Spider-Man vs. Colossus: Here's Who Would Win

Spider-Man vs. Colossus
03 Dec 2020

The Web-Head has his most Metal Fight to Date!!!

Spider-Man Powers and Abilities

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Spider-Man Overview

Bitten by a radioactive spider, Peter Parker went from a High School Outcast to one of America’s most iconic Superheroes.  Fueled by the death of his Uncle Ben, Spider-Man would swing valiantly through the sky, scale the tallest building, and utilize his Spidey Sense to seek out and stop crime.  From teen nerd to an icon, Spider-Man is a symbol for everyone.

Spider-Man List of Powers and Abilities

  • The Ultimate sense of a Spider
  • Amazing Web-Slinging Ability
  • Amazing Wall-Crawling Ability
  • The Ability to Lift well over 10 Tons
  • Insane Agility and Speed




Colossus Powers and Abilities

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Colossus Overview

A true brute amongst brutes.  Piotr “Peter” Rasputin is one of the strongest superheroes out there.  Possessing superhuman strength, superhuman durability, and superhuman stamina, this dude is a true powerhouse.  While in his armored form he requires no food, water, or even oxygen to maintain his insanely powerful statistics.  Rasputin is also an expert in hand-to-hand combat having trained in Judo with Cyclops.

Colossus Powers and Abilities

  • Expert in Hand to Hand Combat
  • Ability to lift at least 100 Tons
  • Superhuman Strength
  • Superhuman Durability
  • Superhuman Stamina


Here’s Who Would Win

Let’s approach this one in a different manner.  Instead of concocting a scenario where Spider-Man and Colossus would need to fight, let’s look at this as a friendly sparring match in the Danger Room.  Instead of having to fight for whatever reason, each of these superheroes are trying to one-up the other out of respect while having some fun.  Let's look at the stats to see who would take this one.

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I think this could be a fun little skirmish.  Spidey has the speed and agility, while Colossus has ridiculous strength and durability.  Spidey could swing around the Danger Room and land attack upon attack against the giant brute, and Colossus won’t be snatching him up anytime soon.  The issue for Spidey is that he could attack until every course in Professor X’s School lets out and still not inflict a lick of damage on Colossus,his durability is just too damn high.  Colossus’s biggest challenge is getting a hold of The Web-Slinger.  He’s extremely slow when paired against Spider-Man. 

The thing that makes this fight fun is the fact that both of these superheroes are the complete opposites.  One’s extremely fast and agile with the other being extremely strong and durable.  Spidey has the speed and Spidey sense to essentially avoid whatever Colossus throws at him.  He might take a hit here or there but it won’t be enough to completely take him out.  It would probably hurt like hell, but Spider-Man’s durability is also extremely good.  The chances of Colossus getting a hold of Spidey and just wailing on him are very slim.

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Seeing as Colossus’s durability is so high, Spider-Man will be inflicting little to no damage on him, so straight up attacking is out of the picture  The only way he can win this one is by setting up a well-placed trap that Colossus will succumb too.  Spidey’s webs are also very strong, so there’s a good chance he could just fire away and incapacitate the brute.  We’ve seen him withstand a train, hold together a boat, and hold two busses off a freeway, and that’s just in the movies, he’s done far more in the comics.  If he just inundates Colossus with his webs he can immobilize him for a victory.    

Again, I could see this going down as a friendly little fight behind closed doors, maybe even one that they keep a secret and keep amongst themselves.  If Colossus gets his hands on Spidey, I could see him winning.  But I see Spidey taking the win for this one with him utilizing his webbing and his intelligence.  He’d incapacitate the brute, they’d have a laugh and call it a day. 

And The Winner Is…

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This would be a fun little fight.  But unless Colossus can continuously get his hands on Spidey, he’s not taking the win.  Spider-Man can swing around for days and just web him up for a win.

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