Let’s take a look at the most beautiful dogs in the game
Dogs are everywhere in the game. Did you know that you can get a dog for your camp? It’s quite an overlooked aspect of the game because dogs are basically there as props. Though your dog at your camp can alert you in case of a raid, that is a very rare event. So, here are some pet pals that you can play around with.
5. American Foxhound
Price: $275
The American Foxhound is the cheapest dog at your camp. It comes in three coats. Tan Brindle is the best one in my opinion. However, you can choose which one you like for the same price.
This is the most basic dog breed that you can get in the game. As it’s already mentioned, dogs are just cosmetic items in the game. So if you don’t want to spend too much on cosmetics, yet you want to get a dog, then this breed is for you.
It will bark to alert you to nearby players.
How to get it
Buy it from Crips (Wilderness Outfitters)
4. Chesapeake Bay Retriever
Price: $330
This one also has three coats. I’d buy the brown one if I were you. This one is a little more costly than the previous one. All the coats cost the same.
Chesapeake Bay Retrievers can be found at ranches, homesteads, train stations, and towns
across New Hanover. This is a calm-looking dog. It’ll just let you pet it all day long.
It will bark to alert you to nearby players.
How to get it
Buy it from Crips (Wilderness Outfitters)
3. Labrador Retriever
Price: $400
This one is a fluffier kind. It’ll cost you more than the previous ones. Like all of the breeds, Labradors also come in three coats. The chocolate one is my favorite. This is also the most expensive dog in the game.
Labrador Retrievers can be found at farms and ranches across New Hanover and New Austin. These dogs look very cute in your camp as they are fluffier than the previous two.
It will bark to alert you to nearby players.
How to get it
Buy it from Crips (Wilderness Outfitters)
2. Australian Shepherd
This one came with the Outlaw Pass. You can’t buy it from Crips. This one is also a very beautiful dog. You’re quite lucky if you’ve bought the pass and have this dog at your wilderness camp.
This is a special dog that you can’t really spend money on. Outlaw pass dog breeds usually look prettier than purchasable dogs. So, look out for the outlaw pass if you want dogs like this.
It will bark to alert you to nearby players.
How to get it
Outlaw Pass
1. Husky
This, in my opinion, is the most beautiful little dog in the game. It came into the game with the Moonshiner update. It is also an exclusive dog that you could get if you bought the Outlaw pass. The red Husky is the best dog in the game, I’d say.
The Husky can be found in towns and on ranches across West Elizabeth and New Hanover; the richer parts of the Wild West. These are one of the friendliest breeds out there, yet they look the most intimidating.
It will bark to alert you to nearby players.
How to get it
Outlaw Pass
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