The Sims 4 Best Acting Agency (Which To Choose)
The acting career is one of the best careers for gaining fame in the get famous expansion pack. Once you enter this career, you’ll need to join an agency for you to book gigs so that you can boost your level of fame. There are four agencies to choose from, each with varying gig types. Two are available immediately you join the career and the other two are available at level 4 of the career. You can also change agencies whenever you wish. I love the G.R.A.N. agency, just because of how cute and friendly they are! Anyway, here is what each agency has to offer.
#. A.I. Staffing Agency
A.I. Staffing is an AI-focused agency and one of the first two options when you join the career. It helps sims book small starter gigs like commercials and other small roles. They send really funny and helpful reminders when new jobs appear and just in general.
Choose This Agency If:
- You want to receive funny reminders
- You want to maximize your time spent working
A.I. Staffing Agency:
- Median Gig Pay- $320
- Ideal mood - Confident
- Gig Type - Commercials
#. Everyday Extras Talent Agency
If you would like your sim to focus more on TV appearances, Everyday Extras is the agency for you. They have good industry connections and a lot of daytime TV gigs. However, the gigs will still be lower-end as this is a beginner agency.
Choose This Agency If:
- You want to be on daytime TV
- You want to make good industry connections
Everyday Extras Talent Agency:
- Median Gig Pay - $320
- Ideal mood - Confident
- Gig type - Daytime TV & Commercials
#. G.R.A.N. Talent Agency
The Goldie Ruthfeild Acting Network, or G.R.A.N. agency, will offer your sims more historical and musical roles even at lower levels than required, along with a higher paycheck. This is one of the agencies that you unlock once you reach level 4 of the acting career. It’s a prestigious company with connections to Silverscreen legends!
Choose This Agency If:
- You want musical and historical roles
- You’re looking to make Silverscreen connections
G.R.A.N. Agency:
- Median Gig Pay - $4,825
- Ideal mood - Confident
- Level Unlocked - 4
- Gig type - Historical & musical
#. Well Suited Talent Agency
Built for the best of the best in the industry, Well Suited offers roles that only the best-known faces can play. TV, Drama, Action- you name it, they’ve got it. Once you join this agency, you are more likely to be picked for acting roles and noticed by fans on the street. Even the name sounds prestigious!
Choose This Agency If:
- You want more variety
- You want to be a silver screen legend
Well Suited Talent Agency:
- Median Gig Pay - $4,825
- Ideal mood - Confident
- Level Unlocked - 4
- Gig type - Multi varied
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