[Top 3] TFT Best Sett Builds That Are Powerful

Best Sett Builds in TFT
28 Dec 2023

Sett is back in TFT with his deadly hooks to take out his enemies in style; he also has his special augment that makes him unkillable.

Sett is a great pick, as he shares critical traits while dealing a lot of damage and sustaining a lot more.

In this article, we will talk about the combos to place Sett within, his best items, and how to make sure you knock out your enemies.

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You think I got where I am by listening to people?

Sett is a great pick in the early rounds of TFT as a Tier 2 champion sharing the Ionia trait, which gives him some extra stats.

Sett also shares the Juggernaut trait, which makes him a great frontline tank that can take a lot of damage.

Sett’s stats, traits, and items are all to be discussed down below to make sure you get the best outcome from placing him on your team.


Best Sett builds in TFT Set 9

Sett’s stats:

  • Cost: 2 Gold
  • Health: 800 / 1440 / 2592
  • Mana: 40 / 90
  • Armor: 50
  • MR: 50
  • Ability Power: 100
  • DPS: 36 / 65 / 117
  • Damage: 60 / 108 / 194
  • Atk Spd: 0.6
  • Crit Rate: 25%
  • Range: 1


Sett’s traits:

1. Ionia

Each Ionian has a unique bonus within their Ability.

Every 4 seconds, a number of Ionians are enlightened to their spirit form, gaining 20 Mana and doubling stat bonuses for 4 seconds.

  • 3 100% Ionian bonus, 1 enlightened
  • 6 200% Ionian bonus, 2 enlightened
  • 9 325% Ionian bonus, 3 enlightened

2. Juggernaut

Juggernaut champions take less damage as their Health decreases.

  • 2 15% to 25% damage reduction
  • 4 25% to 40% damage reduction
  • 6 35% to 50% damage reduction


Sett’s ability

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Sett pulls in an enemy on either side and slam them together, dealing magic damage and Stunning them.If only one enemy is grabbed, the damage and Stun duration are increased by 50%.

  • Ionia Bonus: +150 max
  • Health Stun Duration: 1.25/1.5/2
  • Damage: 180/270/420


Carousel priority:

These are the components you would need to focus on since the very first circle in order as you will need them to build up the required items for the team in most of the comps you will find bellow:

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Sett’s best items

1. Redemption

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Heal allies within 1 hex for 15% of their missing Health every 5 seconds. They also take 25% less multi-target damage for 5 seconds (damage reduction does not stack).

2. Warmog’s Armor

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Grant 800 bonus Health.

3. Sunfire Cape

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Grant 100 bonus Health. Every 2 seconds, an enemy within 2 hexes is 10% Burned and 33% Wounded for 10 seconds.


Best comps for Sett


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  • 3 Juggernaut
  • 5 Slayer
  • 3 Noxus
  • 1 Darkin
  • 3 Ionia

This comp is based on the slayer trait, and you should slowly reroll to level 8 with a strong economy, trying to get all of the champions with a cost between 2 and 3 to level 3.

Best group for this comp:

1. Attrox is your fifth slayer, juggernaut, and darkin member. He will do a lot of damage in the front lines while healing himself and doing some crowd control.

2. Zed is your second slayer and second rogue, and Ionia is your third, which is a great choice for this setup.

3. Katarina is the main source of damage because she has both the noxious and rogue traits, but she needs a slayer symbol to be at her best.

4. Because she has the "slayer" trait, Gwen is a great source of damage and protection in the front lines.

5. Kled is a must, since he is both noxious and a killer.

6. Darius is a great frontline tank and damage dealer because he has both the Juggernaut, which makes him more tanky, and the Noxus, which boosts his general stats.

7. Sett is the third juggernaut, which makes him a good main tank and the second Ionia.

8. Shen is a great choice for the front lines because he can take a lot of damage and shares the Ionia trait, which gives him more points.


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  • 4 Challenger
  • 3 Ionia
  • 5 Juggernaut
  • 1 Darkin

This comp is based on the slayer trait, and you should slowly reroll to level 8 with a strong economy, trying to get all of the champions with a cost between 2 and 3 to level 3.

Best group for this comp:

1. Attrox is your fifth slayer, juggernaut, and darkin member. He will do a lot of damage in the front lines while healing himself and doing some crowd control.

2. Zed is your second slayer and second rogue, and Ionia is your third, which is a great choice for this setup.

3. Katarina is the main source of damage because she has both the noxious and rogue traits, but she needs a slayer symbol to be at her best.

4. Because she has the "slayer" trait, Gwen is a great source of damage and protection in the front lines.

5. Kled is a must, since he is both noxious and a killer.

6. Darius is a great frontline tank and damage dealer because he has both the Juggernaut, which makes him more tanky, and the Noxus, which boosts his general stats.

7. Sett is the third juggernaut, which makes him a good main tank and the second Ionia.

8. Shen is a great choice for the front lines because he can take a lot of damage and shares the Ionia trait, which gives him more points.


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  • 6 Ionia
  • 1 Technogenius
  • 4 Challenger
  • 2 Juggernaut

This comp is all about high-tier champions and ionia champions, so this is a fast reroll to level 8 with a strong economy to make sure you get your high-tier champions to level 2 at least and the lower levels to level 3.

Best team to build this:

1. Yasuo will do a lot of damage in the front lines because he is both an Ionian and a Challenger.

2. The second person who does damage is Kai'Sa, who also has the competitor trait.

3. Heimerdigner is a great addition to this team because he can call up his turret and stun enemies, which gives the team a big boost.

4. As an Ionian, Shen is a great choice for the front lines because he is a great tank who can take a lot of damage.

5. Irelia is a good choice to go with Sett early in the game because she can take a lot of damage with her skill and deal good damage as a Challenger.

6. Sett is a great choice, as stated, because he shares both the Ionia and the Juggernaut, especially if you have his augment.

7. Warwick is a good fit for your team because he has both the Juggernaut and the Challenger traits.

8. Ahri is the sixth member of the Ionians who can do a lot of damage from the back lines.

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