Overwatch 2 Tier List [Overwatch Best and Worst Heroes Revealed] (Ranked: Season 10)

Best And Worst Heroes Revealed in Ranked Season 10
28 Jun 2024

Are some heroes more powerful than others? 

100% yes. There are so many heroes that are much more powerful than others like a well-deserved gutted Orisa is way less powerful than the newly buffed Sigma. This list consists of every hero placed in and through S-Tier to D-Tier, according to the majority of youtubers, OW 2 gamers, Overbuff statistics, and official forums. This will reveal which heroes are meta and which heroes are at the bottom of the barrel at the end of Season 10. 

S-Tier - Strongest

S-Tier is Meta. These heroes aren’t perhaps broken but can control games throughout all skill-levels of gamers, and are beasts on most maps. They also have the most utility, and more strengths than weaknesses.


Kiriko - Support (99/100) S-Tier

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Kiriko throws her Healing Ofuda with her game changing wolf spirit behind her. 

Kiriko is a deadly support hero that deals good damage, heals an insane amount very quickly, cleanse negative effects, and teleports a hundred times a game. 

All skill-level players can master her and dominate games. She works well on any map with her ability to teleport through walls. Healing Ofuda can turn corners if your team is close by. She has great sustainability and ability to defend herself very easily with her high dps Kunai. Her ultimate is the best ultimate in the support group, turning the tide at any point during any game.

What makes Kiriko S Tier? 

  • Teleport out of trouble - Her teleport has a 7 second cooldown which is not very long. You can teleport 2-3 times within one fight. 
  • Cleanse is so important. Cleanse can clear most negative effects like Ana’s anti-heal which totally makes Ana lesser than Kiriko in this official tier list. 
  • Healing Ofuda has solid healing with pretty much auto-aim unless there’s terrain between you and your target. 
  • As she throws her heals, you can cancel at any time by throwing your Kunai which helps with timing and being able to defend herself. 
  • Most maps have all ranges, short, mid, and long, that Kiriko can adjust to any range.

Tip: Her teleport (Swift Step) is the same range of her Healing Ofuda. 

See Kiriko in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Uc-kExqwd4&t=25


Tracer - Damage (97/100) S-Tier 

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Tracer blinking throughout the map, aiming her little subbies

Tracer is the second best S-Tier hero, she is so fun to play and can control the game at any point. She has really good saving ability, good damage, and ultimate-if stuck-is one of the better ultimates that can automatically get a pick or take a chunk out of a tank. 

Tracer has the best mobility out of all the dps heroes. Her blinks can get her behind the enemy within a second. She is one of the best for distractions and consistent damage. If you can save your blinks for when you need it most (to get yourself out of dicey plays) then you never even need a heal. Understanding your maps and where healing packs are, is crucial for good Tracer gameplay. 

What makes Tracer S-Tier? 

  • Blinking is the best. Blinking is so fun, and can keep yourself alive, but make sure you have at least two built up at all times. 
  • Her poking ability from behind the lines can control the game and make your team just sit on the map objective while you put in work. 
  • Greatest pick potential - she can finish the job very quickly whenever your enemy is low and your team can’t complete the kill. 
  • She does well against most heroes, and has the best survivability even with having the lowest health out of all the heroes in the game. 

See Tracer in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_SvYmsNCWsw&t=15


Winston (96/100) S-Tier

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“No, I don’t want a banana.” 

Winston is a flying-ape scientist that has a close range auto-aim spreadthat can neutralize enemy opponents within seconds. His aggressive nature is one of the best tanks among the rest. He also has so much health, a shield-bubble, and tremendous mobility with his giant leaps. 

If you main Winston, please keep playing him. The only real opponent that you’ll face up against is Sigma, and maybe a really good Roadhog. But with your shield bubble and leaping, they have trouble keeping their preferred distance. Dive comp is one of the best comps in Season 10, and you can play Winston on pretty much any map. 

What makes Winston S-Tier? 

  • Auto-aim energy beam - If you’re close enough and can keep the middle of your screen on an opponent you will deal damage. It can also hit multiple targets at the same time which is GOATED. 
  • Repositioning - Winston’s leaping is one of the best repositioning abilities in the game, especially tanks. Pair it with a shield-bubble to help your support heal you without taking damage. 
  • Rage - His animalistic ultimate can disrupt entire plays and push back enemies or scatter them so your team can take the advantage. 
  • Split enemies up - Leap into the heart of the enemy and pop a bubble to split your enemies between the front tank and the rest of your enemies team.
  • Easy-playability - Combos are easy to get down in no time. Like making sure to land on your enemies and then melee to gain as much instant damage as possible before lasering with your spread. 

See Winston in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3olo1X47iDc&t=89


Sojourn - Damage (94/100) S-Tier

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Sojourn eyeing you down at King's Row final stop

Sojourn is such a solid S-Tier on this list because of her easy playability and high dps. She is fun and easy to learn and master. She plays like Soldier:76 but has a higher dps considering charged shots from her railgun. She has better  mobility with her slide than Soldier: 76’s sprint. And her melting charged beams have a way less cooldown time than Soldier: 76’s rockets. 

Sojourn is one of the best high dps hitscan heroes in the damage role. If you can shoot her high charged beams as much as you can between 80-100 charge it can instantly delete squishies. Stay with your tank and healers when things get spicy. Use jump at the end of your slide to gain height advantage. 

What makes Sojourn S-Tier? 

  • Easy playability - If you are a first-person shooter gamer then you can quickly pick-up on her style of play and easily get out a good amount of damage for your team. 
  • Aim = Damage - Obviously with most of the heroes in overwatch you have to have good aim to help your team. With Sojourn it's paramount that you’re able to control recoil and lead enemy movement. Pressure tanks with primary, and pick squishies with your charged shots.
  • Melt with secondary fire - You can charge up your energy two to three times if you hit every bullet in one clip. Hit your primary shots then melt with a beam as soon as you get to 100 if not a little bit earlier. 
  • Quick Repositioning - Get around or out within a flash with her slide and cancel at any time to gain a huge leap in the air to reposition during fights or in between fights. 
  • Ultimate Control - Turn the tide during any point in the game when you use your ultimate. It fully auto-charges your railgun beams to deplete your enemies health and deal significant damage in no time. 

See Sojourn in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPNNTMu4iko&t=23


Lucio - Support (92/100) S-Tier 

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Lucio just chilling before DJing at Busan

Lucio is such a strong hero with great healing capabilities, speed comps, easy-playability and decent dps contribution. 

Anyone who mains as Lucio understands the awareness of the pace of the game and fights. You need to understand the best times to speed up and heal. He is great for consistent heals and can mostly hold his primary down to help out with damage. His boops keep getting buffed even though it is one of the best abilities for support heroes on certain maps.Finally, Lucio is a solid choice for any composition. Whether you have a Rein or Ram that is just a pure wall at the front line, or D.Va and Winston who can dive and then come back for a healing boost. 

What makes Lucio S-Tier? 

  • Easy playability - Style of play is easy to pick-up. Master his Amp It Up and Sound Barrier fairly easily.
  • 2nd best support ultimate - Besides Kiriko who takes the cake in this tier list for her ultimate, Lucio’s ultimate can turn the soundwaves from death to life. 
  • Disrupt front lines - Using boop you can distract and stop your enemies plays before they happen. 
  • Distract snipers - Lucio can be hard to hit for a sniper with his wall riding and speed boost. Use Lucio to push along a wall then boop enemies and contest them with a decent amount of damage from his burst gun.
  • Speed Boost - Many people don’t know how and when to use his speed boost, (it’s a learning curve) but when you get it down you can turn aggressive plays into domination, and turn defensive plays into saving your team’s life. 

See Lucio in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ywTNgR3ldFc&t=12


Sigma - Tank (90/100) S-Tier 

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"Why seek answer we do not know the question?" 

Sigma is absolutely on the S-Tier list especially with his new buffs. Even before the buff, Sigma was a decent hero but now you can play as Sigma and completely control the game through his many team-heavy abilities. He has that raw projectile damage that can drain enemies from a poky distance. And he has great self-sustainability making him a great tank throughout Season 10.

Sigma is a great choice to counter any tank, Rammatra and Zarya are his biggest threats. Some dive tank’s like Winston and D.Va can give you some trouble. But his ultimate was juiced to where you don’t have to have line of sight to be able to pull it off.His damage is actually insane if you can figure out the range when his projectiles explode. His abilities, while being a little tough to learn, are so team-based but also self-sustaining that it crosses a lot of advantages off for a well-rounded tank. 

What makes Sigma S-Tier? 

  • Team-based abilities - His abilities help the team more than any other tank does; a shield, a disrupting rock, pretty much D.Va’s matrix and a heck of an ultimate gives him great utility. 
  • High dps - If you see yourself getting more damage as a tank than your fellow dps hero there is a reason. Sigma is an absolute animal if you can figure out the distance of his projectiles, and the arc of his favorite rock.
  • Accretion - Throw a rock at your enemy to stun and make them fall down to disrupt pushes and aggressive enemy plays. It can also cancel certain heroes' abilities like Rein’s charge.
  • Kinetic Grasp - It’s pretty much D.Va’s Defense Matrix but it also regenerates his shield making him able mitigate a lot of damage. 
  • Shield - Shields have been completely nerfed as to almost being useless but with Kinetic Grasp it makes his shield actually usable during fights.

See Sigma in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWEpjzgMqyU&t=21


A-Tier - Great Heroes

A-Tier heroes are great and have more strengths than weaknesses especially with counter heroes. They are usually solid on the majority of maps, playability can be harder than S-Tier but easier than B-Tier. They can be challenged sometimes, but can contribute to your team and sometimes take control of a game if you’re good with them. 


Cassidy - Damage (88/100) A-Tier 

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Crusing a gar through memory lane aka Route 66

Cassidy is a 6-shooter cowboy, with one hell of a roll for an ability. His damage output is still pretty good even with the damage reduction on headshots but if you have good aim and recoil control he can be deadly. His best ability, his auto-aim ultimate, can come in clutch during any fight. His aiming does play into his spot on the tier list but again, you need to have good aim to play most heroes. 

Cassidy can counter almost any hero he goes up against. The hardest heroes to counter are tanks, but you shouldn’t be really 1v1ing tanks that often. The hardest hero for him to counter is a pesky little Sombra but that’s every hero's weakness in the game. You should be moving towards high ground where there is an easy exit point within your roll. He has one of the most annoying ultimates, especially if you aren’t a meaty tank. You and your team can all die with one phrase, “It’s High Noon”. 

What makes Cassidy A-Tier? 

  • Damage Output - If you have decent aim, and ability to follow your targets, then you can two-three tap support and dps heroes. He can also put a lot of pressure on tanks like Sigma or Rein from off-angles.
  • Not many counters - You can say there are many counters like a Widow, or an Echo but even then they have to either hit their shots or if there’s an Echo, they have to either stay very far back or very close and Cassidy can throw his hindering nade to stop Echo’s close range beam.
  • Roll - Cassidy’s roll is one of the best abilities for any dps hero. The ability to instantly reload to keep damage output up is so important in any fight. 
  • Auto-Aim Deadeye - His ultimate (Deadeye) is one of the best in the game and one of the most frustrating. Don’t be upset if you don’t team wipe them. Be happy with even one kill to give your team the advantage. 
  • Stun grenade - His stun can come in play with nearly every hero and stun them from having the upside in fights. It doesn’t have a long range and isn’t anything like his original stun that was so OP but it can still come in handy.

See Cassidy in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kq4OlEDiCi8&t=11


Moira - Support (86/100) A-Tier 

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Moira can't decide whether to succ you to death or actually heal 

Moira is 100% A-Tier because she is so powerful. She is a great healer, great escapist/repositioner, and a god at dps. She is also very easy to play which ranks her higher than other heroes, especially supports. 

Despite Lucio and Kiriko being a smidge higher than her on this tier list, she is an excellent support hero. Many say to not focus on damage rather than heals but as a Moira main, you need to help your team the best way possible. Moira shreds with her grasp and damage orbs, and that supports your team more than her healing. Yes, healing orbs are good but only use them when needed.Her auto-aim can also be played by anyone in any skill-level. 

What makes Moira A-Tier? 

  • Damage Output - Get easy picks and deal a great amount of damage to tank and dps heroes. 
  • Great healing - Without completely depleting your biotic energy, you can maximize efficiency with focused, burst healing for your team. Plus, healing orb is good to keep your team alive, especially if it’s in a tight area where it can bounce off walls.
  • Fade - Use this ability to catch up or retreat to team, get out of spicy situations, and use that time to be invincible and drain a second or two on your orb's cooldown. 
  • Survivability - Moira has one of the best kits to survive any fight and be the last hero standing. 
  • Easy-playability - Anyone playing Moira can suck the life out of your enemies as long as you’re in range. Also, make sure to utilize combos with her biotic orbs and grasp. 

See Moira in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tLopqeL9s8&t=26


Ramattra - Tank (84/100) A-Tier 

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Does Ramattra have dreads? 

Ramattra is one of the best tanks in the game. He’s a good mix of Rein and Sigma and puts up a really good fight against the majority of tanks. He is one of the toughest tanks to kill. His shield, beaming staff, and high dps abilities can make for any good push. His abilities will punish dive tanks as well, limiting your opponent tank’s picks. 

Ramattra isn’t as good as Orisa was before the mid-season patch. But with his high dps kit, his survivability is outstanding and exceeds Orisa’s abilities now. He has the best kit to fight against overaggressive dive tanks like Winston, Doom, and D.Va. Plus, his temporary armor boost is very useful in aggressive pushes or holds at chokes.

What makes Ramattra A-tier? 

  • High dps - Like Orisa before the patch, Ram with his raw power of dps is very likely to drain squishies has great utility. 
  • Map flexibility - Ramattra is a great pick for the majority of maps-if it’s mostly close encounters, or if there’s more long range fights happening. 
  • Great Combos - Throw his meaty shield out, form, shield again, and you already have form ready in 2 seconds. This makes for great pushes and a high percentage of winning fights. 
  • More Great Combos - Use his shield, then weave between shielding and punching, and then throw his improved vortex out (with a short cooldown) has a great impact on staying in control and being consistent for your team. 
  • Shooting through shields - Use his pummel (punch) to put out damage even through shields, making him counter Sigma, Rein, and Winston decently. 

See Rammatra in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcCBhlZO_No&t=86


Echo - Damage (82/100) A-Tier 

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Echo is the definition of a high-tech hero that is very underplayed and not appreciated enough 

Echo is absolutely on the A-Tier list because of her abilities and utilization, her height-advantage capabilities, and consistent damage output. 

Echo is a great pick for anyone trying to main an under-appreciated hero. She has consistent damage, and her agility is huge for any dps hero. She can counter quite a bit of dps heroes but she is a little squishy. Take height advantage more than you think to try and pick off enemy supports. Look for stickies on squishies. Look for out of line squishies to beam at close range. 

What makes Echo A-Tier? 

  • High DPS - Explosively assassinate enemies by throwing stickies to get them low on health, fly close to them, and focus beam to finish your opponent.  
  • Copy any hero - Her ultimate is amazing, and very under-appreciated for turning the tide in fights because you can charge the ‘copied heroes’ ultimate (usually quickly) and use that to gain advantages, since ultimates are the most powerful abilities. 
  • Fly - Her mobility and unpredictable movements in flight is really what makes her A-Tier over heroes like Pharah that are slower and much more predictable in the air. 
  • Good for any comp - She can be a good duo with almost any dps hero. There’s not many comps (maybe complete dive) that don’t go well with her.

See Echo in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zffCHTKetyM&t=11


Baptiste - Support (80/100) A-Tier

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Baptiste crouch jumping to get height advantage on Horizon Lunar Colony 

Baptiste is an A-Tier hero with moderate dps, mere invincibility, and solid healing. His offensive-damage play style is just as good as his defensive healing play style. It can be tough to understand the arc projectile for his lob healing but when you get it down it’s really good. 

Baptiste has been played quite a bit throughout the seasons ever since he’s been added to the game back in March of 2019. His consistent healing is higher than average, not as good as some like Kiriko and Lucio but it’s very close to Lucio’s and some would say Lucio and Baptiste are on the same level. Baptiste doesn’t have another angle to take advantage of games like Lucio’s speed boost dropping him below him but higher than the rest of the support heroes. His mobility and verticality isn’t the greatest but it’s better than others. 

What makes Baptiste A-Tier? 

  • Immortality Field - His IF can come into play during any point of the game whether it’s first fights or mid fights and especially last fights. Make sure to use it when needed since it’s shreddable.
  • Kinda tanky - His reasonable health benefits you and your team knowing he won’t go down without a fight. Also, this gives Bap really good utility because he has good survivability, and that’s the most important part of a good support hero. 
  • Repositioning - If you’re getting dive bombed you can always smash the t-bag button to go sky high, and reposition yourself for the advantage. Don't get trigger happy and make yourself an easy target. 
  • Solid DPS - He can absolutely shred if you can control that recoil of the 3-round burst. He can have a very high impact with supporting your dps, especially from high ground and good angles. 
  • Consistent healing - Try to aim at allies feet at first if you aren’t comfortable with his arc then after you get a grasp of the arc and distance then you can easily fight for the most heals in the game.

See Baptiste in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxdy2SMf9CE&t=8


D.Va - Tank (80/100) A-Tier

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The classic D.Va pose never gets old, unless it's the POTG and you died to her bomb 

D.Va is an A-Tier hero because of her great impact on the game and ability to control situations. D.Va’s abilities all make her worth playing. She has the utilities to keep herself alive through multiple dives. Her defense matrix is so good. Even though her ultimate isn’t the greatest overall, it can still be used to ‘clean the slate’ for an empty battlefield for your team to gain good positioning. 

Spam primary fire and alternate Defense Matrix to maximize efficiency with her dual-wielded guns. Lots of people think that if you have an enemy Zarya that D.Va can’t compete but time and time again, there are pros that will 1v1 Zarya’s and deplete them within seconds after Zarya’s bubble goes away. Flying capabilities are long and easy to control to track down targets and reposition. D.Va is 100% consensus for A-Tier throughout many pros and forums. 

What makes D.Va A-Tier? 

  • Team wiping ultimate - Her ultimate if not wiping out most of the team, will get a kill or two, or can disrupt the entire opponents play and positioning. 
  • Mini D.Va shreds - When you leave Mech Suit, go back close to your dps/support to  strafe and spam pistol to shred dps/support heroes. Or focus a big bodied tank to gain back your mech. 
  • Defense Matrix - Can counter almost every enemy's incoming damage (except energy beams). It can also suck any projectile healing as well which makes her one of the better aggressive defensive tanks in the game. 
  • Charge solo players - Take advantage of squishies that are out of line. Dive squishes and use the Mech Suit to push up close and personal and use rockets to drain their health.
  • Easy playability - You can easily pick up the controller and be able to understand her style. Only learning curve is when to really use Defense Matrix and when to fire. Even then she literally gets Matrix fully charged within a couple of seconds. 

See D.Va in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5F0wPjSMtaE&t=146


Sombra - Damage (78/100) A-Tier 

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Sombra looking at you like she's about to go invissy and hacky packy 

Sombra is the last of the damage heroes on the A-Tier list and there are so many reasons why. First, her ability to control, distract, and poke are among the top reasons. Sombra, like Tracer, has a poking behind the back style gameplay but also adds in the ability to hack. It’s overpowered to say the least. 

Sombra has always been my most hated hero to ever play against. Especially good Sombra players that understand how she plays. You can use her in every map, and control your opponents in the back lines. Some Sombra players even use her to hack tanks which can be even more useful than to hack a solo Ana. With locking out players abilities, and a good amount of damage in a small time period, she’s amongst the best damage heroes. There is a leap in the learning curve as to how you should play her, (especially with her re-work and shorter translocator) which is the only reason why she isn’t higher on this list. But if you have a good Sombra, it’s a cake walk to a W. 

What makes Sombra A-Tier? 

  • Obviously hack - First and foremost, hacking is legitimately the greatest ability any hero can have. It distracts enemies, stops them from taking advantage, and puts them in shambles. But again, the learning curve with her rework can be tough. 
  • Ultimate hack - this is what you want to be playing for. And her ultimate synergizes with almost every hero’s ultimate and can easily team wipe if you have good timing and communication.
  • Best escapist - She has the best ability to escape tricky plays. She is very squishy but she’s very good if you plan your attack before and be close to an exit point to throw your translocator to escape dicey plays. 
  • Invisible - Also one of the best abilities a hero can have. Get behind enemies all the time. Wait till the enemy is distracted. Then hack. Throw Virus. Then spam subby. 
  • Spam Mosquito - With all of her abilities combined, there are combinations you must realize to maximize her potential. With the new buffs and nerfs, she can spam hack on a tank and your team can control an entire game fairly easily.

See Sombra in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pY9CG9c_w6I&t=8


Mauga - Tank (76/100) A-Tier 

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Mauga having a good laugh before burning you to shredded bits of bacon

Some people may be wondering if Mauga would make A-Tier. Throughout consensus, he does. He was one of the most overpowered tanks on his release date until he was heavily nerfed. Now, after the tank buffs and Orisa nerf, it does make him a fun, playable counter to many other tanks amongst the A-Tier list and below. 

Mauga has the capability of tanking shots while spitting out damage that burns, and stacks. His dps is ridiculously good. His chain-linked ultimate completely shreds enemies and takes control of the game. His big body makes for an easy target for dps distractions. If you can handle the amount of damage you take and not get frustrated, Mauga can shift games from losses to wins within seconds. There is a learning curve with Cardiac Overdrive but the more you play him the more you understand when to use it. Tip: Don’t use it first, especially if your enemy tank is Mauga. 

What makes Mauga A-Tier? 

  • Impeccable damage - Deal a great amount of damage within seconds after igniting enemies. 
  • Amount of health - He ties D.Va with health and armor in role queue making him have the most amount of HP besides Roadhog with 800 health, but Mauga has shield and Roadhog doesn’t. 
  • Cardiac Overdrive - This ability is one of the best and so important as to why he is A-Tier. Temporarily reduces allies incoming damage and heals himself and nearby allies while dealing damage. You do three things at once! Just use it wisely. 
  • Passive Berzerker - Gain health back while dealing critical damage. This is so important in fights and can be utilized well when igniting an enemy first then shooting both guns to get more chances of crits. 
  • Easy-playability - Mostly anyone who has played Overwatch 2 and can take the pressure of tank role, can grasp Mauga’s strengths and weaknesses quicker than most other tanks. 

See Mauga in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQfRHycUsmQ&t=16


B-Tier - Good Heroes

The B-Tier list consists of heroes who have been buffed, nerfed, and tweaked but still are good heroes no matter what. These heroes will perform similar to your skill level based on your knowledge of these heroes, their abilities, the maps, and the heroes playability. All of these heroes are solid picks, and nearly all heroes have one thing in common that keeps them from rising in this tiered list, skill. 

Brigitte - Support (75/100) B-Tier - This wouldn't be a good tier without having Brig any lower than this. There are many within the community that love Brig and think very highly of her that have her in the A-Tier. But with her struggling with the majority of long range fights, even with her long range heals. Her play style is very different from other support heroes. She also plays very differently between low and high  ranked play. It’s also crucially important to determine the right comps where she mostly thrives in dive comps

See Brigitte in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQNf_Ut03so&t=893


Widowmaker - Damage (74/100) B-Tier - Widowmaker has one of the best un-nerfed abilities to one shot still, she has a high potential that could put her into the A-Tier list. But her aim plays a major role in her dropping to a B-Tier hero. If you are a good Widow, then you can absolutely control games, making her even S-Tier. But she is so squishy and sooner or later you will be dive bombed back to the respawn room to think twice about playing her the rest of the game. 

See Widowmaker in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nM0QXGQtwxs&t=27


Roadhog - Tank (73/100) B-Tier - Hog might be A-Tier because of his low skill floor and ceiling but he can be very squishy if he gets targeted by an entire team. But no matter what he is just a great flexible tank. He’s a good counter to Winston and Ball. He can definitely put up a fight against  all tanks. But with the amount of nerfs he’s received (which was well-deserved) he’s not broken anymore especially in higher ranks. But in lower ranks he can control and can be very tough to kill. 

See Roadhog in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKanoEZVEGc&t=96


Zenyatta - Support (72/100) B-Tier - Zenyatta will always be a solid support hero. His long range ability to push enemies out of high ground is very useful. His ability to heal dive tanks is also great without having to keep healing them. There are other supports that are better than him, and can easily have more impact on the game like his-honestly-not so great ultimate. Plus, his ultimate can’t even save an ally when he’s standing on top of them to try and protect them from a D.Va bomb which is utterly insane.  There’s a mechanical and angular style to Zen and some people don’t understand fully which takes him away from the top tiers. 

See Zenyatta in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHM9mZL-n_U&t=291


Ashe - Damage (71/100) B-Tier - Ashe can take over games with her deadly aim. Her playstyle is similar to Cassidy’s, except she has a zoomed gun and better abilities (dynamite and coach gun). Her B.O.B. is really good for pushing enemies out and clearing the slate for her to have height and angle advantages. She is squishy and there are many dps heroes that challenge her fairly easily depending on their preferred range. If it’s up close and personal like a Reaper, she can use her Coach Gun to provide space. If it’s a Widowmaker, Hanzo, or a Sojourn,  then she can have some trouble, putting her in B-Tier. That being said, she can dominate every dps hero beneath her, using her abilities correctly, dynamite, pushing back to perfect range, and precise aim can shred.

See Ashe in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQ6NjTtwdb4&t=67


Ana - Support (70/100) B-Tier - With her anti-heal being countered by Kiriko, Ana has  dropped to B-Tier. If it wasn’t for Kiriko, she would probably be A-Tier, possibly even S-Tier. Kiriko’s cleanse instantly takes away Ana’s Biotic Grenade making her utterly useless. But Ana’s sleep dart comes in handy during fights and overly aggressive dive heroes. She can still shift plays by her own hands by Nano Boosting the right hero at the right time. She is still a solid pick, as long as you can aim. Also, if there isn’t an enemy Kiriko, she instantly bounces back up to having great utility and power for your team.

See Ana in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VPDtTYAq0kM&t=93


Junker Queen - Tank (69/100) B-Tier - Queen did get buffs recently, making her able to use Commanding Shout while using other abilities. This does make her better than before. But not as good as when she was Meta. There are just too many heroes that squish her without even trying. She’s supposed to be a threat to Roadhog but sometimes she doesn’t even make a dent in Roadhog. But she does struggle to stay in control in higher ranks, making her drop from great to good. Even with the tank buffs from the mid-season 10 patch, she still gets shredded by hitscans. She does well on newer maps, and close-combat but tanks like Orisa and Sigma can easily overpower her. 

See Junker Queen in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUUhTdZU548&t=35


Zarya - Tank (68/100) B-Tier - Zarya is in the B-Tier list because her long cooldowns on her bubble but when she’s energized, her beam is so strong. Even with her buffs like her ultimate’s pull widening from 6 to 7 meters, it still doesn’t feel like much of a difference. She can still be very good and bubble allies which you should be doing, instead of just bubbling yourself. The big reason why she’s B-Tier and not lower is her ultimate synergy with almost any hero in the game. There are counters to her ult like a Bap IF, or a Sym TP, even then it usually brings your team the advantage. 

See Zarya in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nuRyOkJ3f-k&t=364


Soldier: 76 - Damage (67/100) B-Tier - Good. That’s what Soldier: 76 is. He’s not special by any case and has that same base capabilities for a run and gun as much as Widowmaker has for a one-shot sniper. Soldier has one of the highest pick rates but also one of the lowest win rates of the top played heroes. He is rated higher than the rest of dps heroes because he takes the advantage over them. Like Pharah who is next up. His ultimate is the only thing that is keeping him above the beginning of dog water C-Tier heroes. 

See Soldier:76 in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iUPoWbx1soQ&t=121


Pharah - Damage (66/100) B-Tier - Throughout consensus from official forums, youtubers, and pro players, Pharah is one of those heroes that will be in A-Tier but then another person will have her in C-Tier. She truly plays based on skill-level and the map, and objective of the map. But with Soldier:76,her toughest counter, placing a point higher than her she’s an automatic hero that’s next up. Also, there are Pharah’s that can easily challenge enemy Soldiers all the time. You have to play smarter and be careful and unpredictable with your movement.  But she is no less than B-Tier because her rockets are definitely the best projectiles in the game. 

See Pharah in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7u41PBsduBQ&t=145


Venture - Damage (65/100) B-Tier - It is a little too early to put them higher or lower. They are pretty mid, definitely not the best hero in the damage pool but definitely not the worst. Their projectiles are good but not the best. The biggest thing for Venture is to be aggressive against support heroes in the backline. Completely disrupt the entire enemies' plays and easily gain advantages. If you’re new to them. Watch some gameplay to try and copy and paste their game style.

See Venture in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dn8xU3Ltz7U&t=26


Torbjorn - Damage (64/100) B-Tier - He shreds with his primary lobing-long range gun. He can keep dive comps on lock with his turret. His Overload ability is honestly underrated. It can turn the tide and get desperate picks. He’s really powerful and can be scary at times when you cross into his line of sight. He doesn’t have great mobility, keeping him below A-Tier and lower B-Tier. His ultimate really isn’t anything special, especially if you don’t have the advantage or a good pairing ultimate to keep enemies together. But he punishes the heroes below (one exception being Hanzo) and definitely can pick fights with dps heroes in the same tier list. 

See Torbjorn in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QESxSlytPyM&t=53


Doomfist - Tank (63/100) B-Tier - He’s a good hero to flex around with. He can be used well in ranked play with a dive comp, which some have him in A-Tier but that is high skill level players. He has to be played correctly to take on certain angles at certain times which makes him fall to B-Tier. Plus, he gets targeted really easily, even though his movement is insane, his cooldowns have been tweaked to where you can’t cycle them as fast as he used to. If your other teammates don't pick dive, then it will be even harder to finish picks. He’s self-reliant with his cycle cooldowns, and can be forced if you ever need to rile your enemies up. Finally Doomfist is a good dive tank nonetheless, and doesn’t fall any lower on this tier list.

See Doomfist in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMJqd84Gd0s&t=253


Illari - Support (62/100) B-Tier - She is a good hero. She has her maps that play well with her abilities and playstyle. Overwatch is still tweaking her, and trying to make her stronger but she isn't Kiriko, Lucio, Moira, Brig or Bap. There are so many support heroes who are better and do more for the team. With that being said she still isn't the worst of the worst. She’s great at poking but mid at just about everything else.

See Illari in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TrCtlQ9KZPE&t=234


Wrecking Ball - Tank (61/100) B-Tier - Like always with every hero, you need to know how to play them in order to utilize them. He is a very dps focused dive tank, and can control games by pushing and punishing the correct enemies. He has trouble facing certain comps, like Roadhog, Junkrat, or Ana. Anything that disrupts him from moving where the enemies can focus him, is his downfall. . Hammond’s rework drops his skill floor, and drastically increases his skill ceiling. But it’s too early to put him higher than B-Tier because it doesn’t solve his weaknesses If he didn’t have trouble 1v1ing tanks then he could be higher but he definitely isn’t the worst tank. 

See Wrecking Ball in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wa8jN5NYUa8&t=363


Genji - Damage (60/100) B-Tier - Some of you might be ripping your hair out of your head wondering where Genji is going to fall on this list but he is at the bottom of the B-Tier, possibly even C-Tier. He just isn’t that great unless you are a Genji main, then you can put him in your S-Tier. He does do better with the armor rework, but he is so easily shreddable if you're out of abilities. And Overwatch 2 can’t really buff him without making him absolutely amazing. His ability cooldowns are way too long, but if you use them correctly, they can be good. He does well against the damage heroes below (one exception for Symmetra) and can absolutely play well against the heroes above…up to Ashe. 

See Genji in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BSOi8sHmRqc&t=277


C-Tier - Average-to-Subpar Heroes

C-Tier heroes are not completely the worst heroes, but have a hard time taking control of games and keeping it. Most of them have been reworked, or nerfed to a point where maybe they were meta, but not anymore. Mains are still good with them but these heroes can be tough to pick up and do well with. These heroes usually have certain maps they do great on, and/or depending on map objectives. Then there are other maps where they struggle.The skill-floor does play into effect and it usually has to be someone with a very high skill-ceiling to be able to play these heroes well. 

Mercy - Support (59/100) C-Tier - Mercy unlike she was, is not good anymore. Her damage boost has been nerfed. Her entire kit revolves around  pocketing a damage hero. But this has been completely useless (especially in higher ranks). Her healing has been nerfed to the max and I feel really bad for Mercy mains. She can still heal and rescue players from dying with consistent heals but you have to keep her heals on them in order to have fast healing. Lucio, Bap, and Kiriko are just better. And given the best damage hero, Sojourn, she (Mercy) doesn’t even give Sojourn the one shot ability with her railgun even if she boosts damage. 

See Mercy in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EgQMQJMtL7M&t=126


Orisa - Tank (58/100) C-Tier - Orisa is shockingly still strong even after her big nerf in the mid-season 10 patch. Her longer cooldowns and other tanks being buffed took her out of meta instantly. She can easily be cc’d, and shredded to bits now even when you  cycle her abilities over and over again. That being said, she is still a decent pick for low rank play on certain maps, against certain comps, especially the other tank. As long as you use her abilities wisely and it’s up against a Rein or maybe a lousy Doom then she can win sometimes. Also if she gets heals like every other tank, and you have a good comp with her then she just has  an average to subpar impact on the game. Her ultimate is honestly the worst out of all of the tanks unless you somehow are able to keep your enemies within your AOE for a minute long.  

See Orisa in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_k5NCw8lv0&t=245


Hanzo - Damage (57/100) C-Tier - Hanzo got a little bit of a buff this mid-season 10 patch that makes his ultimate travel faster. Which in game definitely makes a difference but not to a point where it’s great at all. But Hanzo is a sniper hero, his kit is made for sniping. He should be able to deal a great amount of damage with one single arrow fully knocked and it just isn’t that anymore. The above damage heroes are simply better than Hanzo but it doesn’t mean Hanzo can’t put up a fight and kill them. But you’re most likely using your storm arrows for picks, and most of your damage. Lastly, dive comps are Hanzo’s worst nightmare. With his low mobility and no real escaping unless you reach height after the enemies dive, and their mobile ability is on cooldown.

See Hanzo in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1loWKzacaP4&t=111


Junkrat - Damage (56/100) C-Tier - Junk is a spam high dps god. But there are so many dps heroes that can counter him, and easily. Sojourn, Cassidy, Ashe, Echo, Widow, Pharah are all very good against Junkrat. He could be B-Tier because of his high spam dps and his ultimate is still really cheeky. But if you have that many weaknesses due to literally range and height disadvantages then it’s an automatic tier down. If your team needs more damage to the tank then Junk is a good pick but his meta time has come and gone. Thank the developers for that though. 

See Junkrat in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=khgNcEOo_Fc&t=390


Bastion - Damage (55/100) C-Tier - Bastion is technically not that bad. He’s got 100 armor to help him be a little bit meatier since he has such a huge hitbox. But he drops off with high dps range heroes like Hanzo, Ashe, and Widow. He’s like Junkrat, being a really high spam damage god. He’s a good tank buster but now within this meta for dps, every dps hero is a tank buster and there are better heroes than Bastion. He can be good lower ranks but has so many counters to him just like Junkrat. This makes him automatically C-Tier. He can’t hide behind two shields anymore (at least in role queue) which made him meta for a long time. Even if you do stay behind shields, they break so fast now, and then you’re shredded by a Hanzo, or a Soldier, and even a Genji can destroy you with your own bullets. 

See Bastion in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ouPXS5YfHCo&t=211


Symmetra - Damage (54/100) C-Tier - She is a high-skill ceiling rush hero. Her teleport is very useful and there are countless pro teams that will use a Symm and Mei combo to rush in. But with dps being more heavy on the mid-long range hitscan, she can be easily countered from afar. She can be destructive up close and personal, especially on certain maps like Lijiang Tower.  Her turrets can be great but they can also be really bad due to the map and whether you’re attacking or defending. Her turrets have been nerfed to barely even slowing your opponent down and a slight tickle on the back of their necks. But it’s good enough to distract them and get out a little bit of damage that could come in handy. Plus, with the new tank buffs it doesn’t do anything to Symm instead of hurt her. Lastly, her ultimate is really good but some struggle to use it correctly which makes her skill-level even harder. 

See Symmetra in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DacZR3Ky_Ng&t=100


Lifeweaver - Support (53/100) C-Tier - Lifeweaver is just weird. He could be B-Tier, maybe at the bottom of it, but he’s definitely the worst support in the game. They can’t really buff or nerf him. His stats are really good. His survivability is actually really good. And his raw healing is okay but slow. His abilities aren’t very cohesive with his style and you need another good healer in order for him to really shine like Kiriko, Lucio, Baptiste and maybe even a Moira to heal short range. Don’t even think about using Lifeweaver with Zen. Please never. His kit is slow even with the dash that’s barely more than a jump. His tree is good. His pullbacks can be good and literally life-saving but sometimes you don’t even pull the right ally. He can be very frustrating to play but also very different to play than a lot of other support heroes. . 

See Lifeweaver in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E693YPsJpb4&t=614


D-Tier - God-Awful Tier 

D-Tier is self explanatory. If this was a test in school. They do not pass. These heroes have to be played on certain maps to maximize impact on the game. Their skill-floor and skill-ceiling are both low and they have been nerfed to the extreme, making other heroes better. But at one point in time these heroes were all meta. Just not anymore. 

Mei - Damage (52/100) D-Tier - With Mei’s abilities and her entire kit, she is actually really good but Overwatch has completely stripped her of her freezing players solid and one-shotting squishies. She has one of the greatest defensive abilities for a dps hero, which is the Ice Wall that tanks damage unless there’s a hero that can burn straight through which can easily happen with hitscans. She can’t one shot Tracer anymore, she can’t slow Genji down all the way anymore before his dash comes back. She doesn’t really have that solid damage either with her icicles. With that being said, Mei can be used and still picked and you might win the game because her ultimate Blizzard can turn the tide in games. Her mobility is horrible unless you can escape with an ice wall onto higher ground but that’s usually not the case in all fights.

See Mei in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rWjzRv52zng&t=108


Reinhardt - Tank (51/100) D-Tier - Rein is not meta. He’s not really a good hero at all. There are some ranks and maps like Lijiang Tower and Eichenwalde where he can thrive but even then his shield gets shredded. Then your left swinging in the air or going for a suicide charge. Rein needs Lucio. Without Lucio, Rein has a massive disadvantage because he is just too slow. In higher ranks it is much harder to go up against other tanks that can easily shred him. He even has trouble against other brawl tanks like Ram. Especially since Ram can punch through his shield. The only way to play Rein is to push through choke if you’re playing a Hybrid map, then instantly dive a squishy if you think it’s safe. Even then, Rein can easily be punished. 

See Reinhardt in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOQRifb9xBE&t=458


Reaper - Damage (50/100) D-Tier - Oh no. Not the big ole Reaper. But it is. Reaper is absolutely the worst hero in the game. He can’t spam effectively like he used to, he can really only tp to the back line and harass support or long range dps but even then he’s squishy and his passive healing isn’t as broken as it was. He was the best tank buster but not anymore ever since meta has turned to tanks having more health and damage reduction reworked. His death blossom is still good and you can definitely team wipe unless you get stunned or the hundred other ways to stop his ultimate. That still doesn’t defeat the fact that he can shred tanks like Winston, and Ball but it's going to take a lot more shots and the opponent tank not getting any bit of heals. As for damage, even Mei can poop on Reaper. But, with all of that being said, he still can do decent in low ranked play, especially on close range maps. 

See the sad Reaper in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5q9RfkpaYeI&t=177

That will do it for this official tier list, revealing the best and the worst heroes in Overwatch 2 ranked gameplay at the end of Season 10. I can't wait for Season 11 and hopefully seeing some changes to heroes like Reaper and hopefully Reinhardt. Fingers crossed. 


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