Being a melee class in Terraria is a bit difficult when you’re not prepared. However, adding simple melee-oriented accessories are able to fix that. While there are plenty of other accessories to choose from, we’ve narrowed down some of the “must-have” accessories any close-ranged fighter should have. Here are our Top 10 Terraria Best Accessories for Melee and how to get them.
10. Warrior’s Emblem
The Warrior’s Emblem is probably one of the very first melee-oriented accessories you can get right after beating the Wall of Flesh. It offers an excellent damage increase that can easily be carried over till the end of the game.
What’s good about the Warrior’s Emblem:
- Percentile damage increase carries all throughout the game.
- Stacks with other emblem accessories.
Item Description and Stats:
- Increases melee damage by 15%
How to get Warrior’s Emblem:
Guide on how to get Warrior’s Emblem
9. Avenger Emblem
The Avenger Emblem is a direct upgrade from the basic class emblems and offers a ‘classless’ damage increase that stacks with warrior glove items and other emblems. Although it adds a smaller amount than the basic types, all these damage boosts add up.
What’s good about the Avenger Emblem:
- Percentile damage increase carries all throughout the game.
- Stacks with other melee glove accessories and other emblems.
Item Description and Stats:
- Increases all damage by 12%.
How to get the Avenger Emblem:
Guide on how to get the Avenger Emblem
8. Destroyer Emblem
After getting your Avenger Emblem, you should be able to upgrade to the Destroyer Emblem post-Golem. While the damage stat lowers by another 2%, you also gain an 8% increased critical strike chance. Plus, like all other emblems, they stack with each other!
What’s good about the Destroyer Emblem:
- Percentile damage increase carries all throughout the game.
- Stacks with other melee glove accessories and other emblems.
Item Description and Stats:
- Increases all damage by 12%.
How to get the Destroyer Emblem:
Guide on how to get the Destroyer Emblem
7. Star Veil
Using close-range weapons means you’ll have to soak up damage up close. Don’t worry, though, since getting hit activates invincibility for a split second. But what do you do if that split second is not enough? The Star Veil is a very helpful accessory aimed to do just that!
What’s good about Star Veil:
- Doubles invincibility frames after getting hit
- Lets you stay alive longer while being up close and personal
- Damaging stars fall when you get hit (Scales per difficulty level: 75/150/225 per star)
Item Description and Stats:
- Causes stars to fall and increases the length of invincibility after taking damage. (from 0.67s to 1.33s)
How to get Star Veil:
Guide on how to get Star Veil
6. Berserker’s Glove
The Berserker’s Glove is the more defensive choice when it comes to the warrior glove accessories. It provides you with auto-swing for melee weapons that don’t have it while increasing your defense and attack speed as well.
What’s good about the Berserker’s Glove:
- Combined Power Glove and Flesh Knuckles give stats from both
- Pulls aggro towards you when playing on multiplayer worlds
Item Description and Stats:
- Increases melee speed by 12%
- 100% increased melee knockback
- Plus 10% melee weapon size
- +8 Defense
- Increased enemy aggro
How to get the Berserker’s Glove:
Guide on how to get the Berserker’s Glove
5. Fire Gauntlet
People might argue with you that the Mechanical Glove is the better choice, but that was so last update ago. On Patch 1.4.1, the Fire Gauntlets get to keep the Mechanical Gloves stats plus the Hellfire debuff without any reductions on melee speed and damage. This makes the Fire Gauntlets the best choice between the two.
What’s good about the Fire Gauntlet:
- Hellfire debuff grants increased DPS
- Patch 1.4.1 made the item viable as compared to its old stats (10% damage and speed)
Item Description and Stats:
- Increases melee speed and damage by 12%.
- Grants the Hellfire debuff to all melee weapons
- Grants auto-swing to melee weapons and whips
- +10% size on some melee weapons
How to get the Fire Gauntlet:
Guide on how to get the Fire Gauntlet
4. Frozen Shield
Defense is the better offense, especially in the later parts of the game. Some players will argue that better damage > survivability. But if it’s Terraria we’re talking about, they’ll be in a nasty realization.
What’s good about the Frozen Shield:
- Greatly improves survivability with increased defense and defensive buffs
Item Description and Stats:
- Grants immunity to knockback
- Puts a shell around the owner when below 50% life that reduces damage by 25%
- Absorbs 25% of the damage done to players on your team when above 25% life
- +6 Defense (10 when prefixed with Warding)
How to get Frozen Shield:
Guide on how to get Frozen Shield
3. Worm Scarf
You may be asking, why is such an early game item so high up in this list? Well, if you know me, I’m a huge fan of defensive plays. The Worm Scarf’s damage reduction is so great that it does not really diminish, even post-Moon Lord.
What’s good about the Worm Scarf:
- Percentile damage reduction stays the same all throughout the game.
- One of the very few sources of flat damage reduction.
Item Description and Stats:
- Decreases all damage taken by 17%.
How to get Worm Scarf:
Guide on how to get Worm Scarf
2. Ankh Shield
This, in my opinion, is the best shield in the game. Not only does it provide immunity to almost all debuffs, but it also makes you immune to knockback as well.
What’s good about the Ankh Shield:
- Debuffs will mostly no longer be a concern for you
- Knockback immunity is very good later in the game
Item Description and Stats:
- Grants immunity to knockback and fire blocks
- Grants immunity to most debuffs
- +4 Defense
How to get the Ankh Shield:
Guide on how to get the Ankh Shield
1. Celestial Shell
This is what we show players when they say “the perfect accessory does not exist”. The wide plethora of buffs that this item gives places it a cut above all the rest. Not only is it good for other classes, but the Werewolf form it gives makes it very powerful for melee players as well.
What’s good about the Celestial Shell:
- Too much to list. Just read the stats below.
Item Description and Stats:
- +10% melee speed
- +10% damage (all types)
- +2% critical strike chance
- +1 HP/s life regeneration
- +4 defense
- +15% mining speed
- +0.5 minion knockback
- Cannot drown in water
- Can swim in water
- Move at regular speed in the water
Bonuses with Werewolf Form (at night, while not underwater):
- +2% melee critical hit chance
- +5.1% melee damage
- +5.1% melee speed
- +5% movement speed
- +3 defense
- Slightly increased jump height and jump speed
- +0.5 HP/s life regeneration
How to get the Celestial Shell:
Guide on how to get the Celestial Shell