In a game filled with weapons, armor, and magical artifacts, you'd have to wonder which ones you'll carry on your journey. Terraria does not discriminate on what weapon you like or how you play. Weapons are just a choice, or so they say. That said, there are just too many weapons to choose from! Follow this guide to see what weapons we think are the top 10 Terraria best hardmode weapons.
10. Vampire Knives
Healing in Terraria doesn't happen with just spamming a button. Potion cooldowns exist to keep balance in the game. Although healing through this method is locked with a time restraint, the Vampire Knives are still a good alternative. These pesky little buggers enable you to drain the life off of your enemies, keeping you safe until that potion cooldown ends.
What makes the Vampire Knives awesome:
- Heals 7.5% of damage dealt per knife (e.g. 3 health per 40 damage)
- Has an extensive range for a melee weapon
Weapon stats:
- Damage - 29(Melee)
- Knockback - 2.75 (Very weak)
- Critical chance - 4%
- Use time - 16 (Very fast)
- Velocity - 15
How to get the Vampire Knives:
Guide on how to get the Vampire Knives
9. Nebula Blaze
The Nebula Blaze is a fast-firing magic weapon capable of inflicting massive damage in a short time. It fires a barrage of homing projectiles with a 20% chance to fire a blue version which does 3x damage. It may take a while to learn how the homing angle works, but once you do, it's very well worth it.
What makes the Nebula Blaze awesome:
- Fires semi-homing projectiles at a high rate-of-fire
- The projectile can come out blue which is larger and faster and deals 3x damage
Weapon stats:
- Damage - 130 (Magic)
- Knockback - 0
- Mana - 12
- Critical chance - 4%
- Use time - 12 (Very fast)
- Velocity - 18
How to get the Nebula Blaze:
Guide on how to get the Nebula Blaze
8. Phantasm
The Phantasm is a post-Moon Lord bow that deals medium damage but compensates for it with high firing rates. It takes a few shots for it to warm up, similar to a Gatling gun that only fires fast enough when the chambers get hot. Pair it with Luminite arrows to get a semi-continuous stream of shots through the arrow's delay-fired lasers.
What makes the Phantasm awesome:
- Fires semi-homing projectiles at a high rate-of-fire
- The projectile can come out blue which is larger and faster and deals 3x damage
Weapon stats:
- Damage - 50 (Ranged)
- Knockback - 2 (Very weak)
- Critical chance - 4%
- Use time - 12 (Very fast)
- Velocity - 20
- 66% chance of not consuming ammo
How to get the Phantasm:
Guide on how to get the Phantasm
7. Stardust Dragon Staff
This staff is made after beating Moon Lord and is considered one of the best summoner weapons in the game. It summons a high-speed dragon minion that tracks enemies all across the screen and even through walls. You can only summon one at a time but each subsequent minion slot used makes the dragon longer and stronger.
What makes the Stardust Dragon Staff awesome:
- Fast minions are always a great addition to the summoner's arsenal
Weapon stats:
- Damage - 40 (Summon)
- Knockback - 2 (Weak)
- Mana - 10
- Use Speed - 36 (Average)
- Velocity - 10
How to get the Stardust Dragon Staff:
Guide on how to get the Stardust Dragon Staff
6. Terrarian
The Terrarian is the last yoyo in the yoyo weapon line and is arguably the strongest out of all of them. Swinging the yoyo launches it infinitely even when hitting enemies. This yoyo also has a unique effect where small green orbs shoot out and target nearby enemies. Pair this with the Yoyo Bag and you'll be shredding any enemy this comes into contact with.
What makes the Terrarian awesome:
- There's a real-life yoyo with the same name
- Double the already incredible damage output with a Yoyo Bag, which creates a duplicate version of the yoyo
Weapon stats:
- Damage - 190 (Melee)
- Knockback - 6.5 (Strong)
- Critical chance - 14%
- Use time - 25 (Fast)
- Velocity - 16
- Infinite yoyo flight
How to get the Terrarian:
Guide on how to get the Terrarian
5. Razorblade Typhoon
Duke Fishron is considered an optional boss by many, as he does not block any progression and can generally be skipped in any playthrough. Beating the fish, however, rewards you with great gear including the Fishron Wings, and ultimately, the Razorblade Typhoon. The Razorblade Typhoon fires out homing sawblades that linger around enemies for a few moments, causing more than a single tick of damage.
What makes the Razorblade Typhoon awesome:
- Pierces infinitely for a 2-second duration
- Excellent at homing in on enemies due to the fast projectile velocity
Weapon stats:
- Damage - 90 (Magic)
- Knockback - 5 (Average)
- Mana - 16
- Critical chance - 4%
- Use Speed - 36 (Average)
- Velocity - 10
How to get the Razorblade Typhoon:
Guide on how to get the Razorblade Typhoon
4. S.D.M.G.
The Space Dolphin Machine Gun, or S.D.M.G. for short, is the strongest gun in the game. It makes all the other machine guns in the game pale in comparison to its high damage output. While it does only drop from Moon Lord, the next time you face him will be a breeze with this weapon.
What makes the S.D.M.G. awesome:
- Pierces infinitely for a 2-second duration
- Excellent at homing in on enemies due to the fast projectile velocity
Weapon stats:
- Damage - 85 (Ranged)
- Knockback - 2.5 (Very weak)
- Critical chance - 14%
- Use Speed - 5 (Insanely fast)
- Velocity - 12
- 66% chance of not consuming ammo
How to get the S.D.M.G.:
Guide on how to get the S.D.M.G.
3. Last Prism
The Last Prism is by far the strongest mage weapon in the game. It fires off several beams of light that converge into one focused beam that deals massive amounts of damage. The caveat is that it drains your mana as fast as it does damage. It stays true to its name by being the last prism that your enemies are going to see.
What makes the Last Prism awesome:
- It has one of the highest base DPS in the game
- Can be very deadly when paired with the Mana Flower and tons of Mana Potions
Weapon stats:
- Damage - 100 (Magic)
- Knockback - 0
- Mana - 12
- Critical chance - 4%
- Use Speed - 10 (Very fast)
- Velocity - 30
How to get the Last Prism:
Guide on how to get the Last Prism
2. Terraprisma
The Terraprisma is noted to be the most difficult weapon to obtain. To get it, you'd need to beat the Guardian of Light during the day, where any hit she does to you kills you instantly. Once you complete the challenge, you're rewarded with the best summoner weapon in existence.
What makes the Terraprisma awesome:
- Summons accurate minions that have fast homing capabilities
Weapon stats:
- Damage - 90 (Summon)
- Knockback - 4 (Weak)
- Mana - 10
- Use Speed - 36 (Average)
- Velocity - 10
How to get the Terraprisma:
Guide on how to get the Terraprisma
1. Zenith
The Zenith is the strongest weapon in the game. If you remember playing the old '90s games where ultimate weapons that deal loads of damage exist, this is Terraria's equivalent of it. This weapon alone can tear the Moon Lord to shreds, like a hot knife through butter.
What makes Zenith awesome:
- Flying swords!
- It has a very long-range melee attack that shoots through walls
- Extremely high damage output
Weapon Stats:
- Damage: 190 (Melee)
- Knockback: 6.5 (Strong)
- Crit Chance: 14%
- Use Speed: 30 (Very Slow)
- Velocity: 32
How to get the Zenith:
Guide on how to get the Zenith