Overwatch 2 Tier List [Overwatch Best and Worst Heroes Revealed]

Overwatch 2 Tier List Best and Worst Heroes
20 Jun 2024

Overwatch 2, a game that was created in 2016 by Blizzard Entertainment, is a team-based shooter that has evolved into a thrilling game for the gaming community.

With 38 heroes getting nerfed and buffed it’s hard to keep up with the ever-growing roster for who to play. Ahead, we will investigate each tier to determine the best and worst heroes right now based on their power level.

I have updated this tier list for Season 6 with the newest release hero, Illari.


S Tier (Superior Tier) 

These characters are considered the most powerful in games since they have significant advantages that excel in multiple aspects of the game. These are top picks for players in competitive games. 


Kiriko: 100/100 (S-Tier Support)

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Kiriko throwing Kunai headshots

Ever Since her release in Overwatch 2, she has quickly climbed into being one of the best supports. 

She is known for having one of the best kits in the game. Herultimate  increases the rate of speed and damage, her Protective Suzu cleanses negative effects, Swift Step allows her to teleport out of a risky situation, and a critical hitting Kunai.  

With this kit, is what makes her a superior competitor. 

Kiriko doesn’t seem to have many weaknesses, making her a 100/100. She can kill any DPS or Support in two critical headshots and cleanse negative effects like Ana’s grenade, Junkrat Tire, and many others, making her a major threat close or at a distance. 

What Makes Kiriko S-Tier

  • Protective Suzu cleanses negative effects
  • Teleport to an ally
  • Climb up walls to get high ground
  • Critical Hitting kunai 
  • Ultimate increases rate of speed and damage
  • Great overall heals

Ana: 100/100 (S-Tier Support)

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Ana causing damage to enemies

Ana is a versatile hero. Her style is aimed, no pun intended, to provide healing to her teammates, but also provides damage to enemies when opportunities arise. She can even use her sleep dart and grenade to make a deadly combo. 

If you have aim, your biotic rifle is a great asset to heal other allies at huge intervals, and with your grenade you are a mighty component to any team. Your ultimate is a need among heavy hitters like Soldier but can come in handy during a close death. This makes Ana a superior hero, with a score of 100/100. 

What Makes Ana S-Tier

  •  Powerful grenade
  • Overpowered Ultimate
  • Sleep dart and grenade combo is deadly
  • boosted damaged shots.
  • Long- distanced aim 

Illari: 95/100 (S-Tier Support)

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Illari causing major damage to enemies

With many new players you get the underwhelming criticism for their potential, however she has serious power abilities that cause serious damage. Illari can do up-close damage and heal at range due to her pylon, allowing her to play up close or backline. However, her ultimate is something out of this world. 

Illari can passively or actively heal teammates with her healing pylon and weapon. She does have good weapon damage, but her ultimate is the star of the show.  It’s an attack that attaches bombs to enemies, which blow up to potentially wipe an entire team who stand close together. 

There is more likely going to be a nerf for her in the making to limit her damage output since it's being compared to a DPS, but as for now she is S-tier and is worthy of a 95/100 score. 

What Makes Illari S-Tier

  • Can heal short or long range
  • Heavy Damage output
  • Ultimate does great damage when enemies are close together
  • She can jump from danger using outburst
  • Knock back enemies
  •  DPS worthy 

Ashe: 100/100  (S-Tier DPS)

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Ashe peering at the enemy team

Ashe is an extreme DPS, add a Mercy for a boost and you have a deadly weapon that kills DPS and Support in 1 shot. She does great control for high and low ground and with her ultimate BOB, which can be useful for holding or moving payloads. 

She is also good for all ranges; she can snipe with her rifle or if someone gets too close, she can switch to her shotgun burst, dealing significant damage. 

Ashe can give quick repetitive damage shots. She can use her shotgun burst to get up in a higher ground to get away from an enemy, or she can severely damage an enemy coming too close for comfort. 

She is relatively a hard target to hit due to her size compared to most tanks and DPS, and since she hides in the backlines most of the time it's hard to get a hit on her. 

And with her dynamite, she can damage you right before she is even able to shoot. Making her a deadly weapon.  Now, once BOB is released he can cause major damage, especially with a pocket mercy. Giving your team time to move or stop payload depending on your position.  This is why Ashe scores a 100/100.  

What Makes Ashe S-Tier

  • High damage rate
  • BOB can keep payload in the favor of your team
  • Strong dynamite
  • Good at all ranges
  • Small hit box 

Lucio: 95/100 (S-Tier Support)

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Lucio running away from enemies

Lucio can be one of the best supports. He is used a lot in competitive play due to his ability to pack a punch, has valuable speed boost, and deals some healing at decent pace.  His mobility is very helpful for himself and for allies in dire situations. 

He is a hard target to hit but is an enjoyable hero to play.  If you are good with him, you can make many kills as you can target enemies accordingly. Using your boost ability, you can easily swindle the enemy and make them useless since they cannot get a hit on you. Add his multi-targeting healing in the mix and you can even get high numbers for both DPS and healing. Making Lucio meaningful and worthy for a score of 95/100.

What Makes Lucio S-Tier

  • Walk on walls to get away from enemies
  •  Boop enemies off map (including tanks)
  •  Hard to hit
  •  Is a heavy hitter for healing and damage
  •  Can speed boost team to point/payload early on in game

Tracer:  90/100 (S-Tier DPS)

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Tracer looking off in the distance

Tracer is the 2nd most played character in competitive behind Ana. She is an up in your face DPS that dives at squishy supports, reverses out of it, regains health, and goes back for the kill. Her speed allows her to be versatile and useful in competitive matches, add her ultimate and she can kill just about anythin.. 

Tracer is known to cause mega damage on squishy heroes. She is a diving character and goes after anyone in the backlines or by themselves. With her abilities she can quickly rewind time and regain health back. This allows to go back into the fight where seconds ago she looked like she was losing. Nope, try again. She will go back over and over until that squishyis dead. Her ultimate can be nice or a dud. 

If she can attach the bomb directly onto someone then it’s a win, but if she misses and it lands on the ground and there’s no one near it, it makes it useless. Tracer can also be countered by Torb’s turret so her dives start to become irrelevant since she will take a lot more damage than expected. Which is why Tracer is ranked 90/100.

What Makes Tracer S-Tier

  •  Self-heal when reversing
  • Increased speed to get out of risky situation
  • Powerful damage
  • Strong bomb ultimate
  • Great on any map

Orisa: 90/100 (S-Tier Tank) 

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Orisa about to put damage in

Orisa is a defensive hero. She can play up close or in the backlines using her abilities accordingly. She can stay near corners to allow her abilities to come back when they are in cooldown. However, she does lack mobility and team unity, so she doesn’t do well with dive teams. 

Cycling her cooldowns allow her to attack enemies and by using them correctly you can win just about any game. She can spear spin to engage and fortify to get away. 

Then if you use javelin on squishy heroes, you can cause significant damage or even kill them. Now, there are other uses of her abilities, she can use spear spin to knock enemies off the map allowing the team to take points. 

Herer ultimate  pulls enemies in and charges up her spear to cause damage. Depending on placement you could send enemies off the map or cause enough damage to squishy heroes that you can easily kill them after you ult. However, be careful when holding down the primary fire, if you have it on for a period it can be stunned for a short time before you can fire again. Orisa is ranked 90/100.

What Makes Orisa S-Tier

  • Kill squishes with Javelin
  • Can’t play against Dive teams 
  • Gun has Cooldown
  •  Push people of edge with spear spin
  • Powerful ultimate that pulls enemies in

Soldier: 95/100 (S-Tier DPS)

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Soldier about to ultimate the enemy team

Soldier is best at long range but can shoot at short range. He has been buffed recently, giving him more healing and damage, making him a more played character. With his sprint ability he can run in on a fight rather easily or run away to safety. Making him a harder kill. 

With his increase in damage, adding a damage boost from Mercy is a gamechanger. His ultimate literally melts enemies away unless they are hiding, so he is able to hold the payload in his team’s favor. Now, his helix rockets cause more damage now and can hit enemies at a bigger radius allowing you to damage them more. With him easily getting kills now, it’s even harder for enemies to kill you, allowing your team to win more games. Which is why he is ranked 95/100. 

What Makes Soldier S-Tier

  • Can play long and short-ranged
  •   Great damage output
  •   Sprint Ability to get to point quickly
  • Melts away enemies on sight with Ultimate
  •    Helix Rockets cause major damage 

Ramattra: 95/100 (S-Tier Tank)

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Ramattra causing havoc on enemies

Ramattra has the benefit of using two separate forms he can swap between, giving him an extra set of abilities with more versatility. 

Each form has different playstyles where he can do long or short range.  His ultimate and primary fire weapon causes severe damage that kills just about everything in its path. 

Ramattra has two forms he swaps with, Nemesis and Omnic, which both have advantages. Omnic allows an additional shield for a targeted area and allows you to deal long range damage at a rapid pace. In the Nemesis form you use your fist to “pummel” your foes at a close-up range. Add your vortex, which pulls enemies in and damages them, it can literally pull a Valk Mercy to the ground allowing you to get an easy kill. The Annihilation Ultimate is something out of this world. It causes a swarm of damage to attack nearby enemies and the longer enemies remain in the ult the longer it lasts. This Is the reason why Ramattra is ranked 95/100.

What Makes Ramattra S-Tier

  • Powerful Vortex that pulls enemies and damages them 
  •  Ultimate the kills anything in its path
  •   Shield for cover 
  • Can block, reducing damage
  • Gets bonus armor in Nemesis Form 

A Tier (Excellent Tier)

These characters are strong, yet have some limitations to utilize them effectively, but can still be picked for competitive games if in the right hands.


Bastion: 85/100 (A-Tier DPS)

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Bastion turretting enemies into a pulp

Bastion is best used in mid-ranged fights but can do ok in long ranges. Bastion’s reconfigurations are key to his success, but accuracy decreases as he keeps firing. He can easily blast through a Reinhardt’s shield so characters like him will be forced to choose whether to lose their shields, or remove them exposing their allies.

In standard form, he can fire mildly damage to enemies, but by choosing to fire in bursts, the gun can have accuracy like a sniper rifle, with no bullet drop-off.  Bastion also contains a grenade that is lobed at enemies. He can do this at close range or from a distance. This stuns enemies briefly and causes major damage. Now, his ultimate gives him choices: Should he fire all three in the same spot or space them out? All these things are what make bastion an 85/100.

What Makes Bastion A-Tier

  • Best at mid-range
  • Best when in reconfiguration
  •  Powerful grenade
  •  Decision making Ult
  • Fires heavy damage

Sojourn:  85/100 (A-Tier DPS)

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Sojourn diving into danger

Sojourn is a major backline DPS. She can squeeze her massive clip and with her quick reload time, she can go through any tank's shield. If she gets into a tight situation she can slide and get into more of the backline, like she’s known for.  

Sojourn attacks quick, short-range damage with no bullet fallout. She can kill enemies instantly with her alternate fire with a headshot. She can even escape death by sliding or jumping high out of sight to even get a better vantage point. Her ultimate can be deadly to enemies if they are on top of each other. One headshot could hit multiple enemies at the same time. This all makes her an 85/100. 

What Makes Sojourn A-Tier

  •  energy charge
  • play at any range
  •  powerful alternative fire
  • can escape with high jump and slide
  • slow down enemies with Disruptor Shot

Echo: 87/100 (A-Tier DPS)

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Echo flying in the distance

Echo is a versatile DPS that is great at long or close range. With her passive ability it gives her extra movement and reload speed when killing an enemy. This also allows her to get away when killing a DPS or support. She can also be very flanky, which can output lots of damage to squishy supports and DPS heroes. 

Echo can target enemies from afar, her abilities except for her Beam do not have any falloff, so she can poke well from any range. Her Focusing Beam is vital, if the enemy tank is half health, she can shred them in two seconds. Her ultimate can be crazy useful depending on who she can duplicate and can be a major part of her style. If you need another healer, DPS, or tank you can choose wisely among the enemy team. This can change the game rather quickly. This makes Echo 87/100.

What Makes Echo A-Tier

  • Flanker
  • Best at close and long range
  • Ultimate that she can be any hero she looks at
  • Powerful Focus Beam
  •  Fly away from a fight if it gets risky

Cassidy: 80/100 (A-Tier DPS) 

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Cassidy intimidating everyone

Cassidy is best at mid to long range. However, he isn’t the best to pick for close-range due to his average movement unlike Reaper. So, be careful when playing close-range as it may be too late to get out of a situation compared to playing long-range. Also, making sure you have good accuracy is key to playing this hero. If you can’t hit shots, he might not be the DPS hero for you. 

Although Cassidy isn't a close-range option, his alternate fire allows you some time to get away. The bullets are less accurate but you can hit enemies more directly when they are right there in front of you. His combat roll is amazing too. If you are all out of ammo and need to reload quickly, hitting this ability allows you to reload in no time and get back into the fight. His ultimate can be a game changer or a dud. If dealt correctly, you can easily kill DPS or supports easily and put pressure on holding payload or pushing it. However, once his ultimate is pulled, he will be a target and could possibly be killed before he can pull off the ultimate itself. This is what makes him 80/100. 

What Makes Cassidy A-Tier

  •   Reload weapon with combat roll
  • Best at close and mid range
  •  Alternative fire cause great damage 
  •  Ultimate can give time to push or hold payload depending on positioning 
  •  Can be easily picked off when pulling ultimate 

Junker Queen:  85/100 ( A-Tier Tank) 

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Junker Queen staring in the view

Junker Queen is known as a Dive character. She is all about unity for the team. She is not much of a long-range character, besides when she uses her knife to pull in enemies, but besides that she’s best at close-range fights. 

Junker Queen needs some getting used to. Always learn when you should use your shout ability, so you get the best value from the boost of health for your team. 

Fishing for kills by using your knife is best to get quick and easy kills on DPS and supports. Using various combos of her shots/knife/melees/ and ax allow you to quickly get kills among various heroes. Now with the new patch she had her ammo increased to 8, Jagged Blade projectile size increased, and her Adrenaline Rush healing increased to 2x. Which is why she is ranked 85/100.

What Makes Junker Queen A-Tier

  • Gets extra armor using shout ability. 
  •   Her knife can pull squishy characters for easy kills 
  • Ultimate cause negative effects that decrease health over time
  •  Primary weapon deals great damage
  •   Best Dive Hero

Baptiste: 85/100 (A-Tier Support)

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Baptiste jumping to safety

Baptiste is known as one of the most respectful supports to have on a team. He is best at mid and long range. With his healing bursts he can lob healing orbs to allies needing major healing or throw biotic healing in a specified place. Not only that, but Baptiste can defend and heal for himself unlike other supports.

Baptiste is a great support. By using self heal he can take himself out of a sticky situation or be a little more risky to heal others. Now his ultimate can be useful depending on who is on your team. If you have a bastion or even a ulting soldier it causes major damage. But making sure to potion your ult correctly is key. If you don’t., then it makes your ult just worthless.  This is why he Is worthy of an 85/100.

What Makes Baptiste A-Tier

  • Jump to safety or higher ground 
  • Defend for himself 
  • Can heal himself with biotic healing 
  • Best at mid or long range 
  • Positioning  for ultimate 

Symmetra: 87/100 (A-Tier DPS)

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Symmetra pondering to throw a turret or not

Symmetra is good for all ranges, however she is mostly used for up close battles. Fluctuating with turrets that only work up close to enemies she can use this to her advantage and get up close and blast them with her laser. However, she can use her turrets at all angles and heights to even get fliers like pharaoh or echo down. 

Ever since they have buffed symmetra she can use her alternate fire to do some deadly damage. Make them headshots and you have yourself a deadly weapon. Now her laser the longer it’s on an enemy the stronger it becomes so draining a tank shield is key to build up on lower then going in on enemies you can drain. Their health in seconds. Her ultimate can be used smartly for moments that someone is using their ultimate . It basically can cancel them out. Dva sends her ult or maybe a soldier ult by placing your ult according to it makes it useless. You can use it in your favor and allow your team to take points and win games. However, if you can’t play symmetra or maybe the team is countering it makes it harder to get. This is why this makes her an 87/100. 

What Makes Symmetra A-Tier

  • Can two tap with alternative fire 
  • Damaging building laser 
  •  Ultimate Barrier
  • Mid to close range 
  • Powerful turrets

Mercy: 80/100 (A-Tier Support)

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Battle Mercy intiated

Mercy is a close-range support hero. With her beam of healing she clutches onto the nearest hero, but she can do some close up damage with her pistol. She is a rather passive healer, but there has been a hype on battle Mercy’s.

Mercy is a decent support. With her damage boost she can clutch on to heavy hitters like Soldier and cause some damage, but recently they patched her boosting beam. This made her character less desirable. Recently I have seen plenty of Mercy’s pick up their pistol, becoming battle Mercys. This could be a bad move in which you die immediately and just lose a support or you could take down a couple heroes and have it be justified. She’s also a target to DPS and tanks due to her healing output so you are seen as enemy #1. However, you can briefly fly to get out of situations or get up in the air away from enemies nearby. These decisions are why Mercy is an 80/100.

What Makes Mercy A-Tier

  • Great amount of healing
  • Can damage boost
  •  Life or death battle Mercy 
  • close range support 
  • Can lift herself to get out of situations 


D.VA: 85/100 (A-Tier Tank)

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D.Va looking down on enemies

D.Va can be used in short- or long-range combat. She can use flight defensively to reduce knockbacks and fly around to her teammates.  Now D.Va has two suits she goes through called mec, which allows her to basically live two lives unlike other heroes.  Once you are out of mec you want to stay more long- range as your health is a lot smaller than what it was before.

D.Va is a tank that has a lot of health which allows her to be in close-range. However, if they get too close, using your Booster ability allows you to push them away from you or other teammates. She causes lots of damage close or long range with her Micro Missiles. Using your Defense matrix you can even block incoming damage, from say a Bastion. Now it can’t block melee swings like from Brigitte, Reinhardt, Etc. So, make sure you boost away from damage like this and do long range shots to be more effective. Once you eject out of the suit she can gain charge for her suit back rather quickly, once back in Mec and you have ultimate, it can cause major damage. Literally, a ticking time bomb that blows anything its path up. Although Rein can block with shields it’s rather effective to kill anything. But timed correctly she can cause 2000 damage and guaranteed kills. This is why she is 85/100. 

What Makes D.Va A-Tier

  • Has second chance of life with Mec
  • Deadly Ultimate
  • Briefly block incoming damage 
  •  Can fly. 
  • short- or long-range combat
  • Lots of health 

B Tier (Good Tier)

Characters in this tier are decent but are typically countered by those in higher tiers due to having noticeable weaknesses. Not picked as often as the other tiers in competitive


Sigma: 70/100 (B-Tier Tank)

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Sigma about to throw orbs of destruction

Winston: 70/100 (B-Tier Tank) 

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Winston watching the destruction

Zarya: 70/100 (B-TierTank)

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Zarya flexing her muscles

Hanzo: 70/100 (B-TierDPS)

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Hanzo posing before diving in

Sombra: 65/100 (B-TierDPS)

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Sombra hacking

Lifeweaver: 65/100 (B-Tier Support) 

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Lifeweaver standing in the backline

Reinhardt: 65/100 (B-Tier Tank) 

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Reinhardt posing 

Brigitte: 70/100 (B-Tier Support) 

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Brigitte showing her tanky moves

Pharah: 70/100 (B-Tier DPS)

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Pharah waiting for a kill

Reaper:  65/100 (B-Tier DPS) 

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Reaper about to sneak up on someone

Moira:  65/100 (B-Tier Support) 

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Moira dealing sufficent damage with her ultimate

Mei:  70/100 (B-Tier DPS) 

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Mei showing what she can do with her snowballs

Doomfist:  70 /100 (B-Tier Tank)

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Doomfist showing his strong arm

Wrecking Ball: 65/100 (B-TierTank) 

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Wrecking Ball fixing up to win

Torbjorn: 70/100 (B-Tier DPS)

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Torbjorn using his melee

Genji: 70/100 (B-Tier DPS) 

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Genji about to go in swinging

Junkrat: 70/100 (B-Tier DPS)  

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Junkrat about to blow someone up

Widowmaker: 65/100 (B-Tier DPS)

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Widow about to snipe some fools

Zenyatta: 70/100 (B-Tier Support)

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Zenyatta about to deal some serious damage

C Tier (Average Tier)

Characters in this tier are considered weaker than the majority of any of the players due to having major limitations that make them less popular in competitive.


Roadhog: 50/100 (C-Tier Tank) 

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Roadhog giving praise


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