This Trap Skill is a phenomenal minefield type skill if you feel as if you are about to get rushed or if you are attempting to plan ahead. Being able to choose your trap variant can be essential to your survival, having the ability to shock enemies.

Shrapnel and a Repair trap, in which you unlock those by completing two of the Prime Target missions. Being able to stop your opponents and shocking them, making them stand still and become easier targets, or have a minefield which explodes if the opponent and does massive damage if stepped on.

Last but not least the Repair Trap, instead of it being a negative connotation. It releases mines that when stepped on by your teammates repairs their armor, it is not the most efficient healing method, but sometimes a little is better than none.


The reason you should be using the Trap skill:

It is for blocking incoming or out coming advances. With a very high radius, you are able to cover a lot of ground to place the landmines.

  • With a cooldown of only 60 seconds makes it a very effective tool to your advantage.
  • You can have up to 8 traps starting, but can be increased depending on your skill tier level.
  • With a shock radius of 3 meters and a shock duration of 4 seconds gives you enough time to heal yourself, or get enough DPS to clear armours or healthbars.
  • Advancing In Skill Tiers increases Mine Counts, Damage, Duration, making it extremely effective at high levels.


7. Firefly

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Firefly is a decently used tool, when I have it on my builds I am typically running it with the Demolisher Variant where it targets all the enemies armor and weak spots, a very helpful tool.

Then it has two others, Blinder in which it applies blind to all targets it flies over, affecting their ability to function.

Then there is also Burster, attached with explosives, you choose your targets and it rushes to them and explodes, in my experiences mostly inaccurate, but when it works, it most definitely does it's job.


The reason you should be using The Firefly.

Itis a great backup tool to break off the enemies armor you are having problems with. As the Blinder Firefly blinds every target that it flies over giving you the ability to take them out easier.

  • With a cooldown of 50 seconds, makes it very effective at controlling your opponents and keeping them from attacking back.
  • Has a max target of 5 enemies and a duration of 6.6 seconds, making it very good at giving you time to take them out.
  • With a very low health pool, it makes up for it with a speed of 1.70 making it do what it needs to and get out.
  • Having a high skill tier level increases blind duration, speed, max targets and more, so a higher skill tier helps in keeping more enemies unable to do much and have you control of the battle.

6. Hive

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I have really only seen hive used in Countdown, Raids for support builds or if you are running your own hardcore character solo.

The variations you have of this skill consist of Booster, it gives buffs and enhances yourself and fellow Division Agents within range increasing their fighting capabilities. Restorer which when thrown, other field agents can have their armor repaired for a small time.

Reviver can pick up downed agents along with a self pickup which is why most Hardcore builds you see always have this on their character. Stinger Hive, which is essentially a bees nest.

You throw it and when enemies get close, little nanobots come out and swarm the enemy dealing dps to everything in its radius.


The reason you should be using a Hive is.

  • If you enjoy playing more of a support role, with a plethora of ways to help your team, this is an effective tool in helping out your fellow agents.
  • With 16 charges, a refill speed of 6 seconds and a range of 9.6 meters, you can effectively keep your team fit and healthy.
  • Has a Duration of 180 seconds, so you have to try your best to not let the enemies get to it, because if they manage to destroy it, you will have a long wait time before next use.
  • Having the ability to Heal or Buff your team is always an effective need when doing raids or incursions.
  • Having a high skill tier increases your abilities to heal, extra healing charges and even the range, so having a high skill tier is effective in utilizing the healing abilities of this skill.

5. The Chem Launcher

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The Chem Launcher is a great skill with a lot of variation to it, you have the ability to heal you or your allies with the Reinforcer Launcher.

The Firestarter allows you to shoot a cloud of combustible gas that you or your other division agents can shoot into exploding into a cloud of fire. Then you have Riot Foam, which we've all experienced those pesky True Sons and their Riot Foam antics.

Well you can give them a taste of their own medicine. You can now cover your enemies in Riot Foam, leaving them at your peril unable to move or shoot until their ultimate demise.


The reason you should use the Chem Launcher.

  • For the ability to heal or set traps to help your team advance.
  • With a limited ammo capacity and cooldown you have to be very careful about your shots.
  • With a small cloud radius and cooldown, you are very limited in your abilities to heal or do damage, you may only get one person at a time sometimes, so make it count.
  • Increasing your skills tiers increases your Ammo Count, cooldowns, damage and healing abilities. So it is a necessity if you want to utilize this skill.

4.  Seeker Mine

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These little balls of explosions are great, you throw them on the ground, select your target and off they go to explode on some bad guys. These are great crowd control skills.

You have the Seeker Mines, Airburst Mines and Cluster Mines. The Airburst and cluster mines are weapons on their own.

The Airburst mine rolls towards their target and explodes in the air, so there's no getting away and the Cluster bombs mine scattering other small bombs exploding on a bigger radius allowing you to either take out or incapacitate them enough to get your final shots off.

With the Survivalist Specialization you also get the Mender Seeker Mines which follows your fellow agents or yourself around repairing their armor.


The reason you should use Seeker Mines.

  • Seeker Mines can be used to effectively clear out hostiles from cover or scatter groups, limiting their abilities to be behind cover will help you win the fight.
  • With a Cooldown of 35 seconds, you won't be wasting anytime in making sure your enemies won't be behind cover.
  • Having multiple variations allows for many different styles of play, having the ability to do blast damage and bleeding while forcing your enemies out of cover is a great way to help your team push.
  • Having a high skill tier increases your damage, radius and more. 

3. Drones

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The main one is the Striker Drone. It is like that buddy you have that enjoys rushing into combat without a worry in the world. He may go down, but he had fun doing it.

This drone is great for chasing enemies down, getting them from out of cover, being able to fly up to higher floors to deal with those pesky snipers or enemies that have the high ground.

This could be number one if it didn't go down so easily, sure you could add skill health to your build, but you could be missing out on some serious DPS, having the little guy fly in, take out some bad guys, blow up, and repeat.

It is always great while attempting to clear covers, you don't have a view of yourself due to its mobility and air time. It has a long deployment life, so you can have it idling around your character when not in combat, so when you get into combat you can target an enemy and let the little guy go do it’s thing.

Then you have the variants, The Defender Drone, Bombardier Drone and The Fixer Drone. The Defender Drone has the ability to deflect bullets back at your enemies, The Bombardier Drone drops bombs on your target, The Fixer Drone repairs you or your allies armor.

Along with the Sharpshooter Specialization, you get a drone that marks hostile targets and shows the agents where they are.


The reason you should use a Drone.

  • They are your best friends. You fly next to you, they fight, they heal, secure cover and remove enemies, they are a jack of all trades type of skill.
  • With the ability to manually target specific enemies, really makes this skill effective in the best ways
  • With a starting cooldown of 25 seconds and a duration of 180 seconds, they are with you to help you out with any problems you face.
  • Being able to do everything from damage to repairs. Makes this one of the best skills to have while also taking agro off of yourself.
  • Having a high skill tier with this equipped increases, damage, health, repair outputs, making it your own little tank when you are being overwhelmed 


2. Ballistic Shield

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This skill is easily my personal favorite, it is best for those who want to tank or play by themselves without the extra DPS.

The best side to the Ballistic Shield compared to the others is, instead of being forced to use only your handgun. You have the ability to use your Assault Rifles, Shotguns, etc. At the cost of some stability and accuracy. Using your main weapons instead of your side arm, along with having some mobility.

You are essentially a walking cover system. But forewarned, if the shield breaks while in use, you get disoriented and become a very easy target while your character attempts to recover.

Then you have the other two variants Bulwark and Deflector.. Bulwark is like the Crusader shield, except it is full body coverage and you can only use your sidearm, it is good for those One-Shot handgun builds.

Then comes the Deflector shield, another one where you can only use your sidearm, but with the perk of bullet ricochet, it reflects your enemies bullets back at them allowing you to maximize efficiency somewhat, it is a small shield, so you are prone to being hit by a stray bullet or twenty.

Then you have the special shield for the firewall specialization, in which you get to use your flamethrower while boosting your fellow agents' damage behind you based on the amount of enemies in front of you.


The reason you should use a Ballistic Shield.

  • Having portable cover while still being able to fire your guns and sometimes even your main guns is a large plus to any situation.
  • With a cooldown of 20 seconds you will always have cover available
  • The only downside is to your team who can no longer shoot through you to get to enemies, they hit the back of your shield.
  • Being able to have your shield regenerate armor while active and holstered allows for you to always keep your shield in shape.
  • Having a high skill tier while equipped with this skill increases its base armor allowing you to take more damage allowing you to move around with cover longer.

1. Turret

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This is my choice for the top skill to start with in The Division 2. The Assault Turret is not very mobile, unless you are very good at placing it.

You can place it on top of your cover to help, on the floor, or if you are feeling like a master tactician and hate when your enemies hide behind cover, you can throw it on top of things as well, things you couldn't normally climb on.

Giving your turret that extra height is essential for when your enemies enjoy hiding behind cover. It gives the turret the extra height and range in order to be able to chase them out of cover.

Be strategic with this Skill and it will be a better buddy than any other skill. Even being able to manually select a target is a blessing.

Also comes with the Incinerator Turret, a flamethrower that lasts for a couple seconds and Sniper turret, that's more damaged based than DPS compared to the Assault Turret along with the Artillery Turret that comes along with the Demolitionist Specialization, where it fires missiles at a specific location of your choosing.


The reason you should use a Turret.

  • You should definitely have this skill in your arsenal, it allows you to have decent DPS and takes agro from you allowing you to move around more to get behind the enemy for the easy kill.
  • With its own health bar, the ability to manually target enemies and to be put anywhere on the battlefield allows you to explore the most out of this skill.
  • With a cooldown of 25 seconds and a duration of 180 seconds definitely allows it to be your best friend during firefights.
  • Increasing your skills tiers increases damage output and health, allowing it to do more and last longer.
  • Always remember if it is in a spot you can pick it back up from, always pick it up as it reduces its cooldown based on how long it was deployed for.


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