Top 10 MTG Arena Best Planeswalkers

MTG Arena Best Planeswalkers
09 Mar 2019

Who Are The Best Planewalkers in MTG Arena?

After some time of playing MTG Arena you will get to realize that Planeswalker cards are the most powerful cards in the game.

These powerful wizards may prove to be your formidable allies or your toughest enemies. Once you play them on the battlefield they will stand next to you and provide you with the necessary abilities to make your opponents sweat and cause him a great dilemma. 

Each new set will bring with it a group of planeswalkers. Some are well-known heroes or villains from the lore, who change their powers and abilities while they shift from one plane to another. Some, you will meat meet (lol) for the first time.

 The sets from MTG Arena brought us some of the most interesting planeswalkers in recent memory and these are the 10 best current in-game planeswalkers that you should look to have in your card pool.

10. Domri, Chaos Bringer

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The interesting planeswalker that was known from a previous Ravnica block returned once more. This time more aggressive and ready to riot. While the green-red ramp and monsters deck are popular, this awesome bloodthirsty barbarian will be a great addition to your decks.

His abilities are mainly related to the guild of Gruul which is predominantly focused on barbaric tribes and big creatures. With that in mind, a mid-range monster deck will always welcome couple of Domri, Chaos Bringers.

What is great about Domri, Chaos Bringer?

  • Great value for 4 mana because it enters with 5 counters and it’s effectively a 6-loyalty PW on turn 4 which makes it resilient.
  • Ramps you up and gives our big creatures a big advantage! 
  • Always refills your hand and you’re never in risk of flooding.
  • Easy to play his last ability which gives you a brilliant board presence. 

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9. Huatli, Radiant Champion

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Huatli is an old-timer in MTG Arena, being with us since the first closed beta when the Ixalan set was released. This warrior-poet planeswalker is from an isolated island of Ixalan and one of the most notable heroes of the Sun Empire. 

As she draws her power with her bond with many creatures of this plane, alongside her tremendous knowledge of nature magic, she will thrive in creature-oriented decks that like to go wide - e.g. token decks. With GW Selesnya decks seeing play in standard, Huatli is a great card-advantage maker. 

What is great about Huatli, Radiant Champion?

  • Becomes immensely big as soon as she enters the fray if you need defense, or can pump your creature to deal a big blow if you are attacking.
  • Can make some of your hard-to-block creatures too big to handle.
  • Easy to ult and then to have unstoppable card advantage.

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8. Sarkhan, Fireblood

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Sarkhan Vol is a famous planeswalker in the MTG universe and with the M19 core set he has reappeared as a cheap-to-cast amazing asset that brought a new dimension to tribal play. 

The introduction of Sarkhan, Fireblood started a new practice in both modern and standard formats in paper magic to brew some interesting dragon-based decks. Sarkhan is now played in different types of dragon decks of MTG arena and with some interesting dragon creatures introduced in the sets after M19, there are many great decks to try out.

What is great about Sarkhan, Fireblood?

  • All abilities lead-up to a devastating ultimate (there are no -1 abilities).
  • Early card advantage with first ability.
  • Made the Grixis Dragons deck possible and fun to play.

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7. Nicol Bolas, The Arisen

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Nicol Bolas is the archenemy of Magic: The Gathering. The powerful elder dragon is the epitome of evil and causes devastation wherever he appears. 

In his M19 appearance, he is firstly a creature that requires you to tinker a bit about when and how to play it, but if you manage to successfully transform him, he becomes one of the most crushing planeswalkers in-game.

What is great about Nicol Bolas, The Arisen?

  • Amazing card overall since it is a creature that transforms into a planeswalker.
  • Too powerful removal ability that will leave a little number of known creatures and planeswalkers alive.
  • Draw-two cards ability that puts you in a great position.
  • Too much loyalty when you flip it. Too difficult to destroy besides specific removals.
  • One of the two most powerful Planeswalker ultimate abilities in standard.

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6. Ral, Izzet Viceroy

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Ral is, similar to Domri, a planeswalker coming from a Ravnica guild. Unlike Domri, Ral is a planeswalker-scientist that relies more on his knowledge of wizardry to gain advantage over his foes. 

Ral has seen a lot of play in Izzet decks, especially in some versions of Izzet drakes or UR and Grixis control that is played in Standard. It works well with Izzet mechanics and since that combination is extremely popular, so is Ral.

What is great about Ral, Izzet Viceroy?

  • Great synergy with all Izzet decks.
  • Works well against creature-oriented decks and can remove on-field threats easily.
  • Gives you a great  card advantage and can fill the graveyard with cards to improve his ability.
  • Has amazing synergy with Drakes since it pumps them by filling the graveyard with instants and sorceries.

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5. Vraska, Golgari Queen

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Vraska has gone a long way since his introduction in the previous Ravnica set. She was just a mere soldier back then until she appeared again in Ixalan set, and now in the new Ravnica block. She is now the leader of the Golgari guild and works well with any GR mid-range deck.

Vraska will use it’s ruthless ability to pump you with health and cards, and will easily take care of minor threats with its removal abilities. Her ultimate is lethal and once you reach it (albeit it may take a little longer) you are due to a certain win.

What is great about Vraska, Golgari Queen?

Can provide great cover against aggro decks.
Removes a lot of threats in today’s meta with it’s removal ability.
Fills your graveyard for undergrowth while simultaneously giving you life and card advantage.

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4. Ajani, Adversary of Tyrants

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Ajani is a big-game planeswalker that is hugely popular amongst white weenie decks and new Boros brews. This leonin planeswalker is the 4th most played PW in the current meta and with white seeing a lot of play right now you will definitely want to have this one in your collection. 

It is a fast-paced mad white card that had a lot of success since its release in various creature-oriented decks, most notably now the Orzhov knights, Selesnya tokens and Boros weenie decks.

What is great about Ajani, Adversary of Tyrants?

  • As soon as he comes out he makes your creatures bigger.
  • Can revive most of your cheap ones and will make them stronger.
  • Tough to destroy. 
  • A very interesting ultimate that will frustrate your opponent

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3. Vivien Reid

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Vivien is a new addition to the planeswalker pool making her debut in the M19. This spiritual green archer focuses on creatures and lands and is deadly against anything with wings (or other ways of flying!). 

Vivien is a staple in any green deck that focuses on ramping and creatures. Versus today’s meta she will really have an easy time shooting down drakes, angels, dragons and other fliers. 

What is great about Vivien Reid?

  • A mono-green deadly planeswalker in favor of stomping and destroying. 
  • Unbelievable card advantage and domination of the ground.
  • Too easy to remove most of air threats. 
  • Hard to destroy since you’ll probably have a lot of creatures on the ground to block potential attacks.

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2. Karn, Scion of Urza

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Karn is a real old-timer and the fan-favorite of mtg veterans as well as the newbie players. There is nothing unlikable in this big metal contraption made by the legendary Urza. Now carrying some of his spark and having a soul, Karn is one of the most warm-hearted characters in the MTG role.

When the new Karn PW card came out, it was obvious that it will be overpowered. His first and previous planeswalker appearance is still one of the strongest Planeswalker cards of all time. This one does not bear the same power, but playing it in standard you will most definitely have a nice time. 

What is great about Karn, Scion of Urza?

  • Karn is a big guy for 4 mana.
  • Colorless casting cost. Finds place in many different decks with different concept.
  • Synergy with control, artifact-centric decks, mid-range decks.
  • Unbelievable card advantage and field advantage at the same time.

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1. Teferi, Hero of Dominaria

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One more legend that reappeared in the revamp of Dominaria set and this one really brought with him some tidal shifts. Responsible for many key events in MTG history, Teferi was one of the most powerful beings, then he lost the power during the Time Spiral era, and after the story of Dominaria, returned back again. 

The appearance of Teferi in standard caused some tectonic rifts in modern meta as well as standard as the card is just too powerful. Every control deck with UW combination can’t miss out on Teferi, this guy is just too good.

What is great about Teferi, Hero of Dominaria?

  • Nothing much, only that he is probably one of the most powerful planeswalkers to ever been released.
  • Watching your foes concede right after you play him.
  • Unbelievable card advantage and untapping of lands leaving you mana to protect yourself. 
  • Can be played in proactive decks as well as in full controls.
  • Literally wins you the game by himself.

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