[Top 10] Persona 5 Best Personas That Are Excellent

Arsene Persona 5
18 Nov 2023

Persona 5 has many strong Personas that can defeat enemies with one blow or carry you through fights if you use them correctly. They are unique in design, skills, and arcana. It is important to note that any Persona can reach God Tier if you spend enough time on them, even the starter Persona, Arsene, it just so happens that there are a lot of Personas that are God Tier already.

To make life easier for you, since the compendium is filled to the brim with hundreds of Personas, and many more you can fuse together, here is a list of the Personas that are already God Tier and can make your game even more fulfilling to get. It is important to note that a lot of these Personas cannot be acquired by negotiating with a Shadow and have to be fused. Also, make sure that you are at a high enough level to use these Personas because there is no use in fusing them and then being unable to use them. Here are the top 10 Personas that you can put on Joker.

#10. Alice

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Even though Alice looks like a sweet little girl, I can promise you that she is a lot stronger than she looks. In fact, she is one of the strongest in the Death Arcana. Like all the Personas on this list, it takes a lot of work to get her, especially since you can only get her through fusions.

Alice can be a great addition to your team especially since her stats are so high. Her highest stats are in Magic and Agility. This means that her strongest attacks are magic and she gives you a higher chance to do attacks quicker, in the turn order. She can only be fused after you have maxed out the Death Confidant, Tae Takemi. She is a very useful Persona as she has insanely strong innate abilities as well. She could make a great addition to anyone’s team.

Alice is fused by using two high-level Personas, Belial level 68 (Devil Arcana) and Nebiros level 62 (Devil Arcana). These Personas can be acquired through fusions. Since Alice is at such a high level (83), in order to be able to use her you need to be level 83. She reflects Curse attacks and resists attacks from Psychic and Nuclear but she is weak to Bless attacks. Her innate abilities are as follows: Mamudoon, Mudo Boost, and Dekunda. 

Choose Alice if:

  • You are level 83
  • You have maxed out Tae Takemi’s Confidant
  • You are in favor of attacks that have a chance to insta-kill enemies and buffs the chance to have an insta-kill
  • Are in need of a character who can take away all debuffs from characters
  • You like Personas who have high magic stats

Alice’s details: https://megamitensei.fandom.com/wiki/Alice#Persona 

#9. Black Frost

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Black Frost is widely renowned for being one of the best Personas in almost every Persona game. His design is very similar to an enemy you would find earlier on in the game called Jack Frost. He is one of the strongest of the Fool Arcana. Naturally, you cannot just negotiate to get him, you have to acquire him through fusion.

Black Frost can be a great addition to your team. His highest stats are in magic and strength, this makes him a powerhouse to your team as he is able to deal insanely strong attacks. In order to fuse Black Frost you must complete the quest “The One who Bullies Bullies.” He is insanely useful and would work great on any team.

Black Frost is fused by using three Personas, King Frost level 61 (Emperor Arcana), Jack Frost level 11 (Magician Arcana), and Jack-o’-Lantern level 2 (Magician Arcana). Two of these Personas (Jack Frost and Jack-o’-Lantern) can be acquired normally through game progression while King Frost has to be fused. Like Alice in order to be able to use Black Frost you need to be at the level he is at, that being level 67. He reflects Fire and Curse attacks, absorbs Ice attacks, and blocks Nuclear attacks. His innate abilities are as follows: Mabufudyne, One-shot Kill, and Miracle Punch.

Choose Black Frost if:

  • You are level 67
  • You have done the quest “The One who Bullies Bullies”
  • Like using Ice attacks as well as a chance to one-shot kill
  • You like Personas with high strength stats

Black Frost’s details: https://megamitensei.fandom.com/wiki/Black_Frost#Persona

#8. Satan

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Just by looking at Satan, you can tell that he is a powerful Persona, his very design accentuates that fact. Satan is one of the strongest Personas in the Judgment Arcana. Like the other Personas on this list can only be acquired through fusion but there are actually multiple ways to get him.

Satan is a great addition to any team. With his insanely high Strength and Magic stats, he gives Joker the ability to land insanely powerful attacks. Satan can only be fused after you max out the Judgment Confidant which belongs to Sae Nijima. This unfortunately means it is an insanely late-game Persona that you have no control over when you will be able to get, but it is insanely worth it if you are willing to get him.

Satan can be fused in two ways, by fusing Raphael level 78 (Lovers Arcana) and Kali level 77 (Empress Arcana) or by fusing Abbadon level 74 (Judgment Arcana) with any Treasure Demon. You can acquire those Treasure Demons via Mementos and Palaces. You need to be at level 92 in order to use Satan. Satan reflects Ice and Curse attacks and resists Gun attacks. His innate abilities are as follows: Diamond Dust, Ice Age, and Regenerate 3.

Choose Satan if:

  • You are at level 92
  • Have maxed out Sae Nijima’s Confidant
  • Are in favor of Ice attacks and HP restoring skills
  • You like Personas with a high strength stat

Satan’s details: https://megamitensei.fandom.com/wiki/Satan 

#7. Lucifer

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Just like Satan, Lucifer’s design is all you need to see in order to tell that he is a powerful Persona.  He is definitely one of the strongest if not the strongest of the Star Arcana. Since Lucifer is so insanely strong, you have to fuse a tonne of Personas in order to even get him.

Lucifer is an insane addition to any team with his high stats of Strength, Magic and Endurance. His attacks are powerful and Endurance determines how much damage you take from an enemy, with that being high, you are pretty much able to take a lot of damage. In order to get Lucifer, you will need to work hard and maybe even start New Game+.

Lucifer can be fused by using Metatron level 80 (Justice Arcana), Mara level 72 (Tower Arcana), Alice level 75 (Death Arcana), Yoshitsune level 78 (Tower Arcana) and Black Frost level 65 (Fool Arcana). You need to be at level 93 in order to use Lucifer. Lucifer is only weak to Bless attacks. His innate abilities are as follows: Gigantomachia and Blazing Hell.

Choose Lucifer if:

  • You are level 93
  • You have the ability to fuse him with all the Personas required
  • Are in favor of Fire and Physical Damage attacks
  • Like Personas with high strength and endurance

Lucifer’s details: https://megamitensei.fandom.com/wiki/Lucifer 

#6. Beelzebub

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This terrifying creature is one of the strongest of the Death Arcana and he is also one of the easiest to fuse considering how strong he is. There are a lot of fusion recipes that you can do to summon him.

Beelzebub is really strong and can make a great addition to your team. He has high base stats in Magic and Agility. This gives you strong attacks and determines how quickly you attack in the form of the turn order.

Beelzebub can be fused in many ways but here are a few of them, Attis level 82 (Hanged Man Arcana) and Baal level 75 (Emperor Arcana), Metatron level 89 (Justice Arcana), and Sandalphon level 75 (Moon Arcana), and Ishtar level 85 (Lovers Arcana) and Surt level 59 (Magician Arcana) just to name a few. You need to be at level 84 in order to use Beelzebub. He reflects Curse attacks, absorbs Fire attacks, and is weak to Bless attacks. His innate abilities are as follows: Maeigaon, Mamudoon, and Evil Smile.

Choose Beelzebub if:

  • You are level 84
  • Like Personas that are relatively easy to fuse
  • Like using curse attacks
  • Like characters who have high stats in magic and agility

Beelzebub’s details: https://megamitensei.fandom.com/wiki/Beelzebub 

#5. Lilith

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Lilith, being reminiscent of the story of Adam and Eve, is one of the Personas that you may just accidentally fuse at some point in your playthrough. She is not exactly the strongest of the Moon Arcana but she is definitely up there. She earns herself a spot on this list because of this fact, she is strong and easy to get.

She can make a great addition to your team because of how strong she is considering how easy it is to get her. Her stats are high in Magic and Agility. As shown by the others on this list, it means her attacks are strong and her agility determines how fast you end up attacking in the turn order.

Lilith can be fused in many ways, by using Mothman level 33 (Moon Arcana) and Queen’s Necklace level 15 (Empress Arcana) (Treasure Demon), or Bugs level 49 (Fool Arcana) and White Rider level 39 (Chariot Arcana) just to name two of them. 

You need to be at level 60 in order to use her. Lilith reflects Ice attacks, blocks Curse attacks but is weak to Fire attacks. Her innate abilities are as follows: Mabufudyne, Makara Break, and Mudoon.

Choose Lilith if:

  • You are level 60
  • You like Personasyou can get easily
  • Like Personasthat has ice and curse attacks
  • Like Personas with high magic and agility attacks

Lilith’s details:  https://megamitensei.fandom.com/wiki/Lilith#Persona

#4. Michael

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Michael is a really strong Persona, one of the strongest of the Judgment Arcana in fact. He also takes a lot of work to get as you only encounter him in game near the very end.

He can make a great addition to your team as he is very strong and one of the few on the list that has one of his highest stats in Strength. His highest stats are Strength and Agility. In order to be able to fuse him, you need to have the Strength Confidant, Justine and Caroline, at a relatively high level (around level 5 or higher).

Michael can be fused using Uriel level 81 (Justice Arcana), Raphael level 78 (Lovers Arcana) and Gabriel level 77 (Temperance Arcana). You must be at level 87 in order to use Michael. He reflects Bless attacks, blocks Curse attacks and resists Gun attacks. His innate abilities are as follows: Divine Judgment, Mabufudyne and Debilitate.

Choose Michael if:

  • You are at level 87
  • You like strong Personas that you only really see late game
  • Like using Light and Ice attacks
  • Are able to level up Caroline and Justine to level 5

Michael’s details: https://megamitensei.fandom.com/wiki/Michael#Persona 

#3. Asura

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Asura looks powerful and is very powerful. He is one of the strongest of the Sun Arcana. In order to get him you have to fuse him.

Asura is like Alice in the fact that in order to even be able to fuse him you need to max out the Sun Confidant, Toranosuke Yoshida. His stats are high in Strength and Endurance. This means that he can land insanely strong attacks and means you can take more damage from the enemies.

Asura can be fused by using Zouchouten level 31 (Strength Arcana), Jikokuten level 25 (Temperance Arcana), Koumokuten level 49 (Hermit Arcana) and Bishamonten level 67 (Hierophant Arcana). You can only use Asura when you are level 76. He reflects Nuclear attacks, blocks Fire attacks but is weak to Psychic attacks. His innate abilities are as follows: Atomic Flare, Mahamaon and Marakukaja.

Choose Asura if:

  • You are level 76
  • Have maxed out Toranosuke Yoshida’s confidant
  • Are in favor of nuclear attacks
  • You like Personas that are high in strength and endurance

Asura’s details: https://megamitensei.fandom.com/wiki/Asura#Persona_5_.2F_Royal 

#2. Odin

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Odin, like the Norse God he is clearly inspired by, can be a powerful addition to your team. He is one of the strongest in the Emperor Arcana. He can also be fused in a multitude of ways which makes him rather easy to get.

Odin can be a great addition to your team. His stats are strong in Endurance and Strength. This makes you insanely strong. You do need to max out the Emperor Confidant, Yusuke Kitagawa, in order to be able to fuse him. Which isn’t that hard to do if you level up your Proficiency enough and since he is part of the main cast.

Odin can be fused by using Oberon level 66 (Emperor Arcana) and Regent level 10 (Emperor Arcana) (Treasure Demon), or Kali level 77 (Empress Arcana) and Cybele level 73 (Priestess Arcana), or Kali level 77 (Empress Arcana) and Mara level 73 (Tower Arcana). You need to be level 82 in order to use Odin. He reflects Bless and Curse attacks, absorbs Wind attacks, and blocks Electricity attacks. His innate abilities are as follows: Thunder Reign, Myriad Slashes, and Marakukaja.

Choose Odin if:

  • You are level 82
  • Have maxed out Yusuke Kitagawa’s Confidant
  • Are in favor of electricity attacks
  • You like Personas with high strength and endurance

Odin’s details: https://megamitensei.fandom.com/wiki/Odin#Persona_5 

#1. Satanael

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Unlike the other Personas on this list, you cannot even try to get Satanael on your first Playthrough as he unlocks during New Game+. This epic-looking Persona is just as strong as he looks. He is the strongest Persona in the Fool Arcana. Of course, this means that fusing him will take a lot of work.

Satanael is an amazing addition to any team. His highest stats are in Strength and Magic. This makes his attacks insanely strong. You will find that in order to fuse him you will be going in and out of your compendium, adding new ones and purchasing old ones in order to get him.

Satanael can be fused by using Lucifer level 93 (Star Arcana), Satan level 92 (Judgment Arcana), Michael level 87 (Judgment Arcana), Ishtar level 85 (Lovers Arcana), Anzu level 25 (Hierophant Arcana) and Arsene level 1 (Fool Arcana). He absorbs Curse attacks, blocks Bless attacks, and resists Physical, Gun, Fire, Ice, Electricity, Wind, Psychic and Nuclear attacks. His innate abilities are as follows: Maeigaon, Megidolaon, Survival Trick, and Riot Gun.

Choose Satanael if:

  • You are in New Game+
  • Like characters whose stats are high in strength and magic
  • Are able to fuse him
  • You like Personas with a lot of resistances
  • You like Personas who use curse attacks

Satanael’s details: https://megamitensei.fandom.com/wiki/Satanael#Persona_5

As I said in the introduction, any Persona could be God Tier with enough work put in. Just because these Personas are in the list doesn’t mean you would like to or want to use them. As long as you are having fun, that is all that matters.


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