Mobile‌ ‌Legends:‌ ‌Bang‌ ‌Bang‌ ‌Tier‌ ‌List‌ ‌–‌ 2022 Edition

Mobile‌ ‌Legends:‌ ‌Bang‌ ‌Bang‌ ‌Tier‌ ‌List‌
02 Dec 2021

A new month is rolling in and with buffs and nerfs coming with the update, you might be wondering which heroes to choose in order to secure your victory in this very exciting MOBA! 

There are six roles in MLBB (marksmen, mages, assassins, fighters, tanks, and supports) which have different roles to play during the game. To ensure a win, picking the right heroes that suit your playstyle and fit with the team composition is essential. 

The meta is updated frequently to keep the game fresh and balanced. With each update, the pick rates and ban rates of the large hero pool change—this allows players to diversify their playstyles. This tier list will show you the best heroes in the current meta: based on ban rate and effectiveness in climbing up the ranks in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang.

S Tierheroes in this tier are picked and banned very frequently and usually dominate in the matches

Lancelot (S Tier – Assassin)

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Lancelot (Assssin)

Lancelot is a very agile hero who can quickly travel from the frontlines to attack the squishy heroes located at the back of a team fight. This disrupts the enemy team’s formation and sends targets to panic. Lancelot’s kit makes him great at chasing and diving to enemies. He is capable of engaging in a team fight because of his low skill cooldown and invulnerability when he dashes. He is quite hard to master but the payoff is really high as his damage output is really high.


  • very high damage
  • high mobility
  • short cooldown on skills
  • can deal damage to multiple enemies at a time


  • skills need to be precisely aimed
  • difficult for beginners to learn
  • reliant on mana regeneration

Karina (S Tier – Assassin)

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Karina (Assassin)

Karina is a powerful assassin that specializes in cleaning up the battlefield by going after low-health enemies. Her kit allows her to be immune to basic attacks for a few seconds while also dealing damage to the attacker. Her ultimate ability makes Karina charge at an enemy hero and deal high damage while leaving a mark. If the marked enemy dies, her ultimate ability’s cooldown is reset—allowing her to attack immediately. This cooldown reset is what makes Karina a lethal assassin, especially at the end of team fights. 


  • high mobility
  • high damage
  • short cooldown on skills


  • relatively ineffective during team fights
  • can be quite squishy 

X.Borg (S Tier – Fighter)

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X.Borg (Fighter)

From usually being used as a jungler a few months back, X.Borg has returned back to lane play. His ability to deal True Damage is still really strong as it ignores both physical and magic defense, allowing him to be very powerful in team fights. It is also quite tough to go against X.Borg when he has his armor equipped. His offensive and defensive capabilities are what make X.Borg a force to be reckoned with.


  • is great at securing objectives because of true damage
  • great offensive and defensive capabilities
  • the ultimate ability deals huge AOE damage 


  • weak late game
  • easy to kill without his armor

Barats (S Tier – Tank/Fighter)

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Barats (Tank/Fighter)

Barats is a tank/fighter that has been used as an effective jungler in the current meta. Because of his passive ability that allows him to increase in size every time he deals damage with his skills, he can become very strong offensively and defensively. This makes Barats very effective during team fights.


  • high damage and sustain
  • great offensive and defensive capabilities


  • very low mobility
  • reliant on mana regeneration
  • heavily dependent on passive stacks for optimum effectiveness

Natan (S Tier – Marksman)

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Natan (Marksman)

Natan is a marksman that has risen to the top of the ranks after the recent buff to his ultimate. Natan is very effective during team fights because of his passive and overall kit. His passive allows him to build physical damage items but have physical lifesteal and penetration be converted to magic lifesteal and penetration. 


  • very high damage
  • very effective during team fights
  • can clear lanes quickly


  • very squishy
  • difficult for beginners to learn

Phoveus (S Tier – Fighter)

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Phoveus (Fighter)

Phoveus is a powerful fighter who is used as a counter pick for heroes with Dash or Blink skills. His kit allows him to deal a lot of damage as his first skill damage spreads out if other enemies come in contact to it. When using his ultimate ability, he can jump to a target who is escaping and can finish them within seconds. The cooldown of his skills also gets lowered when an enemy blinks or dashes near him. 


  • high damage and sustain
  • short skill cooldown
  • great at chasing escaping enemies


  • can be killed easily if stuck in the middle of a team fight
  • relatively ineffective without opposing high mobility heroes

Mathilda (S Tier – Support/Assassin)

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Mathilda (Support/Assassin)

Mathilda can be a great support for the team as well as a lethal assassin when she initiates an ambush. Her skills allow her to deal a large amount of damage just by moving— she is especially strong in the early game. Her ability to chase heroes who are running away, tower dive, and bring her teammates along with her is what makes Mathilda a feared support.


  • great at chasing heroes and tower diving
  • gives additional movement to the team
  • high burst damage from ultimate ability


  • less effective during team fights
  • the ultimate ability only attacks a single target
  • skill damage spreads out if there are multiple enemies

Hayabusa (S Tier – Assassin)

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Hayabusa (Assassin)

Hayabusa is an assassin who specializes in deception using his phantom clones. He is great both at poking and chasing enemy heroes. His abilities rely on the use of his phantom clones where he releases three of them in different directions. He can immediately teleport to a clone’s place making him quite troublesome to catch or chase. This speedy tactic also enables him to be very unpredictable allowing him to succeed in 1-v-1 encounters especially against heroes with low mobility. 


  • very high mobility
  • great at chasing and escaping
  • can easily confuse enemies


  • can be killed easily if controlled
  • difficult for beginners to learn
  • skill damage spreads out if there are multiple enemies

Aamon (S Tier – Assassin)

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Aamon (Assassin)

Aamon is the latest hero to be added in the game. His kit allows him to go invisible and gain movement speed, so his escaping abilities are very good. He can also deal very high damage and although his skills are geared towards 1-v-1 encounters rather than team fights, using his enhanced basic attacks can lower the cooldown of his skills. 


  • very high mobility
  • great at chasing and escaping
  • can clear lanes quickly


  • skills only attack a single target
  • can be easy to kill when controlled

Paquito (S Tier – Fighter)

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Paquio (Fighter)

Paquito is a fighter who can have his skills enhanced due to his passive; this allows Paquito to deal more damage and lower the cooldown of his skills. His kit enables him to be a constant threat throughout the game and can even beat 1-v-3 scenarios if his combos are done perfectly.


  • all skills can be enhanced 
  • combos can deal massive damage and can wipe out multiple heroes


  • relies heavily on combos
  • weak against ranged heroes with crowd control
  • difficult for beginners to learn

For the rest of the heroes, this tier list shows the rank of heroes according to the current meta. The tier list is based on pick rates, ban rates, and win rates of the heroes. Heroes in A+ and A Tier are picked very frequently, are often banned, and are very strong in the game. 

A lot of heroes are viable and are very strong in their own ways. Heroes that are especially strong and picked frequently in this tier are Selena, Jawhead, Roger, Ruby, Kagura, Vale, Khufra, and Tigreal. These heroes often dominate the game in the right hands.

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Heroes in A+ to C tier

Heroes in B Tier are significantly strong in the right hands; they have relatively good win rates and are still picked often. Heroes in C Tier are not picked as much and have mostly been given nerfs in the recent patches.

Things have become very interesting in this current meta, such as how Natan has risen in the ranks to become the top marksman of the meta. Mobile Legends: Bang Bang continues to exceed the expectations of the player base by introducing new heroes that are unique and very fun to play. I am very excited to see what the future updates of this game can offer.

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