Minecraft: How to Cure Zombie Villagers
Check out this handy video guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_zpKusVcpxM
Video by: quinnybagz
Zombie villagers might seem like a lost cause for trading. You try to give them emeralds for their bread, and they’re like, “no, I only want brains,” and you’re like, “but I’m still using that,” and they’re like, “too bad, I only want brains.” …anyway, the point is, you might think your best bet is to put the poor sap out of their misery - but actually, if you can cure that zombie villager, you should! In return, they’ll offer you amazing trades at excellent prices. Here’s how to cure zombie villagers… you know, for profit.
- Firstly, you’re going to need a Zombie Villager.
- These spawn at random sometimes, and you can trap them if they do. They also spawn if a regular Zombie bites a regular Villager. You can also find them in Abandoned Villages or in the secret underground room beneath an Igloo.
- Next, you’ll need a Splash Potion of Weakness and a Golden Apple.
- You can either brew a Splash Potion of Weakness at a Brewing Stand and craft a Golden Apple with an apple and eight Gold Ingots on a Crafting Table OR you can find these items in loot chests, villager trades, or in the secret underground room beneath an Igloo.
- Step 1: Trap a Zombie Villager.
- Once you’ve found your Zombie Villager subject, you’ll have to keep them in an enclosure with a small opening through which you can throw items while remaining outside and protected from the hostile creature.
- If you found your Zombie Villager beneath an Igloo, you can just break the top Iron Bars to create your small opening and access the trapped Zombie Villager.
- Once you’ve found your Zombie Villager subject, you’ll have to keep them in an enclosure with a small opening through which you can throw items while remaining outside and protected from the hostile creature.
- Step 2: Weaken your Zombie Villager.
- Toss that Splash Potion of Weakness into the enclosure!
- You’ll know that it’s working when little gray swirls appear around the Zombie Villager’s character model.
- Step 3: Feed your Zombie Villager.
- Once the Zombie Villager is weakened, you can then hold your Golden Apple in your hand and use the interact key - which, for most PC players, is the right-click on your mouse - to feed it to the Zombie Villager.
- If you’ve done all of this correctly, the little gray swirls should turn bright red, and over the next few minutes, your Zombie Villager will be cured.
- Once the Zombie Villager is weakened, you can then hold your Golden Apple in your hand and use the interact key - which, for most PC players, is the right-click on your mouse - to feed it to the Zombie Villager.
Now that you’ve got a healthy, living villager, you likely have a lot of trading to get to. We’ll see you around! Happy gaming!
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