Which are the biggest village seeds in Minecraft?
Villages are one of the most important features when creating a world in Minecraft, the more villages a seed has, the easier it is for a player to get resources and loot, and with the addition of the new update villages have become scarce for some reason, so it is always good to know which seeds have the biggest villages, of course, most villages tend to be small and with only a few houses and villagers. But in this case, we will focus on those villages that break this rule.
10. The double village (8384263105826856307)
In this village, you will spawn very close to two villages that generated very close to each other, this gives the illusion of it being a bigger village than it is. Within this seed, you will also find a ruined nether portal and a couple of biomes to explore.
What is fun about this village:
- Two villages together at spawn
- A ruined nether portal nearby
- Close to various biomes
9. Double blacksmiths (-2998950669524933859)
This seed will spawn you near two villages, but these are not your typical villages this is blacksmith villages which are quite a rare type of village to come across and they are perfect for gathering resources and loot.
What is fun about this seed:
- Spawn near two blacksmith villages
- Perfect for gathering resources
- Full of places to explore
8. Double woodland village (1167484117703323645)
In this village not only will you spawn a few blocks from two villages that spawned together, but another great feature is that you will find a woodland mansion very close to the villages where you can explore and find loads of loot and gather experience and resources, this seed is perfect for beginning your adventure with the right foot.
What is fun about this seed:
- Spawn near a woodland mansion
- Perfect for exploring and gathering loot
- Two villages together
7. The three village islands (-4060839488929676108)
Within this peculiar island not only will you find one village, but also two more villages which make this one of the best places to spawn and gather resources and trade with any of the villagers nearby. But that's not all, within a few blocks from the villages you will find a shipwreck and a pillager outpost.
What is fun about this seed:
- Three villages together at spawn
- Full of places to gather loot and explore
- Unique and beautiful island
6. The huge desert village (8638613833825887773)
This seed is pretty unique by itself, although the village you spawn next to may not be as big and may seem to be a pretty normal village, after exploring for a while you will discover that there are at least five more villages very close to each other, making it seem like a pretty big village overall; also there are quite a few desert temples to explore and gather loot nearby.
What is fun about this seed:
- 5 villages together
- Full of loot and resources
- Loads of temples and villages to explore
5. Mushroom fields double village (-5094685710863790798)
In this village not only will you spawn inside of a taiga village, which gives the player a pretty headstart by itself, but also if you walk a few blocks you will find a second taiga village within the forest, and a few blocks past that village you will encounter a mushroom field which is one of the rarest biomes to come across in Minecraft.
What is fun about this seed:
- Two taiga villages together
- Close to a Mushroom field
- Lots of loot
4. The abandoned double village island (328211190642393298)
This village is full of peculiarities, beginning with the fact that it is an island village, but not only that but also one of the two villages that make up this gigantic village is actually an abandoned village which is one of the rarest kinds of villages to come across in Minecraft.
What is fun about this seed:
- Two villages together
- One of them is an abandoned village
- Fun to explore and to find loot
3. The really big village (4176870184659399634)
The difference between this village and the other ones on the list is that this village is a huge village instead of a few villages that are generated close to each other, this is a taiga village, but also a big part of the village is generated within a jungle biome, which is a pretty rare thing to see in Minecraft.
What is fun about this seed:
- Huge village
- Fun to explore and find loot
- Generetafe in the jungle biome
2. The huge village (8205462975923634785)
This peculiar plain village is not only huge, but also it is pretty close to the spawn which is a great way to start your adventure, but that's not all, if you walk a few chunks you will also come across another big taiga village that has a ravine underneath it.
What is fun about this seed:
- Huge plain village close to spawn
- Two huge villages close together
- Full of places to explore and find loot
1. The desert City (85177585723133)
This village, which resembles more a city than a village generated in part in the desert and in part in a savanna, giving the village quite a view since it is generated within irregular terrains, also the village is surrounded by many desert temples which are full of loot and fun to explore.
What is fun about this seed:
- Huge desert village
- Surrounded by desert temples
- Full of loot and places to explore
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